My First Crush

4 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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All characters in this story are over 18.


I was in High School the first time I realized I was in love with a boy. His name was Larry and we met as freshmen at the first cross country team practice. We had a lot in common and took many of the same classes. We started hanging out together and soon became fast friends.

Larry was, unquestionably, my best friend. Unfortunately, the school we attended was a regional High School and we came from different towns. So I only saw Larry at school, or on the weekends at cross country and track meets.

Despite this, we grew very close and shared everything. We had no secrets from each other. Well… maybe one secret.

It was during our senior year, after we had both turned 18, that my feelings for Larry grew … complicated.

I had noticed that I had begun to think about him constantly. One night I enjoyed an extremely erotic dream starring Larry and myself, naked and kissing. When I woke, I realized I had cum in my pajamas, my groin covered with my sticky ejaculate.

The next day at lunch I watched Larry enter the cafeteria. He saw me and turned to join me at my table. As he approached, I admired the tall, handsome man he had become.

We had both entered the school as short, scrawny freshmen. Distance running had kept us both thin, but while I had topped out at 5′ 8″, Larry continued growing until he stood at least 6’2″, almost a head taller than I. He wore his black hair short, never touching his ears unlike mine. My reddish brown hair was long, almost touching my shoulders.

We chatted over lunch about everything and nothing as teenage boys do. We had no classes together that afternoon, so when we parted we made plans to meet for track practice later that day. Little did I know it would be a day that changed my life forever.

Practice was no different than any other day. Sprinters sprinted. Jumpers jumped. And long distance runners, like Larry and myself, ran long distances.

Since we hadn’t had a really long run in a while, and today’s weather was perfect, we went on an extra long circuit. As a consequence, we were the last two back to the locker room.

Now let me explain something. This was quite a while ago, in a very homophobic time. If you got caught looking at one of your teammates naked in the locker room you stood a good chance of getting beaten up. As if being a short, skinny boy with longish hair didn’t bring me enough grief.

Because of this, most people were somewhat shy in the locker room. They stood facing their locker, and changed quickly before anybody could see them.

They certainly didn’t look around comparing assets. Other than a quick glance at Larry’s ass, his tiny, hairless, adorable ass, I had never seen him naked.

But today we were all alone in the track team’s small locker room. Maybe Larry was feeling more comfortable without the usual crowd. Maybe I was less afraid of someone seeing me looking, I don’t know.

Larry sat on a bench and removed his running shoes and socks. Then he pulled his tee shirt off over his head and dropped it on the bench. Finally he stood and, in one motion, he pulled his shorts and jock down to his ankles and stepped out of them.

My best friend was now standing naked in front of his locker. He reached into the locker and pulled out a towel, and began towelling off his hair and chest.

Suddenly he turned to me as if something had just occurred to him.

“Hey Mike…are you ready for the calculus test tomorrow?”

I turned to answer him and saw that he was facing me, naked. The towel he was drying off with was covering his face as he dried his hair. My eyes travelled down his body and I saw Larry’s cock for the first time.

Oh my God! It was huge! Beneath a small tuft of black hair was the most beautful cock I’d ever seen. It was circumcised, like mine, and hung at least 5-6 inches when soft, unlike mine which barely reached 5 inches when fully erect.

But that’s not what made me gasp quietly, it was the girth. His cock had to be as big around as my wrist! I stared at it, suddenly aware of how small mine was.

I noticed Larry lowering the towel to his stomach and my eyes snapped back to his face.

“Hello?!? Earth to Mike? Are you ready for the test?”

“Oh…um…sorry. I was thinking about something else…”

(I was thinking about how your cock would feel in my mouth. Where the hell did that thought come from?)

“Yeah, um, calculus. I’ll be ready. I just have to review my notes tonight.”

Larry knew I got straight A’s in math.

“Do you need any help?”

“No, I think I’ll be okay. Can I call you if I have any questions?”

Larry draped the towel behind his back and rubbed it back and forth.

“Sure, absolutely! I’d be glad to help with anything you need!”

I tried not to stare as Larry towelled his back, his cock swaying side to side as he did so.

(My God! How big did that thing get when it was hard??)

“Ok, thanks buddy. I’ll let you know.”

Larry Sakarya escort turned back to his locker and began pulling on his clothes. I closed my locker and grabbed my things. I knew I had to get out of there before I said something stupid. Or began drooling.

“Bye Larry, see you tomorrow.”

“Ok Mike. See you later.”

As I walked out to my car I couldn’t shake the image of what I had seen. I was shocked, exhilarated, and extremely horny. And I knew what I was going to dream about tonight.

I couldn’t forget what I saw that day. The sight of my best friend’s naked body had put me over the edge. My feelings had gone from like to lust overnight.

I didn’t dare say anything to Larry. He was straight, 100% straight, to the best of my knowledge. I was so afraid I would say something that would offend him, or risk our friendship.

That is how it stayed for the remainder of the school year. Larry found a girlfriend, Sally, a cute girl from his hometown, and she became the focus of his life. I was supportive of his relationship, though I was secretly jealous of Sally. I wished it was me Larry was kissing and touching.

When the school year ended I was secretly relieved. I was going off to college in New England, Larry to Chicago. I assumed we would never see each other again. I could finally drop the pretense and move on with my life. We graduated and went our separate ways.

I spent the summer working for a landscaping company. I cut lawns, trimmed and raked, grew my hair long enough to wear a “landscaper’s ponytail”, and got the best tan of my life. As the summer drew to a close I collected my last paycheck and started packing to move to my new dorms.

I had just come in the door from picking up some school supplies when the phone rang.


I heard a familiar voice on the other end.

“Hi Mike…it’s Larry.”

“Hey bud, what’s up?”

“Nothing much…I was just curious when you were heading off to college? My uncle loaned me his cabin up north, and I was planning to get away for a couple of days of fishing before starting the school grind again. I hate to go alone. Would you like to go with me? It would give us a chance to spend some time together, who knows when we’ll see each other again.”

I was a little stunned. Why me?

“Yeah, that would be great… but wouldn’t you rather spend all the time you can with Sally? She’s going away too, isn’t she?”

“Nah…we broke up.”

“What!?! Why?”

“No big deal Mike. It was her idea. She is headed off to Los Angeles for school, and I’m going to Chicago. She didn’t think the whole long distance relationship thing was a good idea, so we split up.”

“I’m sorry Lar…she seemed nice.”

Larry chuckled.

“Yeah, she was ok…but between you and me, she was really starting to get on my nerves. I was kinda relieved she suggested the split, saved me the trouble. But enough about her! Let’s have some fun! You in or out?”

“In! Definitely! What do you need me to bring?”

“Nothing much. The cabin is stocked with food. I’ll bring a case of beer and any fresh food we need. You just need a few days worth of clothes and your fishing gear. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at 6. Ok?”

“Ok! See you then…thanks!”

I hung up the phone and caught my breath. Why was I so excited? I didn’t want to admit I was really looking forward to Larry again. I had thought I was over my crush on him, but that clearly wasn’t the case. I would have to watch myself and not say something that would get me in trouble.

Smiling to myself, I packed a couple of days worth of clothes. I didn’t own any fishing gear, but my dad had plenty. I borrowed what I needed, left a note for my parents, and went to bed early so I’d be ready.

At 6 am sharp I saw Larry’s car come down the street and pull into my driveway. I was sitting on the porch with my gear, waiting.

Larry got out of the car and opened the trunk. I walked up to him, smiling. He wrapped me in a “bro hug” with lots of manly back pounding. Luckily my hands were full or I might have hugged him back in a slightly less macho manner.

“Man, Mike. It’s good to see you! It’s been months!”

I tossed my gear in the trunk and closed it.

“It’s good to see you too Larry. I am really happy to be doing this. But don’t let me hold us up, let’s get going.”

He slapped me on the arm and jumped in the car.

“Hell yeah! Let’s go!”

The drive up to the cabin was uneventful. We had to drive 2 hours north and west of the suburban county where we both lived. We chatted for a while about this and that before growing quiet. I guess I must have fallen asleep because, before I knew it, Larry was shaking my shoulder.

“Come on sleepy head, we’re here. Grab your stuff.”

I stumbled out of the car, rubbing my eyes. Pulling my bag and fishing gear from the trunk, I paused and looked around. I stood in front of a lovely 2 story cabin with a porch across the front, and extending Side escort bayan around one side. Solar panels covered the roof, apparently to provide electric power and heat water.

The property sloped gently from the front of the cabin to a large lake. A sandy beach and a small dock extended into the calm waters of the lake. It was a bucolic scene. I looked around and realized that there was no sand anywhere else on the shoreline. Somebody had gone to the effort of trucking in enough sand to create a small beach. Very nice!

I grabbed my bags and stepped inside. Larry was putting a few things in the refrigerator. He gave me a quick tour.

“Kitchen and dining area are here in the front, looking out over the lake. Living/TV room is next, bathroom over there. Master bedroom is in the back. That belongs to my uncle. We don’t go in there. We stay upstairs in the sleeping loft.”

He pointed at a set of stairs running up to the second floor where a loft with a railing hung over the living room. I went upstairs and dropped my bags.

Two twin beds stood next two each other under a vaulted ceiling. looking out the window, I could see the lake going off into the distance.

“C’mon! Let’s go!” Larry yelled from downstairs. “The fish are waiting!”

“Just a minute!” I yelled. It had been cool when Larry picked me up this morning, but it was warm now. I kicked off my shoes and socks, then stepped out of my blue jeans. I pulled my sleeveless sweatshirt over my head and opened my bag. I grabbed a fresh tee shirt and put it on. Next was my favorite pair of cut-off denim shorts, soft and frayed. I glanced down at my underwear and paused. “What the hell” I thought, and slid my underpants off. I pulled on my soft denim shorts and jogged downstairs to find Larry.

Larry had already changed into an old pair of running shorts and his own tee. We grabbed a cooler filled with beer and sandwiches, threw our poles over our shoulders, and headed down to the dock.

We sat on the dock all day drinking and fishing, fishing and drinking. We caught a couple of fish but, as it turned out, neither one of us actually ate fish, so we ended up throwing them back.

Eventually we gave up on fishing and concentrated on the cold beer and the hot sun. Larry had spread a blanket on the sand and we lay there soaking up rays with a cold one in our hands.

I was soaking up the hot sun, a bit of a buzz on, thinking that it doesn’t get any better than this. I was wrong. Larry suddenly stood up and drained his beer.

“It’s really hot. Let’s go swimming! the water here is great!”

I sat up and looked at him. He pulled his shirt over his head.

“I’d love to Larry, but I wasn’t smart enough to bring a bathing suit. Sorry.”

“Just wear your shorts Mike. Who cares?”

“But these are the only shorts I brought with me … I don’t want them to be soaking wet.”

Larry thought for a second, then smiled. He stuck his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and whipped them down to his ankles. He kicked them off onto the blanket and stood in front of me, buck naked. My jaw dropped and I looked around.

“Don’t worry Mike. There’s only a handful of cabins in sight of this one, and they’ve all closed up for the season. You do whatever you want. I’m going in!”

He turned, his big cock swaying, and ran towards the water. I watched his tiny, hairless ass bounce as he hit the water and jumped in. I realized I was holding my breath, and gasped for air. As Larry frolicked in the water, I stood up and pulled my shirt off. Unbuttoning my shorts, I dropped them to the ground and walked towards the lake. Larry saw me approaching and smiled.

“See? Nothing to be afraid of! The water feels great.”

He was right, the water did feel great. I walked slowly into the lake, worried it would be too cold but it was perfect. I floated on my back just enjoying the coolness enveloping me. I also loved the feeling of the water on my naked body. I had never skinny dipped before and couldn’t believe how good it felt. After about half an hour Larry had had enough.

“I’m done” he said, and splashed his way out of the water and up onto the blanket. I followed behind, my eyes focused on his soft white ass. I wanted to touch it so badly. We hadn’t brought towels, so Larry just flopped down on the blanket and let the sun dry him off. As I admired his lean, naked body I noticed his back was getting a little red. We had applied sunscreen earlier, but we had been wearing shirts and shorts then. The time in the water had probably washed off what we’d been wearing. I had often worked shirtless at my summer landscaping job, and my tan gave me some protection. Larry wasn’t so lucky.

” Hey Lar … you’re starting to burn. Where did you put that lotion?”

“I think I put it in the cooler. I didn’t want it to fall in the water. Grab me a beer when you’re there, will you?”

I padded over to the cooler, my naked body tingling in the bright sunshine. I opened the cooler, pulled out the sunscreen Escort izmir and 2 beers out, and returned to the blanket. I opened Larry’s beer and dug it into the sand by his head.

“Thanks buddy” he murmured, never opening his eyes.

I put my beer in the sand, opened the lotion, and covered myself as best I could. I looked over at Larry.

“You want any of this? You are getting a little red…”

Larry lifted his head about 2 inches, then dropped it back onto his arms.

“I’m too tired … can you put it on for me?”

My mouth went dry. My best friend, on whom I had a major crush, had just asked me to rub lotion all over his naked body.

“S-sure I can. Just give me a sec.”

I lay down next to Larry on the blanket. I tried to swallow, but found I couldn’t. I gulped about half my beer and took a deep breath. I poured some of the sunscreen into my palm and rubbed my hands together to warm it up. I ran my hands across his shoulders and upper back. The second my fingertips touched Larry’s skin I felt my cock twitch.

“Uh oh” I thought to myself.

I coated his back all the way down to the top of his ass. I let the tip of my little finger brush the opening between his cheeks just for a second before moving back up to his neck.

“That’s not too cold, is it?” I asked.

“No, it feels nice…”


I reloaded my hands and did his arms and down his sides. Another squirt, and his legs were greased. I took a deep breath.

“Do you want me to do your bum?”

“Mmmmmmm” Larry replied sleepily.

(I’ll take that as a yes, I guess)

Lubing up my right hand I placed it gently on the top of Larry’s ass and moved it slowly over his left cheek and finished by cupping the bottom, rubbing if with my fingertips. By now my cock was rock hard. I was afraid to touch it, fearing I would cum instantly. A little more lotion, and I coated his right cheek from top to bottom.

I finishing by dragging my greasy finger up the crack between his cheeks. As I reached the top Larry suddenly shifted, lifting his ass and getting up to his knees. My fingertip brushed across his puckered anus, and I gasped aloud. Larry didn’t seem to notice. (or did he?)

Larry rolled from his knees onto his back. He settled down into the blanket. I hid my erection behind the sunscreen bottle. Larry closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head.

“That was nice, could you do the front too?”

I looked down at his cock and stifled a moan. It was growing as I watched. Though not fully erect, it lay swollen on his stomach, already covering his belly button.

Afraid to speak, I refreshed the lotion and began coating Larry’s arms and chest. A light coat on his face, then thicker on his washboard stomach, stopping just above his pubic hair. As I had done on his back, I moved down and took care of his feet and legs next. As I finished the top of his thighs, my fingers (accidentally) brushed against Larry’s testicles. His cock, now fully engorged and at least 9″ long, rose up off his stomach before dropping back down with a slap.

“Everything ok?” I said said in a soft voice. I ran my hand from his right hip up to his stomach and back down to his left hip without touching his cock. It twitched again and his ass shifted on the blanket.

“Yes” Larry whispered. “I’m just so damned horny!”

“I’m sorry about that buddy.”

I slid my hand under his penis to rub his stomach with the last of the lotion on my hand. As the back of my hand brushed against his cock, Larry shivered.

“Should I call your ex girlfriend, and tell her to drive up here and give you a blowjob?”

Larry laughed. “That wouldn’t help. She didn’t believe in anything like that. She said it was gross. I’ve never actually gotten a blowjob…”

I ran my hand up the length of Larry’s cock and gripped it. He moaned.



I looked at Larry’s face. His eyes were still shut tight. I couldn’t resist anymore. I lifted his member from his stomach, lowered my mouth to the head of his cock, and kissed it.

“Oh, yes!” Larry whispered, and licked his lips.

I ran my tongue down the length of his cock from the tip to the base and back up. A drop of precum had formed on his swollen head. I licked it off with the tip of my tongue, savoring the sweet taste.

Larry moaned, and raised his hips to me. I opened my mouth and his cock entered me and came to rest on my tongue. I closed my lips around it and felt, for the first time, a man’s erect penis in my mouth. It felt perfect, something I had imagined for so long. I wanted it … I needed it.

I lowered my mouth down his cock as far as I could. He was so big, I could only get half of his cock in my mouth before gagging. Lifting my mouth off him, I licked my hand and use that to massage the bottom of his cock while I resumed sucking the top.

Larry continued writhing and moaning. When he moved his hips, his balls slapped lightly against my chin. Reluctantly, I pulled my mouth off his cock and lowered it to his balls. While running my slick hand over the length of his rigid cock, I took one testicle, then the other into my mouth, kissing and suckling them. Larry’s moans grew louder as I tried desperately to please him with my mouth.

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