Naked, Drunk, And Passed Out In My Backyard

2 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Fbailey story number 482

Naked, Drunk, And Passed Out In My Backyard

I heard a car take off with its tires screeching all the way down the block. For some reason I looked out my bedroom window into the backyard. It looked as if someone was sleeping in one of my lawn chairs. So I put on my sweat pants and went down to check it out.

Sure enough it was Tommie from next door. She was drunk off her ass and she was only sixteen years old. I could tell that she had had sex with more than one boy too. She had dried cum on the corners of her mouth, in her hair, and crusted in her pubic hair.

I looked at her and though to myself, “What harm is there in just one more.”

So I lifted her legs lowered my sweat pants, and fucked her until I was about to cum, then for some unknown reason I pulled out and cum into my hand. I guess I was too used to jerking off…damn it.

That night I was awoken to a rather loud and obnoxious knocking on my door. My alarm clock read three in the morning. When I got to the door there were two police officers standing there, one was a female. They told me that they were looking into the rape of my neighbor. What! Tommie had been found passed out on my lawn chair with obvious evidence of sexual assault. Her mother had called the police and since it was my lawn furniture Side Escort they were starting with me.

I told them about hearing car tires in the middle of the night but nothing else. They said that I might have to submit to a DNA test, but that they would let me know. I was so thankful that I had pulled out and cum in my hand.


As it turned out Tommie had been to an underage drinking party. She and two other girls had been raped repeatedly. The police had already arrested twelve boys and they had been released into their parent’s custody.

After that her parents wouldn’t trust her alone so they enlisted my help. She was to be at my house within fifteen minutes of school letting out, if not I was to call her mother. Then whenever both of her parents were out of the house at the same time she was sent over to my house to sit and wait for their return. Hence Tommie and I became pretty good friends.

When I asked Tommie about that night she replied, “I don’t remember a thing. I lost my virginity in all of my holes to around eight of those boys and I have no memory of it what so ever. I don’t even know if I liked it or not, I don’t know if it hurt, and I don’t even know if I had an orgasm either.”

I asked, “Do you really care? After all Manavgat Escort you were raped against your will.”

Tommie replied, “I was willing, that was the problem, I wanted it to happen. The boys just gave me too much to drink, that’s all. I would have let them fuck me. All I do remember was the last guy, he was gentler than the rest. At least I think he was the last one.”

I was sincerely trying to dodge the bullet when I said, “Maybe you were just having a dream.”

Tommie said, “I don’t think so. I remember opening my eyes and all I could see was stars, not the ceiling of a bedroom. I think I was outside.”

My heart stopped then I asked, “Did you tell the police about that?”

Tommie said, “Yes, but they had accounted for all of the DNA in my body and said that I must have been dreaming too.”

Then out the blue she asked, “Would you like to fuck me?”

I was waiting for the word ‘again’ but she never said it. Instead I answered, “You better believe I would like to fuck you.”

She asked, “Even knowing that eight boys had raped me?”

I said, “I would want to fuck you if you had been a whore since birth. You are a wonderful young lady and I have dreamed about you for years.”

Tommie smiled and said, “You have been Kumköy Escort in my dreams too…ever since that night. I just can’t seem to get you out of them. So will you fuck me?”

I looked at the clock and said, “I’m sorry but we don’t have enough time to do it right. Your mother will home any minute now.”

She said, “Fuck doing it right, I want you in me now.”

Tommie dropped her pants and her panties in one thrust, she got on the edge of the couch, and then she waited for me to come to her. I dropped my pants and underwear and then I thrust it into her. She was right we both needed it right then. I came in her, her mother’s car pulled into the driveway, and Tommie ran for my bathroom. I pulled up my underwear and my pants and got them hooked before she rang my doorbell. A moment later Tommie came out of my bathroom all refreshed.

After that day I looked forward to ‘babysitting’ Tommie and she looked forward to coming over. I became her only lover. She never dated after that and even after her mother told her that she didn’t have to stay with me, she did.

Eventually her parents split up and divorced. Just before she went off to college Tommie fixed me up with her mother, someone more my age.

Lori turned out to be more aggressive than her daughter was. In fact, it was her aggressiveness that had driven her husband away. What a fool he was!

Lori even hinted at a threesome with Tommie when she came for the holidays.

Apparently I had two very special women in my life.

The End
Naked, Drunk, And Passed Out In My Backyard

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