My Beginning!

10 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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The people are real, I’ve changed their names for privacy reasons!

I’m not sure where to begin so I’ll begin with my wedding. Married young, at the time I had just turned 20 and madly in love with my man John. He was handsome, 5 years older than me he worked on construction that gave him a muscular build, and suntanned from working out doors most of the time. We left our reception early to drive to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon where he had book us into the honeymoon suite of a holiday Inn.

We were both well liquored from the reception and he made the trip in just over three and a half hours, he checked us into the hotel and rode the elevator to the top floor. The room was lovely with flowers for me and a complimentary bottle of wine, I drank most of the wine as John had brought his own case of beer with him as he was an avid beer drinker. The room had a large spacious bed and the biggest bath tub I’d ever seen at the time, a ‘hot tub’ I was told. The sex that night was wonderful, within minutes we were both naked and he fucked me good. We did it a few more times over the night into the wee hours, I gave him oral, he loved that and to see his naked body was a real turn on for me, so muscular and brown from the sun, with that pale area of startling white at his mid section where his shorts had been, and with white ankles and feet from his work socks and boots.

It was an awesome week, we dined out a lot, sex morning, noon and night in every position imaginable, visited the museums about the history of the falls, people who went over them in barrels, even visited the American side to see them from there, had a ride on the ‘Maid of the Mist’ up to the cascade of water pouring over them. It was truly a wonderful time that just seemed to fly by so quick before we knew it our week was up and we were heading back home.

Living with John there was a lot I had to get used to, he liked his meals on time and to keep the house spic and span, and if I had to go out for any reason he demanded to know why and where I was going. If it took longer than he thought it should be he’d question me about why it took so long. He still liked stopping for a beer with his buddies after work so I could never be sure when he would be home, yet I was supposed to have his supper ready as soon as he came home.

I was soon pregnant, and in a short period, about three and a half years had all three of my children and after the third, (the boy he wanted) had a tuba ligation done as neither of us wanted more. Having the three babies so quick kept me very busy for a few years till they got old enough to go to a babysitter and I could go back to work.

I also stopped drinking as much staying home with the kids, and couldn’t get out as much as I would have liked. John’s drinking got worse, even when he was laid off work during the winter months his beer had to take priority so it was often difficult for me to make ends meet. That started the arguments and he seemed to make a point in finding fault with anything I did, particularly when he was hung over and he stated to slap me around.

Once the kids were in bed it got worse, the beatings got to become more regular for any reason he imagined, at first with his hands slapping my face, then putting me over his knees to spank me. After a spanking he would fuck me as it turned him on, he would just turn me over and take me from behind Esenyurt Escort Bayan and as a result I got little pleasure from the sex. Then once he was done I’d just be dumped and he would go back to his beer, watching TV or whatever. The only sexual pleasure I got was from my own hand in the bath, or any time he wasn’t around.

At least he liked sports, as they got old enough he out the kids into Soccer in the summer, and in the winter Ice Skating for the girls and Hockey for our son. As it happened our son seemed to be a natural athlete and learned to skate like the wind and became an excellent hockey player, the best in his age group in our system and as a result made the best competitive team. It was a male thing here in Canada where Hockey ruled, and men would brag about how good their kid was.

Sometimes when he went away to tournaments for a weekend I could have fun with my girls, and enjoyed it when he was gone, although he would often phone home to see what I was doing. It was just an excuse to check up on me and give me any instructions he could think off. My son enjoyed these excursions with his dad too, the only thing was the girls never got to go anywhere with him, and he didn’t seem too interested in their Soccer games in the summer.

The girls were into Girl Guides that they loved, and it so happened that one year my son was playing summer Hockey and was going to a tournament in Toronto with his dad, and the girls were going to a summer camp over the same weekend. For the first time I would be by myself for the whole weekend. The only problem was John would have the car for the drive to Toronto and I would be without, Still I had some money hidden away and was determined to make the best of it and get out for a bit.

Helga was a lady from some European country, who I got to know when the kids were small as when I went back to work she became their baby sitter. Her English wasn’t too good, when she wanted a favor she would make it sound like an order, she would say things like, “I vant (want)you to go vid (with) me to town for…” Still she was a sweetheart and she only had her baby sitting to make some money, but after her husband passed away found a job in a factory. We kept in touch and would phone one another on occasion to chat, and sometimes when out shopping we would meet for coffee.

It was the summer when I was 38 and I phoned her and told her how I was going to be alone for a whole weekend for the first time since I’d been married, she was a tall buxom lady about 15 – 18 years older than me. She suggested we could go out to a movie or for a drink or whatever, and when I told her didn’t have a car as John had gone to Toronto with it, said not to worry as she would pick me up.

On the Friday night we went to a Country and Western bar where we could have a drink and watch people dancing. For the first time in my life I saw ‘line dancing’ where people got up in a line and were doing the same steps to the music, I’d never heard about such a thing before but found it entertaining. We were both asked to dance by men and I only did the normal dances, as I didn”t know the steps for the line dances.

We left about midnight and Helga dropped me off at home and once inside checked the answering machine and was relieved to find there was no messages from John for me. Helga phoned around lunchtime to see if I wanted to go shopping Avcılar Escort Bayan but I declined as I was sure he would call sometime as he always did when away like that, but said I would call her later. The phone rang around 4 PM and it was John telling me our sons team had won all their games, so would be in the semi final on the Sunday morning, then if they won that would play in the final later that afternoon. This meant he wouldn’t be home till Sunday afternoon at the earliest.

I was elated and immediately phoned Helga and gave her the good news and we arranged to go out to supper, then go back to that bar for the evening. On the way there I got her to drop by my bank so I could get some money out to treat us both, I had kept my bank account from before I was married and glad I did, as it permitted me to stash away some money whenever I got the chance. After we got married we had a joint bank account and fortunately for me John relied on me to look after all financial matters like Insurances, Phone and Hydro bills, as well as paying the mortgage on out house. so each of my paydays after I went back to work I was able to put away a few dollars without him suspecting.

During dinner the conversation started with her asking me about my children, and she told me about hers then onto our marriages. Hers was so different from mine with her husband being more considerate, and I began telling her how mine deteriorated with time into the abusive position I now found myself in. She said how lonely she’d been since losing her husband, and decided to put her house up for sale and move to Toronto where she could live with one of her sisters.

After a leisurely meal we went to the C & W bar and although it was early it was already quite full. We found a booth along one wall and settled down ordering drinks and listening to the music. Some of the women were wearing cowboy type blouses, flared ‘cowgirl’ skirts with fancy designs round the pockets, and cowboy boots. I thought it was rather fetish and when they got up to do the line dances together looked rather cute I thought. We also had our share of dances with men who asked us but declined some offers to join them, or for them to join us at our table.

No doubt some would recognize me and my husband would hear about it, I thought “what the hell,” if he does I’m sure to get a beating, but I’ve had so many it didn’t matter as I could take it. We stayed till after midnight and we both felt quite merry and Helga drove us home to her house where she invited me in for a night cap.

She poured us both drinks and played some music on her stereo, and we kind of danced to it trying to imitate the line dances we’d seen and laughing and joking and just having fun. I don’t remember how long I stayed but as we’d both had quite a bit to drink suggested I stay the night. She stripped and put on her night gown, and me to just my panties and we got into her bed. I curled up on my side and she was behind me, I felt her closeness as she curled up her knees behind mind and said, ” that ‘vas’ a lot of fun.” She placed a hand on my shoulder and I didn’t move, a few minutes later felt her start to caress me. Just ever so lightly at first her fingers in a curling motion on my shoulder then to move up and down my upper arm.

It felt good, it had been so long since my husband had shown any emotion towards me, foreplay with him was long forgotten. Her caress was arousing me but I didn’t know what to do. She was whispering in my ear something like how long it had been for her sine she had anybody to love, or make love to her, I felt her breath on the back of my neck she was so close to me. Her hand moved up to my neck and again so lightly she let her fingers wander over and slowly start moving down over my upper chest, back and forth up to my neck and down again each time going a bit lower till she was caressing my tits.

It felt so good I partially turned onto my back which gave her more access to my body, her fingers moved all around my breasts and than with her fingers and thumb apart took hold of one breast in her hand so my nipple was touching the palm of her hand then she slowly brought them up till they came together at my nipple where she gripped it and pulled on it slightly. The pleasure surging through me was awesome, my nipples were rock hard as she did this to both my breasts. She was leaning up on one elbow looking down at me as she caressed me, we made eye contact and I saw she was smiling at me and cupping a tit in her hand leaned over to kiss my nipple, then take it in her mouth to suckle it.

She did one then the other and it wasn’t long before I gave out a cry as I had an orgasm, I couldn’t believe it, just by playing with my tits alone she had made me cum, never in my life before had this ever happened to me. She let me have my moment smiling down at me, knowing full well what she had done to me. Instinctively I put a hand up to touch her on her cheek, and she took my hand in hers and kissed my palm then sat up and removed her nightgown and panties, then pulled my panties off me before settling down beside me and taking me in her arms.

I was starved for affection, it had been so long before anyone held me like this I responded in kind, tits pressing against one another, thighs intertwined as we french kissed, tongues exploring each others mouths. Our hands explored each others pussy and Helga took the initiative, gently pushing me onto my back and got on top of me like a man would and I automatically opened my legs to accommodate her. As she brought her pussy to meet mine I thought, “I wish you had a cock” but as she started to pump me was glad she didn’t, her clit on mine as she humped me was far better than any cock could have been I was moaning and crying from the pleasure surging through me before exploding from the most beautiful orgasm.

The best part was she kept going, bringing me again and again before collapsing beside me, still holding me as my body returned to almost normal. I didn’t know what to say, I was speechless as all I knew was I wanted to please her too, and began with her tits, just as she had pleased me only our mouths were locked together, our tongues exploring each other. I moved down to take her tits on my mouth as my hand found her pussy all wet and open as I fingered her giving her her first climax before climbing on top to fuck her the way she had done me, her vocality was music to my ears as I knew I was pleasuring her as she had done me.

We continued for how long I don’t know, till exhausted we both feel asleep in each other arms and didn’t wake up till after noon the next day. We shared a bath before going out for a late lunch after which she dropped me off at home. Reality hit as I automatically checked the voice mail on the phone, and heard his angry voice asking me where the hell I was not to answer the phone. My thought was strange, I didn’t feel afraid just I didn’t really didn’t give a fuck what he was going to do about it.

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