Kristina , Kathy Pt. 02

30 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Part III

Kristina and I spent most of the day in the mall, and we were forced to make several trips to the car to drop off the packages she had accumulated. From bed linens, to clothes, Kristina had spent more money in a day, than I had spent in the last six months. Kristina had also managed to turn every head in the mall, with her baby t-shirt exposing her taut, flat stomach and navel ring, and her breasts nearly ripping the seams to shreds. The hem of her denim skirt fell to mid-thigh, and was easily the shortest skirt I had ever seen her wear. Inside a lingerie store, the female clerk that measured Kristina’s bust size turned bright red as she went about a task several hundred men in the mall would have paid to complete. The clerk had probably measured hundreds of women in her time at the store, but Kristina’s figure wasn’t exactly common.

“So what’s the deal, babe?” I asked, as we sat at a small table along the main concourse of the third floor. “You’ve never talked about your father, and that’s an awful lot of money to spend for a girl in college. There must be a few things I don’t know.”

“I know, I’m sorry I haven’t been open about my dad, I just didn’t want to bring it up so early in our relationship. But I have no problem talking about him.” Kristina sat for a moment, looking into my eyes, and then nervously, her eyes darted around the mall. She toyed with the condensation that had formed around her ice-cold cup of lemonade, and I could see she was struggling with something. Eventually, she looked up, smiled, and began to speak.

Henry O’Neil, Kristina’s father, was a hardworking man who had taken his small garage and turned it into a chain of automobile repair shops that spread throughout twelve states. At some point, he had managed to purchase himself a thousand shares of stock at fifty cents per share in a newly formed computer company founded by one of the more promising young technological minds in the country. Within ten years, the price of the stock had exploded, and Kristina’s father instantly became one of the wealthier men in the country.

It took very little of the money Henry had made to expand his business, and within four years, fifty franchises had emerged across the country. Eventually, Henry decided that he had worked long enough. He sold all his interest in the business he created, and began to purchase and restore classic cars. Between the proceeds from the sale of his business, and the money he had made in the stock market, Henry O’Neil retired before his mid-fifties, and had amassed a net worth of nearly 800 million dollars.

Kristina’s father had poured nearly all his time into improving his business, almost completely neglecting a social life. There were plenty of interested women, but Henry’s mind was always too distracted with other matters. He simply didn’t care to devote his energy to a relationship until he retired.

Kathy Aylesworth was a 24-year-old bank manager at the time, and she handled the management of Henry’s enormous accounts. They met once a week for nearly a year before Henry, at 54, finally mustered the courage to ask Kathy out. Kathy was already engaged at the time, but Henry’s charm, persistence, and maturity won her heart, and they were married within 3 months of their first date. The stares and disgusted looks Kathy received from townspeople that assumed she was a gold digger were ignored, nobody seemed to care that she had insisted on a pre-nuptial agreement because she felt it would ease Henry’s mind and prove that her love was genuine. Henry refused to have an agreement drawn up, initially, but relented in the end.

Two years later, Kathy became pregnant with Kristina, and for a brief time, Henry was as happy as he had ever been. Two months after the birth of his daughter, however, Henry’s heart began to fail.

The downward spiral of Henry’s health hadn’t lasted long, and two short years after he was married, Henry finally succumbed to his illness. The news from Henry’s lawyer that Henry had torn up the pre-nuptial agreement seven months after it was signed did little to ease Kathy’s pain. Heartbroken and alone, and wealthier beyond her dreams, Kathy healed herself by pouring her energy into her daughter. Kathy dated a few times, but nobody ever won her heart, Henry had been the last man Kathy loved.

When Kristina finished speaking, I took her hand in mine, as a small tear ran down her left cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb, and then kissed her hand as she composed herself.

“Thank you for sharing that story with me, Kris. I can see how much it hurts you to talk about it.”

“Yeah, he was quite an amazing man. I’m sorry that I never really got a chance to know him, but mom talks so openly and honestly about him, I really do feel close to him.”

“Kathy hasn’t fallen in love once in 17 years?” I asked, amazed. “But she’s so beautiful. She must have had a ton of men chasing after her.”

“Well, she spent a lot of time with me, and when she did go out, she had trouble sifting through the men who knew she had inherited everything from daddy. She tried to downplay the money, building Anadolu Yakası Öğrenci Escort a smaller house, buying just the cars she wanted to drive, no expensive jewelry, but everyone knew. Eventually, she just stopped trying.”

I kissed Kristina’s hand once again and smiled at her. We walked back to my car quietly; my arm nestled around her waist. After helping her in, I drove back to her house as the bright yellow sun finally went down around us.

“Aren’t you staying tonight, Kevin?” Kristina asked, as she got out of the car.

“I don’t have any clothes here, and tomorrow’s a work day.”

“Oh please, you own the place, you can take a day off if you want to. Besides, I’ve seen you at work. You sit around surfing sports web sites, and reading the newspaper. You only do about 3 hours of actual work.”

I laughed, unable to deny it. Work had nothing to do with my reluctance to go inside, but there wasn’t much else I could say. My gaze drifted down from her face to her chest. Leaning in through the window to talk with me, her shirt had drooped in front, and her enormous breasts hung down, squashed against her arms that were bracing her on the inside of the window frame.

“I don’t know how I ever say no to you, Kris,” I laughed, turning the car off. The heat had not yet broken, even though the sun had gone down, and I suggested we jump in the pool for a while before getting dinner. After changing our clothes, I followed Kristina downstairs to the kitchen, and we walked out on to the deck through the sliding glass doors I had first spotted Kathy through that morning.

Kathy was lying down in a deck chair listening to the radio and sipping iced tea. I didn’t see her at first; my eyes were locked on Kristina’s tight ass as she walked towards the edge of the pool ahead of me. Around the deck, candles sat perched atop small wooden towers, and the flickering lights danced across the water in the pool like small shards of moonlight.

“Well, hello, you two,” she said. “You spent quite a lot of time at the mall, I thought you had gotten lost.”

“Time wasn’t all your daughter spent,” I joked, finally looking to my right. I gasped when I set my eyes on Kathy. I heard a splash behind me and knew that Kristina had jumped in the pool, but there wasn’t much else I was aware of except that Kathy O’Neil’s impossibly huge breasts were covered in nothing more than two small triangles of cloth and some string as she sat at the edge of the water. The bottom half of her bikini wasn’t much bigger than the top, and my cock sprang to life immediately.

“It’s a new suit Kevin, do you like it?” she asked. “It’s kind of small, but I’m in my own back yard, so I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

“It, uh, it’s very nice Kathy. You have a great body.” I couldn’t believe I had said it again, remembering the previous day when I had let a similar compliment slip through my lips before I had time to pull it back.

“Well, thank you,” she beamed. “I’m not as young and firm as Kristina, but I’m alright.”

Truth be told, Kathy’s body was, oddly, both similar and different than that of her daughter’s. Her legs were pressed against the bottom of the chair, and the lushness of her flesh that I had noticed upon meeting her, once again was on display before me. She was watching me intently as I poured my eyes over her body. I smiled when she caught my gaze with hers, and Kathy smiled briefly before finally looking away. I vaguely heard Kristina asking me to get in the pool, telling me how good the water felt, but I was too distracted to care. My eyes traveled up over the thin piece of material covering Kathy’s sex, and my cock lurched at the site of her full, rounded thighs, and the flesh of her ass cheeks pressed against the chair.

Her stomach was slightly rounded, not quite the tight, smooth, taut belly her daughter possessed, but the curve was barely noticeable and incredibly sexy. Her breasts jutted proudly from her chest, and as Kathy sipped her drink, they pressed together, creating the largest valley of tit-flesh I’d ever seen. Her beautiful eyes were once again locked on me when I finally broke my gaze.

Turning around, I quickly stripped off my shirt and shorts, and jumped into the pool wearing my swimming trunks. My cock finally relaxed a bit as the cool water washed over me, and I felt Kristina come up behind me as I emerged from beneath the dark water. Kristina’s breasts were clearly naked, I could feel the hot peaks of her nipples pressing against my back, and she whispered to me that she had taken off her suit. She began to tug at strings of my suit, and I turned in her arms.

“Kris, your mother is up on the deck.” It was an Olympic sized pool with a wooden deck surrounding the entire perimeter, and we were at the far end of the pool, as far away from Kathy as was possible. A small pile of wet strings and cloth sat on the edge of the deck, and Kristina giggled as she pressed her bare breasts against my chest.

“It’s okay, baby,” she said. “Mom and I swim naked all the time.” Although the visual brought to mind by Kristina’s words was Anadolu Yakası Çıtır Escort enough to make me choke on the very air I was breathing, I managed to stay above water and attempted to take control of the situation.

“That may be true, but I’m not around when that happens. And I don’t think your mother would appreciate me skinny-dipping in her pool with her teenage daughter right in front of her eyes.”

“Mom,” Kristina called. “Do you mind if Kevin takes off his trunks?”

“Why would I mind?” Kathy called back, as I sank down further in the water, about to die of embarrassment.

“See?” Kristina chuckled. “Now get ’em off.”

I allowed her to tug the shorts down, but I was unable to move as I watched Kris place them next to her bikini. The water felt incredible, but I couldn’t help my initial embarrassment and it took me a few minutes before I mustered the courage to swim around the pool with Kristina.

Eventually, I made my way to the far end of the pool again, and leaned back against the side, facing the deck and the house at the other end. I draped my arms along the edge of the pool as Kristina swam over to me.

“Can I get either of you two anything? I’m going into the house for some more ice.” Kathy’s voice seemed to come out of nowhere, as the haze of dusk had completely taken hold of the sky.

“No thanks, we’re all set mom,” Kristina called back, staring at me. I focused a bit and through the darkness, I could finally make out Kathy’s form as she walked towards the patio doors. For a brief second, with the aid of the flickering candlelight, I could make out the top of Kathy’s thong were it disappeared from her waist down into the crack between her buttocks, which were completely exposed to my view. They were large, but firm, and jutted out from the center of her body in a similar manner to Kristina’s ass. Though not as tight and sculpted as her daughter’s backside, there was something infinitely sexy about the full fleshiness of Kathy’s ass, and Kristina knew I was staring.

“Hey, you-who…quit staring at my mother’s bubble butt, will ya?” The patio door squeaked shut, and I smiled as Kristina turned my head towards her.

“I’m sorry Kris, it’s just that, you know, she seems so confident. I think it’s amazing, at her age… and I’m wondering why she isn’t involved with someone.”

“I think she just fell into the habit she was in, and became content with her life. I just want her to be happy.”

Kristina moved closer to me, her breasts pressing against my chest, and her arms locked around my shoulders. I pulled her close and began to kiss her, our tongues intertwining, our legs dancing with each other beneath the water. My cock pressed up against her stomach, and she giggled softly. She began to rub her engorged nipples up and down my chest, and my cock sprang to life between us.

“Is that for me, or did my mother’s ass create that?” she asked. It was obvious she was kidding, and had no idea how on the mark her question was. I wasn’t sure myself, but I momentarily forgot about Kathy when I looked into Kristina’s eyes and planted my lips once again against hers.

Kristina moved closer and wrapped her legs around my waist, the head of my cock near the entrance of her pussy.

“Fuck me, Kevin,” she whispered. “Mom will never know, just go slowly and fuck me right here.”

“Kris, your mother, she’ll, uh, she’ll…” Kristina silenced me with a kiss, and her hand moved between us to guide my cock inside of her. I groaned softly in her ear as the length of my cock drove deep into her tight, wet sex, and she immediately began to ride softly up and down, I matched her rhythm the best I could. Without being able to grip the sides of the pool, I was sure we would sink underwater, but we managed to stay afloat.

Kristina’s mouth was locked on my shoulder to prevent her from crying out, and her hands gripped the side of the pool for greater leverage. She began to moan louder, and I knew she was about to cum. Normally it would have taken her much longer to climax, but apparently she found the situation as exciting as I did. The patio door squeaked as it opened once more, and just as Kristina exploded on my cock, Kathy emerged from the door.

“You two aren’t screwing around in my pool, are you,” she giggled as she sat down at the waters edge.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck Kris, please…” I said through Kristina’s hand, which had clamped down over my mouth. I was about to cum, when over Kristina’s shoulder; I saw a flash of movement, followed by the splash of water. Kathy had jumped in the pool.

She was swimming towards us rapidly as my balls let loose a load of cum so strong, that my gyrations wrenched Kristina’s hands from the side of the pool. I cried out against Kristina’s neck as my orgasm ripped through my body, sending several more blasts of cum into the tight sex that gripped my cock. Finally, my own gyrations caused us to separate, and I fell back against the side of the pool. Kristina moved up and hugged me, her hands finding my ass as she kissed me on the cheek.

Kathy had made Anadolu Yakası Elit Escort her way to Kristina, and rose up from beneath the water; only her head and the tops of her shoulders were visible above the water line. I gasped, noticing that there were no straps over Kathy’s shoulders, she was at least topless, and probably totally naked beneath the water.

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything, but the water looked so nice. Feels really great too.”

I could barely see Kathy’s enormous breasts, bobbing beneath the surface of the water, but it was enough to awaken my cock, despite the fact that I had cum just a couple minutes before. Kathy and Kristina raced down to the other end of the pool, and I breathed a sigh of relief that Kathy hadn’t come any closer. Reminding myself that Kathy was my girlfriend’s mother didn’t do much good, especially when I saw both Kris and Kathy climbing the ladder at the other end of the pool.

Once again, I fixed my eyes on Kathy’s incredible ass, and was still staring when Kathy turned around. She caught me. I couldn’t see her eyes clearly, but I knew she probably had the same soft smile creeping into the corners of her mouth that I had seen when I our eyes met on the deck earlier.

“Kevin, Kristina and I are going to make dinner. I know it’s a little late, but she said you two hadn’t eaten, and I’m starving. You can stay in the pool if you’d like. I know it’s more comfortable in there.”

“I’ll be right out Kathy,” I answered. “It is nice, but I’m not usually a big swimmer.” “Ok, sweetie,” she said, turning once again. She had wrapped a towel around her naked body, but I still had the glimpse of her ass as she climbed up the ladder on my mind.

The two women were still inside as I made my way across the pool to the ladder. I managed to pull my swimming trunks back on over my raging erection before Kristina came back out.

“You didn’t have to get out, babe,” she said.

“I know, but I was kind of thirsty, actually.”

“Oh, well, go inside and mom will help you. I know I haven’t given you a tour of the house yet, but we can do that tomorrow.”

I was both excited, and terrified of being alone again with Kathy. I hadn’t been able to keep my eyes off of her all night, and she knew it. At some point, her polite, accepting demeanor would turn to disgust. She was liable to throw me out of the house if I continued acting the way I had been acting.

Opening the patio door, I remembered too late that I hadn’t put my shirt back on, and as I made my way into the kitchen, I spotted Kathy closing the refrigerator door. She was now wearing another pair of cutoff shorts, and a t-shirt, and she smiled as I stepped into the kitchen.

“Ooh, hey Kevin, nice pecs,” she laughed, turning her back to me. “Can I offer you something,” she said, looking back at me from over her shoulder. Her eyebrow raised and a smirk briefly crossed her lips. I nearly fell over.

“Uh, yeah, I came in to get a drink.”

“The glasses are in the cupboards in the corner there, and you can help yourself to whatever you’d like.”

“Great, thank you Kathy.” As I walked over to get a glass, Kathy bent over to reach something beneath the sink. Her movement caused the shorts she was wearing to pull up tight against her large buttocks, and the material slipped deep inside the crack of her ass. It seemed for an instant that her ass cheeks would rip the seems apart and explode into view, but she stood upright and I quickly turned my back.

I poured myself a glass of iced tea, and stood watching Kathy’s breasts bobble beneath her shirt as she chopped carrots for a salad. My cock, now perpetually erect, was throbbing painfully inside my wet swimming trunks, and I decided then that I had to fuck Kathy, whatever the cost to my relationship with Kristina.

“Kathy, how come you never remarried when your husband died? She turned to me for a moment and smiled, before resuming her chore.

“I think I just got so used to taking care of Kristina, and busying myself with other things, that men were not a priority. It may be an excuse, maybe I was afraid I wouldn’t meet another man like Henry, I don’t know.”

“But, you’re still so young, and you were when he passed. Didn’t you miss, you know, uhh, sex?”

“Of course I did, but you don’t need a man to have sex, Kevin,” she said, dumping the carrots into a large bowl. She turned to me as she wiped her hands with a towel, and we stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Apparently, my jaw had dropped open, because she started to chuckle.

“Don’t get all excited, chief. I was talking about masturbation. I’ve never made love to a woman, though I’ve thought about it.”

I sat down at the head of a huge, wooden, hand-carved table that sat at the other end of the kitchen, away from the cupboards, island, sink, and cooking area that Kathy was busying herself in. My cock felt as though it weighed a hundred pounds, and for a brief second, my swimming trunks stuck to my legs, pulling my shorts down a bit. I knew that they had bunched up around my erection, and if Kathy were to look down, she could clearly see my length and arousal pressing against the fabric. A chandelier located directly above the table was the only light on in the room, and it had been set on dim, creating a strangely romantic setting that seemed to be turning me on even more. It felt as though Kathy and I were on a date, and she was making dinner for us.

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