Meeting a New Mindset Ch. 02

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I woke up feeling drained, and comfortable. My covers were wound between my legs and I was using my larger quilt as a pillow. As per my always classy demeanor, I had been drooling through the night and my face needed to be nauseatingly peeled from my quilt. I get myself comfortable in bed, my covers placed over my body with my breasts hanging freely above the blankets. I sat my laptop at my ribs and opened my email. For a second I got a thrill going through my body, thinking it might filled with a message from my new editor.

Instead I was greeted by some coupon deal and a message from Derrick, thanking me for the help with his A&PII homework. I opened my word document and looked over my story about Emily. Honestly the topics I wrote about were new to me, and the story was crafted with what I saw in popular stories more than what I enjoyed. I logged into chat again, and quickly scanned for his name on the list on the side. No dice in the main room. I hit the little plus at the top of the screen and was greeted with a list of potential rooms. I chose one that was specifically for Dom/sub relationships.

And was greeted by his username. I said my hellos to the room first, a little embarrassed to have hunted him down. My window popped up with his name. “Are you following me? ;)” He asked, and I was surprised at his little winky face.

“Maybe,” I flirted back. “Maybe I’m trying to kidnap you. :P” He lol’d at me and we began the traditional “getting to know you” conversation. He didn’t hide anything about himself, and it made me feel comfortable enough to tell him the truth about me. I was disappointed when I asked him where in my state he was located,

“I’m in Little Ridge. Honestly while Little Ridge has been good to me professionally I’m not going to stay here much longer. My social life here is pretty much a wash. I socialize a bit with some folks I work with but I like my crowds a little… Weirder? Nerdier? My company is sending me out to the UK to stand up their first European office. When i get back I’m going to start looking for a new place to go. It’s time to broaden my horizons.” He was leaving here? Little Ridge was Sahabet only two hours away from me.

We got back to it, and when he asked me if I was seeing anyone, I bit my lip. He was interested in me. It made me confident in asking him what I needed to, “So…what sort of kinks are you into?”

There was a pause, “It depends on who I’m with, but I like bondage, I like power exchange, and I like training my submissive. All of it takes a lot of trust, and the right girl.”

I giggle, “Training your submissive? Like what, you want her to be a dog?” I blink for a second. I’d met people that were into pet play in the chatrooms, and was even accosted in a PM by someone trying to cyber making me into a cat by force. It’s easy in a chatroom to hit an “x” button. But in real life? I don’t know.

“I could adapt if that’s something you’d like, but I’m not going to suggest it to you. I mean I like my girl to behave a certain way, and I’ll use rewards and punishments to get the behavior I prefer.” I found myself actually shivering, and pulled the covers over my naked breasts, as though he could see through the screen. The words he used “my girl” and that he addressed me directly made me excited, and I could feel myself heating up. “Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have assumed it was you that wanted it.”

Meanwhile in my head I was spinning up another story. I was naked again, with that same gold collar around my neck, but this time I was on all fours. On my thighs were black straps with a soild D ring also in gold with a formidable chain running from my thigh to my ankle. It made it so I could walk, but not stand straight, forcing me to keep on all fours. Clipped into my hair were two adorable fuzzy ears with fur on the outside designed to match my hair and soft pink felt on the inside. Then the feeling of heaviness in my behind. I twisted my hips and the softness of fur brushed my ass. I had a plug in with a long fox tail attached to it. I turned my upper body to get a better look at it, but something at my neck tugged.

At my collar a chain was attached. It was thin enough to break if I pulled away with some Sahabet Giriş strength, but I found myself strangely happy to be bound. I looked up and there he was again. Tall with hard eyes looking up at me, a smile curled around his mouth, “I just want to give you a good real experience, my pretty girl.” He told me, and my body shivered and my ass tightened around the plug.

God, what was I thinking? I’ve never even had a finger up there, now I want a plug? My hands wandered to my soft wet lips and I vainly stroked them, thinking how soft they were, and how sure I was that if it were his hands touching them how delighted he would be to touch me.

Again I was back in the living room, bound and horny. He touched the side of my head, using the pads of his fingers to scratch behind my ears and near my temple. It shouldn’t have felt good, but it really really did. I couldn’t take my eyes off him until he reached across my body to play with my plug. He was just wiggling it a little bit. And the feeling of it shifting inside me…I could only imagine. “Now sit, bitch…and open your mouth to suck my cock.” The words were crude and I flinched. Still, I dutifully opened my mouth and closed my eyes.

He took advantage of my closed eyes, inserting what had to have been a homemade gag into my awaiting mouth. It was a bone shaped dog toy with black rope coming from either end. He tied it around my head and crudely checked under my tail to see how wet I was from this little debacle. His touch made me bite down on this surprise stranger in my mouth and a cute little squeak emanated from it. He laughed a little bit and let his finger do his talking for him. He placed it inside me and curled his finger once, twice, then rapidly making me drop to my forearms.

On the screen a little chime with the word “Hello???” got my attention. Oh my gosh! How could I have gotten caught up in my little fantasy when he was in a chat with me?

I quickly typed out some little apology. Saying that I was busy with…something.

“Were you playing with yourself, girl?” The words on the screen were damning to me. He was right, Sahabet Güncel Giriş of course. I was falling in deep lust with this man, and fast. But why? Because he was hot? Because he was well spoken? I couldn’t fall into this trap of making him more than he was. I’d read about turning a Dom into more than human. Somehow, his opinion of me was becoming very important.

“I was…but I’m sorry to have been while you were on the screen with me.” Well, that was a mish mosh. I didn’t want to just start cybering with him. I wanted him to think of me as more than some interactive word porn. I was craving getting to know him.

“Roger. Listen, that’s not a problem. That’s not what I’m here for. I really like you, Nicole.” I blushed and glanced out the window at the golden light of afternoon streaming in. I’d killed some time with that little fantasy and talking to this man. It was nearly time for class. Luckily, it was an online one, and it just meant I would have to check in to see if the instructor had left any questions in the board for us to answer.

“I have an online class today, but I don’t want to let you go.” I was being clingy, and I wasn’t sure how he’d take that. I really wanted to have him all to myself, though.

“You should focus on your studies.” He counseled. I growled a little at not getting my way. Maybe if I pouted a little he’d cave.

“-pouts- But I’d like it if you were talking to me while I studied.” It was risky, but I needed to ask, “Maybe you could give me your phone number and we could text?”

Please please please!

“…We’ll get there. That being said I’m not at the point where I’d be comfortable trading phone numbers. It’s nothing against you personally; I’m very restrictive about who gets my number. Currently that list is relegated to family, 3 friends, and the small number of folks at work who need to be able to reach me at any hour for an emergency. I do want to keep talking. At some point we will trade numbers but I hope you’ll understand that it’s not something I’m exactly comfortable with right now.”


I huffed a little. “I understand that, no problem.” I typed back, but I didn’t understand and I didn’t care. I wanted to be able to reach him when I wanted to!

“Let’s meet back here in two hours.” He typed and I let a bigger smile than I was willing to admit to myself spread over my face.

Okay, in two hours we’d talk again.

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