Mel’s Wedding: More Extended Family Ch. 02

26 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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You will appreciate this Chapter more if you read Chapter 1 first. If you’re new to The Extended Family series, you are invited to read the entire series. Oh, and please vote. I love your e-mails and I’ll respond to most of them. Thanks for reading.


The next morning I went to the beach alone and meditated. It took me a while to get into my accepting state and I was puzzled by the messages. It was almost like getting on a radio frequency where there were a dozen stations all broadcasting at once. I’d felt this way before and usually things sorted themselves out over the next week or so. I attributed my confusion to allowing my ego too great a role in my life rather than conscious study of my thoughts and actions.

Back at the house I puttered around the kitchen and garage for a while, cleaning up after some house projects. Eventually I went into the den and worked on organizing some of the things for the book about relationship building I was currently working on. Eventually, I heard someone moving around the kitchen, so I went and joined them.

Rachel was swaying her sexy hips around the kitchen. She was naked and I stiffened in response to her sexiness. She came and kissed me; I could still taste the three of us on her lips — a nice touch early in the morning. She ground her hips into me, “God, you turn me on,” she said.

“Well, the feeling’s mutual you know.”

“Do you want to do anything about that?” she asked, making a blatant “hit” on my innocent body.

“Yes,” I said, “living room sofa.” I followed her swaying girlie hips into the next room. She was leading me by holding onto my swelling cock.

I sat on the couch and Rachel knelt in front of me, sucking me into her mouth. She completed the job of creating a steel-like penis to make love to her pussy in only a couple of minutes. She rose and came over me, straddling my body again. I loved it when she did this because I could fondle her beautiful, full breasts, even suckling them.

Rachel slowly lowered her body onto my cock, making both of us enjoy a long exquisite moment as I slid into her cunt. I almost came from the sensation of that one act; I didn’t realize how sensitive she’d made me.

She leaned in and dragged her tits across my face slowly, allowing my tongue to dark out and suck on one breast and then the other, to briefly grab at her erect nipples before they were yanked from my oral attentions. She repeated this several times yet managed to maintain a slow, tender fuck. Finally, she leaned in and kissed me hard. She told me, “I love you. I love doing this with you. I feel loved by you. Oh, this is so great. Thank you Universe!” She looked skyward.

I warned her I wouldn’t last long and my intuition proved to be right. I thought of all we’d done the night before, the possibility of what Carl and Karen were doing, and, well, that’s about all it took. Rachel muttered a few words of sex talk but by that time we were pulling into ourselves to celebrate the arrival of our orgasms. We spasmed together as I washed the inside of her pussy with my cum. She wiggled down onto me to be sure we had maximum coupling and then there were those waves of pleasure.

We lay there coupled together for a long time. Rachel finally stood up claiming her leg was going to sleep and she needed to move. She was holding her crotch so our juices didn’t drain out of her onto the carpet. I pulled her through the kitchen and outside and into the pool; she shrieked with delight at the cool pool water as we went under water. I had actually taken a quick glance around before our nude bodies exited the house; no one was close by in the small bay.

We swam around. Rachel then surprised me with a question.

“Jim. What if I wanted to add someone to the family? A guy. Would that be OK? How would we do it or would we?”

“Tell me more,” I said.

“There’s a guy at work that I have really good chemistry with. His name is Ray Jennings. He divorced about five years ago and hasn’t really gotten back in the dating groove. He’s about my age, trim, fit, athletic, six feet, brown hair. After you’ve talked with him a little you’ll walk away thinking, ‘This is a really nice guy.’ That opinion never changes over time.”

“Do you know why he was divorced?” I asked.

“He said she left him for another guy. He made one statement that caught my attention; he said ‘I really liked the guy too,’ she just didn’t allow for other possibilities in how to have a relationship.”

“And you and he …?” I tossed her the open-ended question.

“We’ve done nothing but feel close to each other and have deep conversations over lunch once in a while. That said, I’d sort of like to explore what he’s like at deeper levels.”

“What’s Carl say?” I asked.

She laughed, “He said I should talk to you.”

I laughed at Carl passing the buck to me. I thought for a while, and then said, “I’m not against it. Our numbers have grown. We should probably test the chemistry between Ray and the rest of us, particularly Escort bayan how he reacts to my life style with Lynn and Karen. We don’t have to reveal everything to him unless he’s acceptable and appears ready.”

Rachel nodded.

I said, “We’ve got nothing special planned for tonight. Do you want to invite him over?”

She thought and said, “Yes. When we get out of the pool I’ll call him.”


Ray was just as Rachel had described him. He was nice looking and extremely pleasant to have around. He wasn’t shy on the other hand you wouldn’t have described him as aggressive or even assertive. I could tell by watching that Karen and Lynn warmed up to him almost instantly. He was a good conversationalist and an attentive and active listener to whomever was talking. I was particularly appreciative that he had a spiritual side to his nature that he wasn’t afraid to let show.

If Ray had any reservations about my relationship with Karen and Lynn it was hidden. He just accepted that the three of us lived together. He made no value judgments that I could see. Further, his eyebrows didn’t even go up when Rachel came to me one time and gave me a big hug and kiss that went far beyond any ‘sister-in-law’ kind of affection.

Carl was especially engaging with Ray and I watched the two of them have a significant discussion about investment philosophy and a ‘how to do’ on exchange currency trading. Knowing Carl as I do, I could see there was a lot more being weighed than just portfolio management.

We did burgers on the grill with the guys standing around watching them cook while the gals all prepared salads and other side dishes. Eventually we all sat around on the patio and ate.

Mel and Robbie came by the house after an early movie. Mel gave me one of her body withering, full body press ‘hello’ kisses that I so enjoy. Again, Ray just watched with almost a detached air of amusement and pleasure in our performance. We’d waited for Mel and Robbie to have dessert. Mel was a twitter with her wedding plans and it was clear from our conversations that I was helping her implement most of her ideas. I even got a pad of paper and took notes to add to the many she’d already shared with me. Today she had an idea for a ‘flotilla’ of brides maids and groomsmen — not just a couple of each but dozens of people from our families all at once standing up with her to share in her happiness. I liked her idea and told her so. For that I got a sloppy kiss.

After dinner we sat around for a while then Ray got restless, thanked us for the great dinner and camaraderie, and left us, collecting a few hugs and perfunctory kisses from the women and handshakes from the guys as he left.

We all walked back to the patio and sat around. Rachel started the discussion, “So what do you each think of Ray?”

“He’s nice, but at least today he was on his best behavior,” Karen said. “He’s smart and articulate, but I didn’t sense any passion in there except for his job.”

Robbie added, “You talked to him more, but I have a ‘plain vanilla’ feeling. I’d like to get to know him better. What heats him up?”

I agreed with Rob and Karen. I turned to Carl; “What do you think? Not ready?”

Carl spoke, “We need something to get him unbalanced — to see how he’d really roll with our life style and extended family. I’m not sure what it could be.” He turned to Rachel, “Maybe you just need to come on to him and see how he reacts; what he says and does.”

I could see some other alternatives but they might prove embarrassing for him or us if he wasn’t appreciative of our ‘extended’ and sharing life style. After some further talk and input from the others, Rachel agreed she’d have a more cozy lunch with him in the coming week and see where things went.


I had started to put together Mel’s end-of-August wedding almost as soon as she picked the date in early July. I was on the phone for hours and on some afternoons I visited reception sites with my camera, auditioned bands and listened to folk duos. Mel came by one afternoon after work and I ran through my findings with her as well as showed her the pictures of some venues and ceremony locations. She made some choices and we wrote them all down.

I’d gotten four CDs of local bands but to me there was only one choice. Mel listened and I talked about the ‘show’ each put on. Without my prompting she agreed with my choice. It was a rocking six-man group called The Edge. I signed them up and gave them a thousand-dollar deposit on Wednesday, also talking to them about electrical and audio needs. I also firmed up the arrangements for the reception location and identified and locked in a company that could provide a tent, an arbor and the other accoutrements that Mel wanted for the actual ceremony on the beach.

I also made a trip to a very upscale store called The Whitehouse and bought both Lynn and Karen dresses for the wedding. Of course, this was with the full understanding that they were returnable Bayan escort within a week or two if they were unloved the way I wanted them to be. I also went to one of Sarasota’s largest bakeries and talked to them about a cake and the unique needs for icing and design on it. I was actually having fun. I was worried we were forgetting some major part of all this so I spent the evening on the Internet making sure we hadn’t forgotten anything.

One Friday I talked to Robbie Winter’s parents about the rehearsal dinner, their guests and some of Mel’s ideas. We had a cordial talk and they were wondering when and how all this was going to take place. They were from upstate and so I volunteered to help them find a nice place for the wedding group dinner. They were most appreciative and we all told each other we looking forward to the event. I locked in a private function room at the Chart House overlooking the Gulf of Mexico for them. The next week, I spent several hours with a florist I knew making plans for all the right arrangements to be at the right place at the right time. Lastly I called a friend of mine that was a professional photographer in London and asked Jeremy to come and do Mel’s wedding. A couple of years earlier, he had married a woman named Alex that he was madly in love with; I agreed to fly them both over for the wedding — he was a great friend and the best photographer I’d ever seen plus I really wanted to meet Alex.

After things were pretty well in hand, I typed up everything on the computer. Robbie and Mel came over for lunch, and along with Karen and Lynn, I made a ‘formal’ presentation of all the arrangements. They were amazed and pleased that just about everything was done. I had a list of some of the things I couldn’t do, such as appear personally to get the marriage license that I gave to Rob and Mel. We also ran through several options I’d gathered for invitations and announcements.

Finally, with the four of them seated in a semi-circle, I asked them to close their eyes and envision the perfect dress that Lynn would wear. I asked them not to vocalize it but to hold the image in their minds until I told them to open their eyes. I rushed down the hall to where I’d hidden the dresses in my closet and brought Lynn’s back to the living room. I held my breath and said, “OK now open your eyes and see how close I came.” I gritted my teeth and crossed my fingers.

There was a long silence in the room as each person examined the dress. I knew Robbie would have accepted burlap as his fabric of choice. Suddenly Lynn was in my arms kissing me, “Oh Jim, it’s perfect. It’s so much better than what I was thinking. I was being dowdy. This is sophisticated and sexy and … well, it’s beautiful. Thank you.” More kisses.

Basking in that success, I said, “OK, now you have to repeat the same process for Karen’s dress. They all closed their eyes. Expectations were higher now that I’d had one success. I pulled Karen’s dress out of my closet and removed its protective plastic sheath. “OK everyone,” I said, “how’s this one?”

There was an intake of breath, even from Robbie. Karen stood and came up close to the dress, examining every detail. “Oh, my God, it’s perfect!” she exclaimed with a choked voice. “How did you do that? How did you know?” She actually had tears in her eyes. She came and hugged me too.

I realized they were both waiting for a response from me to Karen’s questions. “I love you both more than the heaven and earth. Mel too.” I looked lovingly at Mel. “So when I went to the best store in town all I had to do was think what I would be proud to have my lovers wearing. These were bought with love and caring. Plus it was a risky move but I thought I’d try it. They are returnable if you change your mind.” They both kissed me and we had a group hug.

“What about Mel’s dress?” Lynn asked suddenly turning to Mel.

“Ahhh,” I said. “Monday morning at nine o’clock I am escorting Mel to Sarasota Brides. We have an appointment with Ms. Kampman the storeowner. Either or both of you may come or wait and be surprised the end of August.

Two voices in unison said, “We’ll come!”


We had a communal dinner the following Saturday. Carl and Rachel had gotten a baby sitter and we were all awaiting her report of her encounter with Ray. So far, except to smirk at the mention of the subject, she’d been mute. If Carl knew anything he was also being mute. She’d put us all off until after dinner. She told us with a grin, “This is going to be dessert.”

I think we finished dinner in record time because of Rachel’s bait. Finally, we were all sitting around the patio table with the dregs of our beers or wines. We all looked at Rachel.

She began, “Once upon a time,” then paused with gales of laughter as the rest of us watched. “Oh, gang, I think he’s a wonderful fit. Let me tell you the details.” She laughed again.

“Wednesday, I proposed that I take Ray to lunch. He’s taken me so many times I told him it was my turn to return the Escort favor. So far, this was all very ‘plain vanilla’ except when I asked him I really invaded his personal space. I think I was about six inches from him and I reached forward and put my hand on his chest like this.” She pulled Carl up and showed us what her body language had been. We laughed because Carl actually looked ill at ease with his wife being so close.

“So at lunch that day, as soon as we left the building, I took Ray’s arm and held it really close, making sure to rub my boobs with it.” She demonstrated using Carl again; this time he was getting into the role play.

Rachel continued, “There was no doubt I was coming on to him. But he played the part of the perfect gentleman. He held the car door for me so I gave him a beaver shot a la Sharon Stone as I got into the car, dropping things from my purse on the car floor as I did. Now I had a friend with a big smile on his face. When he got in the car I leaned over and kissed him. He was nice and kissed me back.”

She went on, “I suggested we go to the Hyatt Boathouse. One advantage there is they have under cover parking so the car wouldn’t heat up. So we drove over and parked under cover. We both got into kissing each other again and I could tell I was finally raising his temperature. He was bothered by all this and finally broke off and led us to the restaurant.”

“We had an intimate lunch with me leaning forward and hanging on his every word. My leaning forward also meant that he could get a great view of my cleavage by the way. I could watch his eyes wander with my pair of distractions.” She paused and jostled her breasts at Carl, “Oh this was so much fun.”

Rachel kept on with her story as we paid rapt attention; “Well, we went in and ordered lunch. I started running one toe up his leg, he gasped and asked, ‘What about your husband?’ Are you sure you want to be doing what you’re doing with me? Kissing … and all?’ I explained that we had an open relationship and a little about what that meant. I told him that I’d told Carl that I really liked him and that Carl was supportive of my making a new friend. He was surprised but pleased.”

“He’d seen how we carried on last Saturday and wondered what kind of relationships we had. I think he meant all of us but it could be just how I interacted with you, Jim. Anyway, he seemed satisfied with my answer about having an open relationship. That was a pretty broad subject that could mean just about anything. He seemed to take that as an invitation not only from me but also from Carl. He actually pulled my feet into his lap and gave me a foot massage. I think it was a good excuse to rub his cock with my feet, although we had on way too many layers of clothing.”

“Rachel continued, “We finished lunch and went back to the car. This time he was more aggressive — FINALLY. We sat and made out in the parking lot for a looooong time. He got me pretty cranked up. Finally I massaged him through his pants and I could feel him harden up as I worked on him. When he was ‘medium rare’ I pulled his cock out of his pants and gave him a Grade A blowjob. I knew it was Grade A for two reasons: one, his eyes were as big as saucers and two, he told me so. He was VERY appreciative. By the way, I swallowed every drop.” She leaned in a kissed Carl, who laughed and kissed back.

“Well, all of sudden he loses his stiff and plain vanilla personality with me. He actually becomes animated and talkative, and then gets all touchy feely — even shares his FEELINGS. I was amazed. So as we get back to work we make a date for the next day to go to lunch.” Rachel grinned lecherously and we all leaned forward.”

She went on, “So Thursday at lunch, we go and check in at the Holiday Inn up in Bradenton. Once we get to the room we kiss and make out for a while, then slowly strip each other’s clothing off. I am so wet my juice is running down my leg. Anyway, eventually we have a nice, passionate fuck. He’s actually quite a considerate lover.”

“Afterwards,” she said, “we’re lying there recuperating and he asks me, ‘Will you tell your husband?’ And I tell him, I already did. He was really surprised, ‘What do you mean?’ And I explain that I wouldn’t be here with him unless it was OK with Carl and my lovers. Well, I think he’s getting the idea but he asks to make sure, ‘Others?’ So I explain that I have some other relationships that are also important to me that I didn’t want to jeopardize. I made it seem like it was just Jim at first but then started to use plural nouns and pronouns — like ‘them’ and ‘their’. So he knows it’s more than just Jim … and Carl, in the picture.”

“And he was OK with that?” Lynn asked.

“Well, he thought about it a long time. I thought he was digesting it and testing to see whether it fit or not. Anyway, and here’s the juicy part, he then tells me that he and his ex-wife were swingers for a while and that she actually left their marriage so she could move in with one of the guys they swung with. The other guy’s wife apparently split the scene entirely. Anyway, he tells me he had trouble with the swinging because it was all very superficial; there was no commitment to each other, no romantic love, although there was a lot of sex and he liked that.”

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