
15 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Author’s Note:

Everyone engaging in sexual acts in this story are 18 years of age or older.

OK. This doesn’t happen often but I am admitting I screwed up. Member: Philtee commented that my ending sucked. And he was right. It was shit. I hadn’t published anything in over two years and I rushed it. And it showed. Because of that I am submitting this Edited version with a “GOOD” ending. Meaning one I actually like as apposed to one I just threw in there for gratuitous sex. If you’ve read this story before and want to get to the new part. Just locate the line of *********************** and everything after that is the new ending.

Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the story. I hope you like the new ending as well.



The three sisters sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Well, the youngest, Rebecca, drank fruit juice but she’s an athlete so go figure.

“Alright. So, what’s wrong?” Claudia asked.

Rebecca shrugged. “Has dad been acting strange to you?”

Claudia looked to Danielle, the oldest. After a moment Danielle shrugged as well. “You mean since the car wreck?” Rebecca nodded in reply. “A little.” Danielle replied with a mild shake of the head. “But a two week coma will do that, I think.”

Rebecca nodded. It had been a stupid car accident three months ago. Their Father had suffered a serious brain thingamabob. At the time they had all been just so grateful he came out of it at all. That they didn’t question anything. Danielle had been even more ecstatic. Her wedding had been set for the next month. So she had the added pressure, if that was possible, of potentially canceling her wedding. With his quick recovery that wasn’t necessary and Dad -was- able to walk her down the aisle.

“What is he doing?” Danielle asked.

Rebecca winced and cringed. “He… uh…” She took a sip of juice.

“Yes?” Claudia leaned in with a conspiratorial grin.

Rebecca hit her lightly. “Stop it.” She smiled as she shook her head. “…He’s checking me out! There, I said it.”

“Ohhhhh. Yeah.” Her sisters nodded in unison.

“Wait! He’s been doing that to you too?!”

Danielle nodded again. “Since the wreck?” She asked. When Rebecca nodded her confirmation. “Oh yeah.” Danielle finished with another nodd.

“I was flattered.” Claudia stated before taking another sip of coffee.


“Well yeah! Look at me!” She stated as she motioned to her body. “I’ve got a mom’s ass and two kids at home!”

Rebecca laughed. Her sister was gorgeous. Short red hair. Hourglass figure and full lips.

“I mean, >you< I could understand." Claudia stated as she pointed to her baby sister. "There's not an ounce of fat on you. Nothing but muscle. You even have those, uh…" She looked to Danielle. "What are they called? Carl call's em thumb rests."

“Dimples of Venus.” Danielle answered sagely.

“Yeah, those!”

“What do you call those large concaves in her butt?” Danielle asked.

“I think that’s just a hard ass.” Claudia answered.

“Can we get back on topic please?” Rebecca huffed.

“Sorry.” They both offered before drinking some more.

Rebecca sighed and shook her head. Her sisters. Argh! “…Does he… Does he have an erection when he hugs you?” She asked Claudia.

Claudia bit her lip as her mind raced to a moment when she was on her knees with a very fat cock all the way down her throat. Two fistfulls of hair kept her pressed tightly against his groin as a river of cum flowed into her stomach. “Ummmmm…” Claudia nodded. “Yes. Yeah. He does, actually.”


“Mm hm.” Claudia reiterated as she sipped her coffee.

“And you?” Rebecca turned to ask Danielle in a surprised tone.

Danielle licked her upper lip as her mind raced to a moment when she was bent over this – very – table. With her bike shorts down around her knees. Her hands pressed firmly against the tabletop and a large dick slid harshly in and out of her ass. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of his hips slapping against her rear. As her grunts joined in with every thrust.

She nodded. “Yeah. He does.”

Rebecca was apoplectic. “Wha… Uh… Wh…” She shook herself. “And you guys don’t think that’s a problem?!” They looked at each other obviously not knowing what to say. “Dad want’s to fuck you.”

“Well, the man’s been a widow for what? 13 years now? I can’t blame him for getting aroused by pretty girls. And to be fair.” Claudia answered. “My marriage to Carl, sucks.” Rebecca was taken back. “My girls are 6 and 8. I busted my ass to get back in shape. And he still acts like a fucking roommate with benefits… On occasion… Very – rare – occasions.” She sipped her coffee.

“I’m sorry.” Rebecca said.

Claudia shrugged. “So… if Dad came at me with that big dick of his?.. Hell – Yes!”

“Ooookay.” Rebecca kütahya escort said before turning to Danielle. “Danielle?..”

Danielle cringed.

“Danielle!?” Rebecca screamed in shock. “You’ve only been married for two months!”

“Well…” Danielle cringed some more and shook her head. “Randall and I have always been more like friends. He’s just not a “take charge” kind of guy. Where as, Dad?” She nodded. “I could see Dad being that way.” She ended with a smile.

Rebecca huffed. Again. Then shook her head.

“Anyway. What does it matter?” Claudia asked. “Has he taken it out and hit you with it?” The other two laughed at Claudia but Rebecca shook her head. “Then don’t worry about it. Some of the wiring got fucked by that crash three months ago. If Dad finding us hot is the only down side? Then fine by me. Now, come on! We’ve got a party to set up!”

The girls broke from the table and began to get things started. It was Rebecca’s 18th Birthday and her sisters wanted it to be special. Claudia was handling the cooking. While Rebecca handled the entertainment as well as managing the guests. And Danielle started on the decorations. Dad was out getting the last minute things that always got forgotten before a big “to do.”

Within a few hours the place was set. The early birds had been drafted to help with the food. And Dad came home with the nicknacks Danielle had ordered him to get.

Rebecca watched as he entered and started to put things away. That morning’s conversation had only added to her worries. He greeted Claudia with a kiss on the cheek while stashing the corn chips in a corner. Danielle rushed over for a big hug and another peck on her cheek as he took the whipping cream to the fridge. She didn’t see anything odd. And she wasn’t sure >what< she had expected to see anyway.

Soon, Claudia ordered him out to manage the grill.

“Why is that always a man’s job?” He whined.

“Because you’ll be underfoot in here.” Claudia answered without mercy.

Dad nodded like a downtrodden slave before stopping to check on Rebecca. “You having fun, baby?” He smiled.

“Mm hm.” She smiled.

“Happy Birthday.” He smiled before kissing her on the forehead and heading out to the grill.

The party was long, but fun. Everyone was there. Childhood friends, class friends, cousins and family. Even Coach Masterson. He had been the first one to support her when she told him she loved track and wanted to get better. Now she was about to start college and she had a full athletic scholarship at the local college. Maybe she wouldn’t make it to the Olympics but who knew.

The party eventually died down. It was late and the same sisters who had set it up? Had to take it down.

“I’m exhausted.” Claudia complained.

“No whining until the job’s done!” Danielle mockingly yelled.

Rebecca laughed as she continued to collect the trash.

“Alright. That’s enough, you three.” She heard their Father command. “You two have families to get home to and you…” He pointed at Rebecca. “It’s still your Birthday and you’re not supposed to be working.”

“Now, you tell me.” She replied with a laugh.

He smiled. “I’m serious. I’ll take care of all this. You girls scoot.”

“Yes, Dad.” They replied in unison.

They hugged their Father goodnight with Rebecca being last. She couldn’t help but notice his erection as it pressed into her stomach.

“Good night, Daddy.”

“Goodnight, baby. You get some rest.” He smiled.

Rebecca rubbed her neck as she walked down the hall to her room. She didn’t know what to think. And her sisters’ reaction?! She shook herself as she removed tennis shoes, socks, jeans, T-shirt and bra.

“Maybe they’re right. Maybe it’s nothing. Just a side effect.” She thought as she pulled a baggy T-shirt over her head. With another mental shake, she killed the lights and climbed into bed.

He was glad he had a deep freezer in the garage. There was a -lot- of leftovers. The trash was easy. Time consuming but easy. The dirty dishes were few. Disposables because, “Fuck the environment!” Pulling the sound system and other electronics inside to keep out of any rain wasn’t bad. And then finally securing the house.


It was late.

He got the coffee pot ready for the morning and headed down the hall to his room. He stopped to look in on his daughter. He laughed as she had kicked off the covers again. She lay sprawled across the full sized bed. With her T-shirt riding up to expose her firm ass wrapped in blue bikini briefs. “She sleeps like a train wreck.” He snickered.

He shook his head and went to his room. He removed his socks and shoes, Pants and polo shirt. He dropped his drawers and took a long deserved piss.

Once that was dried off he picked up the small bottle of baby oil from his medicine cabinet. Collected his pocket knife from his jeans. And walked back to Rebecca’s room. She was still sprawled across the bed like she’d fallen onto it from a great height. He had another chuckle looking malatya escort at her. Shaking his head he walked to her bedside table and ran a line of baby oil down the shaft of his cock.

He set the bottle down. Made sure to cover his entire dick with a fine sheen of the oil. Because too much lube and it felt like you were fucking a rubber tube. He then gently climbed onto the mattress between her legs. He used the pocket knife to slice the sides of her panties. Rebecca gently snored through it. He refolded the knife before dropping it to the floor. Then slowly tugged the remains of her underwear from underneath her.

He took a moment to sit back and admire her form. She had put a lot of hard work into shaping her body. It would be a shame >not< to appreciate it. But eventually he leaned forward. Placing each hand about a foot above and away from her shoulders. He balanced on one hand to line himself up with her dark little crinkle of an ass. And then braced himself with both hands again. Aside from a little rubbing where their thighs touched, his cock was the only part of him that connected to her.

CONTRARY – TO – POPULAR – BELIEF! Sodomy does NOT have to be quick and painful. He slowly pressed on her anus then eased back before pressing forward again. And she gently opened bit by bit. Thankfully he had the upper body strength not to rush this. He slowly pushed in. Millimeter by millimeter. While Rebecca gave only a few warning groans in her sleep. He watched his baby girl as her rear slowly opened for him. After fifteen minutes about a third of his cock head was slipping in.

He was cautious and patient as the flare of his head could still hurt her if he was too quick. Rebecca began to move her hips around as well as giving off a few grunts and groans. If he had been a rapist he could have driven it home. She wouldn’t have been awake for the truly traumatizing part. But she would suddenly be awake and scared and quite a bit achy. And it just wasn’t something you did to someone you loved. He didn’t -want- to hurt her. He wanted something you can only get from a sexual connection with someone you truly care about.

He stretched her a little more.

“Ung… wha?..”

When he heard her, he slowly lowered his body on top of hers. Then slid his right arm across her chest to grip her left shoulder.

“AH!? Wha… Daddy!?”

“ShhhShhhShhhShhhShhhShhhShhhShhh. Hush baby. Hush.” He soothed as he continued to slowly spread her ass open.

“Daddy?! Why? What are you doing?”

She grimaced as she felt him continue to go a little deeper. Her hands were slightly flailing across the mattress. Sometimes gripping the sheets but quickly letting go.

“Put your hands on my arm, baby. There you go. Just hold on to me. OK?”

She was nodding and then shaking her head before looking at him. His face was just over her left shoulder. Almost rubbing against hers. She looked like she was about to cry and her voice had a kind of whiney, scared quality to it.

“Daddy, why are you doing this?”

“Because I love you, baby.”

She shook her head. “If you loved me? You wouldn’t do this.”

He nodded. “You’re one of the most important people in my life…”

“Ah.” Her mouth fell open as her eyes got wider while he slipped a little more into her.

“I want to be closer to you and this is the only way to do that.”

She shook her head, closed her eyes and looked away. “OHHHH!” She gritted out as he pushed her to that point where her sphincter was spread as far as it could go.

He slid his left hand up to her cheek and turned her to look at him. “Hey, baby.” He whispered. “Look at me.” She had a few tears as she nodded before opening her eyes. “I’m not trying to hurt you.” She bit her lip and nodded again. “Do you trust me?”

“You ask me that now!?” He smiled and gave one more push. Her eyes went huge as her ass sucked the head of his cock into her. “Oh!” She looked stunned.

He waited to give her a chance to get accustomed to him. He watched her face to see what she might be feeling. He wanted to ask but realized that was a pretty stupid question.

After a minute of silence where they just stared at each other he asked. “Does it hurt?”

She shook her head as she licked her lips. “No.” She stated meekly.

He watched her face as he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. When she simply stared back at him, he leaned in and gave her another. Then another. When she slightly returned the kiss on his fourth attempt. He slowly began to push himself deeper into his daughter.

“Ah! Ah! Daddy!”

He held her close. “It’s OK.” He kissed her again.

She returned it more. “You’re my baby girl. I know you need to feel protected. And I’m not going to do anything to hurt you.” He said between kisses.

She nodded once more. Then he bottomed out. They stayed there a moment. Staring into each other’s eyes. Breathing each other’s breath. He pushed gently until all that he could manage fit inside of her.

Her mouth hung open a manisa escort little more.

“Oh.” She whimpered.

But when he stuck out his tongue just enough to lick her upper lip, she gave a small jolt. He did it again but this time found the tip of her tongue. He closed in and eased her into a soft deep kiss. And as he slowly pulled out of her. Her eyes closed on their own.

He kept his tight hold on her as he slid back down. After a few slow strokes she began to moan into his mouth.

“Can you stick your ass out?”

Rebecca chewed her lip nervously in reply.

“I won’t hurt you.” He smiled.

“You promise?” She whined.

He gave her a nod. “I promise, baby.” He said before he started kissing her again.

Rebecca mustered all of her courage and slowly stuck her ass out as far as she could from this position. Thankfully he did not increase his speed but she did feel him go even deeper.

“Ung.” She broke the kiss and let her head fall forward.

She felt him pull back. “Ah.” And then back in. “Ung.”

She gasped and grunted as he took his time savoring her delicious body. She felt him kiss her shoulder. “Ah.” He was pulling back. Then he started planting little kisses across her shoulder. “Ung” He hit bottom. Kissing his way up her neck to her ear. “Ah.” He began to suck on her earlobe. “fuck.” As her hips began to move slightly in and out with his cock.

“Daddy, please don’t make me go faster.”

“Even if you like it?” He spoke next to her ear.

She was chewing her lip again as she nodded. She was so damned adorable. “I’m still scared.”

“OK, baby. We can take our time.” She kept gently moving her hips with his for a few more thrusts. “Did you want to have a look at what I’m doing to you?”

She craned her head to make eye contact with him. “I..”

He gave another nod. “It’ll be alright. Trust me.” He kissed her.

He slowly removed his arms from her and levered his torso up off of her body. Rebecca had to lean up a little to look over her shoulder.


Her whole body shook with a tremor of an orgasm. She’d had a pretty good idea of how big her Father was from the erection filled hugs he had given her before. But this?

“How?” She shook her head. “How?”

He laughed. Which made his body shake. Which made her…

“Ah. Ah. Ah. Daddy!?” She yelled while still transfixed on what he was using on her. She looked up at him with so many more questions.

“It’s alright. You’re used to it now. So there’s no reason this thing should ever hurt you.”

Unless you want it to.” She said accusingly.

“Unless >you< want it to." He smiled.

She looked back to what he was doing. “Mm! I don’t think… Ung.”

“Spread your legs wider, baby.” She did. “Wider… Until your thighs are about 90 degrees out to each side. You can bend your knees.”

She kept watching as she spread her legs. This forced her rear to stick out as far as it could go. “Are you going to…? Are you going to fuck me harder?”

“Did you want me to?”

“I don’t know.” She said as she looked him in the eyes.

He nodded. “Lay your head down flat and relax.”

She lowered herself until her head was faced to the left but flat on the mattress. She felt him slide his arms in to brace right above her shoulders. His pace increased just a little bit but it was enough for her to wrap her arms around his and grip his forearms.

“Ohhhh?..” She whined.

“Is that good?”

She gave several fast nods.

“Do you want more?”

She whimpered as she opened her eyes to look at him with obvious fear.

“It will be alright.” He soothed before increasing his speed a little.

She was chewing her bottom lip like crazy and she could feel something starting to brew in her guts. She whimpered once more. The moment was so intense that her last whimper had an affect on her Father. She felt his cock swell inside of her as his pace increased. A long anguished moan escaped her lips as her eyes fell shut. Dad’s eyes rolled back in bliss and the sound of their flesh colliding filled the room.

Whatever was brewing inside her had simmered to a full boil. She forced her face into the mattress as her ass moved on it’s own.

“Does that feel good, baby?”

She tried to answer but, “Ung. Ung. Ung.” was all she got out.

“Do you want more?”

“Ung. Ung. Ung.” In time with his thrusts was the only reply he heard. He fucked her faster.

He leaned down to her ear and whispered, “Do you want to come for me?”


She screamed as her whole body went spastic. She heard his yell over the sound of his body slapping into her ass as she felt a huge warm sensation spread in her guts. Soon she was able to connect that the warmth she felt was her father’s cum spilling out into her intestines. She collapsed on the bed. Dad gave a few hard deep thrusts trying to launch every last bit of cum he had deep into his daughter’s ass.

She lay in a sweaty heap as her Father lowered himself back down onto her. Slowly continuing to pump in and out of her rear. She gingerly brought her legs back in from their extreme position. While Daddy eased her into another deep kiss.

After several minutes of this she realized she was moaning into his mouth. Her hips began to great his thrusts once again.

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