Jamaican Bisexuality: Kings

30 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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“If you’re a Jamaican-American man and you also happen to be bisexual, you should keep it to yourself,” Uncle Harold Sampson said to his nephew Jacob “Jake” Sampson. The tall, brawny young black man nodded, and then shook the older black man’s hand. The two of them then looked at the Biloxi River, and remained silent for a long time. Harold Sampson, a Jamaican-born former U.S. Army Colonel, had been living in Mississippi for the past twenty years. Even in the modern era, some people’s attitudes towards things like race and sexuality simply never changed…

“I hear you, Uncle, I’ll watch my back,” Jacob Sampson said, and Uncle Harold nodded. After a tumultuous first year at Jackson State University, Jacob’s mother Leanne Sampson sent him to spend the summer with his uncle in the City of Biloxi, Mississippi. The young man needed a positive male role model to steer him away from the wrong path, lest he lose everything. Jacob Sampson had been off to a promising career at JSU. He was a tight end on the Jackson State University football team, and excelled in his classes in the business management program. The problem had been Jacob’s personal life…

A lot of things happened during Jacob’s first year at Jackson State University. School and football were the easy part. The hard part, as previously stated, was Jacob’s personal life. Jacob loved his girlfriend Amelia Rios, the sexy Mexican gal who stole his heart. There was also Byron Moore, a bisexual black sportsman from the province of Ontario, Canada, and his girlfriend Whitney Harrison. Those two came along and both ended up confusing Jacob and utterly complicated his life…

Jacob Sampson, born in the City of Tupelo, Mississippi, to a white father, Lincoln Hawkins, and a Jamaican immigrant mother, Leanne Sampson, can be said to be the son of two worlds. Jacob’s late father Lincoln Hawkins had been a close friend of his uncle Harold Sampson during their halcyon days in the U.S. Army. In fact, it was Harold Sampson who introduced serviceman Lincoln Hawkins to his younger sister Leanne, and the couple ended up falling in love. Lincoln Hawkins had been engaged to his girlfriend Leanne Sampson, who was pregnant with their son Jacob, when he died during a car crash.

As a fatherless biracial young man, Jacob Sampson didn’t seem to fit in anywhere. He grew up to be tall and strong, with an athletic build, dark brown skin, curly black hair and lime-green eyes. Jacob was too dark for some folks and not dark enough for other folks. The state of Mississippi has changed somewhat but certain things never change. In the old days, it was just black folks and white folks. Now there’s an influx of Afro-Caribbean, Asian and Latino immigrants, and they’ve changed the state’s demographics and culture to a certain extent. Jacob considered himself brown, rejecting the label black, because it didn’t fully explain the truth of what he was…

When Jacob Sampson discovered his bisexuality, it was something of a shock. All his life, Jacob had felt sexually attracted to the ladies, especially them big-booty black southern women. The brother’s bedroom was full of posters of big-booty female celebrities like Serena Williams, Lisa Raye, Rihanna and others. Jacob’s attraction to women never wavered, but he did begin to feel a slight curiosity about men, something which disturbed him. Why was Jacob having those unwanted thoughts all of a sudden?

Jacob didn’t have anyone to turn to, because he didn’t want his world to turn upside down. In the U.S. same-sex marriage has been legal for a while, and LGBT people have a lot of power and influence. The world is still a hostile place, especially for bisexual men. The same women who have legions of effeminate gay male friends seemingly genetically engineered to give them fashion and relationship advice would never date a bisexual man. Since the world doesn’t tolerate those who feel the way he does, Jacob keeps to himself.

On the streets of Jackson, Mississippi, Jacob often encountered strange men who tried to make eye contact with him, as though inviting him to something. Jacob would avert his eyes and ignore them, and the men got the message. Jacob is slowly warming up to his emerging bisexuality. He has only been with women sexually. He hasn’t crossed the line with men yet. What Jacob does with his body is his own business. The LGBT world is too political and too inflexible for Jacob, so he gives them a wide berth. Got to figure things out on his own…

Jacob Sampson was raised in the Southern Baptist Church, and his church leader, a fiery old black man named Minister Johnson Whitmore, preached that queers went straight to Hell. What’s a brother to do? Jacob went along with the norm, and focused on his studies at Jackson State University and playing football for the school. Quite a few players from the renowned southern football school had gone on to the National Football League. Jacob wanted to be the next Wade Wilson or Cam Newton, and he actually had a shot eve gelen escort at it…

Jacob kept his internal turmoil to himself, and dated a beautiful young woman named Amelia Rios. The short, curvy, bronze-skinned and dark-haired gal was something else. A newcomer to the City of Jackson, Mississippi, by way of Guerrero, Mexico, Amelia was all that and then some. The curvy young Mexican gal surprised many when she tried out for the varsity cheerleading squad and got in. Not just a pretty face, Amelia consistently achieved high honors in the civil engineering department. Jacob was fascinated by Amelia’s exploits, and approached the curvy Mexican gal at a house party thrown by his teammate Harrison one evening…

“Hola, el bonito, what took you so long?” Amelia said, looking Jacob up and down before grinning mischievously. Jacob looked at Amelia, who looked hot in a red tank top and yoga pants, plus high-heeled shoes which added to her height of five-foot-four. The petite Mexican beauty was loud and fearless, and had one hell of an ass on her. Jacob heard a lot of things about Latin women and wanted to know if their legendary passion was true…

“Hmm, I was just biding my time, senorita, I’m Jake,” Jacob said, extending his hand, which Amelia shook. All around them, folks were wishing Jacob’s teammate Dwight Harrison, a tall, slim white dude with red hair, a happy birthday. Harrison, who scored the winning touchdown during Jackson State University football team’s big game against Florida A & M, had become the hometown hero overnight. Jacob and Amelia paused to clap for Harrison, and then resumed their chat while drinking coronas.

“Hmm, so, Jake, where are you from?” Amelia asked, and Jacob winced before answering her. One of the many things which Jacob hated about being a biracial man in the state of Mississippi was people constantly asking where he was from, or which one of his parents was black. Jacob often told them that he was mixed-race, like President Obama, or golfer Tiger Woods, or The Rock. Biracial male celebrities exist, isn’t it about time America stopped fetishizing mixed-race people?

“My father was white, and my mother is Jamaican,” Jacob replied gently, praying that Amelia didn’t make any Jamaican jokes. A while back, Jacob tried to holler at a tall, fine African gal named Chioma, from Nigeria. When Chioma found out that Jacob was part Jamaican, she asked him for some Ganja and then began faking a Jamaican accent. Jacob couldn’t believe it. Chioma, a genuine African immigrant woman, believed in those nasty stereotypes about Caribbean people. Disgusted, Jacob walked away, and Chioma caused him out as a result. Jacob felt like he’d dodged a bullet…

“Hmm, that’s cool, amigo, I’m a Mestiza, my father is Indigenous Mixtec and my mother is white, from Spain,” Amelia replied with a smile, much to Jacob’s relief. That’s how it began between the two of them. Jacob had been strongly attracted to Amelia when he first spotted her, but the realization that they had much in common in terms of origin and viewpoint endeared her to him. The two of them exchanged numbers and began dating shortly after.

Walking around the Jackson State University campus with Amelia on his arm, Jacob felt like a real man. A lot of the brothers on the JSU football team were players, dating multiple ladies at once, but Jacob wasn’t like that. Jacob, a true Christian man, believed in doing the right thing. A month after Jacob started dating Amelia, he introduced her to his mother. Leanne Sampson was thrilled to meet Amelia, the young woman whom her only son Jacob ranted and raved about. All was right in Jacob’s world…for a time.

Things began to get complicated when Jacob met Byron Moore, a newcomer to Jackson, Mississippi, by way of Toronto, Ontario. The tall, handsome young black Canadian man transferred to Jackson State University after a lackluster first year at Ryerson University. Byron Moore tried out for the JSU Men’s Basketball team and wowed him with his speed, accuracy and overall skill. Byron began dating a blonde-haired and blue-eyed young woman named Whitney Harrison, cousin to football player Dwight Harrison, Jacob’s buddy. That’s how the two young men met…

“Nice to meet you, Jake, you’ve got some speed on the gridiron,” Byron said, smiling as Harrison introduced the two of them. Jacob had gone to the party at Dwight Harrison’s place to celebrate the big win against Delta State. Byron’s girlfriend Courney, a petite, curvy blonde gal, hung onto his every word. Jacob looked into Byron’s eyes, and felt nervous for some reason. Byron smiled at Jacob as though the two of them shared a secret. What was going on?

“Good to meet you, Byron, I try my very best,” Jacob replied as calmly as he could. Byron nodded, and he and Jacob talked about the big game against Delta. Meanwhile, Whitney complimented Amelia on her outfit, one of those traditional Mixtec robes that gaziosmanpaşa escort she was fond of wearing on campus when the weather permitted. After exchanging a handshake and a few pleasantries, Byron and Courney excused themselves and went away, leaving Jacob, Amelia and Dwight to their drinks…

“Man, Jake, if that dude Byron played football instead of basketball, we wouldn’t need you,” Dwight Harrison joked, and Amelia poked him in the ribs. Jacob ignored Dwight Harrison’s joke/taunt and kept staring where Byron and Whitney had gone. Why did he feel so damned nervous around that guy? Perhaps Dwight Harrison was right, and Byron was really his rival. Food for thought. Jacob couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous around some guy he’d never seen before…

“Jake, do you know that guy? You were staring,” Amelia remarked, later that night, as they drove home in the car. Jacob shrugged, and changed the subject. The last thing Jacob wanted to talk about were his weird, conflicted feelings. Quite often, Jacob wished he could make those feelings go away. He watched a lot of porn, and still got hard over watching naked women having sex. Jacob still liked watching hot women walk by. Why did those weird feelings about dudes continue to plague him? Oh well, whatever…

When they got home, Jacob gave Amelia his undivided attention. Sitting the curvy Mexican gal on his bed, he kissed her lips, and then she slipped out of her clothes, revealing her sexy body. Amelia grinned as Jacob knelt before her and sucked on her toes. Jacob kissed a path from Amelia’s toes to her thighs, and then spread her legs. Amelia held her breath as Jacob inhaled her scent, and then he paused, smiling up at her.

“You’re the only woman for me, Corazon,” Jacob said to Amelia, and then he went to work. Burying his face between Amelia’s thighs, Jacob began eating her pussy. Amelia leaned back on the bed, rubbing her erect nipples as Jacob worked his magic on her. The biracial stud definitely knew his way around a vagina. As Jacob teased her clit with his tongue and worked two fingers into her pussy, Amelia let out a happy sigh. The young Mexican woman relaxed and enjoyed what her lover was doing to her…

“Hmm, mi amor, don’t stop,” Amelia cooed softly as Jacob continued to pleasure her. As the evening rolled on, Jacob and Amelia continued with their explorations. Jake propped Amelia on all fours, and admired her thick brown ass. To really shine Jake on, Amelia twerked that big ass for him. Jacob grinned and kissed Amelia’s big round butt, then began eating her pussy from behind. Amelia moaned softly as Jacob feasted on her pussy. The brother had a wicked tongue and put it to good use…

“Ride me,” Jacob said as he lay flat on the carpet, and Amelia, straddling him, proceeded to ride the hell out of him. Amelia grinned as she rode Jacob, loving the feel of his hard dick in her pussy. Jacob caressed Amelia’s tits, and she batted his hands away before resting her hands on his broad shoulders. Amelia licked her lips, enjoying the deliciously hot pain and wicked pleasure she felt down below as Jacob’s dick filled her pussy. The couple made passionate love until dawn, then collapsed in each other’s arms.

Jacob and Amelia slept peacefully on the bed. Well, Amelia slept. Jacob lay there, still mostly awake, smiling in the dark. He’d just made love to the woman he loved. He enjoyed having sex with her. His dick got hard when he saw her hot body. He wasn’t queer, or whatever. Perhaps all Jacob needed to do in order to make those feelings go away was more hot sex with Amelia. Yeah, that’s probably it. Jacob went to sleep, feeling good. The world can take care of itself. The Prince of Jackson City had peace of mind at last.

The next day, Jacob went to school, and life resumed its normal pace. He went to class, chatted with Amelia and his buddies, and went to football practice. Afterwards, he went to the campus library to print one of his assignments for his business ethics class, and then got ready to go home. While walking to the school parking lot, Jacob ran into none other than Byron and his girlfriend Whitney. The two of them were kissing in front of Byron’s motorcycle, which still had Ontario plates for some reason.

“Oh hey, Jake,” Whitney said, and the pretty blonde leaned against her boyfriend Byron and smiled at Jacob like they were old friends. Jacob smiled at the couple, wished them a good day and then got in his car. As Jacob pulled out of the school parking lot, Byron winked at him, while resting his hands on his girlfriend Courney’s ass. Seriously, what in the actual fuck? If Jacob didn’t know any better, he’d swear that Byron Moore, black Canadian basketball superstar, swung both ways. Um, why was he staring at Jacob?

When Jacob got home, he went online, and as he checked his Facebook, Tik Tok, Twitter and Instagram, he forgot the events of the day and checked the exploits gölbaşı escort of his favorite celebrities. The world is still obsessed with the Kardashians, and the latest reality TV nonsense. Jacob was about to log off when he saw that he had a friend request from none other than Byron Moore. Out of curiosity, even though he was annoyed, Jacob added Byron as a friend.

“Thanks for the ad, handsome,” Byron said, messaging Jacob right away. Jacob couldn’t believe what he was seeing. What kind of a heterosexual black man refers to other men as handsome? Byron was definitely suspect, even though he looked and sounded like a normal, masculine guy. Of course, Jacob knew that even a masculine, seemingly normal man could be into guys. The staring and the weird eye contact were usually a dead giveaway.

“Look, Byron, I’ve got nothing against you, but I’ve got a lady, I’m a decent normal man, and I’d appreciate it if you stop referring to me as handsome,” Jacob replied. While awaiting Byron’s answer, Jacob went on YouTube. The hit song Madness by the artist Ruelle played on his laptop’s speaker, and he smiled as he listened to it. Ruelle is one of those amazing artists whose work was simply soul-stirring. The song Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez was also another one of Jacob’s guilty pleasures. Yeah, the brother likes what he likes…

“Jacob, come on, dude, don’t be like that, I am bisexual, and my girlfriend Whitney is cool with it, I thought you and I could be friends,” Byron replied. Jacob read the message and blinked in surprise. Next thing he knew, Byron was reaching out to him via video call. Hesitantly, Jacob accepted the video call. The screen opened, and Byron’s face came on…and he wasn’t alone. Seated next to Byron, Whitney smiled and waved at Jacob. What in the actual fuck?

“Hey, Jacob, yeah, my boo Byron is bisexual and I love him, you should join our club,” Whitney said, laughing. Jacob smiled nervously and willed himself to be calm. Was Byron serious? In Jacob’s experience, and he’d done a lot of research about male bisexuality, ( and how both gay men and straight women seemed to despise them ) women dating openly bisexual men wasn’t really a thing. Hmm, well, not an impossible thing but an unlikely thing…

“Whitney, and, um, Byron, look, I’m happy for you both, I really am, but I love my lady and I’m faithful to her, now, if you’ll excuse me, folks, I’ve got to go,” Jacob said firmly. Whitney pouted while Byron sighed and nodded. The couple wished Jacob a goodnight, and then the video concluded. After logging off, Jacob sat at the computer for a long moment. Byron was the real deal, a bisexual black man with a sexy girlfriend who accepts him. Will wonders never cease?

Jacob Sampson, a good southern Baptist, was taught to pray in times of doubt. He turned off the computer, and knelt before his bed. Closing his eyes, Jacob asked the Creator of All for forgiveness. Jacob prayed to be forgiven for his unwanted sexual thoughts about men. He also prayed to be forgiven for having had sex with Amelia, whom he loved but wasn’t married to. Jacob Sampson wanted to lead a normal life. Jacob dreamed of getting into the NFL, make millions, buy a house for his momma and another one for his lady Amelia. None of that would come true if Jacob went out there and did risqué stuff like Byron and Courney did…

“Lord, please give me the strength to resist temptation,” Jacob said, before concluding his prayer. Over the next few weeks, wherever Jacob went, Byron and Whitney showed up. It got to the point that Amelia asked if Jacob and Byron were becoming pals. Jacob flashed her a tight smile and shrugged. Jacob was polite in his dealings with Byron, who acted as though they were best buddies. Oh, and Whitney also openly flirted with Jacob, with Byron’s approval, which made Jacob weirdly uncomfortable. Why couldn’t they leave him alone?

“You’re a popular man on campus,” Amelia remarked, as Jacob started to garner attention from all kinds of folks on campus. Byron the Jock had a posse of wannabe-gangster dudes he hung out with. Jacob took one look at them and knew that Byron had to be having sex with some of them, on top of having sex with his girlfriend Whitney. Jacob didn’t want to fuck other people. He wanted to stick with his lady Amelia, the one gal his mother Leanne Sampson approved of. No freaky broads like Whitney Harrison. Oh, and definitely no switch-hitters like Byron Moore.

“Amelia, you’re the only one for me,” Jacob assured his lady, and this seemed to placate her. Things were alright between Jacob and Amelia for the most part. They went to movies, malls, and restaurants together. They had sex regularly. Jacob often surprised Amelia with little gifts, and sometimes, went to the town of Madison just to have some alone time in someplace new. As far as Jacob was concerned, things were fine between Amelia and himself. Life had other plans, however…

Jacob thought he had the whole hidden bisexuality thing under control. Whenever his, ahem, other side perked up, he satisfied his urges in a most efficient manner. Jacob wasn’t about to prowl the streets of Jackson, Mississippi, making eye contact with horny male strangers and having anonymous sex. That’s a sure fire way to catch HIV or end up with a creepy stalker who could ruin his life. Nope, Jacob watched porn, pure and simple.

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