Josie loves Todd

1 Mayıs 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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  What does Pride mean to me? I’m sure each one of us will have a universally similar yet decidedly different answer, dependent of course on our own experience. To me, pride entails my personal discovery, acceptance, and the continued exploration of my own sexuality. It is the joy I feel each day as I wake next to my husband, the man who helped me to become the person that I am today. We are not a traditional couple by any standard, he is almost thirty years my senior.Other than that, we appear, on the surface to be the same as any other May/ September couple except to those who know us. Todd is a handsome 58-year-old contractor with cute silver hair and a still rocking bod. I am a 29-year-old college professor. I have long dirty blond hair with honey highlights and I am complimented incessantly on my looks, even by those who have no idea that under my no-nonsense teacher skirt is a pair of lace top thigh highs, a garter belt, and sheer sexy panties that shroud my petite, sensitive penis.Todd was, and still is a friend of my father. They met and became pals not long before I went away to college at eighteen, although I did not meet him until the summer of my junior year. I have always been effeminate and slight of build and I was a loser in the love department. I was so enamored of girls but even when one was interested in me I spent most of our time just talking. One girl in high school told me that I must be gay, a thought that intrigued me. I hooked up with a couple of guys in college, an endeavor that seemed destined for failure as well.So, I threw myself into my studies, taking the highest class load I could and going five semesters without a break, all the while maintaining a 4.0. It was in this period that I discovered cross-dressing and, I soon had a nice stash of panties, bras, and hose. My roommate Jack loved it. We spent many nights in our room fucking like hamsters. I knew I had finally found my calling and I was so sure that Jack was the one until I walked in on him and a well-known sorority slut going at it doggie style…on my bed. I stood there, unable to move, my hand covering my gaping mouth. They both looked at me and she, without blinking said.“Look, Jack, your bitch is here.”After which they both collapsed laughing. I was devastated and ran from the room crying. Friends found me coiled up on a couch in a common area sobbing. One of my female friends retrieved the RA and I allowed to be her roommate for the remaining month of classes.Mom and Dad, seeing that I was absolutely burned insisted that I take the summer off. I knew they were right; I needed a break badly and Dad said I could work for Todd over the summer.Dad said, “He pays well and there is some traveling involved. The hotel he is working on is on the beach.”‘That sounds great Dad but, you know I’m not the construction type”Mom interjected, “He doesn’t need a worker, he has those. He needs someone to run errands and keep up with paperwork…you know, payroll, invoices…I don’t know Kıbrıs Escort what all, but he said if you were interested to let him know this week or he will have to hire someone else.”Interested? I was very interested. And not just in the job. I’d seen Todd a few times over the prior couple of years. He was 48 at the time with salt and pepper hair, devastatingly soulful blue-green eyes, and a short, well-groomed beard. Every time I saw him, he was wearing nice jeans and really nice tees. His clothes always seemed to fit perfectly, especially those tees. They were just tight enough to allow you to see the outline of his muscles and his abs. More than once at a gathering like one of Dad’s barbeques, I would find myself mesmerized by his physique, the bulge in his jeans, even by his watch, his beautiful platinum looked so good on his wrist.A couple of times I’d look up to find him giving me that that beautiful smile I’d loved so much since the first time I saw it. My heart would flutter, and my legs would go limber. I dismissed these thoughts as flights of fancy, Todd always had a beautiful girl on his arm, some of them nearly as young as I was. I thought there was no way he would ever want me. That did not stop me from masturbating to a mental image of him regularly.I called him the next day, which was on a Friday, and told him that I did indeed wish to work for him that summer.“Be ready to go Sunday morning, Josh,” he said, “It’s a three-hundred-mile drive so I like to get there and check into the motel so I can get some sleep.”“OK, Todd, thanks for the job.”“Oh listen, I know how smart you are so I should be thanking you. The paperwork on that job is absolutely screwed up…you’ll have your work cut out for you.”We chatted for about ten minutes. He explained that he was the general contractor of choice for the company that built these hotels. In addition, his business did many local jobs which he left in the hands of his uncle. He oversaw the hotel jobs because they were so lucrative, He always drove home on the weekends to keep close tabs on the local projects.I tried not to fawn and gush on the phone as we talked. His voice and mannerisms were so sexy to me. At the end of our conversation, he said,“Pack enough for a week, Josh. Also, I try to leave the job little early on Friday and we usually get home by eight or ten pm.”My mind was racing as I thought about taking two long road trips every week and staying in the same room as him all summer. I quickly dismissed these as being silly, but I went to my room and put panties and hose into the inside pocket of my suitcase. I was going to continue my crossdressing under my men’s clothing.I was waiting on the porch for him at nine Sunday morning. I was wearing a collared shirt and khakis with sheer bikini cut panties and pink and black striped thigh high socks underneath. My long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and my face was as cleanly shaven as the rest of my body Lefkoşa Escort (Id spent an hour shaving in the shower that morning) Todd pulled up in his king cab truck and I climbed in and threw my bag in the back seat. Of course, he had on his jeans and one of those form-fitting tee shirts. I wanted to bite him.He was so funny and confident in the way he spoke. This was really the first chance I’d ever had to chat with him face to face. I tried my best to seem aloof, but it was so hard. He affable nature was complemented by the way he seemed genuinely interested in me…in my academic career and in my opinion on everything from politics to pop culture. I was happier than id been in months, sitting there with my left leg crossed over my right, my back straight, my hands folded on my lap, attentive to every word, focused upon each word that fell from his lips.We stopped for lunch at a popular chain coffee shop then we walked next door to a large convenience store. Todd grumbled about the gathering rain clouds, remarking that he hated driving in the rain.“I need cigarettes,” I said, “I will smoke before I get in your truck, I know you don’t use tobacco.”“Oh, hell Josh, I don’t mind. I have girls smoke in my truck all the time.”That statement brought the tinging urges back. Did he just call me a girl?“Just crack your window, use an empty soda bottle for the ashes,” he laid a hand on my shoulder as we entered the store, “And don’t make a mess in my clean ride.”As he said that he squeezed my shoulder, massaging it. I turned to look at him and he was giving me his brilliant impish smile.“Get anything you want; I always get a bottle here for later…What do you like to drink Josh?”“Vodka,” I squeaked, still quivering and trembling from my shoulder massage.“Good choice, vodka it is.”I went to the candy aisle and selected some mint gum as I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He strode over to the liquor aisle and selected a big bottle of Grey Goose, lifting it for me to see and then he shouted.“Is that OK?”I felt the blood surge to my face and I just knew it was blood red. And the fact that everyone in the store turned to look at me made my face burn hot. I looked at Todd and nodded my head in agreement, as his smile returned. He retrieved sodas and candy for the road and as I was at the counter picking out cigarettes I watched as he stopped in front of the magazine rack and select the current Penthouse.When we were back in the truck, I smoked with the window cracked when Todd’s cellphone rang. He looked at the screen, told me he had to take it, put the truck in cruise control mode and started chatting with a concrete subcontractor. And as usual, I studied his form and his manner as he spoke, what seemed to me to be perfect Spanish to the man.‘God,’ I thought, “Is there anything this man can’t do”Then as soon as I’d asked myself that question I answered,‘Yeah, I’ll tell you what he can’t do Josh, he can’t fuck you because he Girne Escort is straight.”I considered the various young women I’d seen him with. They were all beautiful.“There’s no way he is going to go for me, he’s just being friendly.” I thought.About the time I finished my cig, Todd wrapped up his phone call and we continued our conversation. I was a bit more reserved after chiding myself for lusting after this obviously straight man. After about 20 minutes the conversation lagged a bit and Todd pulled the Penthouse out of the bag and laid it out on the seat beside him. The traffic was light, and Todd thumbed through the slick pages, stopping at the pictorials he liked.“Damn, Josh, look at these chicks. Do you like these?”In fact, did. I’d been loving men’s magazines for years, but I loved the women’s forms, their beauty, their hair, their clothing, I was even a fan of the photography.“Oh yes, “I replied matter-of-factly.He pushed the magazine toward me,“Which one of these is the best, Josh?” he asked grinning.There were several pics of women in various states of undress. I studied it for a moment and put my finger on a picture of a beautiful brunette, wearing a sundress that was blown up by the breeze exposing her ass.“What?” Todd laughed. “She’s damn near respectable looking.”“I think she’s pretty and I love her dress,” I said.Todd said ‘Well, I see your point…I think.” And with that, he snatched up the magazine to get a closer look. He grabbed it so fast it the slick paper slid out of his hand and It landed in the floorboard between his legs. He looked down and tried to scoot it with his foot to a place he could easily reach it and he only succeeded in pushing it under the seat.“I’ll get it,” I said.I slid down into the floorboard on my knees and crawled to Todd’s side. He had managed to get it way under the seat and I had to push past his right leg. Since he had it on cruise, he scooted back a bit to allow me more room. I bent down and retrieved the errant magazine. When I looked up, I was staring right at his crotch. The outline of his cock was so evident, and I was mesmerized. I didn’t move. I didn’t look up; I didn’t do anything for ten seconds or so but stare.It was then he did something I will never forget. He shifted his right leg again…he spread it wider. I still had not looked at his face and to this day I do not remember making a conscious decision to do this but…I leaned in and took as much of his sizable bulge into my mouth as I could.I took a big bite, clamping my teeth on it gently as I tongued it passionately. I opened my mouth wider and pushed onto the bulge further, clamping and tonguing. I made five or six such bites then I pulled my right hand off the floor and grasped it, squeezing, and continued to bite his wonderful cock. At this point, I still had not looked at him to gauge his reaction and he had not said a single word.I became aware that we were on an exit and slowing down. In almost a minute of me gnawing on his cock, not a word was said. It then occurred to me that he could be pulling over to beat me up or kick me out. As soon as those thoughts entered my mind, I felt his big hand on my neck. He was massaging me! He squeezed my neck a few times then grasped my ponytail and pulled my face tighter into his crotch.

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