Miss Jacks

5 Kasım 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Miss JacksMiss Jacks.I was at the time in the care of my aunt Muriel had been for some time my parents having been killed in a car crash.She was a high powered business woman, never really knew what she did, Now and then she traveled to different parts of the country. Always first class on these occasions she would take me along.I had just turned 18 and still wore my monkseaten grammar school uniform.I liked to wear it because as a senior along with the dark red school blazer with the gold black crest of the school on the pocket, white shirt with school tie.I got to wear loverly tailored long gray trousers instead of the short grey ones. It made me feel very adult.My aunt told me we were going to a place called Harrogate, and would be there for two weeks .this also coincided with school holidays.So on this occasion I had on my school uniform and a spare set ,a few spare shirts and underwear and a spare set of shoes.We arrived at a place called the Hotel Majestic and so it was.It was at the reception desk to the right as you walk in that it all started for me. My aunt was confirming our bookings.When I saw this lady walking towards the reception area. She had on a black uniform a sort of white high necked ruffled blouse .A bit like those lady at equestrian events.Her black tailored jacket had the name tab Miss jacks .head receptionist pinned to the right hand side. She had dark hair pulled back a stern but beautiful face.It was her shapely jutting bottom and hips that first caught my attention. Then those legs encased in sheer very dark nylon with seams running up the back.I was completely stunned watched as she went behind the reception desk could not take my eyes of her.Only my aunt interrupted she said loudly what’s wrong with you, your room is number 32 you are on a floor below mine.We were shown to our rooms. Once settled I met my aunt in the lounge. As we always did .She went over the rules regulation routines etc.At the end of the day what it boiled down to was I could more or less do what I liked as long as I kept out of trouble. My aunt trusted me as I always did keep out of trouble.Normally I would go to the library explore the new area have coffee ogle at girls. Just fill in the time.This time I did not go straight out to explore the town. I spent the time exploring the hotel it had a large glass conservatory large grounds and was rather interesting.Then sitting in the lounge I talked to and had a coffee with a smooth faced man who had a rather articulated voice.To me at the time he seemed old but he could have in his forties.Anyway for what its worth I found out later he was a actor called Wilfred Hide White.We had a chat every now and then when he passed through the lounge, but I was not interested in him. I was waiting for a glimpse of the receptionist lady.After a couple of days I began to get a better idea of her times and movements. I was virtually stalking her. I would even go to the reception desk and ask silly questions just to get a closer look at her legs.Four days in my obsession became overwhelming.So. i swung into action I knew the hotel well now and had already lifted a T shaped pass key from the pantry were the chamber maids used to hang them.I watched Miss Jacks walk past, Then I took a service lift to the top esenyurt escort floor. I had preciously done a dry run so knew exactly which was Miss Jacks room. As with a lot of the higher echelon staff she was live in.I opened the door and locked it behind me. I took in the smell looked at the lipstick nail polish. Then looked through the draws of the bed room looking at the silk Satan under wear smelling it everything time went so quickly. Reluctantly I had to leave so let myself out and returned to the main lounge.Next day I was back again this time not so careful and on impulse took some black under wear and on leaving was spotted by a chamber maid just getting out of the service lift.Hi I remember saying I will take the lift down to ground floor.She asked me what I was doing on the top floor. So I just said I just got into the lift to see where it stopped. She seemed to except this as a lot of the staff had got used to seeing me all over the place and were used to me..Next day I was at it again and without thought took more underwear and even a pair of seamed stockings.I should have stopped but again the following day I was at it. This time as I left a woman emerged from the room apposite.I remember her to this day straight short blond hair icy blue eyes, .she was wearing a very smart gray suit She showed me a warrant card at the same time saying I am detective inspector Jan Holm.Taking my arm she pulled me back into the room she had emerged fromThe room bare except for a brief case and some papers on the bed. Now you have some explaining to do she said.I was terrified had never been in any trouble before. I explained as best as i could that it was an impulse that just came over me.We then went to my room where I showed her the other items that I had stolen. On top of that she spotted an obscene magazine that was called spic span it depicted women in nylons bare bottoms etc.This could mean at least four years borstal a criminal record for you. Your aunts reputation ruined through these senseless actions but peeping having lewd material unlawful entry and stealing can not be ignored.I will now see Miss Jacks and Your aunt. Needles to say my aunt was fuming. How could you she kept saying. The phone rang in the room answering my aunt said yes come on up.Shortly there was a knock on the door. My aunt opened the door to the police detective and Miss Jacks.We are here because of your standing in the community Ms Caldwell we would not like to see it ruined via a scandal such has taken place.Also I have know Miss Jacks for a long time we are friends from school days.She does not want any publicity especially the sort that this would bring.We have a possible alternative if all parties agree .Any thing would be better than how things stand just now answered my aunt. Well this is what we propose. Is that you bring this young man early 7 am to the local park. We will take him from there.As a precaution we don’t want to be seen taking him fro the hotel. We have a set destination where he will be taken and given a severe bare bottomed thrashing. This will cause great pain and his bottom will be very sore.This may sound cruel but its necessary he is to be brought early for a second thrashing the following avrupa yakası escort day this will be the bare bottom thrashing of his life.This second thrashing is for his repeated entry and stealing from Miss Jacks room.We believe that having caught this young man early enough that this will nip it in the bud and stop fuhrer episodes of such behavior.As regards his sexual behavior and being found with that disgusting magazine that matter will also be taken care of. Any questionsIt does sound a bit severe said my aunt. Is the second thrashing necessary, and who will administer it. Absolutely necessary said the police woman it’s the second across an already sore bottom that will drive home the message, and don’t forget had this or should this go to court then this young man would on account of his behavior be birched before being sent to a borstal.As to administration only his trousers will be removed. I myself and Miss jacks will administer the discipline. We are very experienced.Miss Jacks has from the start been an equal partner in this. We now have a sound proof building and all the necessary implements. If fact we have been doing this for nearly five years now. Sometimes Hanna a police constable friend of mine, attends. . In special circumstances such as yours where reputations and lives can be ruined. If its first time and the offender is 18 or over up to age 20.I sometimes put forward this alternative instead of charging the offender in question.Strangely by sheer circumstances this particular misbehavior crime occurred here and involved Miss Jacks personally. So quite frankly under these circumstances, it suits us all that this matter is dealt with outside the courts.Well said my aunt I cant thank you enough do I sign anything.No nothing but I do have photos and his written and taped confession in case of any back tracking.I of course listening to this was relieved that it was not going to court but also very apprehensive of what was to come.I did not sleep that well and early next morning my aunt made me shower change into clean cloths and wear my newer school uniform. She had called room service earlier so breakfast was brought to our room. After this we left the hotel for the short walk to the nearby park to meet the police woman and miss Jacks. We were about ten minuets early but they were there already.. They said to my aunt that I would be back early afternoon sometime. Then Without further ado, told me to get in the back of the morris miner car that they had.This I did and of we went we seemed to drive for a long time, during this drive nether of then spoke to me. I did not feel like speaking anyway.Eventually we came to a gate. Miss Jacks got out of the car to open the gate. I could not help but notice that she still was wearing a black receptionists suit but this one seemed tighter fitting and the skirt shorter.After she had closed the gate and was back in the car we drove up a long driveway to an old type stone building.I was told to get out of the car. The police woman whom I noticed was wearing a dark grey suit again tight fitting and the skirt shorter.Said follow Miss Jacks to the discipline room you naughty boy. In a sort anadolu yakası escort of daze I followed behind Miss Jacks that tight short skirt black seamed nylons suddenly made me super horny.Inside the building I was taken into a large room as soon as we were inside I heard the door shut and loud click of the lock.It was rather a large room but its contents made me less horny very quickly. Three different type spanking benches. Straps of every sort, canes of every sort thin thick long, birches, switches, whips.I watched as they placed two solid high backed chair about four feet apart. Then they both took of their jackets. After which each sat in one of the chairsNow the detective police woman turned to me, saying, Keep your school jacket tie and shirt on. Remove your trousers shoes and underwear, I want your bottom bare. Now come hear and place your self over my knee. Having to bare my bottom in front of these women caused me to have an immediate erection, that did not go unnoticed .With Miss Jacks smirking saying look at that, we will certainly be taking care of that, before this day is out and for the next week.I had now placed my self over the knee of the police woman I was aware she must have pulled her skirt up a bit. I was having great difficulty in holding back an orgasm.However she started to spank my bottom very hard a lot harder than I thought and fast.This had the effect of stunting the orgasm. She just kept on spanking my bottom must have been a good twenty minuets.Then I was told to get up and go over the knee of Miss Jacks, she had pulled her skirt up going over her knee I was aware of her bare thighs, on top of that,As I had become erect again she trapped my erection between her thighs, and began spanking my bottom, If anything she spanked harder than the police women although slightly slower.But now being in such close proximity and looking at her legs feeling her thighs I knew I could not hold back. Reaching down I held onto her left ankle, I groaned loudly as I had an orgasm.She would have felt it spurting but she did not miss a beat spanking without pause for about twenty minuets till she was sweating and tiring.Then it was over the knee of the police woman again this time she used a hair brush, This hurt a lot and I started to shout and struggle but she held me firmly again it lasted a good twenty minuets.Then it was over Miss Jacks knee again she also now used a wooden hair brush it hurt a lot although strangely I was starting to become erect again despite the pain. After some twenty minuets she told me to get up.My bottom now was very sore and red. I was shaking I thought it was over. When the police woman firmly took my arm and led me to what they called a spanking horse.Get on and over that she said. I was still shaking from the prolonged hard spankings and started to cry as I placed myself over the horse,they pulled a wide leather band that was attached to the horse and pulled it tight Inso pulling my waist down forcing my bottom up as the horse was also humped to achieve this.Then my ankles and wrists were tied.A good caning announced Miss Jacks thirty with the thin canes should do itThen they were ether side of me each holding a long whippy cane. I really did not have time to think about anything.When it started it was hard and fastfifteen from each woman from each side. It was not a slow methodical or counted caning.It was brisk as there were two of them caning one from each side the strokes were seconds faster than one person caning. I screamed at the top of my voice all though it. When it was over and they untied me I stamped the floor howling holding my bottom.To be Continued…

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