Mrs. Derby Pt. 02

10 Ocak 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Joanna slipped off her strappy heels and padded across the entrance halls thick carpet toward the lounge in her stockings.

She rubbed the back of her neck as her lilac Laura Ashley, custom made sofa cushions engulfed her welcomingly.

Her head swam slightly from the wine and as she propped a throw cushion behind her head, images of Louisa from the evening and things she said replayed in her memory.

Joanna closed her eyes, what was it that Louisa had kept calling her? ‘Mrs Derby’ how strange, even after she had insisted Louisa call her Joanna, Louisa had intermittently forgotten and continued to call her ‘Mrs Derby.’

Well, it was almost as if she preferred that salutation. At first, Joanna was convinced the young lady sitting across her was being rude but as the evening went on it became most apparent she was, if anything, rather taken with Joanna. To be honest it didnt take long at all for Joannas defenses to come down entirely, it was clear that Louisa has no ulterior motive, she was hurting and seeking something… closure? comfort? Joanna wasnt sure, but she found herself trusting her, relaxing.

The other thing that stuck in her mind was how young Louisa was, so fresh faced and everything where it ought to be. Joanna knew from doing a little digging that Louisa was twenty five.

Goodness, had she known at the time when her husband was indulging himself in that particular aspect of what she was absolutely certain was a mid life crisis, she’d have been very insecure indeed.

Joanna ran her fingers over her face and sighed, it was most depressing as a woman to age. Time was cruel, being on the right side of forty even made her feel incredibly non desirable. Her husbands betrayal added the ultimate insult to injury on an area that was already a source of insecurity for the once ‘beauty queen of the isles six years in a row.’

Joanna remembered Louisa’s gaze flickering over her chest and shook her head in confusion, the only reason she could think Louisa had been so fixated on her bust was that she had been checking out what she’d been up against out of nothing more than sheer curiousness.

Not that it mattered. Not anymore. Joanna couldn’t help but scan over Louisa’s body for what she thought was the exact same reason and found her heart sinking all over again.

Tom had made so many hints to her over the years that he’d like her to have a breast augmentation but Joanna had never listened to her husbands desires… she was too preoccupied wasn’t izmir escort she?

Fundraisers and coffee mornings, pageants and shopping, the gym, girls holidays, the list went on and on and she’d paid him less and less attention.

Had she practically pushed Tom into Louisa’s arms, Louisa with the beautiful, pert full breasts? Joanna wondered if Louisa had small nipples or large ones?

Joanna had always wished she’d had smaller nipples, hers were large and dark. Tom had never said anything but she’d started keeping her bra on when they made love after she’d caught him looking at her breasts as she dressed or got out of the shower.

He never asked her about that, asked her to take it off or made any attempt to remove it so it made her more and more insecure.

Joanna leant forward and rubbed her feet, she really should start wearing flats but she’d wanted to look her best when meeting her former rival, even though they were no longer a threat to one another. Why did women do that?

Joanna guessed it was a ‘woman thing’ I mean, who was she kidding? Louisa was young and beautiful, Joanna may has well have not bothered with the heels at all.

The odd thing was they’d got on like a house on fire. Joanna was absolutely not expecting that. She’d had no idea what motive Louisa had when she’d reached out to her and asked to meet and now it seemed she was around for the week and wanting to spend some time with her. If someone had told Joanna this six months ago she’d have laughed and dismissed it as ridiculous but now, she was excited about getting to know this woman a little better. As strange as it were and as much as she couldn’t believe she was thinking this, Joanna could understand what Tom had seen in Louisa because she could sort of see it too.

She reached for her mulberry purse and pulled out her mobile, she tapped in a message inviting Louisa for breakfast and smiled to herself, coffee and croissants couldn’t hurt, could they?

Joanna tossed her phone down and looked around at the expanse of her lounge and suddenly felt the emptiness of it all. Yes, she’d got the house, the car, the horses, the dogs, even the house in France but she had never felt more alone than she did right now.

She’d seen that look in Louisa’s eyes tonight, it was envy, she’d seen it before in other people. If only Louisa knew she’d give it all up for another chance.

She didn’t even particularly mean with Tom, just for love, just alsancak escort to give of herself to the other person wholeheartedly

… as cheesy as that sounded. None of this meant anything at all without someone to share it with.

Joanna needed to sleep, she felt waves of exhaustion wash over her along with a niggling feeling in the pit of her being of wanting to be held, affirmed, wanted, desired, loved…made love to.

Even during the end of her marriage Tom barely touched her, seemingly almost bored of her no matter how hard she tried to get his attention. It had been a long time since she’d shared a bed and it was beginning to take its toll on her, despite the ladies at book club insisting she get some ‘toys’ that was certainly not Joanna’s forte, surely that was tacky and something for the younger generation?

She’d never even watched a porno for heavens sake and had been horrified when she’d caught Tom violently stroking his erect manhood on her new Laura Ashley sofa to lesbian pornography on their wall mounted plasma TV.

He’d thought she was fast asleep, she’d thought he was working late and then… it had taken her a long time to admit she was somewhat a prude but that was the way she was. She took it as an insult that she didn’t do it for her husband and blurted exactly that out, he cursed and swore at her as the two women on the screen writhed together to orgasm and exclaimed she was boring and a neglectful wife.

Joanna didn’t understand the need for pornography, she didn’t think in all the years she’d been married to Tom that he’d ever given her an orgasm, she had always had to do that on her own. She’d learnt how to pleasure herself, she had her imagination, she knew what felt nice, the right places to touch. She knew how to stroke and to rub, how hard, how soft, how fast and how slow she liked it.

She knew the exact right moment she needed to slide two fingers inside herself just as she was getting closer to orgasm. She knew what she liked to think about to help her get herself ‘there’ and tonight, as she lay in bed, she wasn’t Joanna the prude at all.

As she vigorously slid two fingers into her opening, chin tilted, mouth slightly open, she felt the familiar gushing of water that she used to find so strange, so disgusting (until she’d googled it and found it was quite normal for some women) she was glad she’d laid her hand towel from the en-suite just underneath her naked bottom for this exact reason. buca escort

The thing was, as she deposited the soaked hand towel into the laundry basket and turned the shower on she couldnt help but think…GOSH! If only Tom knew the things she had pictured tonight as she’d pleasured herself, Joanna’s mouth turned up into a half smile as she closed the shower door behind her.

The steam clouding the glass and cleansing her pores, well, it was Louisa’s breasts, it was the two women from the porno Tom was watching that night, it was the idea, the thought of that youthful naked body up against hers, Louisa between her legs, her clitoris grinding against her own, shed hold her labia wide open so that Louisa could feel every inch of her, so that she could feel every inch of her wet and warm vagina against her own. Fuck, fuck, fuck, those were the things that had tipped Joanna over the edge tonight.

Joanna let the warm water wash over her slim, tanned body, over her tiny breasts, (her big nipples) between the cheeks of her obsessionally squatted posterior in the gym every morning at 5:30am, down her long long legs made for the runway. Joanna pulled the shower head down and held it against her labia, parting them ever so slightly so the water gushed against her clitoris bringing her closer to another intense orgasm. What had Louisa done to her? Joanna’s head thumped against the shower wall behind her as her whole body shook against the powerful jets from the power shower. Again, Joannas mind wondered and thought about Louisa’s breasts bouncing on top of her, imagining herself wearing a strap on and Louisa grinding against her fake hard throbbing member until she came to orgasm…would she gush like Joanna did when she orgasmed? She pictured Louisa’s mouth kissing her neck, tweaking her nipples, Louisa orgasming in time with her, the smell of Louisa’s shampoo…cherries, the smell of Louisa’s perfume…musk. Fuck.

Joanna came hard against the shower head and collapsed onto the floor, her hands pressing against the shower door and the wall. Was she gay? Was she bisexual? Was she simply curious? Simply sexually frustrated?!

Joanna blinked away the dripping water from her hair and laughed out loud at the situation she was in, turned on by the woman who had stolen her husband away from her!

Even if Louisa was that way inclined there was no way she’d be attracted to her, and what if she were? Would she be able to bring herself to have sex with a woman?

Perhaps she was running away with herself, no, she was definitely running away with herself. They at least could have coffee and croissants and be chums, maybe even have a game of tennis and lunch before she returned home.

Definitely no sexual encounters, they could be strictly in her imagination and just for the shower.

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