Jason’s Costume

5 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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The following story is true. It occurred fifteen years ago. By virtue of the fact that yesterday was Independence Day jogged my memory. I had married a woman with three sisters. All but one of the sisters had kids. The oldest sister Carolyn (my sister in law) had a son by her first husband named Jason. He was a pleasant kid who grew up in with Carolyn and her second husband Greg in the western part of New Jersey near the Pennsylvania border. My wife and I did not have kids at the time. We would visit my sister in law usually on holidays such as the Fourth of July. I was on that holiday all those years ago that I became “acquainted” with Jason on a different level.

Before telling you more I must say that I had some interesting experiences with other guys when I was a teenager. I had sucked off and been sucked off by other guys a number of times before I was able to gain confidence with women. On occasion I would still fantasize about what I had done with guys but would not act on any of those fantasies.

My wife and I visited my sister on the day of our nation’s independence for a cookout. My wife’s other sisters were there with their kids ranging in age of five to twelve. Jason was the oldest at eighteen. He was an extremely handsome guy bordering on beautiful. His had dirty blond hair and he was a track and field guy in high school. He was always pleasant to me and his aunt. She had told me that there always were girls calling him on the phone wanting to see him but he never seemed to have mobil porno interest in any of them aside from being friends. I told her that perhaps the right one had not been calling.

There was the typical cookout consisting of hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob and potato salad and loads of desserts. There was beer, wine and soda. Everyone was slated to walk to the high school to view the fireworks display later that night. Personally I could do without the fireworks. I always got eaten alive by mosquitoes when out near grass or trees in the summer so I begged off. I noticed Jason was friendly but quiet. He chose not to go to the fireworks display as well. Everyone left the house for the quarter mile walk to the high school field at about 8:00 P.M. The fireworks were to go off at about 9:00 P.M. I did not see Jason for a while. I sat around and watched some television and had a beer. I heard music coming from Jason’s room. It sounded like a disco in his room. His door was closed. I became curious about what he might be doing in his room probably because I was bored. I walked outside and around towards his bedroom window. It was dusk.

I had to get on my toes to look in. The window was closed but there was a space of about four inches where I could see in. There was a light from a table lamp that enabled me to see. I was stunned. Jason had on bright pink lipstick with a leopard skin garter belt with black stockings and black hi heels. His cock stood up rather than out and he was stroking alman porno his cock with one of his hands. He danced like women who did so at strip clubs. I watched him for about one minute before I left my position and went into the house. By the time I got into the house the music had stopped. I was excited to say the least and my mind went to crazy places. Jason asked, “Is there anyone there?”

I responded, “I am here. I did not feel like going and getting bitten at the fireworks display.”

He asked, “Were you just outside of my window?” Evidently he had seen me.

I said, “Yes.” I added that if he was worried about me telling anyone that I would never do so. I added that he had great legs and was a great dancer.

About a minute later he walked out of his room with a robe on. I could see his heels still on as well as the rest of his outfit. He sat down and crossed his legs. He looked gorgeous for a woman or a man. His legs appeared to have little or no hair on them. He had a muscular chest and a flat stomach. I asked him when he started to dress up and he said that at a Halloween party the prior fall he and his best friend had gone as hookers and that his mother (my sister in law) had helped with the outfit. He said at the party he had received a lot of attention and although he made like he was turned off by the attention received from the guys, he often fantasized about the attention and what it would be like if he had accepted one of the propositions. alexis texas porno He said there was a guy there named Jeffrey who kept on asking him at the party and for weeks afterward if he could suck off Jason. He said he was tempted but was fearful because Jeffrey was so insistent and Jason was afraid that it would get around school. I said nothing.

Jason asked me if I had ever had feelings about other guys when I was his age and I told him that I fantasized about a lot of things in my life and that if I ever acted on those fantasies that I never had or would tell a soul about them. That way there would be no repeating what I had done to anyone. He asked me if I had ever fantasized about sucking a cock and I just smiled. I asked him if we could go his room. He led the way.

When we got to his room I asked him to put out the light. He did so. I asked him to remove the robe and he did that. I pushed him back onto his bed so that he was in a sitting position. I ran my hands up his nylons and touched his cock with my tongue. I pulled his cock into my mouth and on the third trip back to my throat he blew off into my mouth. He came about as hard as anyone I had ever been with. He did not get completely soft after he came. I licked his balls and then sucked him hard again. After five minutes he came again. Oh to be eighteen again. I told him it might be wise to change and get the lipstick off before anyone came home. I walked into the kitchen after leaving his room and popped open a cold Heineken and took a long gulp which mixed well with the taste of Jason’s come. Shortly afterward everyone came home from the fireworks display and we had coffee and desserts. Jason came out of his room and joined us. Before my wife and I left he gave me a hug and a smile.

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