My wife’s first time – part 2

29 Temmuz 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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My wife’s first time – part 2As you should recall from part 1, I was trying to put my wife into a situation with another man where she (hopefully) would get a little carried away…———Part 2———-As I arrived home after my third attempt at getting my friend and my wife together the excitement was boiling up inside me. My mouth was dry and my dick was hard. I was pretty excited to discover if what I had hoped would happen had actually happened!You can’t imagine how disappointed I was when I arrived home and his little blue hatchback was not parked in front of our house the way it had been in the past. My excitement fled out the window, my heart started beating somewhat sadly and my dick seemed to say, “You kept me up for this?” and immediately went to sleep.The d****s were pulled shut and the house looked quiet and empty. I parked in the driveway and walked to the front door and let myself in. The only light in the room was from the TV but it was just enough for me to see that Nancy was curled up on the end of the couch watching the show all alone. I could tell that she was wearing my favorite little short-shorts. The light from the TV bathed her legs in a that eerie, somewhat indistinct glow giving her skin a cold, pale color.She asked if I had seen my friend as he had just left. I said no. I then asked her why he had left before I arrived. I told her that I was sorry for being so late, but that I was surprised he had left before I had arrived. She looked a little sheepish as she asked me if I really wanted to know why he left so soon.I walked past her into the kitchen and returned with couple of beers – she’s one of those women pendik escort that guys like because she loves beer and she gets tipsy after two cans. I joined her on the couch and settled back to listen to her story. Of course I was hoping for a wild tale of sex and passion!I should mention that at this point in life, my wife had never been with anyone but me and that was only after we had been married. She acted as nervous about what she was about to say as you would have expected from a shy, virgin about to confess her sins over the church alter. All I could think about was what might have happen! Did things really get going? Perhaps it all played out just as I had imagined it.She shipped her beer and chatted nervously basically avoiding answering my questions but half way through the second bottle of beer, after a lot of positive reinforcement from me, and my honest and sincere desire to know what happened, she finally started to tell me about her evening.She told me that my friend had arrived as usual, maybe even a little bit earlier than she had expected him to arrive. She said that she had decided that this time, instead of sitting on the opposite end of the couch as she had done in the past, she would bring him a drink and then sat down next to him. That way, she said, as they talked she would be able to casually place her hand on his leg, right next to that bulge – the bulge had peaked her interest so much – without being too obvious.After a few drinks, a lot of chit-chat and the repeated random touching his leg she said that the bulge in his pants seemed bigger that ever. She said that she was enjoying watching it straining escort pendik against the denim material of his pant leg. That was when she finally mustered up all of her courage and decided that it was now of never.The next time she touched him she would make sure that her hand ‘accidentally’ landed directly on that bulge. She said her heart was pounding so hard that she thought he might hear it!Finally she convinced herself to actually do it. The next time he said something she looked directly into his eyes as she dropped her hand onto the bulge. As her hand rested on the straining denim, she said she was surprised to feel it throbbing under the touch of her hand. She said it reminded her of the first time she had touched my dick eight years earlier. It was, she said, like some kind of an electric shock went through the denim from his cock to her fingers.And she liked it.She let her hand linger on his cock as she innocently looked down to see what she was touching. Then she started to pull her hand back as she again looked up from his pants to his face.She started stammering trying to verbalize an embarrassing apology for the sinful mistake of touching his ‘thing’. But before she could finish talking, his hand was on her hand pressing her hand and fingers back to his cock. She said that she must have turned 100 shades of red as he held her hand in place, squeezing her hand to his cock.Guiding her hand up and down he used her to stroked the full length of his cock. From head to crotch, up and down, he held her hand tightly pressed to his throbbing member. The heat she could feel under her hand surprised her. She said that it seemed like only pendik escort bayan moments later that she felt his cock jerk under the pressure of their hands. The twitching and pulsing continued a number of times. His cock was bulging and straining against her hand with each of the repeated jerks.Looking down she could see a wet spot growing in his denim jeans. It was spreading down his leg from the tip of his cock. The cum that he had just ejected seemed to be flowing wildly down his leg. She said that she was amazed at how big the stain was getting and how fast it was moving.With his pants suddenly wet, he was now the one turning 100 shades of red! That’s when, she told me, he had decided he needed to leave – before I got home.I could not tell for sure if she was embarrassed with what she was telling me or if she was a little proud of her accomplishment!I told her that I would have like to have seen that! I assured her that I would love like to see her playing with his cock for real, without any denim separating them. Maybe even, I suggested, she could try sucking on his big cock.She looked at me in shock, but I could tell that she liked the idea too. Maybe it was the beer, maybe not, but that’s one of the few times I had ever seen her give me what I would call ‘a wicked little smile’.I spoke with my friend over the next few days and repeatedly assured him that I was 100% OK with what had happened that night. He seemed pretty relieved and even added some details that Nancy had failed to mention when she had told me about that night.In the weeks that followed, we set up a little adult game night and drinking party for my friend and his wife. My friend said that he thought his wife would be OK even if things got a little out of hand. So the little mini-dates were going to turn into a little mini-party!Last part to be posted sometime over the weekend…

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