Making It Back

1 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Mid-morning on a Saturday. Normally I don’t work weekends but this was rushed. If we could close this deal by Monday it would mean millions. I had taken to working from home, letting my attorneys and managers take care of the business that normally I would have. It had been like this since the accident. Only nine-thirty, the fog still lingered on the lake below. I stood at the bay window, sipping a coffee as the three lawyers mumbled in the background, “Terry?” Shunarrah, called from the sofa behind the heavy oak coffee table, “You with us here, Buddy?”I nodded, my eyes on the form of my wife who was walking back toward the house. She spent many mornings since the accident down at the pier. After weeks in the hospital and months of grief management, she was starting to show signs of progress. Losing our unborn child to the poor decision of a drunk man to drive his vehicle.It had been tough for her over the past six months but things began to change when we moved out here to the country. She seemed to be coming Malatya Escort out of her grief. The fact that the man responsible was later killed in another drunken wreck seemed to satisfy some part of her pain. She was starting to smile again.Looking up at me from the cobble path, she gave me a smile and a wave. I raised my coffee in response with a smile of my own. Watching her make her way up the path to the house, my thoughts were on how much she had suffered and how strong she had been. The lawyers were rumbling in the background of my mind, my thoughts on Tess while she walked, throwing a tennis ball for our dog Rusty. She smiled every time she looked up at me. There was something different about her that morning. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something had changed. Her smile and the way she kept glancing up at me. “Can you get with us over here, Terry?” Asked my top lawyer, Morris Bart, “We could wrap this up much quicker.”He repeated my name after I failed to answer, Malatya Escort Bayan “Yeah,” I answered dismissively, my beautiful wife looking at me from just twenty feet below. My mind was not on business or lawyers but on Tess. She threw the ball one last time and when  Rusty bounded after it, she untied the sash of her bathrobe and let it fall open. I was hard instantly. I let my eyes feast on her form. Her breasts, small and round, accented by tiny pink nipples that stared up at me as her eyes did. I could tell even from this distance that they were erect. A pair of red lacy panties were all that she wore under the robe. Her ivory skin was perfect but for the pink remnants of a scar on her left side. Left over from the accident, it was the only evidence that it had happened. Rusty had returned with the ball, dropping it at her feet, waiting impatiently for her to throw it again. He sat looking up at her but she was looking up at me. The lawyers sat quietly behind me, unaware Escort Malatya of my view. They were waiting for me to make a decision. I raised my cup again with a smile and turned to the business at hand. The attention of my legal team was on the documents in their hands so they had not noticed the bulge in my slacks. A few minutes passed and I looked to my left, hearing the soft padding of her footsteps. Still wrapped in the robe, she walked to me, ignoring the other three men in the room. With her back to them, she stood in front of me and whispered in my ear, “Right here and right now,” her finger tracing the hard lump in my crotch.I watched her walk to the billiards table and wait, her eyes locked on mine. One last sip from my cup, “Gentlemen, could you give us a minute?”The lawyers looked from me to her then at one another, hesitating before Richard spoke up, “Terry, we need to finish…”I held up my hand and gave him a stern look, “Schwartz, Wait for me in the dining room.”With a disappointing shake of their heads, they gathered their papers and retired to the dining room. I looked over to Tess just as the last one walked out of the room and saw that her panties were on the floor at her feet. Her hands untied the sash and pulled her robe open, letting it fall to the floor also. 

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