‘Nap Time’

30 Eylül 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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‘Nap Time’I’m too sentimental for my own good. I knew I was going to blow off messages to write this story. Time is precious. It probably took me an hour to dig through my memory boxes to find that paper heart. I hadn’t seen the damn thing in filteen years. The red construction paper is now a pleasant pink. I put it in a ziplock bag before I stored it. I didn’t want glue and glitter embedded in other mementos. You could read the words ‘I love Kara’ plain as day. I did promise him to keep it forever. It would blow his mind to know I still have it.When he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, I felt something. I think it was my lust blended with his innocence. The summer had just started. I already knew him so well. I’ve had many jobs. That one was my favorite. Klds got dropped off at seven am and picked up at seven pm. My ‘boss’ was just one year older than me. It was actually hard to get that job. It paid well. Usually, only klds who graduated with honors were eligible. I don’t know why they hired a bunch of eighteen and nineteen year old k**s to run a summer day care. My ‘boss’ was nineteen. This was her second summer. She hand-picked the three other people she wanted at her school.The boss’s name was Andrea. She picked her best friend Alison. She picked Patrick. She went out on a limb and picked me. I was younger. But, Andrea and Alison were practically best friends with my boyfriend. It was awkward. My boyfriend was in love with Alison before he met me. Patrick was easy to pick. Everyone in school knew he was awesome. We also needed a boy to left heavy shit, run PE and take out the trash. There were about 25 klds. We had our hands full. Those klds loved us. We loved those klds. I was officially in charge of the slx klds who hadn’t even started kindargarten yet. I had my hands full. Every day was an adventure. I had no experience with klds and it showed.I seemed to be saying ‘Please stop crying’ all the damn time. Patrick was already my savior. He had younger sibblings. His technique to stop the tears may have been controversial. It was cute as hell. He was strong. He would take my flve year old’s and hold them upside down while they giggled. It stopped crying. The hanging method was also used as punishment. Yes, the school district would’ve murdered us for holding chldreen upside down. Patrick never dropped any of them. The four of us kind of winged it. Two of us came in at seven am and were supposed to leave at two. Two of us were supposed to come in at two and leave at seven. Hell yes, we were understaffed. This was the public school system.Each day, we all worked hours for free. Most days Andrea and Alison didn’t leave at two pm. Me and Patrick would come to work at ten am instead of two. That’s probably why they hired eighteen and nineteen year old’s. We worked for free. We all knew lunches and snack times couldn’t function without all four of us. We didn’t bitch. We loved being there. Most klds were there from seven am until seven pm. It didn’t seem fair if we couldn’t also do twelve hour days. We switched weeks doing the seven am shift. So every other week we got to sleap in until ten am. I was a wreck at seven am. Thank God we had a TV. The first thing we did was turn on pokemon cartoons.Nothing would’ve happened between me and Patrick, if my boyfriend hadn’t made an ass of himself. It was the Saturday after I took Patrick’s paper heart. Andrea and Alison invited me and my boyfriend (Tim) to go to a concert event. It was a laid back affair with people lying on the grass watching shitty bands. The headliner was ‘A flock of seagulls’ for god’s sake. My boyfriend hadn’t seen Andrea and Alison in about a year. He was a dork when they were in school. I remember Andrea pulling me aside and saying ‘damn lynn, what did you do to him? You made Tim hot.’ His hair was longer. I made him shave his ridiculous beard. I also kept him sober. I urged him to put on weight and I made him really happy. We shouldn’t have gone to that fucking concert.I have pictures of that day. One is so obvious. Tim is staring at Alison like she is a goddess. She’s flashing him this coy ‘you still love me smile.’ I still loved Alison. She couldn’t resist flirting with my boyfriend. She flirted with everyone. But, he flirted back. I was miserable. Pictures of me from that day show me on the verge of tears. I was basically invisible. Tim knew he was hot enough for Alison. In high school he was too big of a dork. He was so cocky that day. He wouldn’t take his eyes off of her. They were swapping band stories. I remember thinking ‘I fucking hate band nerds.’ I hated him for being so obviously into my friend. I didn’t hate her though. She was trying to calm the situation down. She was intuitive. She had also spent her freshman year of college messing around with girls. We talked about it. She didn’t know if she was totally gay or bi-sexual.For the love of God, I didn’t let Tim know his dream girl was going down on chicks. I also wouldn’t spread her secrets. It was ironic. ‘A flock of seagulls’ finally played. Holy shit, it was so bad we cracked up. Every single person there just wanted to hear ‘I ran’ They walked off-stage without playing it. They wanted to do ‘I ran’ as an encore. People running the show wouldn’t give them five more minutes to play the damn song. We sat there listening to the lead singer scream ‘Fuck you motherfuckers’ while he got hauled offstage. A concert sucks when your boyfriend lusts out on one of your closest friends and you watch ‘A flock of seagulls’ without hearing ‘I ran.’ I remember being a bitch to Tim that afternoon. Fuck, I nearly left him. I instantly thought about Patrick.I knew I wanted a change. I got home on Saturday and stopped by my beauty shop. My aunt had taken me to her beautician Shirley since I was a toddler. I asked Shirley if she could squeeze me in first thing Monday morning. She told me ‘sure babydoll, please don’t tell me your going back to black.’ Poor Shirley, tried to strip me from black to blonde. I ended up dayglo orange. It took me three more dye jobs to tone it down to a really sexy orange. I assured her black was not my agenda. I told her I needed to cut my hair short enough it couldn’t go in a ponytail.She said ‘baby, don’t cut your pretty long hair.’ I said ‘Shirley, I am after this boy and I can’t get him with a ponytail.’ She laughed at me. She got excited. She asked me if he was sexy. I laughed and said ‘he’s really sexy.’ She giggled and said ‘I’ll do it, but we’re knocking your hair down a bit blonder and your getting highlights.’ I asked her if I would still technically be a red head? She told me ‘we’re making you a genuine strawberry blonde.’ I told her ‘I’ll see you at seven am.’ I was excited. Tim was going to be pissed. He hated change.Sunday, I went shopping. It was time to get out of gym shorts and an adidas t-shirt. I bought three pairs of cute jean shorts that showed off my ass. I found a şişli escort plain blouse with a low v-neck that would show just enough cleavage. I bought all four colors. I knew I had a new work uniform. Andrea would barely notice. Alison would read me like a book. She was gay enough to know what women were plotting. She was also likely to hit on me. That would be kind of fun. I just hoped Shirley didn’t butcher my hair. Tim loved my hair long and deep orange. I knew I would lose ‘hot’ points going shoulder length and almost blonde. However, it was the middle of a Florida summer. And I’m a firm believer that no chick looks hot in a ponytail.Monday morning I was nervous. It was a shock to see my hair at my shoulders. Then the dye job began. I was confused about highlights. Shirley told me it would look ‘more natural.’ When she turned me around and I saw myself, I was shocked. I looked totally different. I looked fucking hot. My hair had this curly bounce. I hugged her and told her it was perfect. I checked myself out in the mirror. I wore the white blouse first. My tits looked huge. I asked Shirley ‘do I look to slutty to go work at an eleementary school?’ She told me she would’ve worn shorts two inches shorter, a tank top and heels. She wasn’t joking. Shirley was the queen of looking slutty. So I went to work. I was a ball of nerves.We all walked in through the backdoor of the kitchen. It was snack time. Patrick had his back to me counting milk cartons. I said ‘how are you, Mr. Patrick?’ He turned around. I swear he did a classic double take. He said ‘your hair?’ I am a girl. I said ‘does it look bad?’ He honestly blushed. He totally grinned. He said ‘it looks really really good.’ I knew he was turned on. He kind of got this playful look on his face. He busted out with ‘Now, your going to have fifteen little boys madly in love with you.” I didn’t even think about that issue. I told him, ‘No, they all love Ms. Alison.’ He responded ‘Not after you walk through that door. Those fifth grade boys are going to be all over you.’ I had my first moment of bad behavior. I gave him my sex kitten smile and said ‘I only want one boy all over me.’ He didn’t know what to say or do. I fucking shocked him.I could tell he was beyond turned on. Just like a nineteen year old boy, he was trying to look at me and sort of cover a raging hard on with his hands. I got a good look at how hard he was. It was impressive. He was tall and muscular. It shouldn’t have surprised me the bulge in his shorts was massive. I was probably too obvious checking it out. He turned around like he was still trying to count milk cartons. I swear to God, it looked like he was trembling. It was a dead give away he wasn’t used to being that aroused. I almost felt guilty. I couldn’t help but wonder how far he was going with Kara. I new she was a prude. It hit me he was probably still a virgin. Kara would date a boy an entire year and never get him off. She truly had daddy issues. Patrick was the sweet guy who wouldn’t press her sexually.I felt guilty for putting Patrick in a position where he had a raging hard on and needed to face 25 k**s. Normally, he was so strong he carried the box of snacks and all the milk on his shoulder. I just said ‘let me help you carry the milk.’ He wouldn’t look at me. He just said ‘that would really help.’ This way he could cover his dick with the snack box. I hoped he could calm down. I followed him out of the kitchen. I looked so different, all the attention was on me. He was right. The older boys were basically drooling. My favorite little kindergarten girl looked confused. She rushed over and said ‘Ms. Lynn, why did you cut off your ponytail and change colors?’ I said ‘sweetheart, it’s just really hot outside.’ She got these tear filled eyes and said ‘I don’t want to cut my ponytail.’ Patrick had controlled the hard on situation. He sensed nuclear five year old melt down. He bent down and said ‘you get to keep your ponytail just so I can pull it.’ He gave her a nice yank. She giggled and hugged his legs. He just looked up and gave me this quirky grin. And thank god, he didn’t get a kindergarten crotch hug with a raging hard on.Andrea was totally oblivious that I looked different. She was always doing paperwork. She bitched that all she did was inventory. Alison came up to me and said ‘Nice, I like it.’ I pulled it off. After snack it was PE time. My little ones were not able to play the standard kickball game. Anyone who didn’t want to play got sent to me. I won’t ever forget that particular day. To get to the basketball court there was a huge hill to walk down. I was carrying a box of bubbles. I tripped on a stick. I honestly ended up rolling down the hill. I actually hurt myself bad enough to yell ‘fuck.’ I was mortified. I stood up so glad Andrea was across the field. My little ones were laughing at me. One little boy said ‘you said a bad word.’ I didn’t know what to say.Little miss ponytail gave me a crotch hug and said ‘we won’t tell.’ I said ‘grown-ups accidentally hurt themselves and say bad words. Just promise me you won’t say that very bad word.’ They were cute enough to say ‘we promise.’ One little girl said ‘can we please have our bubbles now?’ The incident was forgotten. Flve year old’s could watch me murder someone and not tattle for a bottle of bubbles. I sat on my bench and watched Patrick play kickball. He was so fucking gorgeous. I knew I should not be having sex fantasies on a playground. I was still getting wet. Hearing him scream ‘you’re out’ made me wet. I kept thinking about that bulge in his pants and the way he looked at me. I was truly in a teenage slut haze.It did not get better after PE, It was over a hundred degrees. Patrick was soaking wet. He didn’t know I was staring at him. He pulled up the bottom of his white undershirt and wiped his face. It was such a classic boy move. I could see his perfect belly and his hip bones. A kld could’ve dropped dead at my feet and I wouldn’t have noticed. His hair was wet. He looked like he just took a shower. He looked up and caught me checking him out. I was blushing. He knew what I was thinking. He walked up next to me and said ‘You’re bad Ms. Lynn.’ Andrea and Alison were a few feet away. I took my chances and said ‘Are you going to spank me?’ He said ‘you know you’re making it very hard for me to…stay calm.’ I gave him my naughtiest grin and said ‘I noticed and I liked it.’ He got really close and whispered ‘Can you please not give me a hard on at lunch. I can’t hide it then.’ I said ‘what about after lunch?’ He moaned ‘you’re killing me.’ He had to walk away, straight to the bathroom.We made it through lunch. If he got hard, he managed to hide it. We sat at opposite sides of the cafeteria. I tried to focus on my little ones. I caught him checking me out. He caught me checking him out. We just smiled. Thank God, Andrea and Alison were best friends. They didn’t see what was going on. I wondered şişli escort bayan if Patrick was thinking about the same thing as me. We had a fifty-fifty shot. After lunch any k** in second grade or younger was sent to a different area for nap time. Andrea and Alison hated nap time duty. Me and Patrick used to hate it to. For one hour, two of us sat in a dark room while little k**s slept. Usually, we played game after game of rummy in silence. That day if we got lucky, me and Patrick would have nap time duty. It would be a blessing and a curse. And we couldn’t act eager to have it.After lunch, Andrea walked up to me, Alison and Patrick. She said ‘ok you guys, who gets stuck with nap time?’ Patrick was smart. He told her ‘you and Alison got stuck with it on Friday. I don’t mind rummy if Lynn doesn’t’ I acted calm and said ‘that works for me.’ Andrea said ‘good, that gives me time to do the lunch order for next week and Alison can control the Pokemon situation.’ We were running a daaycare at the height of Pokemon card hysteria. Klds were stealing cards, gambling for them, buying them, crying over them. For tin year old boys Pokemon was as serious as a crack addiction. Alison, knew she had the shit job.The klds knew whether they needed to line up for nap time or the normal classroom. You had to ask the little klds five times if they had to peee. Hell, you had to f@rce the klndergarteners to try and peee. It really was a job that required four people. It could take thirty minutes to get every kld to peee and wash their hands. When it came to the hand washing issue we simply soaked those klds in hand sanitizer. Then we headed to the large gym room set up for nap time. Each kld kept their mat, pillow or blanket in a specific place against the wall. They were meticulous about where they slept each day. There were arguments that ‘so and so’ was too close. Most klds wanted their shoes off. It could take ten minutes to get all the shoes off and mats down. The desk for adults was way back from the klds so we wouldn’t wake them if we whispered. Nap time wouldn’t work in a small room. This particular gym area actually got really dark. To play cards or pass notes we had a dim desk lamp on our desk.I’m surprised the klds didn’t realize we were rushing them to lie down faster than usual. We refused to set the kitchen timer for one hour until every kld was lying down at least pretending to sleap. At the beginning of the summer we realized a cd of nature sounds really did put klds to sleap faster. It also hid moments when adults were whispering. After we got the klds down, there was a moment when me and Patrick stood about a foot apart in front of the desk. He was hard again. He wasn’t trying to hide it. He totally put both his hands up on top of his head, like he was trying not to grab me. That pulled his tight white shirt up so a little bit of his belly was showing.His shorts rested on his hips and the top of his boxer briefs were showing. I could see the head of his cock almost bulging out of his boxers. I couldn’t resist running one finger from his adam’s apple down his chest very slowly. I went slower as I slid that finger down his belly. Like a total tease, I used my whole had to rub the head of his cock. I pressed hard down his shaft and stopped when I was holding his balls. He couldn’t help but thrust his hips against my hand. I couldn’t resist rubbing the head of his cock a little longer. He was shaking. I could tell how bad he wanted to touch me. I walked over to the desk and sat down. I knew he was in total shock. I sat the kitchen timer for one hour. We didn’t turn on the lamp.We both knew we could get busted by a kld. Alison and Andrea wouldn’t interrupt nap time unless the building was on fire. We’d been doing this long enough to know that no kld walked up to the desk. They had to raise their hand or say our name for permission to leave their mat. Of course, we couldn’t push things too far. At the same time we could risk a lot. The room was in nearly complete darkness. I knew, I made the first bold move on Patrick. He had to show me he wanted to play or I would quit trying. Very smoothly and silently he moved his chair directly behind me. He whispered in my ear ‘you have no idea how bad I want you.’ I didn’t know what he had planned. Suddenly, he put both of his hand on my shoulders. Damn, his hands were big and strong.He started giving me a classic shoulder and back massage. He whispered in my other ear ‘your so tense, just relax.’ He was good. I was truly relaxing. It felt like he was squeezing away years of tension. Then he totally changed. Now. his touch was so delicate it gave me goosebumps. He ran his hands up and down my arms. He started tickling the back of my neck and running his fingers through my hair. Suddenly, he lifted up my hair and kissed the nape of my neck. He was risking it all to start sucking, licking and biting my neck. I was in heaven. Maybe he was experienced. I didn’t expect him to whisper ‘rub your pussy’ in my ear. He sucked the side of my neck damn near hard enough to leave a mark. I started rubbing my pussy over my shorts. I leaned back so he could see me doing it.I do go absolutely insane when my neck gets licked and sucked. He whispered ‘unzip your shorts and really rub your clit.’ I didn’t think we would go that far. All the klds really looked asleap. I unzipped my shorts, and wiggled them down a bit. He said ‘let me see your panties.’ I knew this was so fucking bad. I pushed my shorts further down. Luckily my panties were tiny, pink and lacy. He said ‘push them to the side and really rub your clit while I watch.’ Holy shit, he had balls. I wanted to tell him no. But, I watched him stand up and move our desk lamp directly in front of me. He angled it all the way down. Basically, it was going to be a dim light right between my legs. He whispered ‘relax’ and turned on the light. It really did leave us in the dark but gave him just enough light to see me touch my pussy.He didn’t even have to ask, I pushed my shorts down far enough he could see my entire pussy. I was so wet. I teased him a bit making him watch me rub my clit through my panties. Then I gave him what he wanted. I easily pushed my panties down so he could see everything. I gave him a better view than he expected. I spread my lips apart so he could see my swollen clit. I was totally shaved. First he started rubbing my tits on top of my blouse. He was breathing so heavy. I knew he was watching as I started fingering myself. I was already wet. I just wanted him to see how incredibly wet I would be if he was licking me or fucking me. He couldn’t take it anymore he reached under my shirt and started squeezing my tits and pulling my bra down. I know he wasn’t going to stop until he was squeezing and stroking my nipples.I started rubbing my clit even harder. He simply yanked my bra down and lifted my tits out. My nipples were already rock hard. First he mecidiyeköy escort squeezed them then he almost lightly stroked them. I couldn’t stop myself from spreading my legs. He had a nice view of me using two fingers to fuck my tight hole. He moaned ‘God, your so wet, let me suck your fingers.’ It was kind of awkward to hold them behind my shoulder. The way he sucked and licked them let me know he desperately wanted to know what I tasted like. When he was finished, he basically ordered me to keep rubbing my clit until I came. I needed to cum so bad. The way he switched between squeezing my nipples and stroking them made me want to moan so bad.He had the perfect view of me pumping my hips up and down while I rubbed my clit in hard circles. He started squeezing my nipples almost grabbing them and shaking them so hard. I did moan. He whispered ‘cum so hard you squirt. Can you do that?’ I mumbled mmm hmmm. I barely ever squirted. But, I knew it was going to happen. To do it involved both hands. One hand fingering my g-spot so hard and fast it was hard not to scream and the other hand rubbing my clit rough enough to hurt. He was truly squeezing and pulling my nipples so hard they were sore. He knew how close I was. All he had to do was say ‘fuck yourself harder and squirt for me Ms. Lynn.’ As soon as he said my name, I felt the orgasm hit me. I bit my lip hard not to let myself scream. Clear hot liquid pumped out of me. As I rubbed my clit back and forth it fucking sprayed. I was soaked. My whole body tingled. He knew to stroke my swollen nipples really gently as waves of pleasure rolled down my whole body.I heard him say ‘fuck it.’ He turned the lamp off. He twisted my chair around. Before, I could stop him he was on his knees licking my cum off my thighs. I was soaked. He started licking it up like he lost all control. He couldn’t resist sucking my super sensitive clit and sliding his tongue in my hole. He was so eager. This was either something he rarely got to do. He was good. But, it may have been something he’d never done. After cumming that hard, I felt like begging him to stop. It felt like he needed to finger me. I knew my pussy was so fucking tight after cumming like that. He did need to be taught to curve his fingers up to hit my g-spot. I had a feeling he was a quick learner. I have tiny fingers so I did kind of whimper when he started fucking my pussy with two fingers. He was good at sucking and licking my clit while he fingered me. I could lean back and imagine it was his dick inside me. I looked at the timer. We spent nearly thirty minutes letting him explore my body. I wanted thirty minutes to explore his.I whispered ‘stop and kiss me.’ Neither of us planned to go this far. Suddenly, he was kissing me hard with passion. It was incredible to taste my pussy from that kiss. He was a good kisser. At least, Kara was giving him that. Honestly, he kissed ten times better than my boyfriend. I whispered ‘Sit down.’ It was an order. If he could risk getting on his knees so could I. He tried to mumble ‘I’ve never had…’ I wouldn’t let him finish. I put my hands on his knees and whispered ‘all you have to do is manage not to moan.’ He said ‘okay.’ I could tell he was nervous. I spent a long time licking his belly. Hip bones are even sexier than a dick to me. He was squirming as I teased him.We had time. I wanted to work him slowly so he could take it all in. I started licking his head through his boxers. In one swift motion I adjusted the head of his cock so the top was sticking out. He teased him some more licking and sucking his stomach. I knew he was desperate to feel that on his dick. I flicked my tongue back and forth over his head. Even through his pants I knew how to pump his cock enough pre-cum was oozing out of his hole. Nothing tastes better than pre-cum. I started to work his cock more and more finally sucking his head for each drop. He handled the teasing well. It was time to pull that huge cock out of his pants and really show him how it’s done.I was so gentle. I did not want him to blow his load until he received maximum pleasure. I licked up and down his shaft. I could feel him quivering. Like a good little boy he tangled his hands in my hair. He resisted the urge to push my head down. He let me have total control. I sucked and taunted his head a little longer. Then suddenly I pushed his huge cock deep down my throat. It was enough of a shock he whimpered. I started sucking him nice and slow. Letting him feel how deep I could go but focusing on his head. I kept it really sloppy and wet. Time was running out. It was time to make him cum. I got my hand involved jerking his dick up while I sucked in a downward motion. Then I reversed technique. Now he was mostly deep in my mouth. His hands tightened in my hair and he couldn’t stop from pushing my head down a little bit. I like it rough. Yet, I did not want to wake klds up with the sound of me gagging on a cock.I know he had sensory overload from how fast I was pumping and sucking his dick. When I really want to make a man cum I add a twist to the way I jerk him off. I always focus on rubbing my tongue all around the head. Yet I always remind a man he can push all the way down my throat and I can take it. He kept his word not to moan. But, he was breathing so hard. He couldn’t stop thrusting his hips up and down. I let him have the total experience that he was fucking my mouth and pushing my head up and down on his cock. When he knew he was about to cum he let me have total control. I was jerking his dick so hard while my mouth pushed and pulled on his cock. You can actually feel a man’s body shudder as his orgasm hits and you know exactly when he’s going to blow his load in your mouth. Patrick had that moment. He came so much I just kept swallowing and milking him for each drop. It was so much cum I came damn close to choking and taking a facial.Normally, I keep sucking until a man pushes my head away. I went easy on him. His dick stayed rock hard. I pumped him for a few more drops of cum while his body trembled hard. I licked him clean. Put his dick back in his pants, at a comfortable angle and zipped up his shorts. We had five minutes on the timer. The look of total shock on his face versus complete relaxation made me giggle. He shook his head and said ‘I’m speechless.’I asked him, if it was what he thought it would be? He said ‘it was way better than I’ve ever dreamed.’ He smiled at me and said ‘it still wasn’t as good as watching you and licking you clean. I asked him ‘how on earth are we going to hide the fact we both came during nap time?He said ‘I don’t even know if I can stand up and walk. And I don’t think I can tie shoes after what just happened.’ I told him ‘it will probably looked like I pissed my pants.’ He said Andrea doesn’t notice shit. We both said ‘Alison’ at the same time and laughed. I said ‘she will know everything from the look on our faces.’ He said ‘I’m not going to be able to stop looking at you in a totally different way.’ I said ‘I know what you mean.’ He gave me his quirky grin and said ‘we aren’t going to be able to stop doing this are we?’ I said ‘we won’t know how to stop.’ And the timer went off.

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