My Erotic Education – A Journal 08

4 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Shortly before the hour of three struck, Will came into the bedroom where my uncle and I were discussing fabrics for my new wardrobe.

“Our guest has arrived. I’ve placed him in the parlor so that the two of you may interview him.”

“But surely you will attend, Will.” I said. “I need your help. I’ve never interviewed a prospective employee before and I barely know where to begin.”

“And I’m no help, we all know what sort of blaggards I employ.” said my uncle.

Will, ignoring my uncle and turning to me replied, “I’ll be most happy to assist. Now, come along. It makes a poor impression to be tardy.”

He stepped aside and allowed my uncle and my self to precede him out of the doorway. As my uncle passed him, I heard the distinct sound of a stinging slap landing on his buttocks.

We descended the stairway and entered the parlor where my prospective assistant waited, standing in the center of the room. He was a slender young Negro man of approximately my own age. As tall as I, he had the medium dark skin with reddish tones that is always so attractive. His hair was shorn close to his head and lay in natural waves and he had eyes of a light red brown color. He also wore a pleasant half smile and I immediately warmed to him.

“Please, sit down.” my uncle said indicating one of the many chairs scattered about the room. “Good manners are a sign of breeding but you will find that we are very informal here.”

“This is Philip.” Will said as he drew two chairs together so that they might sit side by side. “Hopefully you will find him as well suited as I do.”

As Philip crossed to sit down I was struck by his almost feline grace of movement.

“I hardly know what to ask you.” I said, seating myself. “I have never employed anyone nor had an assistant before. I suppose I should ask if you have experience in the position.”

“I have experience in a variety of capacities.” Philip said, speaking for the first time. His voice was low and husky but with a sweet timbre. “I have been working from a very early age and I am sure I can meet all of your requirements.”

“Philip was orphaned as a baby.” Will stated.

“You have my sympathies.” I said. “I, too, was orphaned. Do you have empathetic relatives?”

“I have an uncle and several cousins with whom a lodged until I was of an age to work.” Philip replied. “My uncle is a very kind man but I’ve always felt that I must not be a burden on others.”

“An admirable outlook.” my uncle said. “Has Will informed you of what your duties are to be? We are a strictly masculine household and have some customs that others might find unusual. Also, we all tend to be immodest. Would that make you uncomfortable?”

“In the right company, I tend toward the immodest myself.” Philip stated. “Will has told me a great deal about your household and its customs and I think I would fit in well with your routines.”

“I have no further questions.” my uncle said.

“When would you be prepared to begin?” I asked.

“I can start today.” Philip replied.

“I took the liberty of asking Philip to bring his belongings with him, so sure was I that he is the perfect person to fill this position.” Will said.

“So, Will had already decided and he just wanted us to feel we had some input.” my uncle said, pouting. “Did Will also tell you that he beats me?”

“Sometimes physical punishment is the only remedy for a truculent child. Just ignore him, he’s read too many cheap novels.” Will said.

“I see nothing wrong with occasionally beating a mischievous employer.” Philip said, smiling.

“I say, I do believe that you are perfect for this position.” my uncle replied.

“What wages would you request?” I asked, striving to bring the conversation back on topic.

Philip named a sum which even to my untrained ear sounded extremely low.

“Are you sure that you understand the requirements of this job?” I asked. “You will be required to live here and perform as many duties as Will is charged with.”

“It is the rate at which Negroes are usually paid.” Will said.

“What utter nonsense.” I replied. “Philip, do you intend to do less than Will or to be here less often?”

“Most assuredly not!” Philip said, somewhat offended.

“Will, may I ask what my uncle pays you if I’m not being too inquisitive?”

Will named a sum considerably higher than what Philip had requested.

“And do you think that that is a fair salary?” I asked.

“To assist you, it is more than fair.” Will said. “For your uncle, all of the riches of the Orient are sometimes not sufficient recompense.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” my uncle replied.

“Would you be upset if Philip were the same amount as yourself?” I asked.

“Of course not.” Will replied. “A man should be paid what the job is worth.”

“Sir, that’s not how it’s done.” Philip said. “When word gets out it could cause all sorts of trouble for you and myself.”

“Then word must not get out. I know that none of us will be indiscreet Escort bursa so there is nothing to worry about. I have a banker friend who I am sure will be happy to have you as a customer. I’ll arrange to have your salary transferred into your own account monthly and no one except you will have access or know what you possess. Would that be satisfactory?”

I saw that Will slyly gripped Philip’s hand and squeezed it.

“I will do everything possible to be worthy of your trust.” Philip replied. “You are more than kind.”

“Right, then that’s settled.” Will said, drawing Philip up by his arm. “I’ll show you where you may stow your things and then we have work to do. It isn’t easy taking care of these two great layabouts. And you,” he addressed me, “take your poor uncle back and lock him in his room in the attic. He’s been free long enough today.”

“Come, uncle,” I said, “its back to the shackles for you.”

“You see how I’m treated in my own house.” my uncle said to Philip. “I’m a veritable saint to put up with it.”

Philip disappeared with Will and I didn’t see him again until supper time. The house, meanwhile, had been pervaded by appetizing aromas and I deduced that Will was making a celebratory dinner in Philip’s honor.

When my uncle and I were summoned to table we were both all but speechless with the excellent arrangement before us. Fine china, candles, crystal all shone from the beautifully laid table. I could see how pleased my uncle was. I also noticed that there were only three places laid.

We were seated and Will and Philip carried dish after dish of vegetables and roasted meat to set before us. Each dish was beautifully prepared and the aromas were intoxicating.

“I had no idea that you were such an accomplished cook.” I said to Will.

“Much as I’d like to take credit, this is all of Philip’s doing.” Will said. “I was just the none too handy assistant.”

My uncle turned to Philip and said, “For starved prisoners used to a diet of cold potatoes and salt cod prepared by the evil Will, you have no idea how appreciated your labors are. Thank you most heartily.”

“And maybe I’ll cut off your privilege of dining on my cod whenever you feel like it.” Will told my uncle.

Philip smiled and turned to return to the kitchen.

“But where are you going?” my uncle asked him.

“I thought that I would dine in the kitchen.” Philip replied.

“Of course you won’t.” my uncle said. “Such fine food deserves fine conversation and I’m anxious to hear your views on a number of subjects.”

He rose and laid a place setting at his side with all of the precision of the rest of the table.

“Now, sit beside me and protect me from Will’s mindless prattle.” he told Philip.

“That cod is swimming further and further away.” Will said to the table at large.

Our supper was delicious and my uncle and Philip discussed many things, finding a shared interest in fine wines that had them chattering. Will and I looked on, bemused.

When we had all eaten our fill, I stood and began to gather the dirty dishes.

“Here, that’s our job.” Will said as he and Philip got to their feet. “We’ll take care of the clean up and that way we can have a good gossip in the kitchen while you two make yourselves scarce. Off you go.”

He made shooing motions with his hands and my uncle and I retreated to the parlor.

Before we left the room my uncle said to Philip, “Don’t believe anything he tells you about me.”

My uncle had adopted the habit of smoking a Moorish bubble pipe, something of a fad in those days, and we sat in the parlor listening to the vague murmurs, splashes and laughter coming from the scullery.

At length, Will appeared in the doorway, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and hands on hips.

“If your majesty is ready, it’s time for a tubbing.” he said to my uncle.

“Such a scold and so demanding.” my uncle replied.

“If you would prefer, I can leave you to take your own bath at your leisure.” Will said.

My uncle jumped up with alacrity and said, “But of course I’m ready, dear Will. Whatever you say.”

Will looked at me and raised his eyebrows, and then as my uncle passed him he clouted him on the head.

“I don’t know how I’ve resisted the urge to drown him most nights.” Will said, leaving the room.

Shortly after, Philip entered and opened the front windows to dispel the fug of my uncle’s tobacco.

“I shall return when it is time for you to bathe.” he said.

“It really is no trouble for me to attend to my ablutions, if you would prefer.”

“Absolutely not,” he replied, “Will was most emphatic that I attend you and I look forward to the privilege, besides.”

The clamor from the bathroom soon died down and Philip reappeared.

“Your tub is drawn.” he announced and then led me upstairs.

In the bathroom, he helped me to remove my garments and I soon stood nude before him. I was aware of his appraising eyes surveying my body and coming to rest on Antalya escort my cock. As usual, the slightest provocation caused a rush of blood and consequent growth in my groin.

“Most impressive.” Philip said as he helped me into the tub.

He lowered himself to his knees beside the tub and began the ritual of washing my body. As the soapy wash flannel slid over my skin, my cock was even more inspired to unruliness and was soon standing straight up, the top inches cresting the water surface.

“Well, it certainly makes it easier to clean this big fellow.” he said as he grasped my cock and slid a soapy fist up and down the shaft.

“But, look,” I said, “you’re clothing is getting wet from the splashing.”

“Perhaps I should take them off as a preventive measure.” Philip replied.

“That sounds like a very wise move.”

Philip stood up and began to undress and I lay back in the tub to observe. His coat, vest and shirt were shed first and I was pleased to see that he was tightly muscled, his chest flat and cut with the striations below the flesh. His nipples were broad and flat and almost black against his dark skin. He turned his back to me to hang his garments and then loosened his trousers and, bending forward, lowered them. His ass, unveiled, was as magnificent as I had suspected and as he leant forward I could see his tight pucker between his lush hairless cheeks.

When he turned back to face me, I was even more pleased. His body was hairless except for a tiny patch of tight black curls above his cock. His cock was half hard and hung down over six inches covering his tight ball sack. The flesh of his cock and balls was as dark as his nipples and I could see just a hint of pinkness within the furl of his long foreskin.

“How lovely.” I said as he approached the tub and stood over me. “May I touch you?”

“However you wish.” he replied in a low voice.

I grasped the thick column of dark flesh and felt it throb and begin to grow in my fist. Drawing back his foreskin on the rapidly expanding cock I gained my first look at his cock head. As dark as his shaft and foreskin were, his cock head was that light, a beautiful pale rose color that was lighter in tone than my hand.

“How extraordinarily beautiful!” I said, then raising my voice I called out, “Uncle, Will, come here at once!”

Moments later my uncle and Will tumbled nude through the bathroom door, Will clutching a fireplace poker and still sporting an enormous erection.

“What is it? Are you all right?” my uncle asked in an alarmed voice.

“Perfectly fine.” I replied, still grasping Philip’s fully engorged cock in my hand. “I just wanted you to see how beautiful Philip’s cock is. Look at the lovely contrast of the colors.”

My uncle and Will exchanged looks of exasperation and Will said, “I’ve seen it before.”

My uncle said, “I thought we were being invaded by robbers and assassins! It’s a most impressive and comely cock and I’m sure that I’ll be seeing more of it later but you interrupted Will and myself at a most crucial point. You’ll excuse us to resume our activities, I hope.”

With that, they both left the room and I looked at the long column of hard flesh in my hand.

“Well, I think it’s extraordinary, anyway.” I said, looking up at Philip and we both burst into laughter.

“Why don’t you climb into the tub with me and we can both benefit.” I said.

Philip raised a leg to enter the tub and I was excited by the view of his large upright cock swaying over his pendulous balls and the deep valley of his ass crack exposed to view.

When he was seated facing me, we both began to scrupulously wash the other’s body, paying extra attention to cock, balls and ass. Philip squirmed as my fingers soaped the deep valley of his ass and when I slid my soapy hand up and down his fat cock shaft. His fully erect cock was almost the match in dimensions to my own and I was fascinated with exposing and covering the pale head with his foreskin.

He meanwhile lavished expert attention on my own cock and balls, cleaning every crevice.

We rose from the bath and dried each other’s bodies with my uncle’s rough linen towels, cocks arching skyward.

“May I see something?” I asked.

I stepped in front of Philip so that our rampant cocks rested against each other, then grasped them both in my hand. Pressed together, my cock was about an inch longer than Philip’s.

“Mine is the longer but yours is the more beautiful.” I said.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” he replied, running a fingertip over the clear juice leaking from my piss slit and bringing it to his tongue.

I released our cocks and my hands strayed behind to cup his plush buttocks.

“Has Will explained our sleeping arrangements?” I asked.

“He said that I could have the choice of my own room down the hall or I could share the bed that you, he and your uncle sleep in.”

“And what have you decided?” I asked.

“Most assuredly, I wish to share.” he Manavgat escort bayan replied.

“Then, come along, time for bed.” I said, my fingers caressing his deep ass crack.

When we crossed the hall and entered the bedroom we were confronted by my uncle lying on his stomach between Will’s wide spread legs while vigorously sucking Will’s huge cock.

Noticing our arrival, he lifted his mouth and said, “Welcome! I gather we’re to have a new bed mate. I knew that you were a wise young man and a welcome addition to our household. Please, make yourself at home.”

He went back to his ministrations to Will’s steely cock.

“What he’s trying to say,” Will said, “is ‘hop in'”, indicating the unoccupied side of the bed.

My uncle raised his mouth from Will’s cock once more for long enough to say, “And you really do have a most luscious looking cock. I look forward to becoming much more intimately acquainted with its charms.”

“Just finish up with the one you’ve already started on first, Miss Greedy Guts, before you start looking out for another.” Will said.

Philip and I climbed onto the bed. I lay down with my body front nestled against Philip’s back, my throbbing cock resting in the hot crease between his fleshy buns and watched my uncle service Will. My hand drifted down and slowly stroked Philip’s stiff shaft and he arched his back so that his ass pressed harder against me.

Will had had enough of my uncle’s oral service and ready for more strenuous fun. He climbed over my uncle, placed a pillow under his hips and began lubing his cock. When he judged himself suitably anointed, he placed his cock head between my uncle’s ass cheeks and slowly sank his shaft into his hole.

“I hope you are not shocked at my uncle’s favorite hobby.” I said to Philip.

“How can I be shocked when we share an identical taste?” he replied, once more pressing his glorious ass against my straining cock.

“In that case, perhaps you will be just as accepting of a favorite freak of mine.”

I rolled him onto his stomach and positioned myself between his legs. Spreading his meaty cheeks I looked into the deep valley between them at his tiny puckered opening and then slowly lowered my face. Licking his warm crease caused him to raise his hips to spread his ass open wider and when my stiffened tongue sank into his tight hole he grasped his ass cheeks and spread them open for me. The hairless dark flesh closed around my exploring tongue and I reveled in the satin texture of his skin. Each time my tongue pierced his ass ring his hips rose to meet me, offering more of himself.

Finally, I heard him gasp, “Please, put your cock in me!”

“I knew I liked this fellow!” I heard my uncle mutter into his pillow.

I raised myself and rested on my haunches and surveyed the sight before me. Philip’s gorgeous ass laid spread and waiting, the dark fleshy globes glistening with my saliva, beneath his trim waist and broad back. The deep indentation of his ass crack was echoed by the valley running along his spine to his muscular shoulders and again I marveled at the beauty of his dark flesh against the white sheet.

Will handed me the bottle of lubricant and I liberally coated my throbbing cock, and then anointed the delicate rose bud in Philip’s ass. My finger entered him for the first time and I savored the heat and tightness. Philip moaned and pressed his ass to me, striving to get more of my finger inside of him. I withdrew my finger and poised my wide cock head against his tiny opening. The wanton beauty of my thick pale cock nestled between his dark smooth ass cheeks was overwhelming and I almost had an orgasm from the sight.

I pressed my cock against his hole and I felt the tight ring slowly expand around me. In only moments, my cock head had breeched the opening and as my shaft sank into him, he raised his hips again to meet me. The tight chute grasped my thick cock on all sides and surfaces and I could feel the wave like motion of his muscles caressing me, drawing me deeper until my entire length was buried inside of him.

“That’s what I need.” he said. “Fuck me hard.”

Will and my uncle had paused in their own endeavors and were lying beside me watching the show.

I started to slowly move my cock in and out of his clutching hole, savoring the sweetness of his yielding flesh. He spread his legs wider to give me more access so that I could fuck him even deeper, my full balls mashed against his ass and not a hair’s breadth of space between his flesh and mine.

“You fill me perfectly.” he said. “My ass is yours to enjoy.”

I raised myself on my extended arms and looked down between our bodies so that I could watch my thick cock delving into his ebony ass, a sight of unparalleled beauty. My uncle and Will were mesmerized.

The feeling was just too wonderful and I lowered myself onto his back and began plowing into his ass with all of my might. He, too, was overwhelmed by the sheer animal lust that enflamed us and he thrust his hips back to meet my invading cock, stroke for stroke.

I pulled him up so that we were both on our knees and I could pound my cock ever deeper into his stretched hole. I had a perfect view of my cock sliding in and out of him and my uncle and Will both raised up to enjoy the sight.

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