Meeting Scott

2 Mayıs 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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I was running late from the time I found out I was going to the seminar. I couldn’t find my keys, I had to get some things from the cleaners and the traffic was terrible. I packed in a hurry, had a momentary problem with my car, and by the time I was sitting quietly in the airplane, I felt anything but quiet. I hate to be rushed and need to calm down and clear my mind before getting there. The flight was delayed about half an hour. Instead of getting upset and becoming too impatient, I made a conscious effort to close my eyes, take a deep breath and regain control. Until we landed and I had to fight the airport crowd. OK, take one thing at a time.

The Pines Motel looked like it was in the middle of nowhere, but after the day I’d had, it looked peaceful, and just what I needed. It wasn’t over-crowded by any means. As I walked into the lobby, I spied my former co-worker Scott checking in. We’d worked together a year or so ago and it’s always a pleasure to see his smiling face.

“Hey, How’ve you been?”

“Oh, Cathie, just fine.” I got busy checking in and he looked like he was waiting for me to finish, like he wanted my company.

“Would you like to have dinner together? I’m afraid I haven’t had dinner yet.”

“All right, neither have I.” The girl handed me the key and I thanked her. “And the airplane food doesn’t count.”

“That’s for sure. Do you need time to settle in?”

“Yes, just give me 30 minutes.” I was thinking I have to change. I’ve been in the same clothes all day.

The food at dinner was lousy. But I could survive on salad and the wine, at least until morning. The company was good. It’s always better to eat with someone than eating alone and Scott is easy to be with. We agreed it was no use dwelling on the bad food and hot weather.

“I’ve been thinking about that pool ever since I first walked past it. I need to cool off and unwind.”

“Well, I think I’m going to relax in front of the tube. How about having breakfast with me? Surely they can’t screw up Cornflakes.” He looked so hopeful, like it really mattered I say yes. Scott never gave any indication he was interested in me away from the workplace.

“Sure, I’d like that.”

Later from the pool, I saw him leaning over the fence watching me. Mustn’t be anything good on TV.

The next morning, I went to look for coffee and saw Scott before he saw me. It was nice to know someone was actually waiting for me, and especially him. There was a twinkle in his eye when he saw me that made me feel good.

“Looks canlı bahis like we have another hot one, ” Damn, I can’t believe I’m talking about the weather.

“Yeah, well, it’s summer in the south.” He was looking at me like he was ready to have me for breakfast, but instead of making me uneasy, well, it was making me uneasy in a good way.

“You looked good coming off that diving board. Do you swim often?”

“Thanks! Not as often as I’d like to. You know, you get busy working, and the pool where I live is usually full of kids.” Why am I stirring my coffee when I don’t even have any sugar or cream in it? Why am I suddenly so nervous? Looking into his eyes I feel like I’m miles away from this motel diner.

“Maybe you’d like to join me for a swim after work?”

He nodded. “I’d like that. It’ll relieve the tension and relax us before dinner.”

“Speaking of work, I’d better get going. I have to stop off at my room first, but I’ll meet you later.”

I didn’t turn around, but as I walked out I could feel him watching me. Good!

Scott knocked on my door a little earlier than he said, but I’m always early myself, so I can’t say much. We walked to his car and chatted easily. But, driving the sixty miles to the restaurant, I seemed to have a hard time keeping the conversation going. Now, I’m not the kind of person who has to be talking all the time, but I really enjoy being with him, and throughout the day, he acted like he really likes me.

I’ve thought about him all day, and really looked forward to being with him tonight. But it was like he had something on his mind, and there was no room for me, or maybe it was just my imagination. Men are so weird. They always claim women are hard to understand, but just when you get to know a guy, and really like being around him, all of a sudden, he acts like he’s going out of his way to be nice to you.

We had a relaxing swim that evening. Scott is a good swimmer. Even if he weren’t he still looks great in the trunks! He’s so attentive, and easy to be with. It’s been some time since I felt as comfortable with a man, and yet uncomfortable at the same time. When our eyes meet, I feel like I’ve lost my footing and somehow, it seems he’s the one who will help me regain it.

He slung his towel around his neck, and I dried my face, trying to get my hair back in a semblance of neatness. We headed for the upstairs rooms and it was nice just to walk with someone and not feel like you had to make conversation to fill in the minutes. At my door bahis siteleri we stopped and I had the funniest feeling, like at the end of a date when you’re a teenager and don’t know if he’ll kiss you quickly and leave, or if he’ll kiss you and then leave right away and look like it hurts to leave.

As if in answer to my unspoken question, he put his hands on either side of my face and we shared the most fantastic kiss! Oh, I’ve lost my footing all right. but this is great! Somehow the door opened behind me and I backed into the room, his lips warm and kind, yet demanding on mine. He cupped my right breast and with his other hand slipped my bathing suit off my shoulders. Though I was still quite wet, at first his hand and then his mouth was warming my nipples and giving me the most exquisite sensations. I’ve always wondered why is it that the attentions of a man to your breasts awaken your lower body to arousal very quickly, like they’re attached.

He was sitting on the bed by now, and I was standing in front of him, totally enjoying the little nibbles and suction on my nipples. They were hardening and pointing attentively. I said, “Maybe you should take off those wet trunks.”

“Uh, yeah, maybe I should.” They were off in no time, and when he sat back down, I let my wet suit fall to the floor and knelt in front of him. He was becoming aroused again, and his cock was growing expectantly. I cupped his balls in my hand, and began kissing the head of his penis ever so lightly and gently. Little licks and nibbles up and down the shaft. I could tell he was really enjoying himself and he said, “Let me lie back.” I stood and readied to get on the bed and he’d pulled himself back to lie flat with an amused and wondering look in his eyes.

I continued my attentions to his penis and started the deep suction I knew he would love. I took my time pleasuring him. I hadn’t done this is quite awhile, but it’s always enjoyable. Just when I thought he was becoming too engorged, I stopped and straddled his torso, my breasts dangling over his face. He didn’t disappoint me, and gave them his utmost attention. His fingers were gently stroking my pussy lips and that’s always the most sublime pleasure.

Even if it takes awhile to turn the attention to my waiting clit, the lips swell expectantly and eagerly waiting any kind of touch. I stroked his chest, and laid lightly on it to just feel the masculinity of him. He had a clean, manly smell, and he gently stroked my back. Soon, though, he was lifting himself and laying me beside bahis şirketleri him. His eyes were on my face, like they were asking a question and I knew what the question was and he knew the answer. His fingertips were drawing circles on my breast, slowly moving downward to my lower belly, and finally, after what seemed like an eternity, to the already swollen pussy lips.

He parted my legs and began kissing. And stroking my inner thighs. It always seems a lonely time, to have a man so “far away” from your face, and yet so intimately close at the same time. His tongue was doing marvelous things to my pussy, and when he found my clit and began the gentle but firm suction, I thought I would lose my mind. His fingers were gently caressing my pussy, and then my other hole. It was an arousal unlike any other, very enjoyable. When he found what he was looking for he began massaging the entrance in and out. I felt myself come for the first time. I couldn’t help it, and he was pleased and excited by it. He stroked my juices all around the area and again pleasured my anus with his slick and juicy finger.

I rolled him over and turned him around so his head was on the pillow and straddled his torso, my breasts and turned him around so his head was on the pillow and straddled his torso. His fingers were gently stroking my pussy lips, which is always the most sublime pleasure. He turned his attention back to my waiting clit and he could se that my pussy lips were swollen, expectantly and eagerly waiting any kind of touch.

I stroked his chest, and lay lightly on top of him and he gently stroked my back. Soon, though, I lifted up and then lowered myself onto his eager penis. Oh! This was what I’d been waiting for! He caressed me and held me upright while I raised and lowered myself repeatedly, totally immersed in this sensations. I enjoy fucking from on top.

He raised up momentarily and, looking into my eyes and giving me an extraordinary kiss. He was entering my pussy and stroking ever so firmly and deeply. This is the closest thing I’ll ever come to heaven and I matched his thrusting, finding the rhythm as old as time itself.

I had to lie there a moment and regain my bearings, Am I still in the same motel room? Somehow I had been a thousand miles away and back, and was surprised to see the mundane things I left. What seemed like hours ago? He was on one elbow facing me and stroking my front lightly with his hands. Encircling my breasts, lightly going over my belly, and just the faintest touch in my pussy region, which by now was happily satisfied as a kitten.

“It always takes a moment to regain consciousness, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, how did you know what I was thinking?” He gave me a passionate deep kiss and I knew.

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