Mike and Sunday

26 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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NOTE: This is a longish story, and not a happy one. It contains a fair amount of despair and a little death. There is sex between brother and sister, though the story is not loaded with it. Everyone is an adult and the whole thing is entirely fictional.


“Barry! Let me in there! I have to use the bathroom!” Mike heard his sister scream. His older half-brother sure knew how to take his time when it came to primping himself for a date. Barry and his half-sister Sunday were constantly fighting with one another. Mike had grown mostly immune to the sounds of their bickering, so it didn’t surprise him to hear his sister screaming.

Barry and Sunday were both the same age and about to start their third year of college. Mike was about to start his first. Barry was the son of Mike’s mother. Sunday was the daughter of his father. Mike had come along a couple of years after his parents married. As far as he could remember, there was never a point where his two siblings had ever gotten along, much to the irritation of his parents. He didn’t really know why, there just seemed to be some sort of a deep-seated hatred there. Mike never really liked Barry all that much, but remained on peaceful terms with him most of the time. He and Sunday got along just fine.

“Let me in there, Goddammit!” she shouted, pounding on the door.

The door opened and Barry barged out, pointing a finger in Sunday’s face.

“You knew that I had to get ready for my date, why do you have to pick this exact second to have to be in the bathroom? For fuck’s sake you’re just trying to get in here to make me late. Can’t you just give me ten minutes without me having to listen to you bitch at me?” he roared, then retreated back in the bathroom, slamming the door.

Sunday wasn’t prepared for such an onslaught of hostility, and remained silent for a moment. She knocked on the door this time and tried begging.

“Please Barry, I’m not trying to make you late, I just need to pee. Give me like two minutes, please.”

“I said I have a date and I have to get ready! A date!, you probably don’t know what one is, you fucking blimp. Go piss in the bushes like a fucking dog,” Barry growled through the door.

That was harsh, even for him. Sunday’s hands flew up to her face and she ran off down the hall into her room. Mike didn’t think that his sister was a blimp, she may have been a few pounds overweight and a little curvy, but not morbidly obese or anything. Perhaps she had done something earlier on that Mike didn’t get a chance to see in order to invoke such anger from his brother. He thought that it was mildly entertaining for the most part, just as long as he wasn’t involved in it. He didn’t like seeing Sunday cry, though.

Mike himself was sitting in the living room waiting for his own date. Lisa, his girlfriend, was going to drop by and they were going to make plans from there. He was flipping through the channels on the TV, killing time, when Barry came into view.

“How do I look, bro?” he asked.

To Mike, he looked kind of like the villain from a bad movie. Black hair slicked back, black goatee, black dress shirt, black pants, black shoes. He just needed some dark glasses and maybe a time-bomb or a canister of nerve gas.

“Looking pretty sharp. Gettin’ laid tonight, huh?” Mike responded.

“Fucking ‘A’ I am,” Barry laughed. “Catch ya later.”

“Later,” Mike said, watching him leave.

He wondered what it took to build up an ego like that. It would be nice to know so that he would be able to avoid it. He walked down the hall and knocked on Sunday’s door.

“Sunday, Barry’s gone if have to use the bathroom,” he called out.

As he walked back to the living room, he heard his sister open her door and presumably head to the bathroom. She came and sat with him once she was finished, it was apparent that she had been crying. It was unusual that Barry could get to her enough to break her resolve.

“You gonna be OK?” he asked. “I wouldn’t pay attention to Barry. He lives in his own little world.”

“I’m OK, I just really had to use the bathroom. He’s such an asshole, I can’t believe that he always has a date,” she replied.

“Yeah, can’t argue with that. It does make me wonder,” Mike said.

“So what are you doing tonight? Wanna watch a movie or something?” she asked.

“Sorry, Sunday, Lisa’s gonna be here any second. We’re going to figure out something to do,” he replied.

Mike could see the disappointment in her face. His brother was right about one thing, he couldn’t remember the last time that she was out on a date. It must have been quite a while if she was upset that she couldn’t hang out with her own brother on a Friday night.

“Oh, OK,” she said, resigning herself to another night alone. Even her parents were out to a party.

“But hey, maybe we could do something together. Lisa and I don’t have any plans or anything. Maybe we could go bowling or something,” he suggested.

“Really? I figured you would want to be alone with Lisa.”

“I’m not a lady’s man like Escort bayan Barry, I don’t get lucky every time that I leave the house,” he teased. Sunday smiled, she knew better. Maybe not every time, but his chances were pretty good.

“I’m glad you’re not like Barry. I don’t know what I would do if there were two of him,” she giggled.

“Oh you’d be fine, you’re tough.”

There came a knocking on the door and Lisa peaked her head in. It was not unusual for her to let herself in if she knew that she was expected.

“Hello?” she called.

“Hey Lisa, come on in,” Mike replied.

Lisa came into the living room and sat beside Mike, giving Sunday a little wave.

“So, what kind of romantic evening do you have planned for me?” she asked, putting her arms around Mike’s neck. Sunday shifted uneasily in her seat at the display of affection. For some reason, it bothered her.

“Well, um, Sunday and I were talking and we thought that maybe we could go bowling or something,” he said.

“Bowling? Really?” Lisa asked, obviously not keen on the idea. She had something else in mind.

“Yeah, that way all three of us could go,” he said.

“That’s fine, I guess,” Lisa said, glancing at Sunday.

“I don’t want to be in the way,” Sunday said defensively.

“It’s fine, it will be fun with the three of us” Lisa said, barely concealing her disappointment.

“OK, I’ll go get ready, I’ll only be a few minutes,” Sunday replied, getting up and heading to her room.

“Thanks for letting Sunday hang out with us, I think she’s kind of feeling down,” Mike whispered.

“She’s always kind of down, Mike. She wierds me out. I don’t think that she likes me much either,” Lisa whispered back.

“What do you mean?” Mike asked. He honestly didn’t know what she was talking about. He never paid much attention as to how the two interacted.

“She’s always moping around and whenever she looks at me I get the feeling that she wants to cut my heart out,” Lisa replied.

“Don’t be silly, why would she want to do that?” he asked.

“I don’t know, maybe she’s jealous of me or something,” she replied.

“Well, she ought to be, you’re beautiful, and sexy, and you’re dating the best looking guy in the room,” he said with a smile. Lisa seemed satisfied with the answer because she kissed him and began to laugh.


Even though there were only three of them, they broke into two teams. Lisa and Sunday vs. Mike. They gave Mike fifty pins a game, they would bowl two games. The loser had to buy dinner.

“That’s not fair. There’s two of you, so when I win you get to split the bill. If somehow I lose, I have to get the whole thing,” Mike pointed out.

“Sometimes life isn’t fair,” Sunday replied.

Lisa came bouncing back from the approach after picking up a spare. She gave a high-five to Sunday. Apparently she was able to accept her as a teammate without any problems. Especially when it began to look like they were going to win the bet.

“Where do you want to eat tonight, Sunday? I’m thinking about lobster,” Lisa asked. Sunday laughed, Mike gave them the evil-eye.

Mike was doomed right from the start. Though he was confident in his abilities and was fairly certain that the girls were terrible, they somehow got lucky time after time. Their combined score was 576 to his 404 after the second game. The girls had howled with laughter and teased him every time he had an open frame, which was often.

“All this bowling has really made me hungry. I might need two lobsters,” Sunday said.

“Yeah, I know I want lobster, but I think I want something else, too. Have to look on the menu, I guess,” Lisa agreed.

“You know, we never said who won would get to pick where we eat at. I’m thinking the vending machine. You guys can have Milk Duds and pretzels,” Mike said with a frown.

Sunday raised her eyebrows, having remembered things differently.

“I seem to recall that the winner DOES pick where we eat. A certain ‘it doesn’t matter, you girls are going down’ must have been too busy adjusting his smarty-pants to pay attention to what he was betting on,” she said.

“She’s right, Mike, you really ought to pay more attention,” Lisa agreed.

“You guys suck,” Mike responded with a groan.

They did end up going to a semi-fancy seafood place, as much as Mike’s wallet was groaning in defiance. He was going to be broke until he got paid again in a week. Stocking shelves in a supermarket part time didn’t do a lot to pad his pockets. He tried to enjoy the meal, but it was painful watching his sister gobbling down a lobster tail and Lisa eating shrimp like they were potato chips. When the waiter dropped off the check he was relieved to see that he had enough cash to cover it, at least. It would be even more embarrassing to lose the bet and not be able to live up to his end of the deal.

Sunday grabbed the check and looked at the total, then looked at Mike’s face.

“I tell you what, little brother, I’m going to let you off the hook. This one’s Bayan escort on me,” she said.

“Don’t do that, Sunday, I lost the bet, I can pay,” Mike said.

“Oh, don’t be silly, it’s too much. Besides, I crashed your date night and had a really fun time. We haven’t done anything in a while and I appreciate you letting me tag along. And, you’re my favorite little brother,” she explained.

Lisa was talking heatedly into her cell phone during this time.

“Why don’t we just split it then?” Mike suggested. Sunday agreed and they were able to leave the restaurant with neither one of them left bankrupt.

“I just got off the phone with my Mom,” Lisa said with a hint of annoyance. “She wants me go home just as soon as we get back to your house.”

“Why is that? You in trouble?” Mike asked.

“A little, I was supposed to help pack for our trip tomorrow. We have to catch our plane at like six in the morning. I just wanted to spend some time with you before I had to go,” she said.

Lisa and her family were heading to Australia the next day for a two week vacation. She wanted to go, but she also wanted to get into Mike’s pants before she left. By the time she got back from her vacation, there would only be a little while left to spend with him before she had to head off to school. Oh well, it was the price that she had to pay for traveling the globe at the expense of her parents. She may never get another chance to do something like it for the rest of her life. She figured she’s have plenty of chances to have sex, and hey, they had boys in Australia, right?

While Mike drove them back to his home, Sunday quizzed Lisa on the details of her trip. Lisa went on and on about all of the sites and festivities that she was going to take in and how much fun she was going to have. By the time he was parking the car, both Mike and his sister were feeling kind of envious. Their idea of a family vacation was to go play putt putt golf on the weekend.

“Well, I’m going to miss you while you’re gone. Don’t get eaten by a kangaroo or anything,” Mike warned, kissing Lisa’s cheek as she opened the door to her car.

“I’ll try not to. I’ll send you pictures, OK?” Lisa gave him a hug and a peck on his cheek before she left.

Mike felt kind of sad that she was going, but it would only be for a couple of weeks. It wasn’t like she was going to be gone forever. He did worry a little that she would be getting her brains screwed out of her head by some Australian hunk while she was away, but there was very little that he could do about that. He could only hope that she would be able to control herself. With her sex drive, that was questionable.


Saturday morning came, and like every Saturday morning, it was time to do chores. Their parents expected them to keep the house reasonably clean and in working order. They both worked long hours and their only mutual day off was usually on Sundays.

They were practically working themselves to death to put the kids through college and keep the bills paid. They expected their children to do something to help out. Mike and Sunday had dutifully finished vacuuming and dusting, Barry was no where to be seen. He had a habit of missing cleaning day.

Sunday and Mike were in the kitchen when they felt satisfied with their efforts, she was making them a couple of sandwiches. She set a plate down in front of Mike and sat across from him at the kitchen table.

“Thanks, Sunday. You make a mean sandwich,” he said.

“You’re welcome. I am a professional sandwich maker, you know. Ever notice that Barry’s never around when it’s time to clean?” she asked.

“Yeah, he’s always all worn out from his dates and can’t ever seem to make it back.”

“Have you ever actually seen any of his girlfriends? I mean he brags about them all of the time but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a woman. Whenever I see him in school he’s always with those douche bags that he calls his friends,” she said.

“No, I don’t think I have. Think he’s just making them up?” Mike asked.

“Wouldn’t surprise me. He might be gay for all I know, it takes him two hours of primping before he leaves the house,” Sunday noted.

“Never thought of that,” Mike laughed.

“That’s probably why he likes you and is so mean to me,” she said.

“How’s that?”

“Because you’re a cute guy and I’m a fat girl,” she replied.

“You’re traveling down a road where I don’t want to go. First of all, you’re not fat and you’re far better looking than I could ever be. Second, the thought that my brother is gay and is somehow attracted to me makes my skin crawl. And there’s probably some other third thing that I can’t think of right now,” Mike said, in between bites.

Sunday thought that Mike was being very kind, she knew what she looked like. She didn’t hold a candle compared to Lisa. Lisa was slim and athletic. She had perfectly straight blonde hair to the middle of her back and perky tits to compliment her toned ass. Sunday’s hair was full of wavy, graduating to gnarly Escort curls and was a shade of dingy brown. She kept it cut short just so she could manage it. Her breasts were large but sagged to her rounded belly when they weren’t restrained. She was cut from a totally different cloth.

Mike was chewing on his sandwich while studying his sister, it appeared as though she had fallen into some sort of a trance. He waved his hand in front her face, trying to get her attention.

“You still in there?” he asked.

Sunday snapped out of it, and smiled.

“Sorry, I was thinking. You don’t have to say things like that, you know. I know what I look like,” she said.

“Oh stop it, you look great.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t look like Lisa,” she pointed out.

“That doesn’t make you any less attractive. You’re too hard on yourself,” Mike said, starting to feel a little awkward about the whole conversation.

Sunday could sense the scene turning awkward, as well. She enjoyed her brother trying to flatter her but thought it would be best if she changed the subject.

“Well, I’ve got to get ready to go to work here, shortly. You have to work tonight? Want me to bring you something for your break?” she asked. She worked behind the counter at Subway and began and finished her shift before Mike did his at the grocery store. She would sometimes take him a sub on her way home.

“Yeah, I go in at five. If you wanted to bring me a turkey the way that I like it, it would be cool, but you don’t have to.”

“I’ll drop it off on my way through. It’s no problem,” she said.

“You’re the best, Sunday,” Mike said, smiling at her.

Sunday blushed. Something about the way that her brother was looking at her wasn’t quite brotherly. It wasn’t something that she could put her finger on, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant but it did make her a bit uneasy. It was happening more and more often lately and she was beginning to realize that she enjoyed Mike’s attention. That was part of the reason that his admiring looks made her uneasy. She liked them because they made her feel desirable, but they were coming from someone that had no business desiring her.


Sunday was cleaning up behind the counter, watching the seconds tick by on the clock. It was nearing quitting time and the lack of customers was making the night drag. She had made Mike’s sub and was ready to get out of there. With ten minutes to go, in walked Barry and a tall, spindly girl. She had on white makeup in contrast to her all black wardrobe, giving her the look of the recently deceased. Her ears, nose, and lips were covered with piercings. She was struggling to walk without wobbling, obviously under the influence of something. Sunday wrinkled her nose in disgust. So that was the kind of girl that Barry dated.

“Hey sis, you’re not eating up all the profit are ya? Make us up a couple of subs, mine with ham. Her’s with no ham, she doesn’t eat meat,” Barry ordered.

“Fine. Missed you today when it was time to clean the house,” Sunday said, going to work on Barry’s food, ignoring his comments.

“Some of us have lives, I was busy with Maddy here. Have to keep her happy if you know what I mean,” he said. Maddy howled with laughter, clearly Barry had just said the funniest thing that she had ever heard.

Sunday frowned as she quickly finished the order and handed her brother the subs. Maddy was now clinging to Barry in order to remain standing.

“You better get her back to her casket before she keels over. That’s gonna be $13.67,” she said.

“I’m taking her back to bed, that’s for sure, but she’s not getting any sleep! You got that, right? I’m a little short right now,” Barry said, taking his woman and his food toward the door.

“Barry! I’m not paying for you and…and that creature. Get your ass back here!” she shouted. Barry flashed her his middle finger from over his shoulder and kept going. She should have known better. Quickly, she got the shop in order and headed out the door before Barry came back and wanted something else.

Sunday gave Mike a quick ring on his cell to let him know that she was out in the parking lot. Within a couple of minutes, he came running out to her car. He handed her a ten dollar bill as she handed him his food.

“That’s too much, Mike,” she said. Mike blew her a kiss.

“Keep the change, your service is excellent, my dear. I’ve got to run!” he said, sprinting back into the store. Sunday giggled to herself as she drove away. Mike must have gotten all of the ‘nice’ genes out of her two brothers.


It was a little after midnight when Mike came home. He went straight to his room to change, noticing that Sunday’s door was open and from the flickering light she must have been watching TV. He threw on some pajama pants and an old shirt before he went to see if she was still up.

“Hey, Sunday,” he greeted her.

“Hey. How was work?” she asked. She was laying on her bed, dressed much like he was. She had been waiting for him to come home, wanting to talk about Barry.

“It was fine, normal I guess. How about you?” he asked. Sunday slid over and patted a spot on her bed, inviting Mike in. He hopped in bed beside her, it wasn’t all that strange for them to talk on her bed. They had done it for years.

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