Moondust Hollow Ch. 03: Pet

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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The next day on the farm was brutal as Elsie accustomed herself to work she had no familiarity with. The hoe raised blisters in her hand and gave her a splinter; the seeds she planned to plant were tiny and easy to drop in the dust. And all that only came after clearing away a spot of land, no small chore in itself; a million stones and fallen branches needed to be hauled away before she could start.

After hours of back-breaking work she had a neat little row of planted seeds, watered and fertilized and ready to sprout money for her. She’d not moved to Moondust Hollow to strike it rich, but she needed cash if she wanted to keep the farm afloat. Sleeping in the dilapidated cabin had not been an experience which improved over time; the wind flapped noisily against the paper covering the holes in the walls, and even multiple blankets couldn’t shake the feeling of coldness which came with exposure to night air.

Loneliness, too, ate at her. Elsie had tried not to spend the day thinking about last night, but it was almost impossible not to let her mind drift as she worked. She’d enjoyed her time with Rachel, the village carpenter, and her domineering husband, Darryl. Though the couple were strangers to her, Elsie had responded instantly and instinctively to Rachel’s welcoming sensuality and Darryl’s firm dominance over her.

When he told her to strip for a whipping after arriving late for her scheduled “working date” with the family, she’d barely questioned the command. What else could she do? She was in debt to the town–to every individual member of the town, in fact–and she had no money to give them. Though she’d expected to spend the evening working for Rachel and Darryl in more conventional ways, when the experienced couple demanded sex work from her, Elsie had capitulated, not seeing any other real choice but to comply.

What she had not expected was how much she enjoyed the experience. Being whipped by Darryl while Rachel gasped and writhed and touched both their bodies and dominated Elsie’s mouth with her tongue… these were thoughts she had to chase away in the bright light of morning, lest her hands tremble while she handled the hoe. Elsie had never experienced anything like that before, nor what had followed: being brought to orgasm by Rachel’s tongue and hands while Darryl used her mouth with relentless abandon.

Pleasure stronger than anything she’d experienced before had washed over her, which was perhaps why it had stung so deeply to be perfunctorily sent home afterwards while the couple continued their play alone. Elsie felt unexpectedly hurt by their behavior. She’d believed that the two were genuinely fond of her and liked her as a person, yet even so she felt like little more than a toy for their foreplay. An item to be put back in a drawer when the real game was ready to begin. Something to be used and enjoyed, but then sent home. Not a member of the family or indeed anyone really worth worrying about. Disposable.

Elsie was open to the idea that she was being unfair. She played the events of the evening over again and again, looking for new angles. Maybe she wasn’t disposable to the kindly older couple; maybe they were genuinely worried about her health. She did need plenty of sleep and Rachel had been right that today’s labor threatened to wear her out. How much weaker would her arms and legs be if they’d kept her until midnight, the full extent of their scheduled time with her? She should be grateful they were so thoughtful.

Then, too, a tiny traitorous corner of her mind burned with the suggestion that maybe ‘disposable’ was not a bad thing to be. That the shame and humiliation she was feeling in the wake of Rachel’s dismissal was pleasant to endure, even arousing. ‘They used you and you let them’ danced through her mind like a sneer, and her stomach tightened with fire at the idea each time as she wondered what was wrong with her.

The schedule the mayor had left with her said ‘Charlotte and Paul’. Elsie had not yet met Charlotte, but Paul was one of the few villagers she’d had time to speak with in the short space since her arrival: he ran the village general store.

He’d seemed like a nice man, mild-mannered if a little stressed; the stress was understandable given that he was fighting to survive against the chain grocery market which had moved into the village last year. His gratitude when Elsie had promised to make him her preferred place to shop had been pathetically touching and her heart had gone out to him. He was following his dream against the corporate machine just as she was.

With Darryl’s lesson about punctuality fresh in her mind, she arrived at the general store at six on the dot, hair still damp from a frantic post-work shower. Paul was at the door waiting for her, a gentle smile on his face.

“I’m not late, am I?” Elsie asked, though the toll of the village bell punctuating her words told her she was safe.

“Right on time, actually,” Paul reassured her with Tipobet an easy grin, ushering her in. “Let me just lock up the store now that you’re here. Go on back into the main house, through that door behind the shelves; Charlotte is waiting for you. She’s real excited to have you here tonight, let me tell you.”

Elsie hesitated for a moment, wanting badly to ask what sort of work she would be doing for the couple this evening. Her shoulders and back ached to high heaven, but she supposed she could wash dishes or do laundry. Anything more intensive–like lifting boxes of grocery stock–was right out. Paul looked up at her from his puttering and gave her a benign smile. “Go on, she won’t bite. I’ll follow in a bit, don’t worry.”

Taking a deep breath, she headed back through the door which separated the general store from the proprietors’ home. She’d not been back here before and was impressed to see everything as neat as a pin, without so much as a speck of dust. A woman with wavy brown hair and a pleasant older face looked up from her dusting and smiled with real warmth.

“Elsie?” Setting down her duster on a table that shone from a fresh application of polish, she wiped an immaculate hand on a fold of her long skirt before offering it to Elsie to shake. “I am so pleased to have you here tonight,” she gushed. Her voice was low and pleasing, a soft alto that tickled Elsie’s ears with every word. “Are you thirsty? Hungry?”

“No, ma’am.” Elsie liked her immediately, but felt a little intimidated in spite of the woman’s warmth. Her house, her clothes, even her hair were all as neat and orderly as if a drill sergeant had just swept through with a regiment of maids. How on earth was she going to please this woman?

“Ready to get to work right away?” Charlotte guessed with a grin. “I like that. Follow me.”

Elsie followed her back to a bedroom done over in dark colors and rich walnut furniture. She hesitated on the threshold, feeling a sense of déjà vu from the night before spent with Rachel and Darryl. “Ah, ma’am?”

“Come in,” Charlotte ordered with a bit more snap in her firm voice. “Pull the door to, otherwise there’s a draft.” She was digging in a tall chest of drawers on the far side of the room.

Elsie swallowed and stepped inside, pulling the door behind her. Frozen in place, she watched as Charlotte unbuttoned her blouse without an ounce of shame and shed her long skirt, folding the garment and laying it in the lowest drawer. Underneath her clothes she was nude, save for a contraption of belts that crossed between her legs and around her waist. She turned back to Elsie with a smirk on her lips, smiling easily. “I’m quite pleased you’re on time, by the way; Rachel said you had a bit of a problem with that.”

“M-ma’am?” Elsie stammered, stunned. “Rachel said…?”

The woman stepped closer to her and raised a gentle hand to stroke her cheek as though she were a skittish horse. “Hmm? Oh! Rachel and I are very close friends, dear. She wouldn’t hold anything back from me.” Her soft fingers curled slightly and Elsie felt the tiniest scrape of nails against her cheek, sending shivers down her back. “Neither will you, dear. Bless me, but you are just as luscious as Rachel said.”

“I-I think there’s been a mistake,” Elsie explained, backing up a step even as her stomach tightened in response to the woman’s touch. “I’m not… Look, I’m not like this. Whatever Rachel said, I’m not.”

Impassive eyes watched her as she backed away and Elsie wondered how a woman could look so commanding without a stitch of clothing on her. “What Rachel said,” she said, in a patient voice which dripped with the awareness of just how patient she was being, “is that you are the prettiest little submissive they’ve ever taken to bed and their new favorite sex worker. You should be proud; it’s a high bar to clear.”

Elsie felt her heart leap at the praise even as she hated herself for it. “About that.” Her voice wavered despite her best efforts to steady it. “I’m not a sex worker. I know I have a debt with them, and with you, but I’m not– I don’t have sex for money. I don’t! I’ll help around your store and house, I’ll clean for you, but I’m not doing…” She raked her eyes over Charlotte’s body, tempting and lush, and swallowed. “…this. No.”

A single perfect eyebrow arched in response. “I see. So you are in debt to me, but you’ll decide how the debt will be repaid? How convenient. Will you deign to tell me when the balance is paid, according to your books?” The sarcasm dripping from her voice cut Elsie to the quick, making her feel small and filthy.

“Char.” A soft voice behind her made Elsie jump and she turned to see Paul lounging against the wall, half in and half out of the hallway. “Be gentle with the poor girl. You’re asking a lot.”

“I’m asking,” Charlotte said, her clipped voice angry, “for a debt to be honored.”

He shrugged and took a drag on a cigarette that looked homemade; Elsie curled Tipobet Giriş her nose at the smell, suspecting the contents might not be tobacco. “Char, you can’t expect everyone to feel the same way you do about debts and promises. Most people don’t take ’em as seriously as you do. Just the way the world is.”

Elsie swallowed, as stung as if he’d slapped her in the face. She wasn’t some freeloader who wanted something for nothing. She’d moved out here to work hard and make something better of herself, to be part of a grander community of purpose than the cubicle farm she’d escaped. Now here the village store keeper–the man she most wanted to be on good terms with, since he would buy her produce and sell her seeds–had pegged her as someone without honor or good intentions. Untrustworthy. Unserious.

She looked back at Charlotte, biting her lower lip as she studied the woman who seemed to hold power in her hands as effortlessly as the reins of a horse. Would it be so bad to spend an evening with this woman? The experience with Darryl and Rachel had not been awful, and indeed had left her warm and wanting all day long. Now was her chance to scratch that itch, and she would earn off some of her debt in the bargain.

That eyebrow arched at her again, but now the eyes beneath were amused rather than contemptuous. “Well?”

Elsie took a deep breath and nodded at the woman, no longer quite able to meet her gaze. “Where do you want me?” she asked, closing her eyes and breathing through her nose. She could do this. She would show them she knew how to honor a debt.

Charlotte’s warm chuckle tugged at her groin and made her stomach clench again. “On your knees, girl.”

It wasn’t as easy as that, of course.

Charlotte countermanded her own order with a laugh as Elsie began to sink to her knees, pulling her up and yanking impatiently at her shirt. This had to be shed, along with the rest of her clothes, until Elsie was naked as the day she was born and shivering under the commanding woman’s gaze. Not that Charlotte seemed displeased–quite the contrary, her eyes shone as she raked them over Elsie’s body–but with everything else in the house so very perfect, Elsie was acutely conscious of her own imperfections.

To her surprise, Paul did not touch her. Instead, he ambled over to a nearby easy chair and tossed himself into the seat at a relaxed angle which looked terribly uncomfortable to her. He watched from there, his eyes hungry but otherwise entirely clothed and still as he puffed slowly on his cigarette and whatever was in it. Charlotte utterly ignored him, turning back to her chest of drawers with a grin and setting out several items on the bedspread where the lamplight was too dim for Elsie to see.

“Knees,” Charlotte ordered with a smile, pointing to a spot on the floor. Nervously, Elsie sank to her knees and waited, wondering what on earth she was expected to do. Paul was on the other side of the room, lazily watching her, but making no move to approach.

Then the lovely woman who looked every inch a suburban mom turned back around and Elsie realized what the straps around her waist and between her legs were for: she was wearing a harness that sported an erect and startlingly realistic silicone penis. Elsie’s mouth dropped open, more out of shock than expectation of use, and Charlotte took the opportunity, stepping forward to slide the hard tip between her lips.

“Wider, please, I know you can do better than that,” she said, her voice firm even as her eyes smiled down at the girl. Elsie opened her mouth wider and she received a gentle stroke on the cheek which sent shivers through her frame and left goosebumps on her naked flesh. “That’s my very good pet, yes. All the way.”

In and out, the phallus thrust between Elsie’s lips. The surrogate flesh felt hard on her tongue as she slowly learned the pattern of veins and ripples over its surface. Charlotte stared down at her as she used the girl’s face, her smile warm and affectionate and traced with a hint of wicked glee.

“It’s funny,” Charlotte informed her, eyes glittering as though sharing an intimate secret, “this cock was made from a mold we took of Paul’s penis.” She giggled, letting this sink in. “So it’s almost like you’re sucking his cock. But you aren’t, are you dear?” She shook her head and Elsie mirrored the movement, eyes wide as she wondered what she’d gotten herself into. “No, you’re sucking my cock. So prettily, too.”

Behind her, Paul groaned like someone had kicked him in the stomach, but he didn’t leave his chair. Charlotte did not even glance up, her eyes locked on Elsie. “Since this is your first night, I suppose we need to talk safe words,” she said, sighing wistfully. “Or safe gestures, rather, because your mouth will mostly be quite full. If you need to stop–and I mean ‘need’, pet, not ‘want’–then tap out as hard as you can with your hand. Over and over. Hit the bed, the floor, whatever is nearby that isn’t Tipobet Güncel Giriş me. Understand?”

Elsie nodded, though the effort threatened to choke her when Charlotte’s rhythm didn’t let up. “I’m going to get ‘bad domme’ points for saying this,” Charlotte observed, thinning her lips wryly, “but I’m not here to win a competition; I’m here to get off as hard as humanly possible. So I’ll say it: if you tap out, there will be consequences. You can; it’s an important safety valve in case you’re choking or having an allergic reaction, but whatever reason you’re tapping out better be good enough that punishment is worth it. Understand?”

Another nod, though Elsie’s mind raced now. What kind of punishment would this woman inflict on her? More whipping, like with Darryl? Or something else? Somehow, not knowing made it scarier; she was certain whatever her imagination could come up with, Charlotte could top.

“Hmmm. What else?” Charlotte hummed to herself as her hips bucked against Elsie’s lips, distracted from her work in a way Elsie couldn’t imagine a man could be; one of the bonuses of a silicone phallus, she supposed, was the ability to tune out what was being done to it. Her hand tightened in Elsie’s hair and held her in place as she used her mouth, the casual control of her body sending a jolt of electricity through Elsie. Charlotte couldn’t feel what Elsie was doing with her mouth, and the awareness that she couldn’t feel it–that she was using Elsie simply for the pleasure of using her–tied her stomach in a million knots.

“When you’re in here, you’re my pet. Paul is Paul. I am Ma’am or Mistress. I expect the absolute utmost obedience from you at all times.” The hand which wasn’t gripping her hair in an iron fist reached to stroke her cheek with a velvet touch. “I’m not worried about that one, pet. Your manners so far are impeccable.” Elsie felt her cheeks flush at the touch and her praise, and leaned her cheek into Charlotte’s hand.

“Char, can I…?” Paul’s question was a ragged gasp; out of the corner of her eye Elsie could see him squirm in his chair, his face warm and red. He was still clothed.

“No,” Charlotte said, not even looking up at him. Her attention was locked on Elsie, her eyes affectionate despite her brutal use of the girl. “I think that’s enough warming up of my cock, don’t you?” she purred down at the girl. “Now let’s get you on your knees, on my bed.”

She pulled her hips back, leaving Elsie gasping for air, and guided the girl up onto her bed. Elsie tried to see the items which had been laid out on the sheets, but Charlotte’s hand grasped her hair and pushed her face down into the covers. “Ass up, pet, thank you,” she ordered. “Face down. I don’t need your head up for this part. Hold that pose.”

Trembling, Elsie froze in place. Behind her, she heard movement, the sound of something–a flip cap to a bottle, maybe?–and then more sounds, squelching and soft. Then the hard tip of Charlotte’s cock teased at her entrance before sliding in slippery and smooth and covered in lubricant that was cool to the touch and then strangely warm. Elsie moaned softly, the sound escaping her throat, and felt the caress of Charlotte’s hands on her body in response to the sound. “Yes, my pet. Doesn’t my cock feel good? Say ‘thank you’.”

“Thank you.” The words were a whimpered sigh. She closed her eyes against the pleasant sensations, but then felt Charlotte’s nails prick dangerously at the curved flesh of her behind. “Ma’am! Thank you, ma’am.”

“Good girl.” The nails scraped gently but were quickly put away so Charlotte could grip her hips with her hands. She set up a steady pace against the girl, fucking her just hard enough to jar her with each thrust.

Elsie sighed and tried not to purr into the sheets, pushing away all thoughts for the moment in favor of the beautiful feelings. Later she would deal with the shame of loving this, of being filled by this lovely powerful woman, of receiving the hard fullness she’d been denied the night before when Darryl finished in her mouth and Rachel sent her away, but for now… for now, she was in heaven.

She heard the squelching noise again, and wondered at the sound; between the lube Charlotte had already used, and her own natural wetness, she was sopping as it was and needed no further help. Then something rubbery and firm and slick teased at her anus and she froze, her shoulders stiff. She’d done that precisely once with an ex-boyfriend and had no wish to repeat the experience.

“Relax, pet.” Charlotte’s steely voice walked a razor line between reassuring and terrifying. “I know you’re not used to my toys, but you will become used to them. This is going in your ass because I want it there and because I can and because I like looking at the pretty base while I fuck you. So take a deep breath. Now.”

She had only a moment to gasp and push before the toy resumed its merciless press against her. She felt the sensation of being widened, of being far too full, then she clenched and felt the plug–was it a plug? she’d seen them in stores, and assumed it must be–settle into place. Charlotte purred her pleasure, then grasped the base of the toy and wriggled it in place as Elsie gasped. “Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning.”

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