Indulging Sam and Jason

3 Nisan 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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I was really impressed by this online dating site. It seemed to be the ideal solution to my dreams – meeting a guy who is interested in me and not just my body. My name is Jenny by the way. I was divorced ten years ago and now stand at a respectable, not quite middle aged 42.

That was the notion anyway. Meeting the guy of my dreams, that is. Or was I asking for the earth? Every guy I have dated lately is minded beneath his belt and, given the slightest encouragement, which is often misconstrued, the swell is there, right there as we talk, like they are trying to display their worth. It is like they are expecting you to be impressed with their ultra-ego.

For this girl it takes a little more than a swollen penis to impress. I need for a guy to give me some real thought, apart from the sexy kind.

Okay I am well aware I have a good body with all the curves in the right places and just looking at some guys a girl can tell what in on their mind. It is in their eyes.

I don’t mind that so long as the stare is not protruding. A girl like me likes to be admired and flattered and I won’t deny I have had two absolutely wonderful relationships since I divorced that dick -head. Given the mood and the right guy I am willing to go the whole hog. I am still a fully-fledged human being of the female variety with an awful lot to give someone who deserves to be given, and for that matter, to be taken.

Sam said my passion when stimulated is like a motor starting up. Ambiguous to begin with to the point you’d hardly know it was there, but with the right amount of touching and kissing and a deal of emotion too the throttle was free and the carburettor kicked off by the turn of the key. (Usually Sam’s delving finger tips in the right place.)

Sam knew how to turn the key and make my passion explode, to a degree I lost myself in the deep manipulation of flesh to flesh and I splendored in heaven sent sexual exploration ad drive, when all motors were go, go, go and would not stop until the passion was quenched and the tanks needed refuelling for the next journey, maybe around the world or however Sam and I wanted it.

If he wanted my ass I’d gladly give it. Steve had taken it often enough so I was well versed (Steve being my ex.) bagros porno Sam said I was tight and magnificent and my bum was made for intimidation. A certain amount of preparation was the order of the day, when he was in that mood and I would sit on his face happily so he could do the business and work his tongue where his cock would soon be.

Doing that in all sorts of ways, either in black lingerie which Sam adored to see me in, or just plant my bum over him with skirt and thong in place so he could suck me through my underwear, bellowing my skirt tent -like over him and feeling the thrill of his wonderful teasing mouth venture there in both places. I enjoyed that so very much, I indulged in a lot of gentle swaying feeling his mouth and tongue inside me. Instinctively I leant down to reach his glowing upright cock as if waiting for my service. Enjoying each other like that was the ultimate foreplay. The pungency and exclusive taste of Sam was truly hypnotic in effect and once started it was difficult to stop. So I didn’t and took him all the way as he did me down under. And it was so enthralling and special. I was never averse to swallowing all Sam had to deliver and his spunk was warm and so wonderfully easy to swallow and I made sure I got every drop, squeezing his dwindling cock upwards until I felt a new spurt on my tongue.

At the same time I knew I was very wet and had reached a beautiful orgasm – I was feeling I must be drenching Sam but he loved it, lapped it all up and it was soon ap0aret that our sexual compatibility was perfect.

Sam was adorable and I really thought he meant business, he told me he was fifty and not married and was single and like a fool I believed him. The third and final time he came to see me was the last; he arranged to see me a fourth time but didn’t turn up. Looking back I guess I was getting too inquisitive so he opted out while the going was good. When riled I am eager to get the truth out of someone but it seems to me I erred with Sam and he got his full worth of me.

Or maybe it was because of the accident when he buggered me the third time. Accidents happen said he but I think he was not amused and it may be put him off.

He did email me some time after he bangbus porno failed to turn up suggesting would I like to go to a swingers club with him. That told me everything. Okay so I let go my passion with him and went all the way, and God knows how I adored oral. But that didn’t mean I was open to try it with groups of people. He hadn’t got the message at all, that I simply wanted a one to one loving relationship.

But sink or swim, and although I was upset. Sam had been my first close encounter with a guy since I got rid of dick-head. I decided to soldier on and consequently, discovered charming lovely adorable Jason. Like Sam he sent me a picture and immediately I saw it I knew I wanted to meet him.

Despite the let-down I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Sam. It allowed me to rid the cobwebs and exercise something I had almost forgotten I had. There were the vibrators I toyed with from time to time, and like many busy business women, just to relieve the tension of present day strife was good, which, I guess was ice enough but nothing – nothing like the real thing, and Sam was able to give me that in plenty, and he had plenty to give if you get my meaning! And he liked to be told too, to boost that ultra-ego of his but it was a delight to see his reaction when I said he was the biggest I’d ever known. (In truth Steve’s was bugger but the quality was not the same; Sam had size and quality and knew how to seduce a woman.

But after three months’ worth of indulging sweet sexual intimacies, Jason didn’t work out s. Initially the sex was great. Both Sam and Jason said I was awesome and amazing but we could not strike a balance, Jason was far too possessive, wanting me to move nearer to him so we could see each other more often. There was never a suggestion that I could actually move in with him and I soon got the gist our relationship would not develop into real on-going loving commitment. That is real interest was only for the occasional leg over, so it just had to cool. I did not want to go through another Sam situation. Sam told me on the third and last meeting that seeking women on dating sites was better than seeking prostitutes, and it was free too – and a lot more fun with a girl who was looking beurette tour porno for someone to share their life with. Which told me that he never wanted a on-going commitment, just the sex. So I guess he is doing the same with another poor sad woman now so the best of luck to her. But in retrospect I did so enjoy the sex. Not quite so much with Jason because he has his idiosyncrasies like, when we were snogging on the sofa watching TV, he’d stop in mid action – because his favourite football team scored a goal, and I was left in the lurch. But I shouldn’t complain because wow! Did he make up for it when his team won.

His fucks were never very exploratory though like Sam’s and I began to get bored. By action I offered my ass to him like I did with Sam. But he said he was not into anal. He said it was bloody unnatural and preferred the standard method of penetration.

There was no ultra-ego there either. When I enjoyed oral with him the second time we met and he took me to his bed he liked to watch me doing the business. Like with Sam I was willing to go all the way and sperm him into my mouth and swallow. But oddly he said that once out it should not be taken in again so I had to settle for a tit smothering of his steaming hot spunk and a massage that was endearing yes, but it was not quite the same as swallowing Sam.

But each to their own I guess but I could see that Jason was not for me, despite the fact that initially I felt chemically attracted to him and it did not take long for us to indulge that first date when he had me on the settee and stormed me like a trooper. That first fuck was the best of all and I really thought we had lift off, period. But the fucks grew boring and it felt like he was doing it by numbers as I looked at the ceiling and I felt him thrusting into me, and saying to myself why I am doing this?.

I realised then that this relationship was going nowhere and if I was getting bored with him after just three dates.

He text me for a little while asking if we could do another date but I lost interest and told him so. Best I came out with it.

So it is out and about for me again, looking for that guy who is willing to share his life with mine.

I don’t think I will try dating sites again, too many weirdoes! Maybe I shall just let it happen. If it is going to happen it will.

As for my passion for sex? Well I guess I shall just shave to put all my energy into work and rely on the occasional vibrator.

If anything happens I will tell you.

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