My Mistress’ Skirt

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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In retrospect, it was one of the dumbest things I have ever done! The only excuse I can offer is that I was a bored teenager on a hot summer’s day, and I wasn’t thinking straight. Mistress Mona, whom I shall hereafter refer to only as Mistress, and I had gone into town to go shopping. We had bought some clothes for me, but the bulk of the day had been taken up looking round places for Mistress. It was the first Monday of the school holidays, the day you realize that there really is no more school for ages, and this was NOT how I wanted to spend it. I had suggested that I could go and browse some bookstores while Mistress did her shops, but she said she wanted someone with her who could tell her what things looked like on her. I didn’t really enjoy doing this, but it was one of those things you just have to do. In the three years since my father had died, Mistress and I had become close, and this was something I knew she enjoyed.

So, I dutifully trailed round after her, offering comments on items she tried on. She had bought a couple of pairs of shorts, and was looking at shoes when it happened. Bored out of my mind, I was feeling a tad mischievous. Mistress was wearing a long, light summer skirt which billowed around her legs. She had crouched down to look at the bottom rack of a display; her skirt was pooled on the floor around her. Surreptitiously, I moved my foot so that it was pinning the skirt to the floor. I figured that she would try to stand up, fail, and maybe fall over. Nothing more. A bit of idle mischief which I would apologize for and pretend was an accident.

Unfortunately, I had rather over-estimated the strength of her garment. When Mistress suddenly jerked to her feet, the skirt was just not up to holding her to the floor, and so ripped all around the waist! Mistress ended up on her feet, with half of her dress around her ankles. I just stood there stunned, gaping at her. Gaping, because with it being such a hot day, Mistress had chosen to come out without any panties on. So I suddenly found myself staring at her firm, naked buttocks!

Several other people in the store saw her as well, and there was a chorus of gasps and giggles. Mistress whirled round towards me, her face crimson with embarrassment, and I got a look at the small tuft of raven hair that crowned her pussy. At that moment, a woman’s voice said “I bet she won’t find shoes to go with THAT outfit!”, and everyone laughed. Mistress was just frozen to the spot, paralyzed with sudden embarrassment. I stared openly at her nakedness, feeling my cock rising involuntarily. I was suddenly conscious that Mistress could see the bulge in my shorts, and I looked at her face. She frowned at me, and I saw her eyes look down and take in the sight of my foot, still placed squarely over the remains of her skirt.

Her face grew dark and contorted with fury. I stepped back, just as a kind saleslady hurried up to my mother and quickly ushered her off to a back room. She emerged several minutes later wearing one of the shorts she had bought, into which her top had been tucked. She swept towards me, caught my arm in a vice-like grip, and dragged me from the store. We marched at a fast pace to the car, Mistress never letting go of my arm and forcing me to stumble and jog to keep up with her pace whilst maintaining my balance. When we got to the car, she practically threw me inside and we drove off. I started to speak, but she cut me off “SHUT UP! Just keep quiet! I don’t want one word out of you ’til we get home”.

When we got home, I was told to wait in the lounge while Mistress changed. I sat on the edge of the sofa, trembling with fear and guilt. I really hadn’t meant things to get so out of hand. God only knows what Mistress would do when she came downstairs, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it! In a few minutes, she came down wearing tight blue jeans and a low-cut T-shirt. It was her usual outfit around the house in summer, designed for comfort. Yet in the light of recent events, I couldn’t help noticing the way it emphasized her figure. She sat down beside me and in a quiet voice asked me to explain why I had done it.

I stammered out the truth, that I was feeling bored and wanted to play a trick, but that I hadn’t meant it to turn out like that, and I was really, really sorry!

“So, what you’re saying is that you did mean to humiliate me, just not quite as much. Is that it?” asked Mistress coolly.

“No, not humiliate, I just..”

“So, you think that falling into a display of shoes wouldn’t be humiliating?”

“Well, er, yes, I suppose it would, but…”

“So, you did mean to humiliate me? Didn’t you?”

“Ummm, well, yes, perhaps just a little, but I didn’t think…”

“No, you certainly didn’t, did you?!” The heat was rising now in Mistress’s voice, her anger once more coming to the fore. She sat back on the sofa and looked hard at me. “Stand up and take your clothes off. I want you naked, naughty Bycasino boy, right now!”

Blushing, I got up and started to strip. I wasn’t sure quite what was coming, but I knew I deserved it for embarrassing my Mistress so much. When I was naked, I turned to look at her. She stared at me, and I blushed some more. “Right. Stand facing the window, hands behind your head, legs a bit more apart.”

Nervously, I assumed the position. It felt so strange to be doing this, and I started to worry about what Mistress had in mind. She stood up, and walked slowly around me. She stopped when she was behind me, and leant forward, so her head was next to my ear.

“You’d better get used to this.” she said quietly. “Because from now on, you’re going to be naked all the time unless I say otherwise. I’ve never been so embarrassed and ashamed as I was today, and I’m going to make damn sure you know how it felt.”

Mistress went and sat down on the chair next to the window. She stared at me for a moment, then spoke. “Sonny, I want you to realize that your punishment for this is going to be very different from anything you’ve had before. I imagine you thought you’d be in for an extra hard strapping and then that would be it. Well, you are going to get that, it’s true. You’re going to be spanked and strapped and caned and anything else I can muster. And it’s going to be hard! Not just a spanking, I’m going to give you a whipping! I’m going to punish you like you’ve never been punished before! However, you’re also going to be humiliated. I’m going to do everything I can to embarrass you, tease you and generally make you feel frustrated and wretched. Maybe then you’ll understand how I felt today.”

I stood in front of her, trembling. I had never seen Mistress like this before. It was obvious that she was deeply upset about what had happened, and she was going to take it all out on me! I stared at her, my eyes wide with fear. Mistress suddenly jumped to her feet. “Right, keep your hands on your head and follow me.” she said, walking towards the door. I followed her out and upstairs to her bedroom. Mistress stood up and piled all the pillows from the bed up near the edge. Then she went over to a drawer and took out her strap. This was a special strap made from harness leather for extra thickness and weight. I had only felt it a few times before, when Mistress thought I needed a particularly severe punishment. She smacked it against her hand and I shuddered. “Lie on the bed with your hips over the pillows.” Mistress commanded. “I want that bare bottom nice and high.”

“Oh please, Mistress!” I cried. “Please, you can’t! I’m sorry, really I am, please don’t strap me! I can’t take any more, it hurts so much!” Mistress’s face darkened with anger and she stepped up close to me.

“This is your first and last warning.” she said in a voice filled with menace. “If you argue with me again about a punishment, I’ll tie you down and use a fresh willow switch on your bare balls, is that clear? Now do as you’re told!” Mute with fear, I clambered on to the bed. The pillows pushed my naked ass cheeks high into the air, and I shivered at how vulnerable it made me feel.

THWACK! The strap hissed through the air and bit into my unprotected buttocks. I went rigid and howled as the heavy leather landed. The stroke of the strap seemed to tear into my tender flesh. “There! THWACK! Maybe this THWACK! will teach you THWACK! not to try to embarrass THWACK! Your THWACK! Mistress! THWACK!”

“Oh please, Mistress! THWACK! Aaaiieee! Puh-please! THWACK! Ooowww! I’m so-sorry! THWACK! Aaahh!” I wailed, but Mistress wasn’t listening. Again and again the strap arced through the air and landed on my bottom. Mistress grunted quietly with each stroke, really putting her whole body behind each swing. After several more strokes, she paused. “Sonny boy, I’m going to give you five more strokes, and I want you to count them out loud and say ‘thank you, Mistress’ after each one. If you make a mistake, you get two penalty strokes. Here we go!”

THWACK! “Oooww! Wuh-one, thank you, Mistress!” THWACK! “Aiieee! T-two, thank you, Mistress!” THWACK! “Unngh! Three, thank you, Mistress!” THWACK! “Ooooh! F-f-four, th-thank you, Mistress!” THWACK! “Aaaahhh! Fuh-five, thank you, M-Mistress!” With that I collapsed sobbing on the bed. Mistress put down the strap and knelt beside me.

“Well, dear, I hope you got a good look at my pussy for all of that pain. Now, Mistress is going to rub some cream into your butt to soothe it. We want to keep those buttocks nice and soft and sensitive, now don’t we?” She giggled quietly, and stroked my hair as I lay still, weeping quietly into the bed as Mistress got some cream and started gently massaging it into my bottom. It burned like ice at first, but soon I felt the pain start to diminish slightly and be replaced by a dull ache.

For the rest of the afternoon I followed Mistress around the house, still naked. When she decided to sit in the lounge and read, I lay on the Bycasino giriş sofa beside her, so she could glance across at my crimson buttocks whenever she felt like it. When she went to make dinner, I helped her when I could, otherwise I stood in the corner, hands on head. Dinner itself was agony. I asked Mistress if I could eat off the fireplace mantelpiece standing up in order to save my aching bottom, but she insisted I sit normally. Sitting on a bottom that had been so thoroughly strapped over was torture, and my eyes watered throughout the meal. When it was over, I was sent to do the washing up, after which Mistress sat in the lounge and watched TV, while I stood in the corner again. After about half an hour, she relented and allowed me to lie on the sofa and watch with her.

That night was dreadful! I slept fitfully, unable to relax. My teenage libido was in full control and my cock was stiff the whole time. I did reach down and stroke it lightly, but I didn’t dare do anything else for fear of waking my Mistress, who I knew was a very light sleeper. Finally sheer exhaustion overcame me and I dropped into a deep sleep.

The next day, after lunch, Mistress announced we would be going out shopping. A look of terror passed across my face, and she quickly reassured me that it wasn’t going to be like last time and I wasn’t going to get spanked.

“Just behave yourself, and everything will be fine.” she said. “Although if you’re a bad boy, I won’t hesitate to spank you in public!” With that, she led me to her room and gave me a pair of pink cotton panties to put on. Blushing, I pulled on the panties. To my surprise, my cock started to swell, and I blushed even more. Mistress saw it and laughed. “See?” she crowed. “I knew you liked wearing girls panties! You really are Mistress little panty boy, aren’t you?”

“Y-yes, Mistress.” I stammered.

“Well say it then. Tell me what you are.”

“I-I’m Mistress little p-panty boy.”

Mistress laughed again, and told me to go put on a t-shirt, shorts and shoes. Then we went to the car and drove off. We ended up in a part of town I didn’t know. It was away from the center, and seemed a little run down. Mistress parked the car up a side street. She turned to me and smiled. “I want you to take your shorts down and off!”

“What?!” I exclaimed. “Here? But-but people will see!”

“Do as you’re told, unless you want to be bent over the front of the car and spanked!” There was no way I could bar that, so I quickly tugged my shorts down. Mistress told me to throw them into the back of the car, which I did. I looked down at myself , my lower half bare except for the thin pink cotton panties stretched across my groin. Mistress giggled and walked off round the corner. The weather was still very hot, and sweat rolled down my face as I waited in the stuffy car.

Later that night, at bedtime we went upstairs to my room and I lay down gratefully on my bed and closed my eyes. Mistress fetched some cream and started rubbing it into my bottom. My eyes had remained closed the whole time, and I just tried to relax and enjoy the soothing feel of the cream. It stung horribly at first, but soon I felt it doing its work.

“Open your eyes and look at me, Sonny.” said Mistress quietly. I rolled onto my side and looked at her, my eyes widening and my mouth dropping open as I saw what she was holding! They were padded leather handcuffs, held together by a long length of thin chain. Mistress grinned at my reaction. She threaded the cuffs round the bedpost, just below the headboard, then fastened them briskly around my wrists. I was now secured to the bed! My hands could come down about as far as my chest, but no further. Mistress grinned at me. “I’m sorry to have to resort to this,” she said, “but it seems to be the only way I can be sure you aren’t going to masturbate, you little panty pervert! Now try to relax and get some sleep.”

After she left, I lay there stunned. Handcuffed! What’s more, handcuffed with what looked very like sex toy handcuffs! My cock became stiff as I thought about being tied up like this. Of course, I could do nothing to relieve my stiffness, that was the whole point! I lay there twisting in sexual frustration for a while, and then began to think about what had just happened, what lay ahead and my mind whirled. Eventually, tiredness overcame me and I dozed.

When I awoke, it was dark, and Mistress was kneeling beside my bed. Naked except for tight blue jeans. My cock leapt as I stared at her. “How are you feeling?” she asked, and I told her I felt OK, but still very sore. Mistress chuckled quietly. “Good. I intend to keep it sore for awhile.” My cock throbbed at my Mistress firm demeanor. So I was right, she had been getting turned on by punishing me.

She then reached over and stroked my hair. “Now, you go to sleep and get a good night’s rest so you’re nice and fresh for tomorrow. There’s a bucket by your bed if you need it, because I’m going to leave you cuffed all Bycasino deneme bonusu night to prevent any unauthorized masturbation!” With that, she leant over and kissed me goodnight, her bare breast rubbing against my shoulder. I lay there confused, stunned and frustrated. My cock was pulsing and twitching, but there was nothing I could do about it! I tried rolling over and rubbing myself on the bed, but I couldn’t get it to work, and flexing my butt cheeks like that was very painful. I also realized I would suffer if Mistress came in and found the sheets covered in cum. So I just lay down and tried to think of other things. Eventually I fell asleep.

The following night, come bedtime, when we got to my room, Mistress had me lie on the bed and then cuffed my hands to the headboard as she had the previous night. Then she knelt by my bed and smiled at me. “I’ve been saving this news for tomorrow.” she announced with a fierce gleam in her eye. “Tomorrow is going to be the climax of your punishment, and it’s going to be very special. I know I’m going to enjoy it, anyway!” She laughed.

“However, I couldn’t let you go tonight without some form of punishment. The pink panties seem to work well, but this..” she reached down and stroked my quivering erection, ” this seems even better. I bet you’d like to rub it now, wouldn’t you? I can feel it twitching. Here you are, all excited, with your Mistress bare butt only inches in front of your face, and there’s nothing you can do, is there?” she chuckled gleefully. I groaned with frustration, and she laughed even louder. “Now Sonny boy, I did promise you were going to be teased and humiliated, as well as spanked, didn’t I?”

“Y-yes Mistress” I said wretchedly.

Mistress beamed at me. “Well, what could be better than this then. I’m going to leave you all hot and aroused and desperate to come! What’s more, I’m going to go next door and rub my hot, juicy pussy until I have a super orgasm! Just think about that!” I groaned, and Mistress dissolved into fits of giggles. Drops of pre-cum oozed from my prick as I imagined her naked on her bed, leisurely masturbating over thoughts of my freshly spanked butt. Without warning, she reached over and squeezed my cock hard, making me wince. “By the way, Sonny boy,” she said coolly, “if I find any traces of nasty boy cum on you or the bed tomorrow, I shall take a switch to your bare balls. So don’t get carried away, now!”

She went next door to her room, and soon I heard the sounds of her moaning. She was right that I was in danger of just coming without any stimulation, I was so aroused. However, the thought of getting switched across my balls was just too frightful, so I writhed on the bed, bending my boyish pintle against the firm mattress ’til it hurt, trying to think about mundane things, anything to avoid an orgasm. Finally, Mistress’s moaning ceased, and I was able to relax a little. My cock was still hard, but the worst danger had passed. It took a long time to get to sleep, but I finally managed it.

My day of reckoning had arrived. After dinner, Mistress took me upstairs and gave me a shower. She then gave me a new pair of panties to put on. They were like french panties, but cut much higher up the leg, so that part of my buttocks were exposed, and made of translucent white nylon. Once I had put them on, Mistress handcuffed me to my bed as if I was going to sleep. To my surprise, she then stripped off in front of me! My cock swelled inside my panties, tenting them obscenely. Mistress laughed and stroked the bulge, sending shivers through me.

“We’re going to have some company in a little while.” she said. “Just a few friends coming round to help me with your punishment. I think this evening’s going to be a great deal of fun! I’m going to go and change before they arrive. I’ll come and get you when they’re here. You just lie there and think about how humiliating it’s going to be, and how sore your bottom will be when you go to bed tonight!”

With that she left, and I lay on the bed in a daze of arousal, fear and anticipation. Before long I heard the doorbell go, and female voices in the hallway. A few minutes later it rang again, and there were more voices. After a while, I heard Mistress’s footsteps on the stairs, and she came into my room. She was wearing the exact same outfit she wore the day I tore her skirt in public, and looked simply stunning. I stared open mouthed at her, and she grinned at me as she unfastened my cuffs. “Come on, Sonny boy. Time to meet your guests! I think you’ll recognize everyone. When we go in, I want you to go up to each person, say hello, and tell them you hope they will enjoy spanking you this evening. Understand?”

“Y-yes Mistress.” I stammered nervously. Mistress chuckled and stepped back, her eyes never leaving mine.

“There’s one more thing you should know, Sonny boy.” she chuckled. “Mistress isn’t wearing any panties!” She hitched up her skirt briefly, flashing her sexy pussy at me, then lowered it again. My cock hardened instantly, and Mistress laughed. “Mmmm, that does make a nice bulge in your panties!” she giggled. “You just keep thinking about how much I enjoy punishing you!” With that, she took me by the arm and led me downstairs to the dining room.

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