MILF Slut: Sequel Three

11 Mayıs 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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The following day, Sandy called Phyllis. They hadn’t seen each other since their afternoon heart to heart conversation revealing how Phyllis got involved in the Party Boat. Sandy had kept Phyllis’ secret to herself but told the girls at the club that Phyllis had a job on a private yacht as a hostess. Sandy told her friends that it was a way for Phyllis to earn extra money because her ex, Bob, wasn’t reliable with his monthly payments. Sandy said she didn’t know much about the men calling on the phone but knew Phyllis was dating. All of that seemed to quiet down the escort service rumors for awhile.  After the usual morning greetings, Sandy said, “Phyllis, I know this sounds silly but I can’t get the Party Boat out of my head. It’s embarrassing to say this but I’m a little envious.”  There was silence on the other end of the phone. Then Phyllis asked, “Sandy, are you saying you would like to go out there some evening?” “I guess so, Phyllis. I’m curious. Could I go there and not have sex or is that part of the deal?” “It’s pretty much expected, Sandy. Look, I’ll talk to Joe and see if one of these nights there is an opening. The boat has only six cabins so they have a limit to how many woman can attend. Right now, it’s a very popular cruise and lonely housewives are coming from all over the state. Good news travels fast.” “Okay, but I’m not a lonely housewife. I guess I’m just a curious lusty female. Let me know if something opens up a couple of days ahead, if you can.” Sandy’s heart beat faster each time the phone rang but Phyllis did not call. However, Tyler kept asking her for lunch and Sandy kept putting him off. Finally Jacques wrote and asked if everything was alright and if she might consider a three-some. Her reply was non-committal like saying, “It’s a definite maybe.” Sandy needed to see how the Party Boat went first.  Just when Sandy had given up all hope, Phyllis called. “Good news, Sandy. There was a cancellation this Friday night. Look, I really pulled some strings and told Joe and the captain what a beautiful hot horny chick you are. They had a couple of other women in mind in case of cancellations but went along with my recommendation. I Ataşehir Escort hope I didn’t exaggerate too much.”  “It’s okay, Phyllis but I didn’t want you to stick your neck out for me.”  “No problem. It’s lingerie night. You wear your sexiest outfit and we all walk around the pool modeling our apparel. The men vote and determine who are the first, second and third place girls. The winners receive a sex toy and get to choose their date for the rest of the night.” “That’s really exciting but I don’t have intimate lingerie.”  “Don’t worry, I’ll loan you one of mine. Come over today and pick one out.” “Okay, I’ve got some food shopping this morning. How about around two o’clock?” “Good. See you at two.” Sandy was in awe of Phyllis’s wardrobe of sexy lingerie. There were more than a dozen outfits and in a separate drawer, a large collection of clamps, collars, chains, whips, dildos, vibrators and butt plugs. It looked like a sex shop.  “Do you use these toys on the Party Boat?” Sandy asked. Phyllis answered with a guilty smile, “Well, occasionally. Most of these I’ve won on theme nights like Friday’s lingerie night.”  Sandy browsed through the lingerie and tried on three of them. She chose a pink transparent baby doll that barely covered her ass cheeks and it came with a crotch-less thong. Phyllis said it hadn’t been worn on the boat before and was perfect.  Phyllis asked, “Have you thought about what you are going to say to Andrew?”  “About what?”  “About being away all night.”  “You won’t believe this Phyllis but the timing is perfect. Andrew has a weekend business seminar and he leaves for Dallas on Friday afternoon. The girls will be at a sleepover so I’ve got all Friday night and Saturday morning for this little escapade.” “Fantastic and you aren’t scared like I was my first time?” Phyllis asked.  “Nope. I thought it all out and this is what I want to do.”  “Sandy, let’s have a glass of wine and celebrate.”  When the wine was poured, the two women clinked their glasses and Sandy said, “Cheers! I’m really looking forward to this, thanks to you.”  “Cheers.”  The stars were out and the moon was full when Sandy and Phyllis Ataşehir Escort Bayan boarded the ship’s tender. Far off in the distance sat a huge yacht that was only seen due to the lights illuminating it. It gave Sandy a chill as she thought it looked eerie like a ghost ship. Sandy stepped onto the small craft and saw two women that had already boarded. Both were seated in the very front and had their backs to her when she sat down behind them. They were deep in conversation so Phyllis and Sandy kept to themselves.  There wasn’t much to do during the twenty minute taxi ride. Sandy was glad the lake was calm because she wasn’t much of a seafaring person. Excitement was about the only emotion she felt while tightly clutching to her small night bag. It only carried the costume she would wear and a few feminine items.  Upon arrival at the ship, the other women got off first and Phyllis and Sandy followed. The captain greeted them and handed each woman a card with a number. Sandy had number ‘3’ and that was her cabin number. She was instructed to drop off her belongings in the cabin, then join everyone in the dining area for Happy Hour.  After checking in her cabin, Sandy joined a rather boisterous group of men and women sipping drinks of all kinds. Everyone wore a pleasant accommodating smile and the conversation was what you would expect at a neighborhood cocktail party. The atmosphere was warm and friendly. There was no tension and no hint of what was ahead.  Sandy went to the bar where the captain was serving drinks. “What can I get you beautiful?” he asked.  “Thanks. Just a martini straight up with a twist.” She said it with great satisfaction because that was the most sophisticated drink she could remember from one of those forties movies where all the men wore tuxedos and the women wore dresses as if they were attending a ball.  “Enjoy,” the captain said handing her the drink.  Sandy accepted the drink with her sweetest smile and turned to see if she knew any of the women beside Phyllis. On the other side of the room, Sandy thought she saw a familiar face but the lady kept turning around and she wasn’t Escort Ataşehir really sure it was a person she knew. Sandy moved closer and heard a very familiar voice. Oh my God, it was her friend Ann from the club!  At that, Ann turned her head and recognized Sandy immediately. “Sandy, what are you doing here? I mean, I never expected to see you here.”  “Hi Ann. We need to talk. I’ll explain but first, why did you want me to interrogate Phyllis when you knew all along what was happening?”  Ann answered in a soft voice, “Come over here and I’ll tell you all about it. Then you have to tell me about your situation.”  They moved to a quieter place in the corner of the room when Ann said, “Gee, Sandy, you are the last person I expected on the Party Boat.”  “I know, it wasn’t something that I had imagined either,” Sandy said with a touch of irony. “How often have you been here?”  “Oh, a half dozen times, I think. I started a few months ago when the escort rumor started. I did some research. It was easy to connect with someone on the Internet and get more information. It sounded like fun and hey, to be honest, I need some excitement in my life.”  “Obviously you are happy with your decision, right?  “Oh, Sandy, I love it here and you will too. I call it the Cougar Cruise but the other women like it to be the Party Boat. So, tell me about you. How did you get a reservation on this cruise? Lingerie night is the most popular cruise so you are really lucky.”  “Oh you know, the rumor and an afternoon of drinking wine with Phyllis got me thinking. She pulled some strings to get me here. I was so curious and wanted to see what it was like. It’s probably my first and last time but we’ll see.”  “Fantastic. I’m really really glad you came and hope you will be back.”  “Thanks Ann” and they smiled at each other while sipping their drinks. The martini was delicious so Sandy returned to the bar for a refill and began to mingle.  The men were young like Phyllis had said. Some were tall and handsome and a few stocky and a little out of shape. Sandy shook hands with several of the men and one gave her a hug when they met. The conversation wasn’t particularly interesting with much of it asking where you are from and what do you do. Sandy wasn’t sure if she should stretch the truth but mainly kept to the truth.  With ample cleavage showing her large breasts and Sandy’s natural ability to flirt, she attracted most of the men who complimented her on her looks and her beautiful smile.

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