Loving Wife Becomes a Slut Ch. 02

6 Temmuz 2020 0 Yazar: admin

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Loving Wife Becomes a Slut Ch. 02With a wave to the crowd we left the beach as she purred, “I want you to fuck me all night!” The walk back was fast and breathless as I started to digest what had happened. My gorgeous wife had turned into the exhibitionist slut of my dreams. She had gone further than I had ever imagined and I was in heaven. All I could think of was fucking her as soon as possible. Conversation was impossible until we slowed down and I got my breath back. Soon we were in the car where she immediately sat in the passenger seat. Her bag was on her lap, her face forward, silent. To my eyes the moment had gone and with a sense of dismay I started the drive back wondering if she was now regretting her actions.I daren’t say anything on our return journey.. All I could do was think of the pleasure on my husband’s face, the thrill I had got and the electricity still surging through me. I had gone further than I had expected and had loved it. I had acted the slut for him and others, letting them all see how turned on I was and how good a slut wife I was for my husband. All I wanted was to feel his hand on my leg, his lips on mine and I would gladly fuck him in the car, something he had tried before but I had resisted so he had never tried again. My head span, I wanted to be his slut, I wanted the world to see how much of a slut I would be for him but an inner voice of old urged caution. Self preservation made me use the bag as a shield. I wasn’t ready to admit to him how much I had enjoyed our time on the beach, the thrill I had got from letting others see my wet slit, how just the memory of sucking his cock in front of others was making me shudder in delight and how wet I was now as I thought of when I accidently touched the other man’s cock.The whole journey was in silence, the couples’ thoughts poles apart as often the case.I followed my silent wife to our room not knowing what to say, I knew we needed to talk over what had happened but also knew her well enough to know she would find her own time and place. Patience was best. After we entered the room, still in silence, she went straight over to our balcony and began to move the patio table into the middle of it. I followed puzzled. She looked at me directly and to my surprise and delight stepped out of her dress and lay back on the table.”Well…your slut needs using and I know you want to! This public enough for you?”she added with a wicked smile.Those words flooded my cock with blood. Of course I wanted to, she knew I had always mentioned scenarios like this. Clearly she hadn’t regretted it and was getting into her role as my slut. As I dropped my shorts my erect cock sprang free. On seeing this my wife held her legs wide apart in the air, the V channeling my eyes to a dripping swollen slit. Her thighs shone with her juices. She was more aroused than I had ever seen before, my wife, my slut, my desire, my dream, MINE!As if drawn by a huge powerful magnet I thrust my pulsating cock into my wife. My groans of lust matched with each thrust by a groan from her. My eyes burned into hers with a desire thought long since extinguished. Oblivious to where we were I entered her with a powerful frenzied fury, pushing her along the table with each thrust. Her hands gripped the table edge as each thrust pushed deep into her and the juddering table back along the balcony. My passion was matched by hers, each thrust met a contraction timed perfectly. Both sweating, both panting, my thrusts became faster and faster until with a mutual final groan, convulsion and contraction we came together. I flopped forward onto her as she wrapped her arms and legs around me in delight and the post coital glow of passion. As our breathing subsided I looked into her eyes.”Wow!” was all I could say.Her smiling face looked deeply into mine and replied, “wow indeed.” Looking at the door and biting her bottom lip she began to sit up, “and now naughty boy, times up.”With a nod of the head I understood perfectly. Time to be gone and hastily we left the scene of our lovemaking, not stopping until she had drawn the curtains. Neither of us had dared see who had been watching. Holding each other giggling, with delight, sharing a level of mutual understanding we collapsed on the bed in each other’s arms basking in the glory of the deed.Much later we rose and dared to look out, but not too surprisingly no one was watching, or at least not watching anymore. No more was said about the events of that day neither one of us wanting to break the magical spell or spoil the memory. Both of us privately seeking a way to process how we felt and to reflect on what new desires and ideas were bubbling inside us.That night at dinner in the hotel, after the effects of a rich first course and good wine sank in we began to discuss the day. Both of us agreed how much we had enjoyed it, how much we enjoyed watching each other in front of others, how good it felt for ourselves to be watched, how exciting it had been and how much of a turn on amasya escort it was. That much we shared, but both of us had a secret, we both had wanted things to go further, both had wanted others to have physically intervened. Both of us treasured the same event, the short brief time she had touched the other man’s cock. I thought this was an accident but she knew it wasn’t. The truth was it had been the highlight for them both, they both wanted the same but neither dare admit it. I looked at my wife in her little black dress, classy, clingy, sexy, erotic and stylish. Her tanned legs ending in modest heels. Elegant and eye catching. “You look stunning tonight my angel,” I cooed. “I am so proud of you today, you looked fabulous all day!”I thought for a second or two, while looking around the restaurant, “you do realise all the appreciative looks you get, that you’re getting now. Men and women looking at your legs, your body, your breasts.”Pausing briefly before continuing, “I was so turned on, so excited and proud when you got those looks on the beach. When you were naked, when they were looking at you naked…maybe we need to go shopping tomorrow for a new dress and shoes, something that captures ‘the you’ from the beach and perhaps let’s go somewhere else later, not here, not where anyone we will have to see again will be…”I left it at that, I knew saying less was better than saying more, that patience would be the most likely course of action to pay off. Praise not pressure was the way forward. I had said what I wanted, without being crass. I realised how I wanted her to act and now it felt like a game to hook her in further to the role. I had finally realized that I had a strong desire for her to dress and act like a slut, the filthier she dressed, the dirtier her behaviour, the more like a cheap whore she acted, the more I knew it would excite me. The only issue was how to say this. I felt my attempts so far were a good start. Meanwhile I ordered more wine and as we considered our choice of dessert I wondered what her reaction would be to what I had said.I feel like such a slut I mused but I love the look in his eyes! To think I worried he might get jealous or think worse of me for dressing to show off. I knew I craved the longing lustful looks of others and the reaction it caused in my husband’s trousers. I had secretly packed some shoes and a dress just for his eyes, a bedroom outfit as he called it, and maybe I considered I should wear it tomorrow when we went out. A jacket or cover up shirt over it while we left the hotel for modesty which I could slip into a handbag later. I could feel myself moistening and my nipples stiffening in my bra as I wondered what to do next. I wanted to dive into my role right then, hitch my dress up, let him see my dampening thong but an inner voice spoke to me of self control, restraint, decorum and good girls don’t. My inner slut cried out I want to, I want him to use me now in this restaurant in front of the others. An idea rose in my mind, after the waiter took our order I excused myself and went to the toilet. On my return I bent forward to kiss my husband and dropped a surprise in his lap as I sat back in my chair, marvelling at his wide eyes. She knew that tight as her dress was, leaning forward allowed the front to fall away and his eyes had followed that line and registered bare naked flesh. I grinned as his eyes dropped to what was in his lap and suppressed a giggle as he nearly spilt his drink. As the waiter arrived his hand had dived to his lap to conceal my gift, in his haste he had knocked his glass which had wobbled precariously.”Chicken!” I teased him. “I knew you would do that!”I stared at her as my hand held her warm damp thong and hoped that I had pushed her bra between my legs obscuring it from the waiter. It was something I had always dreamed of her doing. I had envisioned all sorts of erotic scenarios but none of them had featured my reflex act of modesty. She had called his bluff and won. I grinned, she really was becoming more and more of a slut.”Lets both sit at the outside table corners so I can gaze at your sexy legs,” I teased.I knew that not only would I be able to see her better but so would the other diners. With a grin and lick of her lips she moved. I sat facing her, gazing at her legs and how the outline of her dress had changed subtly at the top. I knew she was naked beneath her dress but from the dress way the dress clung to her you could not tell. It was a long slow drawn out tease as she ate. She would move her legs slightly, place a hand on her dress feigning being about to raise the hemline but never going ahead. All the time our eyes burned into each other’s, all the time my heart was beating loudly with excitement. I was finding this teasing being more inensely erotic than actually seeing her naked on the beach.I wondered how long I could keep this teasing up for. My pussy was oozing moisture, I feared the dress would be wet at the back . I knew a few escort amasya of the other diners had seen me move and were enjoying the view but I wanted to show more. A mixture of emotions and ideas cascaded through my head. One idea seemed to congeal in the front of my mind, how to avoid a wet dress and how to tease more. I sat forward in my chair and bent towards my husband. His eyes travelled down the gap at the front of my dress. I went to begin to stand but instead grabbed the rear hem of my dress pulling it up to allow my bare bottom back onto the seat. A quick push down of my hands as I sat back down and I hoped modesty maintained. Now my pussy was free to ooze, I was free to flirt and tease more without worrying about my dress. I sat back grinning impishly at my husband.”That’s comfier,” I grinned. “Enjoying the view?”My husband wriggled his head from side to side a little, he replied, “oh yes my angel!My gorgeous slut of a wife sat facing me. I had seen me move and readjust her dress. In the process her firm pert breasts and nipples were briefly exposed as her dress front dropped.The hem at the front covered her legs still and continued to look demure but hadn’t settled all the way down at the side. A delicious arc of her naked bottom was on show on either side. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed, a couple a few tables behind him were nudging each other and obviously looking. I reached out with my foot and began to gently but insistently push one of her feet causing her to open her legs. Inch by inch her feet separated, fraction by fraction her hem slid up her thighs. The waiter approached unseen over her shoulder and I beckoned her forward just as he arrived. Timed perfectly I watched the waiter’s eyes drop down the cleavage and onto her legs which I pushed wider apart. The waiter choked and spilt the after dinner cognac over her legs. Mumbling an apology he bent forward to dry her legs before realising that would only make matters worse. As the drink hit her legs they had flinched up, parting more forcing the hem of her dress all the way past the top of her thighs. The waiter had seen it all and was open mouthed. I glanced around quickly and saw that several of the other diners were grinning and enjoying the view. On reflex my wife adjusted her dress and she began to dry herself. Anger bubbled on her face before she noticed my amused smile.”That was planned wasn’t it?” she asked.I nodded as she looked around at several smiling faces.”They all saw up my dress didn’t they?””Yes they did my beauty and you gave them a treat, but that’s enough for here like get back to the room. Let’s just say it hit the spot for me!” I replied glancing down at an obvious swelling at my groin.We left an apologetic waiter and headed for the lift. As soon as I turned the first corner and we were no longer on show I turned to my wife powerfully embracing her. My hand squeezed her pert ass, marvelling at the damp patch on the dress, the other hand was in her hair as I thrust my tongue into her hungry mouth. We kissed with a passion and fury before breathless she led me by the hand to the lift. As the door closed I pushed her unresisting form back against the rear wall of the lift dropping my eager hands to her bottom again. Instantly I lifted the side of her dress and slipped my hand around the front of her legs, parting them, sliding a finger into her wet hole. My other hand began to knead and caress her bare bottom. Breathlessly, passionately, hungrily we kissed behind the closed doors of the stationary lift. Suddenly with a loud ‘ping’ the doors began to open. Reflex took over and we hastily broke our embrace. Another slightly drunk couple walked in and pressed a button to select a floor. We both giggled quietly knowing that the look we had got meant we had been seen but not clearly. We had moved slightly and changed positions so now my back was against the lift wall and she stood in front of me looking forward. I leant back into the wall, bending my legs slightly so I was standing lower. Casually I reached forward and placed my hand on the back of her naked thigh. I could feel her slight tense but continued, relishing the softness of her skin. I quickly let my hand move round to her inner thigh and slide to its top. She let out a slight gasp as my insistent hand parted her legs and slipped into her wet slit. I was so aroused and so carried away in the moment. Here I was in a lift with strangers, facing them as my husband was fingering me. I began to softly moan as his finger began to work away inside me and could feel my juices flowing down my leg. An orgasm rippled through me and I groaned louder. I was riding the edge of a wave, desire, the need to cum, the thrill of being such a public slut and a fear that the other couple might realise. I could smell the scent of my enflamed sex as I saw the other couple turn to face me. I felt powerless to move as his fingers explored my wet convulsiong slit. My legs were trembling, and I was chewing amasya escort bayan my bottom lip trying to stifle my inner cries of delight as I came repeatedly. I hoped from the front that my dress was down and that all I had to do was smile but his fingers felt so good. All I wanted to do was push back and down on his fingers, to ride them up and down. “Are you OK?” the lady asked, smirking.I couldn’t speak. Of course I was OK, I thought, I am just orgasming. Somehow I felt that saying that wasn’t the right thing to say but my mind was so flooded with the hormones of lust and ecstasy it was all I could think.”She’s fine thanks,” my husband chuckled, “she just loves lifts!”With that he stuffed an extra digit into my sopping hole and all I could do was moan gently the word, “Yes…”The watching couple nudged each other with broad grins. They had clearly worked out what was going on just as the lift stopped at their floor. They staggered out giggling as I let out another groan. My pussy ached to be filled fully, I wanted my husband’s cock right now. I would spread my legs for him and let him fuck me in the lift if he asked, but all he did was reach forward and press our floor button as his other hand withdrew. He pulled it up to my mouth tracing my lips with his wet fragrant fingers which I sucked on eagerly, savouring the taste of my own pussy, imagining his fingers were his cock and I was sucking him. All too soon our floor arrived and we rushed hand in hand down the corridor to our room.Passion surged as soon as we entered and had closed the door I turned to embrace my wife. Our lips desperately sort out the other person. Our mouths entwined with our tongues flickered powerfully over each other. Her hands dropped to my belt as I mauled her naked ass under her dress. Quickly, deftly and eagerly her warm hands had undone my trousers which had fallen to my ankles and were pumping my swollen shaft. As she pumped her other hand pushed down my briefs allowing my aching member to spring free. Lust overtook me, filling me with an inner strength as I held one perfect buttock in each hand and lifted her off the ground and pushed her back against the door. Her lithe legs wrapped around my waist trapping her own arm, as our mouths worked overtime. Positioning myself carefully and lowering her I felt the tip of my cock touching the dampness between her legs. Her hand was still squeezing my cock which was angled at her opening and with a groan of delight and a slight gush of moisture I lowered her onto my cock. Groaning, grunting, swearing in delight I rocked my hips back and forth feeling my member slide into her spasming hole. She screamed in delight and passion, using her arms and heels to raise and lower herself onto my throbbing cock.As happens all too often when passion levels are in overdrive I groaned and shot my hot seed deep into her. She groaned in acknowledgement one last convulsion going through her whole body before strength left us both and she dropped to the floor sated. Exhausted we fell onto our bed holding each other and fell into a deep sleep.I awoke several hours later still holding my wife. We had been so tired and perhaps alcohol had played a part, that we were both dressed, the lights were on and the curtains open. I got out of bed and undressed, gazing at my wifes beautiful form. She was turning into the slut of my dreams. A grin spread over my face as I relived the night’s events and a thought struck. I moved over to make sure the curtains were fully open and she was brightly illuminated. I sat back on the bed and began to raise her dress. She stirred slightly as I muttered gently in her ear about how good she had been. Deftly I slipped her out of her dress leaving her naked form clearly visible on the bed before lying next to her and holding her. I drifted back into sleep my mind swimming with erotic possibilities.Sunlight warmed my skin as I nestled in against my husband’s body. What a night, what a thrill, what wonderful intense sex we had had the previous night. I recalled him holding me, cuddling me with a passion we had not felt in years. Then I remembered him undressing me and processed what I could feel now. I was naked, on show with the curtains open, any one awake would see me if they looked from their rooms into ours. Only a week ago I would have been horrified but now I was thrilled. He clearly was relishing my role as a slut, he enjoyed me showing my body, all of my body to everyone, he encouraged it in word and deed. I for my part had found a whole new erogenous zone which caused me to tingle, to moisten, my breath to quicken, my skin to flush and attain a depth of orgasm that I had never before achieved. This zone was in fact every inch of my skin when I felt someone else’s eyes on it. The more personal the area of skin the more intense the reaction. I was so proud and flattered that not only did I still please him but he wanted others to see what he saw. We had started down a path together which delved into our darker sides and the result was to bring us closer together. As I lay there rolling onto my back I felt the tingles knowing my body was on show again and awaited what today would bring. Whatever it did I was determined to act even more of a slut.

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