Life and Love in the Army Ch. 03

9 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Well do you need a ride somewhere?”

“Yeah Leon, as a matter of fact I need some paper and pens. I have a 500 word essay to write.”

“That’s what I thought he said. An essay?”

“An essay. I’ll explain on the way there.”

Just then Johansson came out of his room. Smiled at Joe and Leon and said.

“Trouble in paradise Farkas?”

“Why don’t you go piss up a rope Johansson.”

“That’s Specialist Johansson to you private.”

“Typical asshole response. Not that it’s any of your business but, yes we had an argument and we’re cooling our jets dude. Nothing more, nothing less. Now go away, slapnuts.”

“Some day Farkas you’ll be saluting me. I’m gonna get my commission after college. Then we’ll see who’s the slapnuts.”

“Johansson, I wouldn’t salute you on a bet. Let’s get outta here before the shit gets too deep Sarge.”

Leon gave a chuckle and patted Johansson on the back as he headed for the stairwell.

“Right behind you Farkas.”

Joe felt a lot better as he walked up to Leons car. There sat Ruby and Lenore. At least he knew the day wouldn’t be a total bust. He liked Lenores sense of humor. And Ruby had always been as good a friend as Leon.

“Morning ladies!”

Lenore was the first to respond.

“Good morning handsome!”

That not only made Joe feel good but it made him smile as well.

“And how are you doin’ Ruby?”

“I’m great! But honestly, I think we would all like to know just what the hell did you do last night?”

Leon closed his car door and interjected.

“Before he explains anything. For the record, him and Pam had an argument, and that’s it, period. Nothing else happened. Okay?”

Both women agreed and they all headed toward the PX. Along the way Joe relayed the events of the night before to Lenore and Ruby. Lenore especially, listened to every word, taking it all in. He was feeling more at ease around Lenore, she was easy to talk to and even easier on the eyes. Once the story was told and Leon had parked they all climbed out of the car.

“Let’s meet back here in about an hour. Me and Ruby are going to the commissary.”

Ruby started to protest but Leon grabbed her hand.

“C’mon Ruby. What can they possibly do in the PX?”

Leon taking charge like always.

“Let’s go Joe.”

Without thinking Joe turned and walked with Lenore toward the PX.

“So what are you getting Lenore?”

“Nothing really. I just need to check my schedule.”


“Yeah goof. I work here.”

“I really didn’t know that. You holdin’ back on me? What else should I know about you?”

“Well, if you try to steal anything I’m authorized to kick your ass.”

“That’ll be the the day!”

“What, catching you stealing something or kicking your butt?”

“Hah! Both!”

“Ok Mr. Studley. We’ll see one day, maybe.”

“My mom broke me from being a thief years ago. My cousin and I used to take stuff from the Woolco all the time. One day she saw this eagle necklace I was wearing and asked where I got it from. I’m such a horrible liar that I just came right out with it. She drove me back to the store, asked to see a manager, and made me give it back right in the middle of the store. I was so embarrassed I was cryin’. Never stole another thing since. As for the ass whoopin’, uh huh, whatever.”

“You do know there’s a gym right down the street, right?”

“Oh I know, Ms. Cocky! Unfortunately, I’m taken and besides, I have an essay to write before Monday morning.”

I’m taken, those two words felt like a punch in the gut to Lenore. Especially after seeing and hearing about Pam and how she basically treated him. She put his clothes outside to be picked up for cryin’ out loud! But she remained silent about it.

“Yeah about that. If you want some help I’d be more than happy to give you a hand.”

“Ah, let me guess. Straight A’s in high school English?”

“And in college, smartass.”

“College? Where’d you go?”

“UCLA. Softball scholarship. Well, until I blew out my knee. But I’m being serious. You want me to help or no?”

“Actually I’d appreciate it more than you know. I hated English in high school. Did excellent in everything else and never went to college, so yes. I’d like that Lenore.”

The way he said her name made her giddy for some reason. She already knew why Betturkey she was more excited than she should be. But her name spoken from his mouth was something else entirely. And she like it, a lot!

“What’s so funny?”

“Huh? Nothing, why?”

“Because you were giggling. What, my high school education? Sorry I didn’t go to college, I mean hell…”

Now it was Joes turn to feel like he’d been punched.

“No! Not at all! I would never do that! I was giggling because, well truthfully because of something else. I promise.”

“Uh huh.”

“Look, go get some paper and pens. Meet me at the pic-nic table out front as quick as you can. I’m gonna check my schedule and get something to snack on. Okay?”

“Yeah, ok.”

It took both just under ten minutes to do what they each needed to. Lenore came back with Pringles, two slim Jim’s and two Pepsi.

“Hope you drink Pepsi. Mainly because that’s what I got.”

“Actually that’s about all I’ll drink. Don’t care for Coca-Cola. Look, can I say something to you, no judgements?”

“Joe you can tell me anything you want to. I promise I won’t even tell Leon or Ruby.”

“Earlier, the whole education thing. I’m sorry if I came off like an ass. I wanted to go to college but I was helping my mom raise my brother and sisters. I’m the oldest of five. Then I met Pam, we started dating and next thing I know I’m raising two of my own. So there’s that. Now after last night, I don’t know where I’m going. I love the Army but I hate it sometimes too. I just didn’t want you to think I was mad at you or anything.”

“First, I’m not mad at you for anything, stop apologizing. Second, let the Army pay for your school. It’s not too late to do it. And speaking of school, it’s in session. There’s three parts to an essay. The introduction, the body…”

She was sitting next to him with only a few inches separating them. ‘God she smells so good, I really hope she isn’t mad at me, if I weren’t married…but you are. Wonder if… random thoughts swirling through his head.

“JOE! Have you heard a word I’ve said?”

“Yeah, three parts to an essay.”

“What are they?”

“Introduction, body, and, uh…”

“Conclusion. Introduction, body, and conclusion. Geez Joe where’s your head at?”

“I have a lot on my mind, my head was, uh well…”

“That doesn’t even make sense Joe. Your head was where, In the gutter?”

He immediately turned bright red.

“Oh really? Why are you blushing Joe? C’mon, spill the beans.”

“It wasn’t dirty or anything. I was just, well, kinda wondering. Do you really only date white guys?”

Lenore laughed harder than she had in years. People were turning to look at them as they passed by. It was all she could do to catch her breath. Joe sat there patiently waiting.

“I mean Leon had told me that. I was just kinda wondering.”

“If you’re ever single I’ll answer your question. Now it’s my turn to confess. I like you a lot Joseph Farkas.”

“I like you too Lenore…”

“McFarlin. Lenore McFarlin.”

“Nice to know you, Lenore McFarlin.”

“Nice to know you too. Now, what are the three parts of an essay?”

“Introduction, body, and conclusion.”

“Holy crap! You can learn!”

As they smiled at each other they both knew at that moment they had just made a permanent and lasting friendship. Eventually Leon and Ruby made their way to the table. They worked on his essay longer than they had intended to. Leon dropped Joe off back at the barracks with the assurance that he wouldn’t punch anyone else for the rest of the weekend. Lenore had to work Sunday but told Joe to meet her for lunch and they would go over what he had written.

He went to the CQ desk and asked to use the phone again. After trying twice he still got no answer. He went to his room and locked himself in, sat at the desk and resumed writing. Five times he tried to call home and five times he got no answer. He pulled his shaving kit and a towel from the Safeway bag and went to shower. Not being able to at least talk to his girls was nagging at him. Could Pam still be mad? Surely not.

Around ten he tried once more to call home to no avail. He eventually fell asleep around one thirty Sunday morning. It was gonna be a long way until Monday afternoon.


Sunday Betturkey Giriş was shaping up to an ugly day. But in Oklahoma, especially around Ft. Boom-boom, every day was ugly. Joe tried again to call home but still got no answer. Too late for breakfast and not lunch time yet he began working on his essay again. At about 400 words he hit a wall. And the fact that his mind kept turning to Lenore didn’t help. Just thinking about her caused him to smile. He loved the ease with which he could talk to her, her smile, the way she laughed and how easily she made him laugh. It’s almost like…

“No idiot. Pam, remember? Wife, kids. Get those thoughts out of your head stupid.”

A knock at the door broke his reverie.

“Who is it?”

“Miles. Open the door dude.” Joe opened the door for him.

“Hey mole man, what’s shakin’?”

“Not much. Heard Johansson saying something about you and your old lady arguing. He said you were in Gregorys room, but I had to see it to believe it. You alright man?”

“Yeah. Just an argument. That’s all. I’ll go to the house tomorrow and she’ll be over it. Hey, what are you doing around lunch time? Say high noon?”

“No real plans. Why, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering. Could you run me to the PX?” Don’t have the car and need to do a few things.”

“Yeah Joe, no problem. Have a few things I’d like to do myself. Come by my room when you’re ready.”

“No problem. Thanks Miles.”

The rest of the morning dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Since Pam hadn’t packed him any civilian clothes he put on the same clothes from Saturday, and Friday. Thank God for deodorant.

During the ride to the PX miles broke the silence.

“Farkas, how long have we known each other?”

“I don’t know. Just over a year? Somewhere in that neighborhood.”

“And in that year’s time, when did you become an author? Also, if you don’t have your car, how’d you get to the barracks?” Miles was making reference to the materials Joe had in the PX bag. Joe just shook his head.

“Mole man, there’s more to it than just an argument. But you have to trust me when I say I can’t explain right now. Someday, just not now. And for fuck sakes don’t repeat that around Johansson or any of his little toadies.”

“Oh, like that jackass of a roommate of mine?”

“Yeah! Especially him!”

They were talking about Brandon Byes. There were three main types of communication within the unit. Telephone, telegraph, and tell-a-Byes. If he knew it, he’d tell it. And if he didn’t really know it, he’d tell it. The biggest unit gossip in the entire northern hemisphere. The funny thing was, he would never give up anything on Johansson. Never a peep. Miles pulled up directly in front of the PX.

“You need a ride back? I’m gonna be gone for a minute. Off Post business.” Which for Miles meant he was probably going to see his stripper ‘girlfriend’.

“Nah dude. I’ll walk back. Need the exercise anyway. Thanks for the ride though man.”

“No problem buddy. I’ll see ya later.”

Joe closed the car door and walked over to the same picnic table that he and Lenore had sat at the day before.


Lenore was up at 0700 and out the door by 0800. On her way in to work she glanced over at the apartment complex where she had first met Joe. A smile crept onto her face remembering that first time he opened the door. She couldn’t help but think of those blue eyes. Always beautiful but still missing something.

She noticed a u-haul in the parking lot and immediately got a bed feeling. She was in the business of noticing things. And what she saw made her blood boil. It was Kenny carrying two boxes to the back of the truck, he put them down, then slide them forward. If what she suspected was going on it would devastate Joe.

Once she got to work she called home. Thank goodness Ruby was awake.


“Ruby, when you can, you and Leon take a ride. I think Pam is packing a u-haul. I saw her brother taking boxes and loading them up.”

“How do you know it was Kenny? You only met him once, and briefly at that. Could’ve been anyone.”

“No, trust me. It was him. Ruby, I think she’s moving out. Or back home or something!”

“Ok, ok. Leon and I will check it out when he gets up. But if Joe comes by at lunch and you haven’t heard from us, don’t you dare say a word. He doesn’t need to hear speculation from you or anyone else. Wait until we know for sure. You hear me?”

“I know. I’m not just gonna blab it. I mean even if it is her I’m not so sure I’d want to be the one delivering bad news. Ya know?”

“Try to have a good day baby sister and remember, not a word.”

“I’ll try. Just check that out. Please. Ok?”

“We will. Now get to work. Bye.”


Lenore had been on the clock and making her rounds for an hour before she realized she hadn’t been paying attention to anything other than her own thoughts. She wanted Joe. True enough. But this wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination the ideal way for it to happen. But if it’s going to happen anyway…

An hour turned into two and eventually she hit her work stride. She thought about Joe, probably too much. Then Ruby, their parents, college… Maybe go home, start fresh. Grab some beau hunk, screw his brains out and move on. As noon approached she still wasn’t sure. Fight or surrender. Maybe her mom and dad were right. It would be less drama. Wouldn’t it? Maybe that’s what Ruby had came to grips with.

Just after noon Lenore grabbed her lunch and headed out to the picnic table. There he sat. ‘Fuck going home’ she thought. ‘Fight, I’m gonna fight and I’m gonna get what I want. Some how, some way. And I know what I want.’ She smiled and waved back as Joe waved.


“No, that doesn’t go Kenny.” Pam doing what she did best. Directing traffic, giving orders and watching someone else do all the heavy work.

“Why not? Take everything you can I say.”

“Because technically it belongs to Uncle Sam, not Joe. So please put it back.”

“Since you said please…”

Kenny returned with a couple of boxes from the girls room.

“Toys. Nothing of Joes or Uncle Sam’s”

“Just put them in the truck somewhere.”

“What’s wrong sis, you ok?”

“Not really. I still feel like a thief sneaking off into the night. I should at least tell him.”

“Why? So he can talk you into staying? I told you a long time ago. He’s nothing but east Nashville trash. East Nashville and Greene Hills don’t mix. But you’ve seen it for your self. If you want to stay I’ll take the truck back.”

“No. I just never saw his violent side before. I really didn’t think he had it in him.”

“Well now you know he does. Me first then what, you, your daughters? You have to nip this in the bud as quickly as you can.”

“He would never do anything to the girls. He loves them too much. More than he loves me I think.”

“All the more reason to get you all home. So he never has the chance. You said it yourself. You didn’t think he had it in him. Besides, this isn’t really a wholesome environment to be raising kids in. I mean just look around where he has you living. Blacks, whites, Mexicans, orientials. Mixing of tribes is wrong according to the bible and how many mixed couples have you seen since you’ve been here?”

“Quite a few.”

“There you go. You want your kids marrying some mexican? Or a black man? We’ll get you home and mom and dad will get them in a good private school and you can start college. Meet a respectable man with a bright future ahead of him. Someone who will treat you like that princess you are. Whataya say?”

“Ok, just nothing that’s his or the Army’s. Ok?”


Kenny could always turn Pam to his line of thinking. Exactly the reason their parents sent him for a visit. He was guaranteed to come home with their daughter and grandkids. By hook or crook, Kenny always seemed to win. He even agreed to let the charges be dropped, provided Joe was kept away until after dinner time Sunday. His First Sergeant quickly agreed. Funny how ‘they’ were all so easy to manipulate.


“C’mon Leon, would you hurry up? Let’s go check this out and get back. We do after all have the house to ourselves until 3 this afternoon. I feel my groove comin’ on!”

“Well, damnit girl! Let’s get goin’ then!”

A short drive confirmed what Lenore had told Ruby. But since no one was near the truck at the time they couldn’t be sure who was doing what.

“Should we wait to see who’s it is?”

Leon just shook his head.

“We could. But what if we hang around half the day and it’s not her?”

“So what do we do Leon?”

“We go home, get our groove on, and check again later.”

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32