My Perfect, Cruel Girlfriend

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Drool escaped my gag and tapped rhythmically against my chest. It descended down my body, tickling me torturously, and made its way to my already soaked panties.

Partly to blame for their condition was the vibrator I was sitting on which had been teasing me for the better part of an hour, starting and stopping, denying me an orgasm. It now was turned off.

The lion’s share of responsibility for the current state of affairs down there I would have to attribute to the sight of my girlfriend, Emily, perfectly stretched on the bed in front of me. She was laying on her stomach, facing away from me and leafing through a magazine. Her naked body gleamed under the lamplight and my eyes couldn’t settle on which part to stare at. From the bottom to the top she was infatuating.

Her hand reached out to the side and pressed the button of tiny remote control, suddenly reminding me of what we had been doing. The vibrator started again and I moaned excitedly through my gag. I had been very good recently, Emily had said so herself. Cruel though she might at times be, she is always one to reward obedience. And there was only one reward I craved…

Still, I didn’t harbour hope, not anymore. She taught me very early on how foolish hope can be. I wanted an orgasm, now more than ever, as edging for so long was driving me crazy but I did not hope for one. I did not dare to.

I drew closer and closer, dancing on the brink. I could feel it building up within, raging, like a river against a dam, fighting to be realeased. It was cracking bit by excruciating bit, preparing to let it pass and hit me with all its might, drown me in pleasure and send me tumbling about. It was close, oh so close.

And then Emily reached out, resting her finger on the button. She looked at me over her shoulder and flashed me a mocking pout.

I shook my head at her, I tried to yell at her not too but it only came out as muffled moans. That was for the best, of course. I tremble at the thought of how she might choose punish me if I tried to tell her what to do. I doubt ‘I didn’t mean it, it was in the heat of the moment’ would pass as an excuse.

My pleas fell on closed ears and the vibrator stopped, again, for the umpteenth time. However, there was something different now, interrupting the familiar routine.

Emily had turned around and was facing me, the front part of her perfect body now on display. She began crawling toward the edge of the bed where I was kneeling on the floor. The way her breasts swayed as she moved was almost hypnotic and I found myself unable to avert my gaze.

Suddenly, Emily froze in place and used her hand to cover as much of her chest as she could. My trance was broken and I looked up into her eyes.

“My, my, puppy,” she said, a smile playing across her lips. “When you look at me like that, I feel like I’m your prey you’re going to jump at me and swallow me whole.

“But no,” she said and caressed my cheek gently, “we both know that’s not happening. I mean, look at you. Kneeling on the hard floor without even a pillow for your knees, wrists cuffed to your ankles behind your back, ballgag in your mouth. And above all, a vibrator against your pussy which has been tormenting you for,” -she glanced up at the clock behind me- “fifty-two minutes. Wow, has it really been that long? Felt like a half hour tops.”

For me it had felt like an eternity but I doubt she was looking for input.

“That being said, puppy, this can’t very well go on forever, can it?”

I shook my head, hoping this sort of answer would appease her. It seemed to do the trick.

“Yes, I agree. It can’t. Do you know how many times you’ve been right on the edge today, only for me to deny you?”

“No, I’m sorry,” I mumbled and hoped she’d understood me.

“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” Emily ran her hand through my hair tenderly and bent down to kiss me on the forehead.

“I didn’t ask you to count, did I?”

I shook my head slowly, uncertainly.

“Nevertheless, I have been counting. Seventeen. Seventeen times. Now puppy, tell me, do you want to orgasm?”

I nodded my head so eagerly and wildly I could have given myself a concussion.

Emily laughed delightedly. “You really do, don’t you? Well, puppy, I have good news. You have been very good lately. I do intend to let you orgasm.”

“Thank you,” I tried my best to say. Meanwhile, fireworks were going off in my head.

She frowned at me for a moment, then tapped her lips thoughtfully. “No,” she said, “I don’t think this is going to work.”

I froze, terrified she had changed her mind, terrified Bycasino she would not let me cum.

She reached to the back of my head, took off my gag and tossed it somewhere out of sight. “Now we can talk easier. So, I was saying, seventeen. Do you think seventeen is a good number, puppy?”

“Not really,” I answered honestly. I wanted to lie, tell her it was perfect but she could always tell when I was lying.

“I agree puppy. It’s not all that great. What are your thoughts on twenty?” She looked at me expectantly, genuine curiosity dancing in her eyes.

“It’s better, I think.”

“Wonderful. Then, how about this? Twenty edges and then you get to cum. Does that sound good?”

“Yes,” I said. It sounded perfect. Three more edges and this cruel tribulation was over.

“But, since I am the one providing the experience,” she said, shaking the remote control, “I feel that I am entitled to a bit of fun of my own. Do you agree, puppy?”

“Definitely,” I said.

She pounced forward and sat on the edge of the bed, her pussy right in front of my face.

“Before I let you cum, you have to make me cum.”

I didn’t worry. I had brought her to orgasm with only my tongue more times than I can count. Besides, she was already dripping. I’m pretty sure she had been rubbing herself secretly to my moans while pretending to read the magazine.

I leaned forward and as my tongue touched her I felt the vibrator start again. I tried my best not to let it distract me. I had a job to do. My lips bit at her playfully, my tongue glided along her pussy. Although she was trying to hide it, I could sense she was rather close. By touching herself earlier she had inadvertently done me a great favor.

However, her pleasure wasn’t the one I was worried about. The vibrator buzzed against me and I felt my legs beginning to quiver. Whether it was from the pleasure of the vibrations or the pain of holding the same position on a rough floor was a mystery.

I moaned into her pussy, my tongue still pleasing her. Despite her best efforts at impassivity, a couple of quiet whimpers escaped through her lips.

I was on the brink again, body shaking involuntarily. And then she turned it off again. I could have sworn she wasn’t looking at me at all. How did she always know to cut it off just at the right time?

I kept eating her out and made sure to catch my breath before the next edge. Not twenty seconds later, she turned the vibrator on again. Usually she’d wait at least a minute. I glanced up at her and she gave me a sly wink.

I hadn’t very well recovered from earlier so I was back on the edge in moments. My breathing grew harder, faster and I felt myself paralyzed by the sensations, unable to move. I moaned and moaned and moaned…

And then it stopped.

Only then did I realise I had stopped eating her out.

“Puppy?” She mumbled, her tone stern and disappointed.

The only thing more crushing than the inflection of her voice was the betrayed look in her hazel eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m so sorry.”

“Why did you stop, puppy?”

“I…I…it was too much. I couldn’t take it. I was so close and-“

“Is your pleasure more important than mine?” She asked, cutting me off sharply.

“No,” I said, lowering my head. “I’m sorry.”

“Are you apologizing to me or the floor?”

“To you.”

“Then why are you looking down there. I’m up here,” Emily said and pushed my chin up with her finger.

“I’m sorry,” I said again, this time looking into her eyes.

“Fine. I forgive you. I wouldn’t usually but I’m feeling generous today.”

She bent down and gave me a long, sloppy kiss.

“Mmmm. My pussy tastes quite good,” she said, giggling to herself.

I got right back to work before she could even order me to.

“Ooh, someone’s eager. You know, out of all the people I’ve been with, you’re easily the best at this.”

I felt myself swell at the compliment. Making her feel good made me feel good. To know I was the best at it felt wonderful.

She ran her hand through my hair, caressing me idly. It made me feel comfortable, secure. As if nothing in the world could touch me when she was with me.

Without the vibrator to distract me, bringing her to her climax was a piece of cake. I knew her body even better than she did, I daresay. Less than two minutes later, her groans and whimpers were cluttering the room. Her grip on my hair tightened, her hips, which she had used to straddle me, were shaking, her breathing grew scarily fast.

“Oh, god, puppy, I’m gonna cum on your face,” she moaned Bycasino giriş and crossed the edge, delivering on her words.

She fell fell back on the bed, arms spread out, laughing loudly.

“See? What did I tell you? You’re the best.”

I smiled proudly. “Thank you,” I started to say but halfway through the vibrator began buzzing. Considering how long it had been since it last stopped, it was impressive how quickly it took over my entire body again. I didn’t fight it at all. Usually I would, for fear that I’d accidentally cross over the edge and cum without permission but at this point I was convinced Emily was a cruel witch who had a precise knowledge of when exactly to stop to deliver the greatest amount of frustration.

I was proven right once again. It stopped at the worst conceivable moment. If you’d ran a feather once over my pussy right then and there I would have reached an orgasm.

“Twenty,” she said, smiling. “Do you know what comes next?”

I nodded, trying and failing to not seem overly eager.

“Are you excited?”

Again, I nodded.

“I’m sure you are. You’ve earned it tonight. But, there is a little problem,” she said and despite my attempts to prevent it my entire face fell.

She laughed at my expression. “Oh, puppy, no, that’s not what I meant, don’t worry. The problem is that when you cum, you’re quite loud.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

“I know you can’t. Your orgasms control you, not the other way around. That’s why you’re my little puppy,” she said and leaned in to kiss me.

“That being said, I’ve received a couple of angry phone calls from outraged neighbours recently and I’d much rather not have them show up with pitchforks on our doorstep.”

I nodded along, unsure of what she was getting at.

“So, I’m going to have to gag you again.”

Was that it? A gag?

“But you see,”-Ah, here it is-” the gag is all the way over there,” she said, pointing to somewhere behind me. “It’s also quite dirty. I like my puppies clean. I have a far better alternative right here.”

She lifted her leg and dangled her foot in front of my face. I hesitantly opened my mouth and she pushed it inside. I gagged as her toes hit the back of my throat. This was…not quite what I had been expecting but if that’s what it took to orgasm then I’d welcome the opportunity with open arms. Or, well, an open mouth.

“Perfect,” she said.

Her eyes ran to the ceiling. Then to the wall, then out the window. Finally they settled back on me. I must have looked pathetic as I stared back at her imploringly.

“What? Can I help you?” Emily asked, eyeing me dismissively. “Oh, right, you want to cum. Well, go ahead. You have my permission.”

Another ten seconds must have passed with her simply staring at me.

“Well? Go on. I won’t stop you.”

She fidgeted slightly, then began braiding her hair, as if I weren’t even there.

“Oh, right, this,” she said, shaking the remote control right in front of my eyes. “You need me to press it. Well, puppy, I’m not yet convinced you want it all that much. So, I want you to convince me. I want you to beg me. Right here, right now, foot in your mouth, I want you to beg me to cum.”

As I tried to start, she wiggled her toes in my mouth, making me choke.

The only thing that came out of my mouth was saliva.

“I didn’t quite catch that.”

I tried again and again she stopped me.

“Perhaps I was right. You don’t seem to want it all that much.”

The look in my eyes must have been beyond pitiful because she retracted her foot ever so slightly, giving me some room.

“Please, can I cum?” I said, or rather tried to. “Please, please, I’ll do anything.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know…”

“Please, please,” I said though my voice was but a sad whimper.

“Fine, but only because you’ve been really, really good,” she said and turned the vibrator on again.

I moaned, saliva drooling down my chin.

“In fact, just to underline how good you have been, before you orgasm, I want you to name all of the chores you had for today.”

That I could do. I prided myself in executing everything perfectly for her.

“Clean the dishes,” I mumbled but it came out unintelligible.

Emily’s brow furrowed. “To hell with the neighbours,” she said, taking her foot out of my mouth. “I want you to enjoy this fully, puppy.”

Mouth, free, I began anew. “Clean the dishes, do the laundry-“

I paused as a sudden wave of pleasure jolted through me.

“Make dinner, clean the living room-” A loud moan interrupted the Bycasino deneme bonusu list. I found myself getting lost, unable to continue until Emily patted my cheek gently. “All of them. You don’t get to cum before you’ve said all of them.”

I continued, though all the words came out strained, cracking from the vibrations. “Iron the clothes and fold them, take out the dog, take out…the…trash.”

I had forgotten to take out the trash. I had forgotten to take out the trash. I looked up at her then wish I hadn’t. Her eyes were cold and hard. Her hand rested on the button. But it was too late. The orgasm had already began to submerge me, to drown me. My entire body trembled and shook.

“No, please,” I said but she had already pressed it.

And just as the orgasm started, I felt it stop, drain out of me, flee, lest Emily choose to punish it too. The sensations all halted abruptly and I felt all too unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

I thought of humping against the vibrator, against the floor so as to salvage what I could of the orgasm but the thought of her wrath scared that idea right out of me. I mean, who was I to defy her? I had left my fate in her hands and she had made her decision. A ruined orgasm. I had to accept it. I’m sure she could have thought of a thousand punishments much worse.

I looked into her eyes and felt a fear raw and primal. It told me to run and hide, get away as soon as possible.

Emily raised her hand, as if to strike me, then let it fall down.

“I’m very disappointed, puppy,” she said and reached for the pair of scissors she had left on the cabinet earlier. I had wondered what they were for. Guess I was about to find out.

“I’m sorry,” I cried but she wasn’t interested in what I had to say.

She bent down and cut loose my panties, once on the left and once on the right. In one quick motion she snatched them away and as the fabric rubbed against me I felt a weak tingle crawl up my spine.

“Open,” she said and I obeyed. She shoved the panties deep into my mouth, down my throat.

Then she stepped behind me and I could not see her, only hear the way her feet smacked against the floor. It was far, far more unnerving.

I winced as I heard her grow nearer. She inserted the ballgag again, my soaking wet panties still inside, and my mouth felt uncomfortably full.

She grabbed my hair and pulled down violently, my body doubling over backwards at her leisure. Our eyes met and I dared not move.

“You will spend the night like this, tied up and gagged. I’ll blindfold you, too. You will sit here and think about what you’ve done. And tomorrow morning, I’ll come here and ungag you. And you’ll beg for my forgiveness. If I’m appeased, I might untie you. If not, you’ll spend another day like this. Are we clear?”

I nodded best as I could with her hand holding down my hair.

“Good puppy,” she said viciously and spat in my face. She let go of my hair and I sprang right back into position. She slipped a blindfold on me, the darkness oddly calming. I heard the flick of a light switch. A door opened, a door closed. It would be a long, long night…

And scene.

The door burst open and Emily rushed in. She aptly took of my blindfold, gag and panties, and then proceeded to untie me. She looked at my face, then frowned a bit. Her thumb wiped away the spit from my cheek.

“Was that too much, or…” She asked awkwardly.

“It was perfect. You are perfect.”

She giggled adorably and helped me to my feet.

“God, Jenny, your knees,” she said, terrified. “I’ll go get you something to put on them.”

It was true, they were red as ripe tomatoes and ached like they never had before.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll wear it like a mark of your love,” I said drily.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled back, almost falling due to the numbness in most of my legs.

“What?” She asked, bemused.

“It had been two weeks, you monster. Two weeks of your cruel teasing only for you to ruin me,” I said in mock outrage.

Her smile grew a size at my words and she booped my nose.

“Don’t make me angry next time,” she said and leaned in again. This time I gave her the kiss she so desired.

“You’re a cruel bitch, do you know that?” I said as I lied down on the bed.

She jumped right next to me. “I know, I know. Do you want to take a shower?”

“No, I want to smell of you tonight. By the way, can I dom tomorrow. I have a new idea I want to try.”

“Go for it,” she said. “It’s been a while.”

She looked me over, bottom to top and sighed. “You’re a mess. A beautiful mess.”

“And whose fault is that?”

“And who didn’t do all their chores?”

“Guilty,” I whispered, snuggling up into her.

“Night, Jenny,” she said, wrapping around me.

“Night,” I said and let sleep submerge me.

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