Jessica Ch. 01

19 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Jessica smiled. She did that a lot because she was Jessica. She was rich; the only daughter of a lawyer and a doctor and they spoiled her terribly. She was 22 and just finished with college… not that she ever needed to work but it was fun. Jessica is an Asian/Spanish beauty who stands 5 foot 4. She weighs 125 pounds, is slender of frame but has almost over large breasts for her body type. Often she wears tight shirts that proudly display her blindingly beautiful breasts.

Right now she was smiling because she had just received an early birthday present from her parents. She could purchase anything she would like on her unlimited American Express card and her parents would pay for it, but it was nice when they picked out something special for her. Opening the package with her perfectly manicured nails her eyes grew wide. It was a diamond bracelet; it must have cost a fortune. But of course she deserved it. Placing it on her wrist she thought about the rest of her day.

She was going to head to the gym and get in some exercise… it wasn’t easy after all looking perfect. Jessica enjoyed working out and enjoyed all of the eyes that were on her. Men who lusted for her, women who wanted to be her…

It had almost slipped her mind again! She had an appointment with her real estate agent and she had already canceled twice. Jessica had decided it was time to find a more permanent residence and of course nothing but the best would do. The girl who was her real estate agent had started to annoy her. The girls name was Reba… Rebecca… or something it’s not like Jessica could be bothered with those details. They had not met yet only talked over the phone and after her second cancellation she had received a message, a text, AND an e-mail!

I suppose I should keep this appointment.

She decided to freshen up and get dressed. This would make her late but Jessica really didn’t care she had money, the agent would wait. Jessica decided to wear her latest pair of designer jeans, a tight sleeveless top that’s showed off her perfect midriff, and some open toed 2 ½ inch heels. Jewelry wise she wore earrings, her new diamond bracelet, and a cute ring one of her professor’s xslot had given to her. She giggled thinking about that ring. Her History professor had said it cost him a year’s salary. To top it off she put on a diamond platinum toe ring on her left foot, it sparkled in the light instantly catching the eye.

Her perfectly proportionate toes had sky blue polish on them currently. Just yesterday she had received her weekly pedicure. Combing her long black silky hair she thought again about how incredibly hot she was. During college she had her pick of any guy she wanted and they would fawn and shower her their attention, time and gifts. Walking out to her brand new 2009 Mercedes she took one last look at herself in the mirror and smiled.


Rachel was already waiting for Jessica. She was 21 and extremely nervous. She had put herself through college working part time, but even so she had taken out several student loans. Then her license exams for her Real Estate License and the months after college without work had maxed her few credit cards to the brink. It was a tough time to be starting out and she needed to make a sale. With the crumbling housing market and the shaky economy it was hard to be a real estate agent, but she was determined.

After all she was Rachel! She had graduated high school early and had left her abusive family as soon as she could. She was going to make it on her own. Somehow she had scraped up enough money to buy these clothes so she would look professional. She stood at a petite 5 foot. She had short blond hair and wore a nice white blouse. A gray jacket and trousers made her look every inch the professional. She hoped she would pass as one because she needed this sale. Her job was 100% commission. This was the first real shot she had in months.

She ground her teeth in frustration her client was late. She knew her name was Jessica and she came from a super rich family. An easy mark, if that damn women could keep an appointment. This was the third time she had sat out here waiting for her. When… if she did arrive she wanted to give her a piece of her mind so bad.

Calm down girl, don’t blow this chance.

Finally xslot Giriş she saw Jessica pull up. She stilled a nervous tremor in her hands and tried to walk as confidently as she could to meet her client. She had a list of homes and prices in her briefcase, an agenda already planned out, her verbiage rehearsed in a mirror for hours she… nearly stumbled as Jessica stepped out of her luxury vehicle.

Rachel was absolutely stunned by Jessica’s looks. Her perfect face, the hourglass figure, the brazen way she displayed her body for all to see… Her eye caught the sparkle of her toe ring and she couldn’t help but dip her head to look down at Jessica’s gorgeous toes peeking out of her open toed high heels. Rachel felt blood rush up to her face as she blushed. For you see Rachel was in the closet. She had lesbian feelings since she was a teenager but never let them be expressed. Guilt, shame, and above all desired warred in her terribly.


Jessica stepped out of her car and took a look at her real estate agent. She saw how young she was, and then she saw her look at her feet and the reddening of her face. Rolling her eyes she said, “Are you Reba?” Jessica watched amused as the girl regained her composure. She said, “Ah actually Miss. Garcia my name is Rachel but that’s not important right now. I have a lot of show you and I’m sure you will be quite pleased. There are several homes just a few blocks away that would do nicely and…”

Jessica cut off Rachel’s babbling. “Don’t call me Miss Garcia, that’s my mom, my name is Jessica.” Rachel swallowed nervously. “Oh of course sorry Jessica I didn’t know how you wanted me to address…” Jessica interrupted her again.

“Miss Jessica.”

Rachel looked confused. Jessica was unimpressed with the girl, she couldn’t have been doing her work for long and already she was annoying her. “Call me Miss Jessica blondie, I am your client, you work for me. Is that too complicated?”

Turning red again Rachel lowered her head, “No Miss Jessica of course not.” Awkwardly she opened her briefcase and said, “Miss Jessica I have a number of properties for you to look at, on the phone you said you wanted a xslot Güncel Giriş mansion, there are a number of sales going on right now would you like to take a tour?” Jessica nodded her head at the suggestion and smiled.

Rachel offered to drive them there but Jessica took one look at her old Ford Focus and sneered. “I am not getting into that piece of crap we will take my car.”


Rachel screamed on the inside. This spoiled bitch was walking all over her!

First she mangles my name and then she insults the car I worked long hours to earn…

Swallowing her pride she put on the nicest smile she could considering the circumstances and replied, “Oh I’m sorry Miss Jessica of course let’s use your car. And if I may say it is a beautiful vehicle.” Jessica took the compliment and stride and said, “It’s my car so of course it is.” Rachel really couldn’t argue the point everything else about Jessica was exceedingly attractive why wouldn’t her car be?

She gave Jessica the directions and talked to her about the house they were going to visit. It was difficult to keep her mind in the right place she kept glancing over at the picture of perfection just a foot away from her. Jessica’s sleeveless top was quite fetching on her showing her well toned arms. Completely feminine but without a single ounce of fat that she could see.

Every inch of her is so sexy… NO DON’T THINK THAT WAY!

Arriving at the three story mansion Rachel stepped out of the car and made ready her presentation over in her head. But Jessica wasn’t moving; in fact she had rolled down her window with the press of a button.

“Is there something wrong Miss Jessica?”

“Rebecca I said I wanted to look at a mansion, an expensive massive home. This place doesn’t even have a pool; take me to the next house.”

Rachel snarled mentally at this rich bitch. The absolute arrogance of her, to not even step outside and look at the damn house. Hours of work were wasted and she mentally crossed off another 3 houses that she had prepared for her to look at. Worst of all Jessica got her name wrong *again.*

My name is Rachel! Rachel! Learn it you stupid spoiled brat.

Rachel wanted to scream those words at her. But she merely thought them inside her head. On the outside she tried to keep her façade intact and said, “I’m so sorry Miss. Jessica let me you show you the next one, it has a pool and is twice as large.”

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