JUNGLE FEVER: The Poacher Wars

2 Ağustos 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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JUNGLE FEVER: The Poacher WarsStory by LatishaMy name is John, and I’m a man from Auckland, New Zealand that has a passion for nature. Specifically the protection of endangered a****ls. I was on a plane trip to Tanzania in order to join up with some anti poacher solidarity workers. I was one of ten people on a tiny unreliable taxi plane; however I was fascinated by the sites I saw flying in. A beautiful bright falling sun making the land look orange and lit up even when there were no signs of man made civilization anywhere near where I was going. We made a rough landing on our dirt landing strip and as I got out of the plane I got into a small jeep that drove me about one kilometer to a couple of tents out on the Serengeti. As I got out, I was greeted by our leader. An older African gentleman. who brought me into a tent to meet the crew. There were about 10 people in the posse. Most of which were African natives an old European couple and a man from the Indian subcontinent. I greeted and spoke with each, but one person in particular caught my attention. Her name was Francesca. An local African women with dark black skin, and the face of an angel. Her skin was smooth, and her hair was long and straight. Her lips gleamed and drew great amounts of attention. She was dressed like an American cowgirl. With a straw cowgirl hat, daisy duke shorts, and a short sleeve red flannel that was tied to expose her cute ebony stomach. I must admit, I almost came in my pants at the site of the beautiful African queen. “Hey John, I’m going the the market to pick up some supplies for tomorrow, would you care to join?” she asked in her sweet voice. I was so fatigued and tired from my plane trip, but there was no way I would turn down an opportunity to be alone with her. “Sure!” I said feigning my energy. She took me on a jeep to the local bazaar and we explored the fascinating assortment of shops, trying things on and getting to know eachother. We hit it off really well. “You know it’s pretty rare to see a handsome young white guy here.” she said as we walked down the corridor of shops. “Most of the ones we do get are very old researchers who are well past their prime.” “It’s my pleasure!”I said. “Back home in New Zealand,we don’t get many gorgeous African girls like you.” I said, flattering her by mirroring what she just said. She gave me a big smile and looked ahead. “I like you John. I think we’re going to get along quite well together.” We spent the next 15 minutes gathering supplies, when we came across a little predicament. As we walked across a suspicious outdoor bar, there was a group of African men and one Chinese man in camo and military fatigues. They all had dark glasses and wore military berets. These guys had no emblems of any sort and were very rugged. These men were poachers. “Oy! Francesca!” one man called out, getting up from his seat. We both stopped in our tracks as the man put his cigar out and took his glasses off. ” “What do you want Otto?” Francesca asked. “Same thing I’ve always wanted….. you.” he said getting close to her face. “Well, I’ll tell you the same thing I’ve always said. I’m not interested in you.” Francesca said as she grabbed my arm and moved her body against mine. “Who the fuck is this white pig?” he asked giving me a death stare. Was she trying to get me killed? “My new boyfriend!” Francesca said looking me in the eyes. “Right John?” “Uhh….uhhh…..yeah.” I said, almost immediately regretting it.”See, I told you Otto!” Francesca said as she grabbed my head and placed her beautiful gleaming lips on mine giving me a huge kiss in front of this poacher that obviously felt strongly for her. “Watch yourself man.” Otto said going back to his seat. As we walked away I had to ask. “Okay who the hell was that?!” “Otto, he and I were friends growing up. He was always romantically interested in me, but I was never interested in him, or any African men for that matter. He grew so mad over the years, that he became a poacher just to spite me for fighting them.” We got back to camp and she bid me a good night. I had a weird feeling about the next 10 days here. For a week kocaeli escort we ended up destroying traps, chasing poachers with our government escorts, and worked our best to get rid of the hunters. On one occasion the poachers shot at our truck, injuring one of our team members. Overall, however, everything seemed to be a success. Until one rainy afternoon….. Francesca and I had just returned to the camp from the market, when we saw smoke rising from our tents in the distance. As we slowly approached, we saw all of our tents ablaze, and all of our team members laying about, completely unresponsive. “Who could do this!” Francesca cried. For an hour we milled about and mourned their loss before we decided to take action. I noticed a set of tire tracks in the mud. “I’m gonna follow this.” I said.”Francesca stay here.” I got on one of our allies’ motorcycles and started the engine. Francesca ran over to me. “I’m going too! We’re in this together.” She grabbed me and kissed me once again with such a strong passion. She hopped on back and we drove off to find the culprits. By the time we found the end of the tracks, the rain stopped falling and we had stopped at the end of a huge cliff. 50 meters north we saw a truck that had an open top trailer next to the edge of a cliff. Parked against a large rock facing and the jungle on the other. In the trailer and truck there was a good 20 African men and one Chinese man. All of them were the same poachers we met at the open bar. No sign of Otto. However, we did see a rhinoceros laying lifeless on the truck getting champaign split on it by the inebriated celebrating poachers. The Chinese man was probably the leader since they export Rhino horns to grind down for erectile dysfunction in China. But did they really cause the travesty at our camp? At that moment we saw one of the men wearing a Dallas Mavericks hat that one of our friends wore all the time. One also had a pistol that our team leader had on him at all times……They did this….Rage swirled in me and Francesca as we observed from the bushes. I quickly got on my phone and called the local government task force representative describing the location and the truck description. This was it. There were about 20 of these poachers. It was about to get messy, so I grabbed Francesca’s hand and took her to a hidden group of bushes about half a stadium’s distance away. About an hour passed and we began to wonder if the government task force would ever arrive. The government here was extremely inept and ineffective, but their anti poaching task force was known for it’s brutal lack of mercy. Something we were about to see first hand. As Francesca rested her head on my shoulders I stared blankly at the truck full of celebrating poachers. Just then a slight movement caught my eye in the bushes 20 meters away from me. Slowly rising out of the bush was an African soldier that was aiming what looked like an RPG directly at the truck. He fired it. The rocket shot towards the back of the truck where about 13 poachers were. However this wasn’t an explosive, this was an incendiary; igniting most of the poachers causing them to run around in a wild fray. Some of them ran around and dropped to the floor while others raced around and unknowingly ran off the huge cliff. As the people in the front of the truck tried to make sense of what just happened; a military truck that had a 50 cal. cannon backed up nearby and started to shred the front of the poacher vehicle with bullets After 10 seconds of turret fire mixed with the incendiary, there were no poachers left. Just as quickly as they appeared, the government soldiers disappeared; not even bothering to check the truck, even though it was basically Swiss cheese at this point, along with it’s inhabitants. Soon after the government vehicle left and I decided that I would investigate the carnage of the burning truck. Telling Francesca to stay put, I was just about to investigate, when I heard a squeaky door sound. The back driver side door that was facing the cliff opened and a man fell out of it onto the floor. The izmit escort person slowly got up and was visibly shocked, not even realizing he was the only survivor. It was Otto! The man who always wanted Francesca, and became a poacher to spite her. He slowly got up and started to limp like a zombie in a daze along the cliff side. As he slowly regained his consciousness, complete anger and malice showed on his face as he unknowingly walked closer to the bushes that were hiding the couple. As he continued walking something caught Otto’s attention. He almost completely became conscious again as he saw a gorilla mother with her babies, just 30 meters away. An evil smile overtook Otto’s face, as if he was going to get his revenge on these unwitting a****ls. I crawled in the bushes hidden mere meters away from a furious and deranged Otto as he cocked his hunting rifle for one last shot. He stared down the sight as the worn out poacher unknowingly stood close to the edge of a cliff that was a complete 90 degree drop off to rocks that were well over 100 meters below. As he looked through the reticle he pointed his target at the largest gorilla that sat still not knowing it’s fate was about to be sealed by the pull of a trigger. As his finger moved over the trigger, he was shocked by what he saw. Francesca jumped in front of the gorilla with her hands out begging Otto to stop. He aimed down the rifle. “Move Francesca. Unless you want to get a bullet too….” “Please, Otto, I beg you don’t do this!” Francesca pleaded. “You want this, I’ll be happy to oblige.” Otto said quietly to himself, only being heard by me. Otto aimed his rifle back up, putting his target onto Francesca, “After all you put me through,I’d be happy to oblige, you bitch. He put his finger on the trigger. I knew to act now. “No!” I shouted as I jumped out of the bush, grabbing the rifle, attempting to grapple it out of Otto’s hands. We both struggled to get the weapon out of the others hands, barely aware of the cliff that was so close to us. Otto then kicked my kneecap causing me to buckle and slip off the cliff “NOOOOO” Francesca wailed as she saw. As I began to fall, I grabbed Otto’s wrist for half a second; enough time to pull his inertia towards the cliff with me. We both fell off the cliff. I managed to grab a small indent one meter below the cliff edge as I hung on for my life. Otto managed to do the same right next to my feet. We both attempted to hang on as we looked below at the fall that would lead to our doom. I looked back up and saw Francesca reaching her hand down for me, just barely out of his reach. “John don’t let go!!” Francesca said frantically. Otto was losing his grip. “I loved you, and you never gave me anything back! But you will do anything for this white pig?” He struggled to say. He looked me in the eyes above him and decided he was going to take me down. Using his last energy Otto pulled his combat knife out of his chest strap and stabbed at my foot, barely missing it. Otto let out a roar of desperate frustration as he looked up at my frantic face. “Stop!!!!” Francesaca cried to Otto.”If I can’t have you, neither can he.” Otto said before making another stabbing attempt. This time stabbing my pant material and knicking a bit of my leg; making me yell in sharp pain. Otto pulled his knife back for one more stab and began to make the final thrust; when a rock the size of a tennis ball hit Otto’s head causing him to drop the knife also causing red fluid to flow over his battle hardened face. We both looked up and saw Francesca with a rock at the cliff edge. She had just busted Otto’s forehead and she aimed another larger rock; and dropped it down swooping by my hand and falling on Otto’s grip hand, breaking it instantly. All Otto had left holding on was his broken sliding finger tips. At that moment all anger left his body as he looked up at Francesca with tears flooding down his cheeks. He looked up at her for two more seconds before his fingers gave out, and he quietly fell for five seconds to his demise down below Francesca stared in shock at bodrum escort what just happened, then regained her composure and reached down to touch my hand. We both struggled for ten seconds to pull me up. Both of us together threw our mass away from the cliff causing me to land on top of Francesca. We layed there for a few seconds on top of one another looking into each others eyes lovingly.”You saved my life.” I said panting on top of her. “I would never let anything bad happen to you…” I smiled and kissed her. “Let’s get somewhere safe.” Francesca said as she helped me up looking out at the red daylight that was slowly turning into night. We found a secluded spring on a higher up cliff where we decided to camp for the night before returning to the city. “Things will be different when we get back John,” Francesca said. “You still want to go back home, don’t you.” We sat under a group of trees that exposed us to the beautiful moonlight the gracefully reflected on the beautiful small spring. She rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her an rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand. “Lets embrace the time we still do have together. She smiled at me and we both leaned in to kiss. While we kissed on a few occasions, we never got touchy or sexual. This was our last night together, and we knew we would make the most of it. She started to rub my khakis shorts in the crotch area as I began to untie her flannel shirt, revealing her beautiful ebony breasts. I could tell she was really horny, but I also noticed some milk at the tip of her nipples. She was really excited. I started to kiss her breasts as she started to pull my penis out of my shorts and softly played with it while moaning. I then proceeded to slide my hand into the front of her daisy duke shorts and felt her wet pussy. With that I started to dig my fingers in and out making her move her legs uncontrollably in pleasure. I then pulled her shorts down and fingered her furiously as she squirted all over the place, getting some of her tasty juices in my mouth. After that, I stood up with my penis in her face. “I wanted your big white cock the first moment I saw you.” she said gripping my penis and shoving it into her mouth. She then started sucking furiously in ways that I had never been sucked before. It was glorious and she went on for about fifteen minutes, until I layed her on the ground and put my huge ivory shaft inside of her ebony pussy. Ramming in and out of her black body. We made love like this for an hour, even though it was a tough environment. We had been through so much, and this was our culmination together. “I want you to cum inside me John.” She said looking at me with passion in her eyes. Her back was on the ground as I was on my knees fucking her on the bare ground. She put her hand on my arm as I looked down and connected with her in a magical way. I started to place my hand on her lower stomach, as if I was about to put a baby in there, as she looked at me as if it was what she wanted me to do. I started to cum and kept my hand there as I planted my white seed in her womb filling her up to the brim. As I pulled out my cum fell out of her full pussy sliding down her black ass cheeks I crawled back on top of her and kissed her again caressing her stomach area as if I was helping my sperm on it’s journey into her womb. We layed together for one last night and enjoyed our last hours together. I headed back to New Zealand the next day. I never heard from or saw Francesca again. I never knew if I got her pregnant either. Well….That wasn’t until 40 years later, when I was 64. I was newly retired and I was watching the news, when I saw a piece on the new president of Tanzania. A story about a president that was bringing out sweeping poaching reforms. When I saw the man I was shocked at what I saw. It was like looking at a picture of myself when I was 40, just a little more tan. Could he be the offspring of Francesca and I? The news ended up doing a short documentary where he described his life. “Well, I was born from two very passionate anti poachers. My mother was from here in Tanzania, and my father was from New Zealand. Even though I never got to meet him, but my mother only told me wonderful things about him.” Hearing this brought a tear to my eye. For so long I had wondered, and yet for so long I had no clue. But it made me happy to know what happened with Francesca and my son over those 40 years.

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