Like Mother Like Daughter Pt. 06

25 Nisan 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18. Also I’m getting back into the habit of writing every day so comments are very appreciated. This is the sixth part of an ongoing series. Sorry for the delay in this part, not sure how long the next one will take either. Keep watch because there’s more to cum 😉

A quick recap of the characters:

Me: First person narrator/main character. 57, white guy, works from home, fit for an older guy, but with stamina issues.

Becca: My wife. 55, black woman, works in an office downtown. Large breasts and a big round ass. Has a condition called vaginismus which can cause severe cramps when she attempts vaginal penetration.

Sasha: My daughter. 20, mixed race, currently on summer break from college. Similar body to her mother. Has recently discovered she has the same condition as her mother and is struggling with it.

Ashleigh: My daughter’s friend. 20, white, also on summer break, skinnier than Sasha. Comes from a wealthy family.


The morning after we had invited my daughter’s friend Ashleigh into our incestuous affair, I awoke to find myself in an empty bed and multiple voices downstairs. Still exhausted I made my way down to the kitchen for breakfast. Sat around the kitchen table were my wife Becca, our daughter Sasha, and her childhood friend Ashleigh. There was a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast on the counter for me but everyone else had finished. “Hello ladies. Taking the day off work honey?”

Becca sipped her coffee and raised an eyebrow at me. “I figured that with everything going on lately I could use a day off to spend some time with you all to myself. I already messaged your editor and publisher to let them know you were spending the day with me.”

I poured myself a cup of coffee and chuckled. “Sounds great to me, but were the girls planning on going somewhere else? Otherwise I have a feeling they’ll try to join in.”

Sasha and Ashleigh giggled. “Don’t worry dad, I was going to take Ashleigh to that store we went to the other day. Her parents gave her a credit card for shopping trips and stuff so we’re gonna go get some fun things. Maybe we can give you a little fashion show when we get back though.”

I smiled as I sighed and piled some eggs on my toast before taking a big bite. These women were going to be the death of me. I had barely managed to finish my breakfast before Becca had started to pull me to the living room. “Get on that couch mister. We’re going to finish what we started last night.” Becca slipped out of her sundress and let it fall to the floor before she pushed me down to sit on the couch. Becca stood on the couch and straddled my face, pressing her puffy pussy lips to my mouth. I started to reach up to grab her ass cheeks to pull her in even closer when Becca pushed my hands away. “Nuh uh. I’m in control this time.” Locking eyes and smiling I dropped my hands to my sides as I stuck out my tongue and obediently licked her slit.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasha and Ashleigh watching from the hall, obviously enjoying the show, but not making any moves to join in. Sasha had wrapped her arms around her friend from behind and had stuck her hand down the front of Ashleigh’s jeans. Considering how tight her jeans were I was a little surprised Sasha could even get her hand in there. I took my time to eat Becca the way I knew she liked it and sure enough in just a few minutes I felt her pressing my head into her as her legs shook and hips bucked. “OhhhHHh FUCK! GOD your tongue is good.”

Becca came down from her orgasm quickly though and got off the couch. She unzipped my jeans, pulled them down enough to free my hardening cock and gave it a quick suck to get it nice and wet before she climbed back up to straddle my lap. As my gorgeous wife guided my throbbing cock inside her tight cunt she brought one of her E cup tits to my mouth to let me tease her nipple. Feeling her lower down and envelope my shaft I practically felt me cock melt from the intense wet heat. Out of reflex I tried to grab her luscious ass before I caught myself and dropped my hands to the side again. Becca chuckled. “It’s ok hon. Get a handful, I know you love it.”

Feeling like a horny teenager again I reached out and gripped her asscheeks as I felt her hips meet mine. “Uhnnng! Babe you feel so fucking hot today! I don’t know how long I’m gonna last.”

Becca leaned down to my ear and groaned. “Then give it to me as hard as you can because I’m not letting you go until I cum all over your cock Daddy.” With a deep growl I gripped her ass tighter and started to thrust my hips upwards, pounding into her pussy from below. Becca screamed as I fucked her as hard as I could until she snapped her head back down and bit into my shoulder. The shock of pain shot through my sign but didn’t slow my pace. Between my thrusting and her weight pressing into my chest I felt short of breath but kept going. I could feel her pussy tightening and I knew she was getting close, so I dredged up what strength I had left and used my Lefkoşa Escort hands to lift her hips off mine and deepened my thrusts even further. Gasping for air I kept up my pace as long as I could and was rewarded for my efforts when I felt her back arch and a scream tore from her lips “OHHHHH FFFUUCCCCKKK! I’M COMING! MAKE ME CUM DA-“

I missed the rest of what she said as her words were drowned out by the pounding of the pulse in my ears. My vision began to tunnel, and the strength left my arms. I was vaguely aware that something wasn’t right but couldn’t figure out what. I awoke several minutes later having slid off the couch onto the floor. Becca and Sasha were sitting next to me on the floor with Becca cradling my head in her lap. I gradually realized they were calling out to me. “Wha? Huh? I’m here. What happened?”

Becca pulled my head into her still naked chest. “Oh thank god! Stay with me honey we’re calling the hospital.”

I looked around the room to see that Ashleigh was on her cellphone talking quickly to who I assumed was an emergency operator. “I’m OK. I’m Awake. What just happened?”

I tried to sit up and Sasha gently pushed me back down into Becca’s lap. “You just passed the fuck out and had some kind of seizure or heart attack or something Dad. You’re not OK. Just rest, an ambulance will be here soon.”

I took a few deep breaths as I tried to take in the scene around me. I felt fine, a little woozy, but fine. I wasn’t looking forward to an expensive hospital visit, but I wasn’t about to try and fight my wife and daughter on the point. “Ok, I’ll stay here, but we should get dressed before the ambulance gets here.” Becca seemed to realize she was naked for the first time and nodded before grabbing her sundress off the floor and running off to the bedroom to change.

Sasha helped me button up my shirt and slide my pants and boxers back up before she rested my head on her lap. Ashleigh sat on the couch next to us and looked at me. “The operator wants to talk to you.” I nodded and she put the operator on speakerphone.

“Mr. Brown, are you there with me?”

“Yes maam.”

“Can you tell me where you are?”

“I’m at home, in my living room.”

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I was…exercising with my wife and I lost consciousness.”

“Can you tell me any other symptoms?”

“Um… Shortness of breath before it happened. Right now I’m a little dizzy and my tongue and fingers are tingling.”

“Are you experiencing any numbness or shortness of breath now?”


“Did you hit anything when you fell?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Any pain right now?”


“OK Mr. Brown, an ambulance is on the way, keep talking and stay awake, try not to move. Do you need me to stay on the line?”

“No, I have my daughter, and wife with me. Thank you.”

“Take care Mr. Brown, someone will be with you soon.”

Ashleigh disconnected the call and headed off to the kitchen. Sasha kissed me on the lips “I’m gonna go get dressed Daddy. Will you be OK by yourself for a minute?” I nodded and Sasha slid a throw pillow under my head as she got up.

Ashleigh came back with a bottle of water from the fridge and offered it to me. I gratefully took a sip and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Mr. B. I think I pushed you too hard last night.”

I reached out and squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry about it Ashleigh- Ash. It’s probably nothing you did. Just do me a favor and help take care of my Sasha. I’ll probably be fine, but she’s gonna need a friend to talk to and keep her distracted until I’m back on my feet OK?”

Ashleigh squeezed my hand back and wiped the tear from her eye. “Can do.”

A few minutes later the ambulance showed up and the EMT’s loaded me on the stretcher and wheeled me into the back. My strength was already returning so it felt a little unnecessary, but I knew better than to argue. Becca got the name of the hospital they were taking me to and loaded the girls into the car to follow us there.


After a battery of tests, the doctors had determined that it wasn’t life threatening, but moved me to a room for observation. Shortly afterwards Becca, Sasha, and Ashleigh came in, finally being cleared to visit me. Becca wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “Oh god honey. Do they know what happened?”

I sighed and sat up as best I could with an IV and sensors on. “Not yet, but they said I could move out of the ICU for now. They’re still waiting on some test results.” Just then we heard a knock at the door as a doctor came in.

He was an older man, probably about my age, mostly bald with some wispy white strands around his head. “Mr. Brown? Dr. Sorenson, I’ll be your attending physician. We’ve got some good news and bad news for you. Which do you want first?”

Becca gripped my hand tightly. I cleared my throat. “Let’s hear the good news first, these ladies could use a win right now.”

Dr. Sorenson looked at the Girne Escort ladies and smiled softly. “Well, the good news is that he’s not in any danger right now. He’s in generally great health, good cholesterol, blood pressure, oxygen levels, etcetera. We can tell that it wasn’t a heart attack or stroke which were the biggest things we were worried about at his age. We’ll run a few more tests while he’s here just to confirm some things but it looks like it was probably just exhaustion. His fluid levels were dangerously low, so we’ve got him on an IV to get him back to normal.” He turned back to me. “Do you remember what you were doing before you collapsed?”

I squirmed in my seat. “Uh… My daughter might want to leave the room for this.” Sasha looked at me in confusion. “I was, spending some time with my wife… we were naked…” Thankfully Sasha and Ashleigh picked up on what I was trying to say and acted grossed out before they left the room. “Heh. Yeah, we were having sex on the couch.”

Dr. Sorenson chuckled. “You seem like you should be healthy enough for sex even at your age. Was that all? Any other substances?”

I shook my head. “Just coffee. We have been having a lot more sex lately. Some, uh, things have changed recently, and we’ve been getting more adventurous in the bedroom.”

Dr. Sorenson made a note on my chart. “What sort of increase are we talking and how recent was this? Anything out of the ordinary?”

I looked at Becca wondering how much I should say, she just looked back and shrugged. “Started about a week ago. Just kinda happened. Used to be two or three times a month. For the last week it’s been two or three times a day. Also, there’s been a few threesomes.”

It was quick but I saw a brief smile flash across Dr. Sorenson’s face, and he glanced at Becca, obviously approving, he gave another quick chuckle as he filled in more notes on my chart and tucked it under his arm. “Well, that explains the exhaustion. As long as you’re being safe about it, I’m not going to tell you to cut back. Honestly, I’m a little jealous of your stamina. Lord knows I could use some of that myself. What I will say is that if you’re going to keep up that kind of pace then you’re going to need to take better care of yourself. A few days off here or there, maybe cut back on the caffeine.”

I feigned outrage and scoffed. “No coffee? Doc, you’re killing me.”

Dr. Sorenson snorted. “I didn’t say ‘no coffee’, just less. Drink more water too. Eat your vegetables and all that. Anyway, we’re going to keep you here for observation for a couple days, but you should be fine after that. I’ll be back to check on you later.” With that Dr. Sorenson left the room and Sasha and Ashleigh came back in. Becca filled the girls in on what happened as I got comfortable in bed.

Sasha hugged me close and whispered in my ear. “I’m so sorry Daddy. This is all my fault. I should have never-“

I reached up and held Sasha’s face, feeling her tears on my hand. “You have nothing to apologize for babygirl. I’m just an old man and I need to take better care of myself. We might have to go easy for a while, but I’m sure we can be back to normal soon. Our new normal that is.” Sasha smiled again, her tears flowing freely, and she leaned back in and kissed me on the lips. “Hey, do me a favor though. While I’m in the hospital I want you to work with your dilators, OK? Maybe get your mom’s help or Ash’s.”

Sasha smiled and nodded through the tears. “Will do daddy.”

Becca chuckled softly and leaned in enough that only the four of us could hear. “Even after all this you’re still planning on fucking our daughter?” Sasha and Ashleigh giggled.

I grinned back at Becca. “You’re telling me you don’t want to watch?”

Becca shook her head and kissed me on the lips. “Didn’t say that. I’m just saying I want to fuck her first.”

Ashleigh looked at Becca and Sasha before locking eyes with me and mouthing something that looked like “I’m next.”


It was late at night, and I couldn’t sleep. Having spent most of the day napping seemed to have thrown off my sleep schedule. A nurse came in quietly on her rounds and made notes on my chart off the monitors. I looked over at her, apparently not noticing that I was awake. “How ‘m I doing?” The nurse almost jumped out of her skin in shock. “Heh, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. Just couldn’t sleep.”

The nurse, an Asian woman a little older than my daughter laughed in relief. “No worries Mr. Brown, sir. I’m just not used to the night shift yet, so the quiet gets to me a bit. I’m actually still a student. How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you?”

I sat up and stretched. “Not unless you’ve got time to talk. I’m tired of watching TV and I can’t sleep. You don’t have to stay though.”

The nurse pulled up a chair. “Oh it’s OK, I’m not that busy, just making the rounds. Things have been really quiet tonight. I’m Julie, or Nurse Chen if you’d prefer. Do you mind if I ask what you’re here for?”

I Magosa Escort chuckled and grinned at her. “Well Julie, how explicit do you want me to be?”

She shrugged and smiled at me. “I’m training to be a nurse; I need to get used to gory details. Lay it on me.” I told her everything, leaving out the details that the younger women who joined my wife and I in bed were my daughter and her friend. By the end she was beet red, but not shying away. “That, um, if I’m honest I wasn’t expecting that out of someone your age.”

I laughed and shrugged. “Yeah, a couple weeks ago I wouldn’t have expected it either.”

Julie leaned back and peeked out towards the nurse’s station. “Um, Mr. Brown, do you mind if I ask you some personal questions. Not as a medical professional.” I nodded and leaned back. “How do you make the um, the more adventurous things work? My boyfriend has been saying he wants an open relationship, and I don’t know if I want that or not.”

I took a deep breath and looked off into the distance for a minute as I thought about it. “Well,” I turned back to her. “Truth is it’s pretty recent for my wife and I, part of me is still worried it can all fall apart any minute. On the other hand, we’ve always been open and honest with each other about our feelings, and she seems just as enthusiastic about our recent ‘activities’ as I am. If not more so. It could still come back to bite us in the ass later, it sorta already has with me in the hospital, but for now we’re playing it by ear and trying our best to make sure everyone involved is having a good time with no regrets.” Julie licked her bottom lip, lost in thought. “If I can offer any advice, I would say that if something about opening up your relationship makes you uncomfortable, talk with your boyfriend about it, see if you can find out why you feel that way, and if you can’t work past it then don’t do it. Do you think you know why you might feel that way?”

Julie looked down and nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been kinda feeling for a while that he’s been more interested in sleeping with other women than he is with me sleeping with other men. Part of me feels like he just wants an excuse.”

I sighed. “Yeah, a lot of guys, especially younger guys think an open relationship is some kind of ‘get out of relationship free’ card. If you feel that way, you should talk with him about it. See how he responds. Maybe you’re wrong and he’ll be onboard. Maybe you’re right and then you might want to see how you feel about staying in a relationship with a guy who’s looking for an excuse to cheat on you.”

Julie looked at me and frowned. “I don’t know. Any time I try to talk with him about our relationship or my feelings he finds some kind of excuse to talk about something else.” She scooted her chair closer to the bed and lowered her voice. “Part of me wants to just fuck someone else and tell him after the fact. See how he handles it.” I saw her eyes drifting down to my lap. Wearing only a hospital gown there was no hiding the fact that I was slowly growing erect.

Julie silently reached her hand towards the growing tent in my sheets. I shot my hand out and grabbed her wrist. “Listen closely, Nurse Chen” placing extra emphasis on the nurse “You’re on hospital grounds, talking to a patient in your care. If anyone found out something inappropriate happened between you and said patient it could ruin your career. Especially considering the fact that you’re still in school. I understand what you’re saying, and I’m not going to tell you how to handle your relationship issues. I’ll just say that no sex is worth your career. OK?”

I let go of her wrist and Julie pulled her hand back slowly. “I- I’m sorry Mr. Brown. I’m not sure what came over me.” She smiled softly and stood up. “Is there anything else I can get you tonight?” I shook my head and she reached out to touch my shoulder. “Just hit the call button if you need anything. Thanks for talking with me.” Nurse Chen left my room and I laid back down replaying our conversation in my head, wondering what would have happened had I not stopped her, and if Becca would have been OK with it.


Becca and Sasha came to pick me up from the hospital when I got released, Becca driving and Sasha in the backseat. I was about to get in the passenger seat when Becca motioned for me to get in the back with Sasha. Confused I got in the back and Sasha wrapped me tight in a hug. I leaned forward and kissed Becca and she whispered in my ear. “Sasha and I had a coin toss and decided she would give you a little treat in the back seat on the drive back.”

I shook my head, grinning. “You all literally fucked me into the hospital. Aren’t you planning on giving me ANY rest?” Despite my mock protestations I had unzipped my jeans as soon as we were out of the hospital parking lot. Becca was trying to tell me about the things they had done while I was out, but it was hard to pay attention to my wife as my daughter inhaled my cock.

Apparently during my hospital stay one of the things Sasha had worked on was her oral technique. There was still some gagging and coughing, but less now and she was even able to get my entire length down her throat once or twice. Any time I would start to get worked up, Sasha would just pull back and stroke me for a minute while she told me to “just relax and enjoy it”.

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