Jen Likes to Cum Ch. 03

3 Şubat 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Right before I graduated from law school, I accepted a job offer from a law firm that was with out a doubt, thee most sought after position by every graduate.

I graduated at the top of my class and yet, all I heard was that it was because of my body and my looks that I landed the job. Not fair. Even Ashley admitted that because I was such a hot piece of ass, it probably didn’t hurt my chances.

I said, “What about my academic achievements?” I think I earned the offer from all the hard work I put into my studies while here at school. I even showed up at every job interview practically dressed like a pilgrim just so I wouldn’t be thought of as some airheaded bimbo.

Ashley just shrugged it off and said, “You would look too sexy wearing a cardboard box.”

You stick out and protrude in every way all men obsess about. Your face. Your eyes. Your hair. Your tits. Your legs. Your ass. You can’t help but ooze sex appeal without even trying. With every breath. With every step. Every second of the day. Get used to it. It’s why I love you the way I do.

Well anyway, if my looks and body had something to do with it, so be it. I’m no slouch and I deserved every job offer I received on my own.

Now, a couple of years into my career, I consider myself a very successful assisting attorney. I have played a major role in the winning verdicts of several significant and highly publicized cases. My ambition is to make partner before too long.

Blah, blah, blah. That’s the professional situation I exist in. It’s boring. I know. But, I long ago decided that I would never mix my sexual life with my professional life. That’s the way it is and that’s the way I wish to keep casino siteleri it.

Actually, I have to keep it this way. As much as I love sex and cuming, I know my life would spiral out of control if I didn’t. For any of you who know me, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Ashley? Well, she is now out on the left coast living on Malibu beach, married to a movie star and expecting. I still and always will love her. We sure shared some crazy sexy times together though. We still keep in touch but as time goes by, our relationship unfortunately seems to fade.

Other than that, I’m still the same Jenny. I still masturbate all the time. I still masturbate every morning. It’s still my cup of coffee.

The other day, I tried to think about the last time I had gone without at least one orgasm. I couldn’t remember that day. At 28 years old, I still simply love to play with myself. I can’t get enough. Will I ever grow out of it? I hope not.

Even as I type the words you are reading right now, I’m playing with myself. As a matter of fact, every story I have written and submitted here to this site has been conceived and written while being highly aroused.

Each story submission has come at the expense of many many orgasms on my part.

I simply enjoy (get off) describing and putting out there to anyone who cares, the sexual part of the life that I have led. When I say out there, I guess I mean cyberspace. Maybe no one really cares to read and feel the way I feel or once felt but, it still turns me on to know that someone might.

I am, unfortunately, at the end of an almost three year relationship with the most special and perfect person I could ever have imagined canlı casino spending the rest of my life with. It was a wonderful relationship. It was a free, open and sexually honest relationship. Too bad it had to end but hey, such is life.

Because it was so open and honest sexually, I learned much about how men think. What gets you guys off. I think he was pretty typical. If he ever comes across these writings, I hope he never realizes this is me. At the same time, I kind of hope he does.

I enjoy studying and analyzing the sexual thoughts that lurked within the human mind. Instead of a lawyer, maybe I should have been a Psychologist. Human sexuality really fascinates me.

We used to masturbate over the phone whenever we were apart. Our professional lives were so busy that between the two of us, one of us was almost always on the road. So phone sex and sharing fantasies was a regular occurrence.

We shared our wildest fantasies as we made love too. How many people have had someone they could do this with? I mean, we really opened up and told each other about our inner most depraved sexual thoughts and fantasies. I did with him. I think he was honest and did the same.

Due to the life I lead and have led, I have so much material to write about. I want to write about it too. I want to get my thoughts and my past out there somewhere for someone else to feel too. I don’t know why. I just do. Maybe just for posterity. I feel I’m a very unique person. Sexually speaking that is. Maybe I’m not. I don’t know. But just in case I am, here it is.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, I’m going to start playing with my nipples. I’m sure you are well aware kaçak casino by now how long and sensitive my nipples are. Lets rub them with one hand while I slide my other hand down between my legs.

Of course, I know what to do. I’ve done this a thousand times before. It might actually be closer to a million times before. My fingers have made me cum well, I don’t know how many times but I wish I kept count. I know that tonight I’m so horny, I will use my fingers to make myself cum at least a half dozen times more.

My pussy is so fucking hot and wet right now as I type away. So wet that I can feel myself leaking down the crack of my ass. God I love how that feels. So I’m going to take my fingers and dip them into my wetness.

As much as I do not want to remove my fingers from my hot slippery gash, I pull them out so I can rub my homemade slippery lube into my stiff nipples. This makes my nipples so hard and stiff that they ache. They want to burst. I want to cum already.

I bring my fingers back to my clit. It feels so hard and full. I massage my pussy just above the folds of its hood. I want to cum now. I don’t put it off. I like to orgasm right away. I want to orgasm quickly so I can get started on the next one.

One down.

As I writhe and roll around on the bed, I continue to pinch and pull my really hard nipples as my first orgasm subsides.

I go back to my laptop and start typing away again at this story until I get so horny that I start pulling my nipples, rubbing my clit and begin to cum again.

So I do. I stop typing. I bring my fingers back down to my hot wet slit and massage the overflowing juices into the folds of my clit. Rub, rub, rub until I cum again.

Type some more.

Cum again.

Type some more.

Cum again.

Type some more.

Cum again.

I’m finally sleepy now. Until next time.

I have so much more to tell.

Luv Jen.

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