Love Both Ways

3 Mart 2022 0 Yazar: admin

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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


The stars twinkled above, the solemn moon full, offering a spellbound night across the mountain range. The air was just warming up again on the cusp of summer, though was not yet so warm that Christóforos and his dragon lover, Re, would seek out the cool solitude of night time merely for a respite. Perfect for a flight that was just for the two of them.

They had come so far together, Re’s rich, green scales glittering with an edge of moonlight, Chris laying his hand lightly on the dragon’s neck. It was a moment for them, only them, though they were slowly talking to more and more travellers that passed their way in the mountains, confident in their peace, their strength, their power that they, finally, had agency over their own lives and bodies. It was something to be revered and the former slaves knew and understood that every day.

The dragon, however, had more romantic notions for his partner other than the softness of a starlit flight, his wing tipping to bring them to a flat plateau that looked as if it had been carved into the side of the cliff by human hands. Maybe, once upon a time, it had been mined, but it served as the perfect place for the dragon and human to set down, Chris barely having the chance to get the woven blankets down, something they had traded with a merchant recently for, before the dragon loomed.

“I’ve been waiting for this…

Chris recognised the raunchy, feral glint in his lover’s eyes, taking his breath away, chest rising sharply as he tried desperately to suck in that lost breath. But his clothes, what little he chose to wear around his partner, were off in record time, leaving them to enjoy their feral debauchery in the coolness of the cliffside.

High up, Chris knew that the dragon would never allow him to fall, not as he was pinned, the dragon holding him up against his stomach with one clawed foot, the other braced against the rock face. He was pretty to Re’s will and he moaned aloud while the dragon’s shaft rose, prodding wickedly across his backside for that lure of penetration that they so craved. Despite the size difference between him and Re, they always made it work, one way or another, even if Re’s passion came across perhaps more strongly than Chris’.

It could not be helped as Chris moaned, taking the dragon’s cock as Re’s heart skipped a beat. He might not admit to that, not in the fervent snarl of claiming his human, rutting him furiously, stretching out his tight backside increasingly with every deep thrust. Chris opened up around him as easily as if eryaman rus escort they had been loving one another for years — which they had, though it was always nice to be reminded. His human was so small, so fragile, though his body was as desperate for it as Re’s was, his smaller, throbbing cock dripping faintly with a smear of pre-cum.

Re rumbled a groan, flaring his wings, snarling in the passion of the night, no one out there to bear witness to their bodies coming together. He drove in, again and again, spreading open his partner, pinning Chris to his stomach so that each driving stroke of his prick sank deeply up just where it belonged. It was rough and it was crude and it might have made a lesser man quail, though Chris grunted like a pro and arched back weakly, though he didn’t have anything to brace against at all.

No… Oh no. All he could take was every one of the dragon’s thrusts, Re’s growl rumbling through him, sending him to a more submissive place still. It was good, too good, something that made him feel as if all was right with the world, his body aching, sensing the deepness of his lover’s thrusts and longing for more. The dragon thrust deeper and deeper, yet could not quite go as hard as he wanted, leaving Chris with the lingering sense that the drake could not be as ferocious as his nature truly dictated.

It was still good, though he thought more for him than for Re, his guts twisting, panting heavily even as Re slammed crudely in. He heaved and panted, but the dragon was too lost in his own moment to consider anything else as he spent himself with a deafening roar that echoed across the mountain range, cutting through the solitude of the night. The stars themselves would have reeled from the pleasure of his roar if they could do so, ropes of thick cum splattering up inside Chris’ backside. His ring tensed helplessly around the might of the drake’s thick cock, Re dropping slowly back to the flat of the plateau, tail lashing back and forth.

“Mmmph… I love you…”

The dragon breathed out harshly, though the light of lust and love shone through him as he set Chris down, the man squirming lightly on his cock. Cum overflowed from his tight hole, the dragon producing far too much for his body to ever hope to hold it all, bubbling and drooling around the ring of muscle, where their bodies joined, in lust and love. His body strained with the incredible fullness of being taken, though the dragon was not about to let everything come to a close quite so soon. After all — Chris hadn’t even cum yet! That wasn’t something that happened between them, always pleasing the other and making sure that both were satisfied, though something was missing as Chris blinked and the drake drew out of him.

“Chris? Something…” The drake stirred uneasily. “Something is on your mind.”

Chris sighed, rolling onto his back with a soft smile, though there was still a touch of sadness behind ankara etimesgut escort bayan it in the comparative stillness of the night.

“Oh, Re… No, it’s nothing, I only wish you could mate with me like you would…well, like with another dragon. I know how you never want to go too hard with me. I just wish I could do that for you too.”

With their size difference, of course, and the raw draconic instinct coursing through Re, there was little that either could do about that, even as Re rushed to comfort his lover, nuzzling him softly, trying to draw his partner close to him. A protective wing laid over his smaller human partner, the tip of his tail curling back and forth, though the drake could not be too anxious, not when all he sought to do was to reassure his partner.

“Oh, no… No, Chris, never. We have a relationship unlike anyone else’s — and that’s what makes it beautiful,” the dragon implored, nuzzling at Chris while the man cupped his muzzle, kissing all over it, the moment shared, joining them. “It’s unique… There will always be challenges…”

A smirk entered the dragon’s eyes as he drew back, seeking to chase every scrap of worry from his partner’s eyes. It was never something that Chris should have worried about, to begin with, anyway.

“If you like, you can claim me in return…” The dragon purred, easing onto his back with his tail providing an easy lead up to the pucker of his tail hole. “As hard as you like, with as much passion as you like… There is no worry of you hurting me, my darling.”

Their love was the bond that had brought them together, forever and always, and not even Chris could resist the lure of his dragon partner’s anal ring, the offering of him when his own shaft was already hard and aching. They had come together so many times over in all kinds of positions, yet it was one position that allowed Chris to push in more easily, standing with his legs apart on either side of the dragon’s thick tail while he didn’t have to crouch too much.

Chris chuckled, moving into position, giving his dragon partner’s cock a teasing stroke, showing him all that he had to offer, a little more like himself again now that Re had shown him there was nothing to worry about. Yet the moment of penetration itself would be the most telling of all as he presented the tip of his cock to Re’s orifice with a deal more finesse than the dragon had, though Chris was in greater control.

“You always know the right thing to say…”

He groaned out his love and lust for the dragon as he pushed in, head swimming with emotions. Somehow, Re always knew how to bring that side out of him, pressing his ankles in around the dragon’s tail on either side, though he hoped that the drake would not swing it back and forth too much. That quite often rendered him more off-balance than he would have liked, though Chris was too eager to lean into all that Re gave him, to lose gölbaşı rus escort bayan himself in the moment as if there was never going to be any coming back from it at all.

He thrust and ground, the dragon’s moans tangling with their own, as if their voices were only one. Re’s tail hole clenched around him, rippling and teasing, the dragon trying, in his own way, to give his partner as much pleasure as possible, forever and always. They knew one another intimately and every stroke of his shaft into Re’s tight hole gave Chris more certainty that they were doing the right thing, that they were there in the moment, that it was for them and them alone.

Re’s groan trembled through him, the dragon’s tail twitching, though Chris could not help himself from thrusting, grasping Re’s cock between both hands. It was partly for balance and partly to please the dragon, though he took more lust from every stroke, driving deep, again and again, letting the rhythm of their bodies guide him, completely and truly. It was all he could do, forgoing words instead of letting his body do the talking, showing Re what he meant to him, what the dragon had always meant to him.

Re made his heart soar like never before, grunting, pushing on, though it was impressive how the drake’s cock remained hard even then. He panted and moaned and lost himself, not caring whether he sounded any particular way, only that he let go, the hard slap of his hips grinding against Re’s scales with fervent passion. The roughness of the moment seared through them both in perfect unison as Chris pushed the force of his body into his thrusts more and more, cock aching, throbbing, the need to spill his load pushing over him with greater and greater urgency.

It had taken little seduction to get Chris to mount him and Re relished in it, a deep ache trembling through him, moaning, whimpering, losing himself. Yet where he was lost he found himself, all over again, in the protective fold of the dragon’s wings. He grasped Re’s shaft as the dragon slipped over the edge into a second climax, his human partner tipping over his own edge nothing more than a moment later.

Together, they rocked their bodies in the bliss of orgasm, letting it wash over them, the moment all that they could have dreamed of. Beads of sweat trickled down Chris’ back, strained from the moment, grunting, though he wouldn’t have had things any other way, all so that the passion he shared with his lover could always come through to the forefront.

There was no need for anything else, no worry, no fear, only love and lust. Chris collapsed weakly over the dragon’s stomach with a laugh that came in a burst of much-needed breath, lost from his lungs where it was duly needed. Yet they wouldn’t have had it any other way as they relaxed together in the afterglow, Chris’ cock aching as he spurted the last dribbles of cum into his partner. There was not enough for it to leak out of Re’s anal ring around his cock, though the splattering lust of the drake painting skin and scales alike was more than enough for both.

In the glow of the moonlight, romance had turned to passion, yet they found that there were ways for both to seek enjoyment, the fulfilment of their relationship together, all as it was meant to be.

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