My Career as a Porn Star Ch. 02

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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The story so far:

I was a virgin for long after my husband and I were married. Then we moved into an exclusive gated community which was involved in the movie business and, without realizing the life I would be getting into, we signed the consent forms necessary to attend a comprehensive intraining program to become actors. It was only later while in the program that I learned that it was the porn movie business and I had been earmarked to become a porn star. By that time my whole attitude had changed and I had subjecated my will to that of my husband’s. My only purpose was to please him and make him proud of me. I got pregnant and gave birth but my husband did not allow me to keep the baby – I had to give it to his sister who was barren.

When Larry and I returned from giving my baby to his sister the men in our community and the doctor met with us at the club house. It had been decided that I was to be made pregnant as soon as possible but first it was proposed that I undergo two months of treatments to rearrange my internal organs so that I would be able to accommodate longer penises. These treatments were quite painful and because of my extremely miniature body size – I was only 4 foot, 3 inches tall and weighed 65 pounds – there would be considerable danger but that danger was minimized when done by a qualified doctor. It was important to start the treatments as soon as possible before my body had time to recover from childbirth. The written permission of both Larry and myself was necessary before they could proceed.

We left the room and discussed it. Larry said that he had been promised that if we allowed the procedure he would be given a partnership in the community’s movie operation and, apart from that, the idea of having men with ten to twelve inch penises fucking me really turned him on. If I loved him I would sign the permission form. I had no power to refuse Larry as his love and acceptance was worth any amount of pain and risk. We went back to the group and signed the necessary permission forms.

Immediately I was taken to the examination room and was placed on the table. The doctor showed me a case of 24 shiny stainless steel dildos. They ranged in length from seven inches up to twelve with each one a quarter of an inch longer than the previous one. I was to start with the seven inch one and every second day the next larger one would replace it. I looked at the largest one and the cold hand of fear clutched at my heart. Had I just signed my death warrant? I started to sob quietly but Larry said, “Go for it, doctor. It’s what she wants. She’s just sobbing because she’s nervous.”

The doctor took out the seven inch one, sterilized it and warmed it to body temperature. Then he put an antiseptic ointment on it and inserted it in my cunt. As it was only days since I gave birth and I was still bleeding, this intrusion sent shocks of pain through my whole body. Once it was in he put a harness on me to hold it in place and secured it with a locking device. It would not be removed for two days when it would be time for the next larger one and he was the only one who could remove it.

I was instructed to sit up. The movement of my body put additional pressure on the dildo sending it further up into me. It felt as if it was tearing through the walls of my cunt and I screamed in agony. The doctor said that I must sit and act naturally so that my cunt would stretch as this was just the beginning and each stage was necessary to prepare for the next. I must under no circumstances spend my time lying in bed. Larry helped me to walk out to the main room of the club house and all the members of the community were there to congratulate me. They had been watching the procedure on closed circuit TV.

My neighbor Carole hugged me and whispered in my ear that two years before she had gone through the same treatment and she was glad she had because now she was able to take on more challenging roles.

To show me how versatile she had become she lay down on the table and asked her husband to show me her capacity. She spread her legs and he put lubricant on his right hand and then inserted his fist into her cunt. He kept putting it in until it was well past his wrist and then he just kept pushing it in still further until I could see her thin stomach bulging up. She began to groan and one of the men gave her his penis to suck. As her husband fist fucked her with his right hand he worked her clitoris with his left and she sucked until she had a load to swallow. He withdrew his fist and then he put his erect penis in and fucked her with demonic fury until she reached a screaming climax. The cameras continued to record as the others in the room who had become aroused took their turns. In spite of my pain my cunt muscles began to pulsate against my dildo as I imagined myself someday being able to please my masters in such a manner.

Larry took me home and when we were in bed he told me how proud he was of me and that, in spite of my child-like body, I was becoming all that a man could want. He Tipobet then had me suck him dry of all his fluids. My love for him knew no bounds and it seemed to grow greater with each hardship I had to endure. I now knew what Carole had meant so long ago when she told me that she would do anything for her husband – even give her life if required. Life in the community seemed to be really conducive to making marriages stronger. It was many hours before the pain eased enough for me to drift off to sleep.

The next morning pain radiated out from my dildo into all parts of my being and my head swirled when I attempted to stand up. But Larry said that I must get up and go to the club house for a morning shoot. Surely they would leave me alone in my suffering. I prayed it would be so but it was not to be. He helped me to shower and make myself ready. I cried as I expressed my gratitude for his help and I promised him that I would try my best to do everything that he asked.

He helped me walk the short distance to the club house where the camera men were already in place. He was firm in his demands that I walk straight and proud even though that cruel steel invader was making each step a searing torment.

The men all watched as I got up on the table while the doctor checked my dildo to be sure that it was fully inserted. Then I had to remove all my clothes. With only the harness which held the dildo in place I was blindfolded and a collar was placed around my neck. I was instructed to get down on my hands and knees. I was led by a chain attached to my collar to the first man I was to serve. He placed his cock at my lips and told me to do my magic.

Permission was granted for me to use my hands and I cradled his scrotum and began to lick up the underside of the penis towards its velvety head. With long juicy licks I worked it over until I felt it begin to tense. He grabbed me by the back of my head and pushed himself into me as he shot his load. Gulping, I managed to swallow and lick him clean before I was jerked away to the next penis. This time I had to begin by taking the whole scrotum in my mouth, gently sucking and rolling my tongue around it. I did this until I was told to get busy and show my cock sucking ability. It was a very thick one and my jaw ached as I had to work on it with it fully inserted in my mouth. Another load to swallow.

I was overcome with waves of dizziness and I was thankful for the chain which dragged me from one duty station to the next as I was sure that I would not have been able to walk. I lost count of how many cocks I pleasured before I was given a break. I just sank to the floor and I must have dozed off or fainted because when I came to I was being rolled over on my back and someone was sucking on my tits. My cunt started contractions on my dildo and I reached a climax. My first since I gave birth.

On the third day the doctor replaced my dildo with the next larger one. Surprisingly enough this one was no more painful than the first one had been but he assured me that each larger one would put greater demands on me and when it got to the largest ones organs within me would be required to adjust and pain was a sign that the adjustment was proceeding as it should. I looked forward to the challenge and I hoped that Larry would be pleased with me.

To help my tiny body to adjust I was forced to do sitting exercises and much walking. Every four hours my breasts were sucked dry and the contractions that I felt at these times seemed to make my body more accepting of my stainless steel companion which never left me except to be replaced by an even more brutal one. Each day I was required to exercise by being led around on my hands and knees. Usually I was presented with cocks to suck. During all these times the cameras continued to record my degradation as the doctor said if I survived and did not suffer permanent injury they would make it into an instructional film to sell to other movie makers.

It took more than the two months but the day came for the insertion of the largest of the dildos. This one was 12 inches long and 2 1/4 inches in diameter. As it was being inserted I watched in fascination as its progress could be followed by observing the moving bulge in my stomach.

Two days later it was removed. I was so happy to have been able to survive the treatment and I hoped that the community would be pleased with me. All during this time my enlarged tits were being regularly sucked. I looked forward to having this done as often it caused me to have an orgasm

A celebratory reception was held to mark my completion of the stretching and repositioning of my internal organs. Six very well hung extras were brought in for the occasion and, in addition to the fifteen men who were regular members of our community, that made twenty-one men for me to serve. We were assured that the six extras had been thoroughly tested for any health problems so it was ‘bare back’ all the way as it had always been for me. And it would be an additional bonus if I was Tipobet Giriş made pregnant in spite of the fact that I was kept lactating.

I was filled with anticipation as I had not been fucked in the cunt for over two months and I had a desperate need to be filled. Larry and Carole helped me prepare. I showered and applied just a little make-up. Carole did my hair in two pony tails and she brought a cute little school girl costume with a short pleated skirt and bobby socks. I was stunned when I looked in the mirror. The reflected image was not the woman who had spent the last months in continuous pain but that of an innocent school girl – every inch a virgin.

Everyone clapped as I entered the club room. I went around and welcomed the six extras and told them I hoped they would have a pleasant visit and then I was given a basket filled with cards on which the numbers one to twenty-one were marked. One of the community men went to the microphone and explained the program for the evening. I was to go around and offer each man a card from the basket and that was the order in which they would be entertained.

As I went around with my basket of cards I could see that many of the men already had massive erections and I could feel the juices flowing from my cunt. When I got up on the fucking platform it was announced for number one to come and be entertained.

One of the extras held up his card and quickly joined me. He presented me with the largest penis I had ever seen and told me to suck it. I opened my mouth as wide as I could but I could barely get its head in so I licked around its glans and sucked on as much of it as I could. This did not seem to please him as he pulled my panties off and shoved me on my back. He pushed his wet cock into me with one long hard stroke. It went even farther than the largest dildo and I shrieked with pain and surprise at this sudden assault but I opened as wide as I could and he drove in and out of me with strong regular strokes. As pain merged into pleasure I found myself rising to meet each stroke not caring if it would tear me to shreds. All I wanted was more and more fucking.

And more and more fucking I got as I worked through all the numbers on the cards. I was required to suck and fuck each and every man as if he was the only one I was going to have. I eagerly rose up to meet their cocks as they drilled into and stretched my cunt until I was sure that I would die. But none of that seemed to matter – there was only my need to be filled with their cocks and filled with their juices. When number 21 was finished the whole room rose up and clapped. The announcer said that it had been a good show but did anyone want an encore.

I didn’t think I would be able in spite of my urge to comply but the doctor came and checked my pulse and offered me a drink. Eagerly I took it and lay back on the platform hoping for a few minutes rest. The doctor opened my legs. I tried to reach out and clasp his hand to thank him but I was unable to move. I could still see and hear and feel but I could not speak or move. I was paralyzed. Perhaps one of the cocks had pierced a vital organ and I was dying.

Those wishing an encore came and used me. The fact that I was unable to respond seemed to make them more brutal towards me. It was as if they no longer thought of me as a young woman but only a cunt to be fucked and filled. Over and over and over and over again. Never ending pain radiated out from my cunt relentlessly pounding my senses until I lost consciousness of everything else. There was nothing else . . . . I was in another dimension. One of total peace and tranquility.

. . . .

The sting of cold metal on my vagina brought me back. The doctor had inserted a specula into me and was checking for damage. My body was wracked with silent sobs but I tried to be still. I desperately wanted them to be pleased with me.

“She’s bruised and bleeding but there seems to be no serious perforations or tears. I would say that she might be able to stand another hour or so but I would strongly advise against it.”

Larry came and helped me walk into the projection room to see the first cuts of my performance. Fascinated I watched those huge cocks tearing into my cunt and then there was a close up of my stomach showing how it bulged up each time a cock was driven in. At last I saw the procession of men driving in and out of my inert, paralyzed body. While I watched my cunt started to throb and I asked Larry if he would please make love to me as I needed to feel him deep inside me. He kissed me and very gently he entered me and with a slow and steady rhythm brought me to a screaming climax.

He took me home, bathed me and put me to bed. Before I drifted off to sleep he told me that I would have to be up early as the extras had been hired for three days and I still had scenes two and three to be filmed.

The following days are a pain-filled blur as I tried to follow instructions and please my tormentors but never once did I ask for release because Tipobet Güncel Giriş I knew that Larry wanted me to keep working. He wanted me to be the central star in the extreme sex movie business and my love for him made me incapable of independent thought.

Finally the movie was completed and the extras were let go. I was carried home and cleaned and allowed to rest. I was unable to get out of bed for a week. The doctor put me on intravenous as I had lost the ability or desire to eat. He examined me internally and secured the largest stainless steel dildo up in my body so that as I healed my capacity to accommodate huge penises would not be lost. Each day he came and removed it to make sure that infection had not set in but each day it was put back. Every few hours Larry sucked my tits dry because they still wanted me to be able to produce milk. I craved the feeling of closeness that this act created between us. Miraculously I survived and when the week was over I was able to get up and walk stiffly around the house – still with the harness holding the dildo firmly in place.

I was so thankful to have such a caring husband to take care of me and each time we were together I apologized for not being a better wife. I was so sorry that the dildo prevented having him from using my cunt but I sucked him off every opportunity I got. It was the least I could do.

In the coming months I was tested to the limits of my endurance as the community struggled to fill the orders that were flooding in for more and more movies of that tiny porn star taking huge cocks in every way imaginable. Pain became my constant companion as each week I would be involved in a couple of shoots which were becoming more and more creative.

Then it was confirmed that once more I was pregnant. I wondered how my body with its internal organs all rearranged would be able to cope with this additional challenge but I knew it was what the community wanted. There had been a great demand for pregnant shoots of me the last time I was pregnant and this time with my ability to take even larger penises and the fact that I had never been allowed to stop lactating, they felt that the sky was the limit.

Larry alerted his sister to prepare for a new baby because when I gave her my first one my next baby had also been promised to her.

As my stomach grew to gigantic proportions I continued to star in short shoots with well hung leading men. In some of the movies I was treated with respect but as my time grew near the theme of the movies became more and more of degradation. In one the opening shot was of me on my hands and knees tied in a stall with a halter around my head. A rope was attached to the halter and it tied me to the manger. My tits and stomach hung down almost touching the floor and my shaved vaginal area bulged out as if I was about to give birth at any minute. Then a naked man arrived, untied me and led me out to a paddock where I was led – still on my hands and knees – around for inspection.

One man motioned for me to stop in front of him and he poked and prodded me with the handle of a whip. I pulled back and then he began to whip me on the bare back and hips. Each time I was struck I had to give the count and say ‘thank you for discipling me, kind sir’. I was struck twenty times and then he mounted me from behind. I struggled to stay on my knees because if I fell down my stomach would be crushed. He pulled back to show his entire length and then plunged the whole thing into me as the camera zoomed in on my yielding cunt. Pounding music drownded out my cries and it hit a crescendo as he shot his load into me. The final shot was of him pulling a flaccid cock out and streams of sticky white cum oozing out of my bulging hole.

I was led around once more until another man signaled for me to stop. This time I was thankful that he did not feel it was necessary to discipline me but he made me lie on my back and fucked me from the front. My nose was burried deep in his chest and I struggled to breathe as he pummeled me and then lay with his full weight collapsed on my burdened body. Relief came only when a third man came and said that it was his turn to breed the filly.

This relief was short lived. He made me get on my hands and knees and endure another fucking to the strains of the pounding music. This time I felt myself responding and the music drowned out my screams as I orgasmed over and over again. The final shot was of me lying on my back with the halter still on my head, my stomach bulging high above me, a blissful smile on my face and cupfuls of cum oozing out of my well fucked cunt.

That night I gave birth to my second child – a boy – which my husband promptly took away from me to give to his sister. She now had a family of two but she still had a few to go before she had her ‘ideal’ family.

Immediately after the birth the doctor inserted the largest of the dildos so that the repositioning of my internal organs would not be lost as he hoped in the coming weeks to continue to increase my capacity up to 14 inches so that I would be able to fuck the very largest of cocks. I was willing to undergo this treatment because I believed it would make my shoots less painful and, also, because I knew it was what Larry wanted. It was my way of showing my love for him.

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