My Son, My Gay Lover

30 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Double Penetration

This starts as a discourse between my son and I that ends up….well, I won’t tell you right now! There’s a lot of talk as I try to recreate the events which, with a bit of luck, you’ll find to be fascinating, absorbing and stimulating!

But beware – this isn’t your average incest story!

Tags — incest, gay, father, son, gay, anal, fuck, love


There’s one major problem with a growing family; peace or the lack of it.

Unless I got up very early or went to bed extremely late I never got to be on my own, it seemed. I seldom if ever got the opportunity to sit and jerk off at the computer like so many single guys could — like I used to once upon a time. Instead I had to wait until I sat on the toilet or took a shower before I could pleasure myself.

Ok, I’m only talking about a boy and his mum but between them they seemed to fill the house with bustle and noise, especially at those moments when I particularly felt like needing some peace….

Or at least, that was the case until my wife left. Long before she did so we’d managed to produce our dear son but further offspring were quickly out of the question when my wife told me in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t “going to go through that again!” And that also extended itself to sexual pleasures — they became excluded after the apparently painful birth — and only very occasionally did she let her barriers down. So for some years I could only enjoy my own hand…..when I could find some peace, that is.

I don’t know what caused our marriage to fail. I imagine that my wife got fed up with being the only woman in the house or something like that…..fed up with the usual mess that boys and men tend to leave behind. Or perhaps she didn’t like the way my son and I would seemingly conspire to talk together while leaving her out.

But it wasn’t actually that way at all — my son and I just happened to both enjoy football, cricket and motor racing — three things that my wife didn’t understand anyway. And we had a few other interests between us; we both liked science-fiction and we both enjoyed a good war film. And I shouldn’t tell you this but once he passed his eighteenth birthday I introduced him to porn — a secret that we kept from my wife however. And that, he definitely liked!

To be honest I think he’d already found it before I ‘helped’ him….you know what teenagers are like. As a sideline I’ll add here that it felt incredibly sexy to sit there beside my son with both of us carrying hard-ons….even if we did attempt to hide them as we watched the action. Like I say, we hid our erections from view but I knew damn well that he was excited by the way he’d squirm and wriggle his ass around and cover his lap with his hands….he wasn’t as good at disguising his arousal as I was.

And so my wife felt alienated to the point that one day she just said she was leaving — and she did.

Apparently she then set up home with her hairdresser but that might have been just a rumour and I didn’t bother to investigate it anyway. I didn’t miss her all that much….

Why should I have missed her apart from the bed we shared? But then we never made much use of the marital bed anyway and it was actually a bit of a relief when she left because the tension had been brewing for ages. Sure, she was a better cook than me and she could keep the place cleaner than I could but they were things we could overcome in time — and we did.

And David soon began to help out and as we shared most things now his helping became essential and an important part of my life.

But all that divorce stuff, although not the porn-sharing, happened by the time David reached his mid teens so as he grew up he was already ‘my’ boy — not in any nasty way but simply that we made a damn good team together. Which is what I’ll try to explain…..


David is now almost twenty and he’s at college in the last year of his studies, with hopes of getting a decent qualification before he heads off to university. He’s as tall as I am now although probably quite a bit slimmer. Certainly we can wear the same jeans (and shoes for that matter) but he can look a bit lost in my t-shirts…. I have a fair bit more time to spend at the gym than he does.

We both have mousy-brown hair which we keep short — about a number four cut all over in my case. Also, a while back I discovered a spray-tan place near us and got myself sprayed — and I looked so good that David insisted on getting sprayed too. Saves us going to the beach looking like sticks of celery!

But there was one thing that worried me a bit. David very obviously seemed to prefer to watch gay porn. Yeah, like me he got turned on by women but it was when the big thick cocks appeared that he seemed to be most excited.

In those days before my wife left, as we’d sit there, side by side, he’d lean towards me and he’d whisper in my ear.

“Look at the size of him!” he’d say.

Or, “Phew – he’s got a big one!”

Or, Alanya Yabancı Escort “Wow, that’s massive!”

Or perhaps just “Geeez, look at that!”

His finger would point at the object in question and his eyes would be wide open with delight.

That’s not to say that I found his observations to be anything especially exceptional because I too would feel that thrill of seeing a ten inch penis as it spurted cum everywhere. And some of those appendages really were impressive! Come on, who wouldn’t be excited to see a huge erection? That’s what we watch porn for! But it was just that he seldom said anything about the women, regardless of how good-looking they were. But the matter of his orientation wasn’t top of my list of things to sort out…..

Life went on and it was one warm summer’s day when things began to change.

I was out in the garden doing some weeding one weekend and as I worked my way along a flower bed beside the house I heard a noise — a long drawn-out moan. Initially I took no notice; it might have come from the TV for all I knew but then I heard it again, followed by a hissed “yesssssss!”

I shook my head to question my hearing and then it came again and this time I located the source. It was coming from a bedroom above me — my son’s bedroom. He might well have been watching a video but it sounded much more personal; much more exciting than any video.

“Dirty little sod!” I muttered to myself, “Listen to him enjoying himself; little fucker’s beating off up there!”

I knelt up as I listened, feeling a swelling sensation in my groin as the erotic sounds filtered down to me and I smiled gently realising that it had been the best part of a week since I’d found time to do the same.

But then, as I continued to listen, the sounds became accompanied by words.

“Ooooh fuck, dad, yes dad, give it to me — push, push harder,” he moaned, “Ooooh shit — that’s fucking good!”

How on earth could I be up there when I was down here!

“The lad’s fantasising,” I said to myself, “He’s having a wank and thinking about…..ME!”

Instantly I was as hard as a rock and I had to grasp my penis through my jeans and adjust its position. I felt a thrill of pleasure roll through my body, the sensation making my hips spasm and my penis throb. For a moment it felt as if I was peeing or at least as if my penis had pulsated; something had seemed to excite my penis from the root to the tip and I looked down. And there before my eyes was a growing damp patch caused not by pee but by precum. Seldom had I leaked like that but the sounds from above were very definitely exciting to my brain.

“Shit!” I said quietly as I pushed my semi-hard cock down, “For fuck’s sake!”

But meanwhile, up above me, things were hotting up.

“Dad, dad, gonna cum, gonna cum!” I heard my son groan, “Push harder, more, more — ooooohhh fuck yeahhhhhh!”

I could almost see him in my mind’s eye, almost certainly lying naked on his bed with his pole sticking up and his hand hard at work. I could imagine the jets of cum as they left his cock and splattered on his chest — then the truth hit me as my son’s words sank in.

“What the hell does he mean — push?” I said to myself, “He’s shoving something up his — what — his ass? And why does he say ‘Dad’?”

I knelt there open-mouthed as the truth made itself known to me and to be honest I just didn’t know what to do next. Should I confront him? Should I go up to his room and find out what he’d been up to? Should I even tell him that I’d heard him?

Whichever course of action I took would be wrong except that I had to do something because my jeans now had quite a large wet patch on the front and my penis was throbbing with need. His cries had set me off and I had every intent now of satisfying my urgent penis.

I stood up to move and as I did so I trod back onto my rake — which sprang up and whacked me on the back. Quite apart from the solid sound of the handle smacking me there was another noise — me crying out “Ouch! Fuck it!” loudly…..

Seconds later and I heard a window open and my son’s head appeared above me.

“Oh no!” he said briefly before disappearing quickly, the window shutting immediately.

Now with a sore back, a still throbbing cock and a still growing damp patch I left the gardening and hurried indoors to change. The back garden where I’d been working is separated from the front garden and the garage by a wall with a gate which led to the side door of the house and that was where I was heading.

But as I opened the side door of the house so I met my son head on, the pair of us both reeling back from the impact.

“Jesus Christ!” I groaned as I bounced off his chest and crashed back onto my ass, “David — what the fuck?”

“Oh God — sorry dad,” said David, “So sorry dad — didn’t see you there at all. You ok?”

He stood there with a hand outstretched to help me as I pushed myself up and as he did so I saw Alanya Yaşlı Escort his eyes move quickly down my body then up again.

I grabbed his hand and between us I was returned to a vertical position where I stood, panting from the effort and shock.

“Yeah, I’m fine David, my fault I guess,” I said as I brushed myself down, “I’ll be ok.”

We exchanged some more platitudes as we both took the blame and then David was gone, into his car and off somewhere. He’d made sure I was ok but then he’d left as quickly as he could….

With a painful back and a sore bum I headed upstairs to the bathroom and immediately I could smell something — a faint but pungent smell of anal origin I guessed. The toilet had an automatic scent sprayer that squirted a masking scent every time you flushed the toilet so it wasn’t coming from there. Totally curious I followed the source down the landing to my son’s bedroom and opened his door. The scent was somewhat stronger in his room and I cast my eyes around to search for evidence of some kind or other. Nothing was visible until I opened his bedside cabinet drawer.

And there I saw it — a long pink cock-shaped vibrator! Daintily I picked it up, instantly noting that the smell was stronger now. I put it down again gingerly…..

I shut the drawer quickly and went to my own bedroom where I did what I’d originally intended; take off my dampened jeans. Underneath, my underpants were even wetter and as I took them off too my cock sprang out, a cock that had remained rigidly hard ever since I’d heard those noises.

I just had to beat off now — there was no other choice now that my son’s words and the sight of his vibrator were fixed in my brain.

Quickly I shut my door and threw myself onto my bed, my hand already wrapped around my penis. Quickly I began to rub my shaft, my hips lifting eagerly to thrust my cock through my fist. My cock was sticky and damp as I stimulated myself with more precum oozing out as I stroked — it wasn’t going to take me long to unload…..but something was holding me back — something was missing, or something wasn’t right.

I shut my eyes and sounds filled my brain, sounds that had come from my son’s room, accompanied by visions of a body with that pink vibrator sticking out from its ass — visions that became an impulse to do something.

“I’ve got to,” I muttered as I got up and walked quickly to my son’s room, my stiff penis swaying before me.

Moments later and I was back in my room, now with his vibrator in my hand, then with a squeezy bottle of hand lotion in the other hand. With a shaking hand I anointed the end of the plastic cock with some of the slippery stuff — that lotion’s a nice aid to masturbation — and then, lying on my side I brought it behind me and probed for my crack.

There was a moment or two of indecision as I missed my crack and applied lotion to my buttock but then I found it and the end of the vibrator quickly met my hole.

To say that I was breathing heavily was an understatement — I was petrified and yet enormously excited. This was an action that I’d never ever contemplated before, an action in a place where I’d never ever explored.

I pushed gently, feeling a strange thrill as the tip began to enter me, pushing at my now indented flesh.

“Ooooh fuck!” I muttered as I determinedly pushed a bit harder, “Don’t hurt, for God’s sake!”

It just had to hurt; nothing apart from a doctor’s lubed finger had ever been up there before and this thing was considerably larger than his finger.

But inside me something was telling me to continue; telling me not to give up — that the rewards would be worthwhile. My cock was as hard as iron as I explored…..

I was panting now as I continued to push and now I felt the end starting to open up my asshole; to stretch apart the sphincter muscles that kept things tightly in place.

“Shiiiiiiit!” I moaned as the ring of muscles spread, “Aaahhhh, careful….”

I shut my eyes in a vain effort to shut out the pain and the horror of my actions.

Then suddenly it was inside me — suddenly I gasped as a quick shooting pain made everything inside me lock up — but equally suddenly the pain began to ease.

Frozen rigid for a moment or two, I examined my situation, my fingers feeling down the length of the vibrator and discovering that there was still a good six inches of it outside my ass.

But that meant that there was perhaps three inches of it inside me!

I held everything still until the pain melted away and until I’d got used to the feeling of being stretched….

Unbeknownst to me until now my other hand had become firmly wrapped around my cock and now I began wanking hard on my very, very stiff penis.

And at last the pain was now leaving my ass; instead there came just a feeling of being rather full and some entirely alien yet thrilling feelings that kept my cock hard and my hand working.

Inside me I felt the plastic penis Alanya Yeni Escort pushing against something that sent delightful waves of pleasure to my cock, waves that sent gush after gush of precum out and over my hand.

With my hand holding the end of the vibrator I manoeuvred it around; probing my depth, discovering how far I could push it inside me; exploring which angle of entry felt best. Pressed from below so that it rubbed upwards against what I now realised was my prostate felt the best and as I did so my other hand remained busy, masturbating my slippery penis energetically.

Then, as I adjusted my grip and pushed once more something happened. Suddenly the thing began to hum and shiver inside me; suddenly the thrills increased a hundred-fold and suddenly I was erupting, sending remarkably generous sprays of cum up and over my chest.

One energetic spurt splashed onto the pillow beside my head, such was the power of my frantic and somewhat unexpected orgasm.

A little while later and my brain came back to reality, having been in a different world for a few moments. I shook my head as I slid the vibrator from my hole then fiddled with the small and previously unnoticed control buttons on the end of the thing, feeling my asshole squeeze shut now it was no longer stretched. Then with a towel I cleaned away the smears and blobs and runnels of cum until I was dry once more and I was able to lie back and just think……

For a little while it felt almost as uncomfortable to be without the vibrator as it had been to have it inside me — for a little while I even considered shoving it back where it had come from. But instead I suddenly realised that it belonged to my son and not me and that I had to return it before he did.

I cleaned it off with a tissue before trotting quickly to his bedroom and carefully replacing it exactly where it had come from — then went back and lay down again on my own bed, replete as in unloaded but far from satisfied.

My mind kept imagining that thing up inside me again; kept wanting more and then I began to imagine it as being a real penis instead, attached to a real person.

Nah — that was too much to accept. No way was I gay — no way could that happen.

Then visions of my son as he lay on his own bed and used the vibrator in his ass appeared, along with his cries of ecstasy and pleasure and his use of my name. Did that mean that he was gay though?

I lay there with my mouth open as the enormity of my imagination took root — until I remembered to close my mouth again.

Perhaps he is. Could that explain why he never brought girls home? Could that explain his interest in male appendages when we watched porn together?

Almost immediately I felt my cock move, to start to become erect once more and I frowned to myself.

“Don’t you bloody start!” I told my rising penis, “I’ve already dealt with you!”

But rise he did, rather to my surprise, to be honest. It had been quite a while since I’d jerked off twice in succession and yet here was my penis almost demanding more attention.

Inevitably my hand moved and clasped my thickening, hardening shaft and equally inevitably my hand began to move up and down, sliding my foreskin back and forward. A small bubble of cum from my earlier orgasm slid from my tip and was quickly spread over my knob, the slippery sea-scented juice soaking into my fingers.

Almost without knowing what I was doing I brought a finger to my mouth and sucked it, extracting all the flavour of my salty cum with relish.

And then, my mind well and truly warped now, I slid my hand down, around my ass and to my still slightly lotioned hole. My finger slid inside my hole so easily, so readily, so excitingly.

“Oh God, oh fuck, oh Daaaaave!” I moaned “Fuck me, fuck me….pleeeeeese!”

At that moment I erupted again — an orgasm so quick that I hardly knew it was coming at all. Suddenly I was pumping cum over my abdomen and even my chest again, a chest that was heaving almost violently as my breath came in quick gulps and my heart pounded madly.

“Where the fuck did that come from?” I said, my voice quivering with wonder, “And what the fuck did you say?”

Then once again I cleaned myself up and finally I was relaxed, although visions of my son’s penis spraying cum everywhere kept disturbing me….although now the visions were exciting and fascinating and no longer scary.

For a brief while I dozed and as I did so I must have turned onto my side, my mouth registering a wetness beside it.

“Hello darling, love you,” I murmured almost to myself.

My mind interpreted the sensation for me; ‘It’s your wife kissing you,’ and I kissed back, my tongue exploring — until I returned suddenly to reality.

“How can it be?” I said as my mind jerked back to life, “Uuuuhhh! That’s my cum! Oh fuck.”

I’d missed the blob on the pillow as I’d cleaned up and now it was gone; sucked into my mouth as I dozed. I frowned and shook my head while realising that it hadn’t poisoned me; hadn’t killed me or caused me to come out in a rash or anything so perhaps it wasn’t so bad — not so nasty. The blob must have been a considerable one actually, I realised now as I scoured the pillow for other erratic splashes — the remaining damp patch was quite large……

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