My Secret Life as a Slut

15 Aralık 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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My boyfriend James and I are in our mid-30’s and I love our lifestyle which includes lots of fun, parties, romantic dinners, vacations…ooh & SEX!

We love to go to concerts and drink expensive wine. Some of our friends who have kids tell us how much they envy our freedom. When we pull into their driveway in our little red sports car and park next to their mini-van I think it speaks for itself. I love to dress in sexy clothes and high heels, strutting along beside my man. Our sex life is grrreat. The first few years we dated there was Sex, SEX..& more SEX. Sex in the car, sex on the beach, sex in the shower. We weren’t into anything too kinky, we weren’t swingers and our dirty little fantasies were sometimes a little HOTTER than either of us were expecting but we could tell each other anything. We didn’t cheat and didn’t keep secrets from each other. We didn’t have to.

James worked for a marketing company and he’d been promoted recently. He was so excited and although I was happy for him the added responsibility along with the frequent travelling kept him away most weekends. I worked at a pub a few nights a week. It was great money and I enjoyed the atmosphere. It kept me in great shape and I enjoyed chatting and socializing with the customers. I got ‘hit on’ often and I would always smile politely and say ‘thank you’. No flirting, no giggling like some of the girls did. They just ended up looking stupid and slutty. I prefered to toss my long hair over my shoulder, give a sly smile and….strut away. James trusted me and I was a good girl and hadn’t ever considered being unfaithful.

One particular weekend I was enjoying a glass of wine after work since James was away AGAIN. I wondered what I should do…movie? Nah, it wasn’t as much fun watching it alone. Dinner? Uh Uh. I could go and visit some friends but I had grown tired of being the 3rd wheel or 5th wheel…whatever. Our friends were great but I missed James and decided to go home and order some pizza. I suddenly heard an ‘ahem’ and looked to see Rudy standing there. Rudy was a wealthy, older gentleman who often came in for a scotch…single malt of course and I enjoyed talking to him since he always had a story. He seemed to live a colorful life and the fact that he had his own plane made me wonder what exactly he did for a living.

Rudy sat down beside me and politely took my hand, raising it to his mouth to kiss it. He was a true gentleman and although his thick white hair and heavily lined face was that of an old man, he was a sexy old man. Rudy was always impeccably dressed and tonight was no exception. I commented on his suit and complimented the fact that he always looked sharp. He thanked me and said that he would treasure such a compliment coming from someone so beautiful. Rudy was a flirt and since he’d never been anything less than polite I smiled before joking that he should stop wasting his time. He nodded slowly reminding both of us that I had a boyfriend…’man’ he called it. I agreed that ‘yes, I have a man’ but told him how I’d been living a solitary existence lately and lamented about how I’d missed going out for dinners and concerts. Rudy listened patiently and sipped his wine slowly, trabzon escort his large gold watch clanking on the bar each time he lowered his wrist.

He suggested that I join a club, or take up a hobby so that I wouldn’t be lonely. I smiled and agreed before explaining that I’d become a bit of a homebody and a hobby would be a good solution. He smiled before asking me what sort of hobby I might be interested in. His blue eyes twinkled and his tanned skin made them stand out even more. I shook my finger admonishing him for his suggestive tone, joking of course. I stood up and excused myself since it was getting late and I could hear my stomach growling. Pizza, I thought to myself.

I waved goodbye to everyone and as Rudy walked me to my car I hoped he was being a gentleman and not a dirty old man. He offered to take me to dinner and again I shook my finger telling him I was going home..alone. He explained that he wasn’t interested in anything more than my company. I thought a moment and the image of my empty house and a greasy pizza flashed through my head. I decided to accept the offer and as we walked towards his luxury car I wondered again…what does he do?

Rudy suggested a place that was basically THE best place in the city. I’d been there with James once, on my birthday. I asked Rudy if they would let us in without a reservation and he smiled nodding silently. He pulled past the entrance and down the alley leading to the back of the building. I looked at him slightly alarmed but as he pulled around I saw that the back door was open. Rudy and I were escorted through a hallway and into a large, beautifully decorated room. A private room. I waited until we were seated and alone before I asked Rudy to explain. He folded his hands carefully and began to speak. He explained that it would be better for ME if we weren’t seen together. I was confused and about to leave when he grasped my hand and asked me to sit so he could explain. I sat waiting and I WAS SHOCKED by what he told me.

It seemed that Rudy’s business was The Oldest Profession around. He called it a ‘relaxation spa’ but I knew it as Eden. It was a classy ‘whorehouse’ and as notorious as it was busy. He asked me to keep it a secret since only a select few people knew. I was pleased that he’d confided in me and smiled thanking him for the dinner invitation. We enjoyed a few bottles of very expensive wine and our conversaton again drifted to James and the apparent lack of well..James. Rudy asked if I had ever considered a p/t job. I immediately thought of Eden and told him I’d never work for him. He replied that he wouldn’t want me to and had only been inquiring since he was genuinely interested. I hadn’t really thought much about it and told him I hadn’t decided.

Rudy pulled up beside my car and as I said goodnight and watched him pull away my mind was racing with thoughts. Dirty thoughts. I raced home and jumped into bed with my vibrator. I fantasized about nasty sex with men I didn’t know. I imagined myself dressed in sexy lingerie welcoming some nameless stud into my bed. Aahhh. I felt my pussy pulse with desire and the weeks that followed found me spending my lonely weekends trabzon escort bayan masturbating and fantasizing. After awhile I began to watch pornos, something I’d never done. I found myself becoming more and more…horny. The nights James was home I was happy since my pussy was satisfied and well fucked, but the nights he was gone got longer and longer.

I hadn’t seen Rudy since our dinner but I’d thought about Eden ALOT. I wasn’t a bad girl but the temptation had grown into curiosity and I decided that I’d ask Rudy a little more about it when I saw him next. I finished work one day and decided to drive by Eden. I saw Rudy’s car and parked beside it looking around to see if I recognized anyone on the street. I didn’t want to be seen going into ‘Eden’ since guys WENT there and girls WORKED there. I was, after all a wholesome girl with a great boyfriend and…I started my car and decided to go home. It was better to keep it as a fantasy and much safer. I heard Rudy calling me and turned to see him waving from the sidewalk. I smiled and pulled back in deciding to make up some excuse to explain why I was there. Rudy smiled and immediately asked me if I was there to see him or just happened to be in the neighborhood. I loved his wit and his well manicured outstretched hand and knowing smile convinced me to fess up.

We went inside and Rudy took me past a large room full of luxurious sofas and plush cushions on which scantily clad women were lounging. The chatter and giggling stopping briefly as they watched me walk by obviously wondering if I was a new girl. Rudy opened the door to his office, which was a beautifully decorated room that felt ‘rich’. I let my eyes wander past the opulent furniture and exquisite artwork to the photos that seemed out of place. They were signed photos from different women, obviously strippers or ‘whores’ and although they were pretty, some beautiful I did NOT want to be on that wall, ever. I decided to invite Rudy over for dinner since I needed to explain ‘why’ I was there. I was also spending another weekend alone and I enjoyed Rudy’s company so as we exchanged numbers and said goodbye I was happy that I’d avoided a sticky situation and went home to spend some quality time with ME…Vrrmm.

Rudy and I had finished dinner and sat outside enjoying the cool night air. I loved having company and as Rudy stood and began to thank me obviously aware it was getting late and time to leave I knew I could trust him. I was horny. I was lonely and…I was curious. I didn’t know how to say what I wanted to say and Rudy sat back down listening as I mumbled and stuttered.

I told him I was just ‘wondering’ about Eden and asked him to tell me about it. He asked what I wanted to know, leaving it open as he sat back…already knowing. Rudy and I talked deep into the night and by the time he left I’d been ‘hired’. He was going to pick me up the next evening and escort me to my date. I shivered at the thought and didn’t know if it was fear or excitement.

Rudy picked me up the next night, right on time and explained that he’d ‘selected’ a man who was from out-of-town and was not only attractive but apparently well endowed too. escort trabzon I shuddered a little thinking of the dirty deeds I’d be doing.

‘Ryan’ was incredible and I couldn’t have picked a better 1st. He was in his 40’s and married, of course. Rudy had told me he would be right next door if I needed him and as Ryan closed the door between the adjoining suites I didn’t think I’d be needing Rudy.

Ryan was muscular and tanned, his handsome face full of lust as he directed me to undress while he sat on the bed. I peeled my panties off last bending down slowly like I do for James. Ryan crawled behind me and began licking my cunt, his hands firm on my hips pulling me close. He rubbed his lips up and down taking his time to slide his tongue into my ass then down to my pussy…oooh. Again and again, eagerly exploring my tight little holes. He stood and turned me around kissing me before pushing me to my knees. He let his pants slide down and his smooth, fat cock sprang up almost touching my lips. It was beautiful and his hairless balls dangled dangerously between his legs. I took his cock in my mouth while I massaged his balls gently. He pulled my head closer forcing his dick down my throat. I gagged a little but he kept ramming it deeper unaware or unconcerned with my gagging. I tried to swallow and suck and suddenly felt completely slutty. I felt my pussy and slid my fingers while Ryan fucked my face. He pulled me to my feet and pushed me toward the bed. I wanted to get fucked and I was gonna GET FUCKED! He told me how beautiful my ass was and pushed his cock inside in one swift thrust. Deep…and fast. I was his whore and he knew it.

He rubbed his thumb across my ass pushing it in slightly as he kept my pussy filled with cock. It was rougher than I was used to but I liked it. I pushed my ass up meeting Ryan strokes as he sighed loudly as he told me he was going to fuck my ass! I hadn’t had much anal action and since I was getting paid to fuck I figured I’d try it. If I had to I could holler for Rudy. Ryan pulled his cock out of my pussy and bent over to lick my asshole. Aahhh. I was enjoying the way he plunged his tongue inside and wriggled my ass a little eager for more. He rubbed the tip gently at first and then pushed a little, a little more. It actually felt good. I’d tried it with James and didn’t like it, but James had never ‘prepared’ me like Ryan had. Ryan began pumping my ass a little faster and I winced a little. He leaned close and whispered asking if I liked it. I nodded silently and whimpered a little as he sunk his cock deep. I told him I hadn’t done it much and he bit my ear before telling me ‘he knew’. My ass must’ve been tight because before long Ryan shot a load of hot cum in my asshole filling me with a strange warmth. He crawled off the bed walking into the bathroom to shower without saying a word. I laid there unsure if he was finished with me. My pussy was swollen and my ass was a little sore, but I was satisfied. Ryan had given me a supreme fucking and it was just what I needed. Ryan left giving me a wink and a smile on the way out and promised to call me again. I smiled back pleased that I’d done a good job.

Rudy drove me home and although we didn’t say much we didn’t need to. The smile on my face told him I’d gotten what I wanted out of it and the $500 tip that Ryan had left meant he was satisfied too. I almost forgot the money as I staggered inside and chuckled to myself. It wasn’t about the money.

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