Mutual Gratification

1 Mayıs 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Bo smiled and laughed as his sister-in-law’s husband Al made a joke. It was after 9 pm on Friday evening. Bo and his wife Jan were visiting Jan’s sister Kathy and her husband Al for the weekend. Bo had never been a big fan of these visits, but it made Jan happy, so he had tolerated them. This trip, however, had the potential of being much more interesting than any of the previous trips.

Bo had thought Kathy was attractive from the first time he’d met her. However, he’d never thought seriously about acting on it for the obvious reason that he was married to her sister, and that he was getting all the sex he wanted from his wife. Now, four years and a baby into marriage, the second reason was fading. Jan was still a good, eager, lover, but the addition of a baby to their home consumed much of her time and energy which resulted in the couples’ sexual activity becoming less and less frequent. This had led Bo to begin fantasizing about a number of women, including Kathy.

It might have ended there if not for a problem that Kathy and Al were having. They’d been married ten years and had been trying to have a child for half that time. From Jan, Bo knew that Al’s lack of sexual energy and staying power were a major factor, as was the doctor’s description of his sperm as “weak.” This had led to a great deal of frustration for both of them, especially for Kathy.

Six weeks prior to the current visit, Al and Kathy had been visiting Bo and Jan. Bo had risen early to go for a walk and Kathy had met him in the kitchen and asked if she could join him. He had agreed and they had started out around the neighborhood. At first, they made small talk and he snuck peaks at her swaying hips which were covered by a pair of shorts that looked like they could have been painted on. After several minutes, she looked at him and asked, “Enjoying the view?”

He had blushed and stuttered and stammered, but to his surprise she had laughed. Kathy was usually very serious, reserved, and frankly, sometimes bitchy. In his dreams, this hard shell dissolved into a wild, out of control lover. However, until now, he’d never seen anything other than her reserved side.

He still hadn’t replied to her comment, so she asked again, “Do you like what you see?”

He answered, “You’re, um, very attractive.”

She smiled again, and said, “That’s not exactly what you were thinking.”

He smiled back and said, “No. It wasn’t.”

Kathy had then told him of her desire for a child and had basically confirmed what he had heard, that it didn’t appear Al was capable of giving her one. She explained that they didn’t have the money for adoption or in vitro, and that Al had basically given up. She said, “We could both get something we want. You could get some sex and you could give me a baby.”

Bo must have looked at her like she was an alien, because she laughed aloud at his expression. Finally, he stammered, “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” she answered, “It’s simple. You want to get laid and I want a baby. Both of us are grown ups. We’re not going to leave our spouses or do anything crazy. We’re simply providing services to each other.”

“I dunno, Kat. If Al or Jan found out, there’d be hell to pay,” Bo replied.

“They won’t,” she said confidently, “I’ve got a plan. They’ll never know what happened.”

His mind had raced and his heart had pounded. He knew in his head that he should say no on principle because he cared for Jan and their baby and had no desire to lose them. However, the lusty, risk taking side of him was already imagining what it would be like to stroke his penis in and out of her. He made a few more half hearted excuses, but ultimately he told her that if she could ensure that Al and Jan never found out, he would be willing. Kat smiled broadly and thanked him. She then told him that she would suggest that he and Jan come to visit them in several weeks during her next ovulation cycle. She told him she would suggest to Jan that they leave the baby with his parents so they could go out without having to worry about the baby’s schedule. Finally, she told him that she would arrange some time for the two of them to be alone. As they arrived back at the house, she winked, licked her lips, and said, “Thank you.”

Bo thought about it all day. When he showered that night, he had gotten hard thinking about being with Kathy and had ended up jacking off imagining his cock slamming in and out of her.

The next morning as Kathy and Al prepared to go home she had suggested to Jan that just the two of them come down several weeks later. Jan had asked his opinion and he’d agreed to go.

The weeks had passed quickly, and before Bo knew it, he and Jan were dropping their daughter with his parents and heading off for a weekend with Kathy and Al. On the drive, his mind had raced, wondering if Kathy would try to get him alone, and what he would do if she did. Part of him hoped that Kathy had forgotten or gotten cold feet. Another, baser, side of him hoped she hadn’t and strongly desired to make konyaaltı escort love with her. These feelings had swirled through his mind all through dinner and the early evening. So far, nothing had happened. Kathy hadn’t even looked at him askance. He had begun to think she’d forgotten.

Just then, she stood up and asked if anyone would like a glass of water. Everyone did and she went to the kitchen to get it while the other three talked. She returned shortly with a bowl of popcorn and four glasses of water. The four continued talking as they munched popcorn and laughed.

After about twenty minutes, Al and Jan seemed to begin to lose focus. It was barely noticeable at first, but as the minutes ticked by, their attention seemed to drift. Jan began to yawn and Al was blinking steadily. Kathy continued to talk with Bo as if she didn’t notice. Bo, by now suspected something was going on, but wasn’t quite sure what. By this time, Al had settled back in his recliner and was half asleep. Jan was trying unsuccessfully not to nod off. Kathy then said loudly, “Well, I guess its bedtime, huh? C’mon Al, get ready for bed.” With effort, she woke him and helped him up. He mumbled good night as she led him down the hall. Bo shook Jan and she jumped. “Let’s go to bed,” he said. She mumbled her assent, and he helped her up. She leaned against him, stumbling like a drunk as he guided her to the guest room. Like a robot, she undressed and put on her nightgown.

“G’night,” she slurred as she practically fell into bed.

“Good night,” Bo said as he tucked her in.

He turned and headed for the bathroom, half expecting Kathy to be in the hall. She wasn’t, so he brushed his teeth, peed, and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of cotton athletic shorts. He felt sure that Kathy had done something to Jan & Al’s drinks, but she had said nothing and made no sign to him. He had almost convinced himself that she had backed out as he washed his hands and face and turned out the bathroom light. As he stepped into the hall, he looked toward the den and his jaw dropped. Kathy was standing by the sofa in a thin robe watching him. The robe, backlit by the den light, was sheer, and he inhaled sharply as his eyes took in her curves. She smiled softly and beckoned him with one finger.

His heart pounded and he swallowed hard, but he didn’t hesitate. As he walked into the den, she smiled a soft, devilish smile that he’d never seen. It softened her features and made her that much prettier. She was sipping a glass of wine and offered one to him. He took it, whispering, “You’re not going to put me to sleep too are you?”

Kathy winked and shook her head. “They’ll sleep until morning, guaranteed,” she said, “and no, there’s none in your drink. I have different plans for you.” The last she said with another wink and a come hither smile. She refilled her wine glass, then reached over and took his hand. They both jumped a bit at the touch, but then Kathy smiled and led him toward the stairs to the basement. Part of it was unfinished, but the back half had been finished out and contained another den, a bedroom, and a bath. Kathy turned out the light in the unfinished portion of the basement and led him through the den which was lit only with a night light. She led him into the bedroom and he looked around in wonder. The only light came from candles placed strategically around the room. Soft jazz played from a hidden speaker and intoxicating incense burned in a small pot. The queen size bed was surrounded by gauzy shrouds and held a number of pillows and cushions.

Bo whistled softly. “You went all out,” he said softly. She nodded, smiled, and placed her glass on the dresser. She moved close to him, standing directly in front, almost touching him. She was several inches shorter than he, about 5’5.” She reached out and took his hand lightly and stared up into his eyes. Her eyes were big and brown. Her face, which he had often thought of as severe, seemed softer tonight. Her lips weren’t full, but they shown with lip gloss and were upturned in a gentle smile which showed off dimples that he’d never noticed. Kathy’s face was framed by short, reddish brown hair. Her skin tone was fairly light, but darker than most redheads.

“What are you looking at?” she whispered.

“You’re face,” he replied. “I’ve never noticed how pretty your smile is.”

“Thank you,” she said with just a hint of a blush, “Are you ready?”

He nodded. “Yes. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Her eyes locked on his as she nodded and whispered, “Yes.” Then standing on her tip toes and leaning forward until he could feel her breasts through their clothing she sighed, “I want you to cum inside me.”

Bo’s eyes dilated and his nostrils flared as his smoldering desire for Kat became a raging fire. She let go of his hands and pressed herself against him as she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her against him and found her lips with his. She kissed him firmly, almost immediately parting her lips and using her tongue on kültür escort his. Her kisses were deep and her tongue seemed to dance in his mouth. He ran his hands down her arms and over her back, admiring her firm body. His hands came to rest on her hips and he slowly let them slide over her butt. It was round and full and he loved the feel of it through the thin sheer that she wore.

Kat’s fingers massaged his arms and back, alternately rubbing and scratching lightly. She was breathing faster and Bo could feel her heart pounding. As the intensity of their kissing increased, she began to grind herself against his crotch. He responded as his penis began to thicken.

Bo’s hand squeezed Kat’s butt firmly and she sighed deeply, wiggling it even more in his hands. She broke their kiss and began to nuzzle his neck, licking and sucking lightly. He shivered with pleasure as he rubbed the back of his hands over her flanks, giving her goose bumps and causing her to press her body to him more firmly. She kissed him again and then began to push his shirt up. He helped her, pulling it over his head in one quick motion. Her fingertips went to his chest and moved all over it, pressing and rubbing lightly. His fingers found the sash to her robe and untied it slowly, letting it flutter to the floor. Next, his hands pushed the robe open and found her slim waist. He ran them from her waist, down over her hips and back, slowly pulling her back to him as he did so. She pressed her pussy against his shorts, now beginning to bulge with his semi-rigid cock. Bo moaned softly as he felt warmth radiating from Kathy’s vagina. She looked up at his face and smiled. Her lips teased his and she whispered, “You ok?”

He nodded and smiled. “I feel great,” he said, smacking her bottom playfully, “and so do you.” She yelped, then giggled. When she did, her breasts shook slightly, attracting his gaze. Kathy’s breasts were full and firm. Her red aureoles had goose bumps on them and her nipples were almost completely erect. She followed his eyes, then met his gaze. Slowly, she slipped the robe from her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. He was totally mesmerized. Without a word, she took his hands, squeezed them, and then kissed them. Then, she placed his hands on her shoulders and took them on a guided tour of her body. As she guided his hands over her breasts, she squeezed, encouraging him to do the same. He did, kneading her firm breasts and feeling her nipples pressing into his palms. After several long seconds, she moved his hands lower, moving down her sides and over her taut belly. She guided his hands back over her hips and butt, encouraging him with her hands to squeeze and rub. She left his right hand there, guiding his left one back around her waist and pushing it gently lower. His fingers move through her thick red bush, and finally to her vagina. Kathy looked up at him as she guided his hand to rub. Bo didn’t need much encouragement. He could feel the heat and moisture emanating from inside her. He rubbed slowly and gently, guided by her hand and met by her hips which began to respond by pushing her into his fingers. Without removing his hand, she slowly began to step back toward the bed. As she reached edge, she reluctantly pulled his hand away and kissed it. She sat on the side, spread her legs, looked up at him with pure desire, and beckoned him to come closer.

Bo stood in front of Kat as she sat o the edge of the bed. She put her hands on his waist and began to kiss his stomach. He sighed and ran his hands through her auburn hair. Next, she ran her nails around the waistband of his shorts, causing him to jump and chuckle. She looked up and grinned, then took the waist band and pulled it down, careful not to hit his erection. His shorts slid to the floor and she looked up into his eyes. They nearly popped out of his head when Kat reached out and began to lightly stroke his shaft and kiss his head. He moaned, his eyes fixed on his penis as she ministered to it. His penis, already erect, stiffened even further and he unconsciously arched his back, pushing it toward her even more.

After several seconds, Kathy pushed away so that she was in the middle of the bed. He shook his head to get his composure and she smiled wantonly. Then she did something that made Bo’s heart skip a beat. She turned over and got on her hands and knees. She turned and around and grunted, “Stay there, and don’t you dare stroke your cock.” He did as she asked and he watched as she reached between her legs and began to rub her pussy. Bo groaned. Kat rubbed steadily, easily pushing her fingers into her vagina. She sighed and moaned softly. Bo was entranced by the sight, sound, and scent of it. He yearned to stroke himself, but with effort, he waited.

Kat looked back again and smiled. “Good,” she purred, “Since you waited, why don’t you help me?” With that, she pushed herself back until her knees were barely on the bed and her pussy was inches from his cock.

Bo’s tongue was so thick he couldn’t speak. He reached out and grabbed markantalya escort Kathy’s hips and squeezed as he maneuvered himself into position. He leaned over, running his hands down to cup and caress her breasts. She moaned as he pulled and lightly pinched her nipples. As he did this, he rubbed his penis against the warm, wet lips of her vagina. After several seconds, he stood up and caressed her butt, guiding his erection into her with his left hand. Both of them moaned as he entered her pussy. He let just the head of his penis into her, slowly sliding it in and out of her engorged pussy lips. She moaned huskily, pushing back and forcing him in deeper. He grunted with pleasure, slowly stroking deeper into her. His hands kneaded her firm hips as his cock plowed in and out. The sight of his erection sliding in and out of her from behind was incredibly erotic and it drove him to push deeper and faster.

Kat moaned loudly, then reached back to massage her clitoris. The combination of his stroking cock and her finger were driving her wild. She moaned again as she felt a long overdue orgasm approaching. She looked back at Bo and panted, “I’m gonna cum. Can you wait?”

He nodded and said, “Yeah,” closing his eyes and trying to do long division in his head to divert his mind and body from the pleasure coursing through the head of his penis.

Kat’s fingers moved harder against her throbbing clit and she bucked harder against Bo’s fucking. In seconds, her first orgasm hit her. She stiffened, moaning a deep in her throat and hissing, “Yes, ohhhhhhmyfuckinggod! Yessssssssss!!!!!!!!” With that her body spasmed and she let out a long cry of ecstasy.

It was all Bo could do to hold his cum back as Kat’s pussy clinched on his cock and he watched and heard her climax. Slowly, she pulled her impaled pussy off of his penis. For a moment, she lay in a heap and for a brief second, he wondered if she was done. After a moment, she rolled onto her back and grinned up at him, saying softly, “That felt so fuckin’ good. I haven’t had one of those in too long. Can I have another?” With that, she pushed herself back on the bed until her head was on the pillow and spread her legs, again beckoning him to come to her.

Bo knelt on the bed beside her. He leaned over and kissed her and she responded with hunger, pulling him to her. He broke the kiss and nuzzled her neck, licking and sucking, making her squirm and moan. His mouth moved steadily down to her breasts and he began to kiss and lick them, teasing her as he avoided the nipples.

“Tease!” she groaned, “Suck my tits!” He complied, swirling his tongue over her engorged left nipple. She sighed, pushing his head down until he took the nipple between his teeth and sucked on it. She moaned as his tongue rubbed it as he sucked. Meanwhile, his hand found her right nipple and was squeezing and pulling on it. She moaned louder and began to rub herself again. He switched breasts, sucking and licking the right one passionately, enjoying playing with her big tits. She moaned again, pulling his face to hers and kissing him desperately. She broke the kiss and with her lips brushing his as she spoke, she whispered, “I want you to fuck me. Put your erect cock in me and fuck me till you explode.”

He didn’t say a word. He was so overcome with lust for her that he couldn’t. He moved between her legs and looked down at her, again admiring her body with anticipation. He bent his face to hers, turning her head so that his tongue found her earlobe. He licked and sucked until he found the sensitive spots, causing her to moan. Her hand groped for his penis and she growled, “Put it in and fuck me, NOW!”

Bo guided his erection to her swampy vagina and slid easily into her with one firm push. Both of them groaned. He kissed her again as he began to stroke and she responded passionately. As he moved faster he pushed himself up, using his arms to give him better leverage. Her pussy was so hot and wet it was driving him crazy. Just when he thought it could get no better, she pulled her knees up and put them around his waist, opening herself further and drawing him in deeper. He thrust his cock in slowly to the hilt, then pulled back until just the head was inside her. Both of them watched, hypnotized by the steady, erotic movement. Her hips were bucking, moving to meet his thrusts and pushing the tempo faster. He moaned at the sensation and at the sights and sounds; his cock moving in and out of her pussy; her big tits swaying and moving with their thrust; the wet sound of their sexes sliding together; her ragged breathing and throaty groans. He moaned again, wanting to sustain the slower tempo, but his body insisting on going faster.

Kat pulled his face back to hers, kissing him fiercely. “Yes,” she groaned. “Yes! Fuck me, Bo! Fuck me!”

Her cries drove him wild and his thrusts picked up speed and intensity which she matched with erotic fervor. Kat’s head began to loll back and forth and her hands found his hips and urged him to go faster as the pleasure and tension coiled her body like a spring. Bo was grunting with pleasure and exertion as he thrust for all he was worth. The increasing friction on his pistoning cock sent waves of pleasure through him and he knew he couldn’t hold back much longer.

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