Love with a Twist Ch. 10

1 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Please Read ‘Love with a Twist Ch. 1-9’ to follow along with this chapter.

To my past readers: Sorry this took so long to get out…life can be busy

To my new readers: Welcome enjoy the arousal and the story

Special Thank you to Steve aka Bubba for editing this story for me! You are my Hero!

To my loving wife, for allowing me to explore my fantasies through writing.


Sarah trudged up the small concrete steps of her condo, finally done working for the day, releasing a heavy sigh of relief as she reached the last step. Sarah was a photographer, for a local advertising agency, which farmed out their staff to various companies, to use to photograph new products or models. Today’s photo shoot was for a new brand of children’s clothing line, which in itself was a challenge.

She photographed about sixteen different kids, a variety of ages and sizes and was almost brought to tears when she had to deal with the foul-mouth, ill-tempered little brats that made up the ten to fourteen year old bracket. That alone had taken her the majority of the afternoon, leaving her with a pounding headache and a sore back.

Stopping at the door she saw a folded piece of paper taped to the door. Dropping her bag she snatched up the paper fully expecting it to be her neighbor with another complaint about the noise level from her condo. She grinned sheepishly, feeling a warm blush spread across her cheeks, thinking about last night’s sexual escapades which had her screaming in pleasure, when Robert had buried his cock so deeply inside her it cause her to cum almost instantly.

Opening the paper, she saw a note in her lover’s handwriting. “Step inside, have a drink” it read, smiling to herself she opened the door leading into the kitchen, which was softly lit by a dozen candles spread out through the room. On the floor was a trail of red rose petals leading into the dining room and beyond. On the counter was a small glass of her favorite red wine, with another folded piece of paper. Dropping her equipment in the corner, she opened the note which read “Follow the path, I am waiting…”

Taking up the glass she giggled softly following the rose covered path into the dinning room, it lead further into the house, and stopped at the bathroom door. She chuckled loudly seeing her lover, Robert, standing in a simple black suit, with a white button down shirt, left open at the neck, next to the bathroom door, where the path ended. She locked eyes with him slowly crossing the room to stand before him, he looked so charming standing in his suit. She opened her mouth to speak but Robert’s grin only grew wider, reaching out to brush a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes, gently placing his finger over her open lips to still her questions. Robert’s hand drifted down, her chin and neck to her shirt slowly unbuttoning the top three buttons of the red blouse she was wearing.

Giving him a quizzical smile she opened her arms allowing him to slowly unbutton the shirt, helping her to remove it. Slowly he paced around her, unclasping her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Continuing around her, he let his finger tips gently gliding along her back, down to her hips finally coming to rest on the button of her khaki colored shorts. Slowly he pulled on the button feeling it come free and letting shorts slip off her hips with a quiet whoosh. Kneeling down in front of her he reached up to her red lace panties giving them a gentle pull encouraging her to open her legs allowing them to slid from her body much like her shorts had done. Her semi-erect manhood bounced into view, but her lover ignored her arousal and simply, reached down to her sneakers and carefully removing them letting her hold onto his shoulders for balance.

Sarah took another sip from her glass, reveling in the attention from her lover. She was fond of exposing herself to him, but this display of compassion was far more erotic. Robert slipped his hands up her thighs gently brushing his finger tips against her sex, before standing up upright again. Stepping over to the bathroom he slowly opened the door, holding his arms out to the entry way, and bowing slightly at the waist, much like a servant would to his master.

Sarah, was disappointed he did not do more with her now rising member, but gave a soft chuckle as she passed him, letting her fingers trail along his chest as she entered the bathroom. She was shocked to find that the room was bathed in a warm flickering glow of, what had to be at least fifty candles, of all makes and sizes all around the room. She looked to the bathtub to find it full of bubbles, next to it was a small stool which held her MP3 player, her favorite romantic novel, and a small bowl of her favorite M&M candies. Taking the glass of wine from her, he slowly motioned to the bathtub then kissed her on cheek before stepping back through the door, closing it behind him.

Sarah stood quietly in the room amazed at the length Bostancı Fetiş Escort to which her lover had gone to please her. She felt guilty about all the text messages she had sent him throughout the day ranting and raving about her photo shoot. She felt tears in her eyes, scanning the room once more almost disbelieving what she was seeing. Bending over she dipped her fingers into the bathtub to check the temperature of the water. It felt warm and comforting, not wanting to waste another moment she slowly climbed into the tub letting the warm water envelope her body easing the stress of the day from her back and legs. Reaching out she grabbed her MP3 player hitting the play button before resting her head back against a folded towel on the back of the tub, closing her eyes, she lost herself in the music and warmth of the bath.

The last song on the play list faded off into silence, Sarah opened her eyes realizing she had fallen asleep in the bathtub. A shiver ran through her body as the water had cooled considerably, looking around the room she spotted a white towel, sitting next to the sink, on top of a small white box. Sarah stood up in the tub turning on the shower to quickly wash off the soap suds from her body before draining the tub. Sarah climbed out, grabbing the warm white fluffy towel, wrapping it around her body, before picking up the small box. It was more long and flat then it appeared when the towel was covering it and was very light in her hands. She smiled seeing a folded piece of paper tapped to the top of the box, it read “Wear me, then join me for dinner”

Excitedly Sarah opened up the box, finding a dark blue satin night gown inside. Taking it out, she squealed with delight, holding it up by the small thin shoulder straps. She set the gown on the counter looking back into the box to find a matching pair of midnight blue colored satin panties. She remembered seeing this nightgown in a clothing magazine, pointing it out to Robert just the other day. She quickly dried herself off, then pulled on the panties, she stood facing the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door admiring her body in the mirror, her eyes followed the soft curve of her backside up to the tight flat plane of her stomach, to the gentle arch of her small breasts topped with her stiff pink nipples. Then with a smile her vision focused on the small bulge of her women hood which was stiffening with arousal from the touch of the soft material.

Sarah carefully pulled on the blue satin top, feeling a rush of sexual excitement from the material and the way it fell about her body, the top clung to her chest accentuating her small breasts showing off their shapely curve, her nipples poking out against the material. It flared at the bottom hanging just above her knees. Twirling in the candlelight she giggled excitedly, turning back and forth to see how it looked from different angles. She bit her lower lip, as a very dirty and erotic thought crossed her mind, ‘God how I love him!’ She quickly brushed out her damp hair, then turned and opened the bathroom door. The living room was quiet and lit only by a couple of candles in various places around the room. At her feet was the small path of red rose petals, leading her to the dinning room.

Her lover, still dressed in his dark suit, stood next to her chair, hands folded before him with an expanding boyish grin as his eyes followed her graceful movements. She stopped in front of him, giving him a soft warm smile. Stepping forward, he wrapped her in his arms. He gently and passionately kissed her lips giving her a gentle squeeze in the process. Pulling back from her, he grabbed her chair pulling it out from the table and motioning for her to sit. Patting his hand she sat down in the chair allowing him to push her closer to the table.

The table was covered by a white table cloth; she had forgotten she owned, in the middle of the table were two long white thin candles held by silver holders. Quickly Robert disappeared into the kitchen returning moments later with two plates of food. Laying it down before her she was delighted to see it was one of her favorite dishes. Marinated Salmon, with a small side of spinach and a dinner roll topped with honey butter. Sarah’s stomach grumbled loudly, with the aromatic mix flavored filled scents from the meal, causing her to blush with embarrassment

“Did you want anything else, my love?” Robert whispered taking her glass and filling with a bit of wine.

“Oh god, you are so amazing, no please sit with Me. ” she whispered back wiping a tear from her cheek. She was overwhelmed with emotion, the sexy disrobing, the relaxing bath, and now a dinner that was exactly what she wanted with out really knowing what she wanted. Now, more then ever she just wanted to be, with him, in this moment he had created for her, that would make this moment perfect.

They sat quietly in the candle light talking, Robert started to tell her about a movie trailer Bostancı Gecelik Escort he was watching earlier and a funny dog video he had seen online. She laughed at his retelling of the dog video even begging him to show her the video when they were done. He told her about the next set of interviews he had been on, but sadly after three weeks in town he was still having trouble finding a job. Sarah started to talk about her own job woes when he cut her off abruptly, asking her how she liked the fish. She smiled, realizing that he was trying in vain to avoid talking about the hellish day and make her put it behind her.

“Oh my god, I can’t eat another bite!” She remarked setting her fork down on her plate. Robert took several more bites of his spinach before setting his own fork down, wiping his face, with a napkin and sitting back in his chair sipping some grape juice from his glass.

Robert set down his glass and began gathering up their plates, Sarah tried to help but he shooed her hands away, telling her to go relax on the couch, while he cleaned up. She started to protest but he gave her a stern look before heading into the kitchen, rattling the plates and cups in the sink. Sarah slowly got up from the table, slipping quietly to the kitchen doorway to see Robert standing at the kitchen sink and filling it with water. His coat was hung up the handle of the refrigerator, sighing softly she watched him quietly scrubbing the plates humming to himself as he worked.

Everyday she found something new to love about this man, but this was beyond simple love, this was compassion, he saw how badly her day had gone and went above and beyond to make her evening special. She felt tears in her eyes again, wiping her eyes, she whispered “Thank you.” As she turned toward the living room. Sarah walked over to the couch sitting down she stretched herself across the couch flicking on the TV with the remote. She flicked through a couple of channels, finding a romantic comedy to watch.

After an hour of cleaning Robert joined Sarah on the couch, sitting down next to her grabbing her feet and laying them in his lap. Taking her right foot he slowly massaged her toes and the ball of her foot, getting a satisfying sigh from Sarah, he slowly rolled her foot around in a circle as he massaged her heel and ankle.

“Oh god you have no idea how badly I needed this today..” She whispered resting her head back against the couch.

“I have about fifty angry text messages that gave me an idea how bad it was today.” he remarked slipping his hand up to her calf, massaging the taunt muscle. Sarah giggled pulling her leg from his grasp and nudging his hand with her left foot. Robert took the foot, starting the massage all over again with a silly grin on his face.

The feeling of his touch was causing her women hood to stir in her panties, the feeling of being touched by her lover, along with the soft material against her skin, was making her very aroused.

Pulling her foot from his grasp, she sat up on the couch looking at him with a sad look on her face. “Tiger…my shoulder is sore, could you massage it for me” she whimpered, flashing him a pleading pitiful look. Robert chuckled sitting up in the couch and spreading his legs, giving the couch between them a pat. Smiling broadly she got up from the couch, and sat down between his legs, folding her long brown hair down the front of her shoulder

She felt his warm hands on her right shoulder, kneading and pushing on the tight muscle, his grip was firm and strong, but gentle enough not to cause any pain. She murmured happily pushing her butt against the crotch of his pants, feeling his hard erection pushing back against her. She placed her hands on the top of his thighs, moaning softly, feeling his hands slip across her exposed back, shifting to her other shoulder. Sarah dropped her head forward wiggling her ass slowly against the hard member in his pants, feeling its heat, through their garments.

“Oh yeah Tiger, that feels great. Can you work a bit lower on my back?” Sarah cooed bending forward at the waist forcing her butt to push harder against him, allowing him to rub her lower back. Sarah could feel the head of her cock push over the waist band of the panties, pulsing in their satin wrapped cocoon. She moaned softly feeling his hands, flat against her back massaging the once aching muscles. Sarah heard Robert give a soft grunt, pushing his hips out against her, spreading his legs wider, feeling his member grinding into the hollow of her panties, where her round cheeks created when spread.

Sarah slowly stood up turning around to face him. She could see his face was flushed red, and his pants were tented with arousal. “I have something else that needs massaging my love..” she whispered looking down to her own satin covered tent, Robert gave a small chuckle at her request, reminding him of so many cheesy porn movies he had seen in the past.

Stepping up Bostancı Genç Escort onto the couch, she place one foot between his legs and one next to his left shoulder, leaning her hips forward she pulled back the hem of the night gown exposing the head of her cock, which was peaking out through the top of her panties. Smiling he hooked a finger in the fine garment pulling it down exposing the rest of her thick member. Licking his lips, he slowly let the garment cover her up reaching up a hand and encouraging her to step down.

Confused Sarah climbed off the couch, and stood before him, she felt hurt unsure if something she had said or done had been to forward, maybe she had ruined the mood for him? Standing up he took her hand kissing her deeply on the lips. Their tongues swirled together in a union of love, gently wrapping and swaying around each other, putting to rest all of her fears and doubts in a single blissful gesture.

Robert slipped his fingers through hers, holding her tightly as he lead her to the bed room. Giving her a warm smile he opened up the bedroom door allowing her to step inside. Sarah’s knees went weak, when she entered the room, she stood gazing at a large queen sized, four poster wooden canopy bed, with red and white rose petals spread out all over the bed. Draped over the bed, and extending to the floor was a large sheer curtain, enclosing the bed, but cut on each side to allow someone to get in and out easily. The room was lit by four large candles set in each corner of the room.

Sarah quietly turned about with tears in her eyes, she looked back at him shaking her head in astonishment. “How…?” She chocked out between tears.

“Well I ordered it last week after you pointed it out to me online. I wasn’t expecting it till tomorrow but it showed up early. Do you like it?” Robert asked wrapping his arms around her hips, pulling her toward him. Sarah wiped the tears from her eyes, and then leaned in kissing him soulfully on the lips. Slipping her hands inside his suit coat she pushed it off his shoulders forcing him to drop his hands to let it fall off him. Sarah started to slowly unbutton the shirt, running her hands over his exposed chest, leaning forward she kissed his chest, licking and sucking on his nipples, slowly lowering herself to her knees.

Robert shrugged off his shirt looking down to see her pulling on his black belt, then pulling at the button of his pants, forcing the zipper to unzip exposing his blue boxer briefs. She could see dark spots at the head of his tented boxers, reaching up she grasped his manhood through the material giving the throbbing head a gentle kiss. Pulling down his boxers she helped him step out of them like he had done before.

Standing back up, Sarah reached under the hem of her night gown pulling down the restrictive material giving a sigh of relief of being free of them. Reaching out she took his hand leading him over to the bed.

Robert opened his mouth to speak taking her by the shoulders but she quickly leaned in kissing him deeply on the lips, pushing him gently onto the bed. Robert started to scoot back across the bed, watching Sarah crawl onto the bed in her satin nightgown.

He was pleased to see how well it fit her, watching her body move in the outfit when she walked across the room earlier. It only made him weak with desire. Watching her crawl across the bed, she forced him back to the head of the bed. It only made the longing to take her more painful. He could feel his cock pulsing with the thumping of his heart. He wanted her; he needed to make love to her; to have dirty sex with her, and make her moan with pleasure prior to her release.

Sarah crawled up between his legs putting a hand on his chest, pushing him back against the pillows. Reaching up he fumbled with his glasses trying to take them off, but her waving index finger made him stop. Looking down at her she gave him a wicked smile, making him pause and then decidedly, left them on.

Sarah knelt between his legs, leaning over his manhood which now pointed at the top of the canopy bed. Leaning forward Sarah dragged her finger tips up his shaft. This caused him to shudder with desire and spill out more of his pre-cum. Sarah slowly leaned down kissing his head while she rubbed the palm of her hand along the length of his shaft. She could smell his tangy seed mixed with a hint of his aftershave. She studied his thick length, blue veins ran that along the outside of it, spreading up to the large purple and red mushroom shaped head. A thick down of brown curly course hair circled the base of his shaft. She had been meaning to suggest he shave himself completely, and made a mental note to talk to him about it later. It was not that she didn’t like his hair but she had a weakness for a clean shaven cock.

Robert grunted and twisted on the bed, rolling in pleasurable agony. She was teasing him, forcing him to build up to a point of utter explosion, and he loved it. He could feel her hand gently caressing his balls, massaging them, running her fingertips over them, squeezing them gently and making the pleasure flare inside him. He felt her fingertips brush the small patch of skin between his sack and anus. This made him giggle despite the enormous amount of pleasure he was in.

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