
19 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Big Tits

“Oh my god please… please fuck my pussy and make me cum” the woman begged into a darkened room. She was on the wrong end of forty, but impeccably manicured and hairstyled, the only crack in her upper class visage was that she was naked, tied to a St. Andrew’s cross, and covered in electrodes and vibrators that danced on and off in a cacophony of frustrating borderline orgasms. The darkened room remained silent for what seemed like an age before the voice returned over the intercom.

“We’re going to do our pre-fuck interview, to remind you of your place before I have one of my pets dirty his cock on you.” The smooth female voice of the darkness responded. “Tell me who you were a month ago.”

“One month ago my name was Patricia Whitman, a housewife who had spent her whole life in South Carolina…” Her speech was cut off by the buzzing of pain and pleasure as the shadowy figure gave the electrodes and vibrators another burst.

“Tell me about your sex life back then.” The voice ordered.

“My high school sweetheart was Todd Whitman, he is currently the Senator for South Carolina and spends most of his time fucking interns in Washington or lying motionless in bed next to me. We have three adult children but if I hadn’t been faithful to him all this time I honestly would doubt that we had fucked three times.” She splurged with lust and malice.

“You said your name was Patricia Whitman, what is it now?”

“People still call me that, but deep down I know my name is Slave-49, because I am 49 years old and I am your slave. You gave me that name when I realised I was happier being your piece of fuck meat than a respectable woman.” She groaned against her stimulated body.

“So all you care about now is getting your filthy holes filled with cocks?” The voice asked.

“Oh yes, please get your pets to fuck me.” Slave-49 pleaded.

“You don’t care about your family?” The voice enquired, turning her stimulation up to 11.

“No… no fuck my family, my tiny prick husband and spoilt brat kids mean nothing to me, all I care about is getting fucked. Please please please make me cum, I’m begging you, I’ll do anything.”

Violeta gave a nod to the young man sat in the shadows with her and he proceeded to do his part of the spectacle, fucking this woman with his abnormally large cock until she was a quivering husk dripping with his seed. Her every scream and moan of her violation captured by the camera next to Violeta. Once her assistant was finished he gave her a slap and pointed her face back at the camera.

“Slave-49, if your former husband were to watch this video what would you have to say to him?” Violeta asked. Slave-49 was shattered and broken, there were some vestiges of embarrassment but they were buried under a life of lost lust brought out in animalistic ravagement.

“Todd, I’m sorry, but you’re just not enough for me anymore. Your former wife is gone, you drove her away by being a piece of shit and now all that is left is this insatiable whore. I’m serious, I want Todd to see this, I don’t ever want to go back to that life, I just want to stay here and be fucked by strangers all day every day.”

Violeta grinned as she turned the camera off.

Around the offices of Harkness & Jayne private detectives there is a saying, ‘sleazy money is easy money’ and the slick glass offices with one coffee maker per personal assistant was a testament to the success of such an attitude. For the wealthy who saw the accumulation of money and power to be a game worth ruining lives for, there was no better dirt digger than Harkness & Jayne.

But Harkness & Jayne went one further than your average detective agency, for the truly high rollers they offered a specialist service they called inducement. Despite investigating every minutiae of a person’s life, sometimes some people come back clean, for a large fee Harkness & Jayne could create the dirt they couldn’t dig up. This started as your run of the mill honeypot operation, with their suavest detectives learning and exploiting people’s romantic weaknesses, but Violeta decided to change the game.

The laughter and mockery she faced as the first female inducer was silenced when she brought in video of a billionaire’s wife, dressed in full pony fetish gear, literally chomping at the bit to be fucked by the rough but sensitive stable hands. From there on Violeta became the go to inducer for high paying clients, because while the rest peaked at convincing a wife into a tawdry affair, Violeta could look into their souls and pull out the most deviant fetishes their hearts would latch on to.

She got back to her desk after her latest conquest and her PA Saul was already waiting for her, this was surprising as last time she had seen Saul he was ten and a half inches deep in a senator’s wife.

“Did you get the video file I emailed you?” She asked, whisking past Saul, not actually giving him time to respond. “I want you to burn two DVDs, one sent to the Democrats’ HQ with an invoice and another sent to the Republicans’ HQ with my xslot business card.” Saul nodded and got to work while Violeta went to her private office.

The moment her door closed and locked behind her, Violeta peeled her sodden knickers out from under her professional skirt and shoved them into her mouth. She loaded up the video she had just shot and watched it, her hand darting straight to her pussy while she imagined it was her being forced to orgasm again and again, surrendering herself to bestial slavery, humiliating herself over and over until all sense of self-preservation was lost to rabid lust.

Outside her office Saul got to work fulfilling his boss’ wishes. He had just left the mailroom, satisfied in another job done and a potential bonus on the horizon, when stood outside waiting for him was a small besuited man everyone recognised from the statue in the foyer, Peter Jayne.

“Saul Griffin, come with me, I have a proposal for you.” Nobody said no to Peter Jayne, so Saul simply nodded and followed him to the elevator. Peter Jayne’s office was its own floor, the elevator opened to a giant comfortable mahogany workspace, all culminating in a desk that looked down on Washington behind it. Peter took his seat on a leather wheeled throne while Saul pulled up a chair.

“I would recommend you take the chair to your left, that chair is deliberately an uncomfortable one and I don’t want you uncomfortable.” Saul didn’t feel any less intimidated but gratefully took the other chair. “How long have you worked for Violeta Flores?” He asked despite having a file in his hand that answered that question.

“Three years Mr. Jayne.” He responded.

“Yes, I would say that qualifies you for this role. A coalition of interested parties have clubbed together a large amount of money for a unique task, they want this agency to perform an inducement on Violeta Flores.” Saul’s mind whirred at the implications of what Mr. Jayne was saying. “I want you to perform this task, do you feel up to it?”

Saul didn’t know what to think, he tried to respond but could only silently move his mouth. His brain could not comprehend the information so he just ended up stammering.

“While you think it over.” Peter interrupted, “I want to be clear, our clients want a Violeta style inducement, they want to see her humiliated and at her most deviant. In return for successfully completing this task, you will be promoted to the inducement team.” Everyone knew the inducement team was the dream ticket, every assignment was a high value one and the team was treated accordingly.

“You really willing to throw your best inducer under the bus for some upset clients wanting revenge?” Saul asked.

“We are not public figures Saul, if you humiliate Violeta there will be some blushes around the office and some smirks with our clients but it’s not going to negatively impact her career. Plus for the amount of money they are offering us I’m sure we could suitably compensate Violeta for any hurt feelings.” Saul still seemed troubled by the request. “I’ll tell you what, have a sleep on it and come back to me tomorrow.” Saul sagely nodded while Peter began typing at his computer, looking up only to point Saul towards the exit.

Saul returned to his desk and tried to concentrate on his work, his mind swirling with the daunting opportunity he had been offered.

“Did you mail those DVDs?” Violeta announced as she left her office, once again not waiting for an answer. “I just got word from our bosses about the size of our bonus for the Whitman inducement, come on let’s go find out what all the fuss is about Dom Perignon, my treat.”

As with most workplaces, there was a nearby bar that was the go-to place for after work drinks, the bar of choice for Harkness & Jayne was a classier than average place called the Duck and Pyjamas, a faux English pub with a selection of three and four figure wines for the discerning rich show-off. Saul and Violeta were the first through the door but soon the bar was filled with the usual work drinking crew, nevertheless this time Saul decided to put in the extra effort to get to know his boss, attention that did not go unnoticed.

“You don’t have to humour me all night, enjoy your mates, I’m happy with my friend here” Violeta implored holding up a bottle of wine.

“Err, it’s not that. I’ve just been meaning to ask, what’s it take to become an inducer?” Saul asked, Violeta’s eyes lit up and mouth curled into an evil smile.

“Want to move up to the big leagues eh? I don’t blame you, this is great.” Violeta slurred leaning in to make sure she wasn’t overheard. “But if you’re going to go for the big show, no mentee of mine will settle for being some one-night-stander. You’re certainly overqualified in the trouser department for that but if you’re planning on being a glorified pickup artist you don’t get my help. You’ve got to learn to see the freak in the women and you can’t do that if all you see is a piece of meat that you need to trick into bed.” she ranted, draining her wine.

“You xslot Giriş see… no. No I am not spilling my secrets in front of this lot, nest of vipers this bunch. We’re going to my place to get stoned, watch telenovelas and begin your freak training, and that’s an order.” She grabbed Saul and pulled him out of the bar and into a taxi.

Violeta’s home was just as opulent as Saul imagined. A penthouse suite of a fancy building, she drunkenly tossed her high heels to one side and told Saul to make himself at home. Saul sat on the sofa trying to collect his thoughts when moments later Violeta had a freshly rolled spliff in her hand and was inviting him out onto the balcony.

“OK, lesson one grasshopper, I need you to take a big hit of this and tell me you are a freak.” Violeta announced through the smoke.

“What do you mean by freak?” He replied.

“All the other inducers, they’re all about quantity over quality, the most adventurous thing they’ve ever done in the bedroom is look into their partner’s eyes. Let’s start small, I’ve made you do some weird shit, did you enjoy it? All of it?”

“It wasn’t bad.”

“I’m going to give you another toke and another chance to answer, any more coyness and you’ll be a PA until the day I die.” Violeta, despite all her chemical alterations was still the stern imposing person Saul remembered, so he took a long drag and followed her advice.

“I enjoyed most of it, some of it wasn’t my cup of tea but as you saw I still got aroused enough to fuck.” Violeta smiled.

“That’s more like it, my secret is that I enjoy every moment, I am constantly envious of the women I induce. Of course unlike them I have the discipline not to sacrifice important things to my sexual arousal, but thinking about how I would feel in their place and what it would take to push me over the edge, that empathy is what gives me the edge over the coy and the conmen.” She took another long toke of the spliff. “Want to know a secret? I haven’t been wearing panties since we got back to the office. Even now I can feel the breeze up my skirt.”

“I don’t believe you.” Saul replied, thinking he was being smooth.

“Ha, classic inducer line. You’ll have to do better than that.” Violeta laughed heartily, Saul looked Violeta up and down for the first time as a woman with desires rather than the stone cold bitch who was boss. Her dark brown hair, usually tied on a professional ponytail, now cascaded down the side of her face in waves and curls. She was still in her business suit and skirt but some buttons had been undone for comfort letting her warm gold skin feel the cold night air. This focussed Saul’s mind on thinking of what would goad her most.

“Can’t blame me for trying, after all you’ve seen my cock so many times.” He baited his trap.

“Yup, I get to do that because I’m your boss.” Violeta laughed, her eyes running up and down Saul’s body with memories of lustful degradation.

“And is part of my job description to make you constantly horny, or is that a perk?” Saul asked. Violeta cocked a curious eyebrow. “If I’ve been spending all my working time making you horny, the least you could do, for my piece of mind, is show me how horny I’ve been making you.” Violeta paused and Saul couldn’t believe it, he could see her face turn from anger, to agreement, to mischievous anticipation his argument had worked.

Right there on the balcony, Violeta took a last long drag on the spliff before decisively snubbing it out. She bit her bottom lip as she reached down to the hem of her mid length skirt and slowly lifted it up. Saul watched as more and more of Violeta’s thighs gave way to her pussy, glistening in the light from her apartment. A giggle erupted from mouth that hadn’t issued a giggle since Violeta’s teenage years. While she held her dress up she saw Saul’s cock growing in his trousers and felt a small pang of joy at being the one who inspired his erection this time.

“Alright you, if you’ve seen enough it’s time to go inside and watch some Telenovelas.” Saul sighed as her skirt dropped and she took him inside. Violeta poured them each a whiskey and put on an episode of Isla de la Pasion, the best subtitled one to watch while baked according to her. Saul couldn’t help but agree, in ten minutes the ‘will they won’t they’ relationship of Eva and Arturo became the most spellbinding story, so much so that Violeta had to clear her throat to get Saul’s attention. Saul paused the TV and turned around, he hadn’t noticed Violeta sneak off and certainly wasn’t prepared for how she would return.

Violeta stood confident, she had changed into a single sheer bodystocking and with red high heels, a vision of lust from a woman Saul had never felt anything but fear for. He had never realized how much her business suit had been dampening down her sexuality, free of it the curve of her more than ample breasts and wide thighs and buttocks became far more pronounced. This doesn’t even account for the cheeky smile and lustful eyes he never saw at the office.

“You xslot Güncel Giriş must have known this was coming from the moment I showed you my pussy.” She announced, approaching the sofa hungrily. She pounced on Saul’s lap and began manically kissing his lips, her hands unbuttoning his shirt. She paused for a second and leaned away from him. “This is the one and only time this happens.” She sternly ordered before going back to her lust.

“Well… if this is… the only time… why not make it count?” Saul managed to spurt out in-between Violeta’s kisses. This made her stop her eyes wide with curiosity. “How about you go to your room and bring out every sex toy you own, and I’ll see if I can have you begging for me to fuck you just like Slave-49 earlier today.” Violeta’s eyes lit up and Saul got to watch her bottom jiggle as she sprinted to her room as fast as her high heels would let her. In no time flat she was back, she had yanked an entire drawer out of her cupboard and now laid it at Saul’s feet, eagerly awaiting his suggestions.

“You really are a horny bitch aren’t you, let’s see, first I think you should be wearing this collar, can’t confuse this horny bitch with my manager from work can I?” Saul suggested with malice in his voice, his words barely leaving his mouth before Violeta had the collar wrapped around her neck. Next Saul got the biggest butt plug in her collection and demanded she present her anus for plugging. As Violeta turned around Saul lubed up the plug and slowly eased it inside her spread cheeks, enthralled by the soft moans of pleasure coming from his boss. Next in the box he saw a phallus gag, he held it in front of Violeta’s face and she eagerly opened her mouth.

“Not so fast.” Saul stated. “Look at the tiny cock on this gag, I bet it barely tickles your tonsils.” Saul unzipped his trousers and let his huge penis spring out. “If you want to be gagged, you first have to gag on my cock. If your lips don’t touch my pubis, I’m going to cum on your face and leave.” Violeta’s eyes went wide, Saul was holding her sex ransom, before she had been compliant but this was the first time she had to do as he said despite what she wanted. She opened her mouth and began to swallow his cock.

With all her self-play Violeta had dampened her gag reflex a little, but she had never tried pushing anything ten and a half inches down her throat. She moved her head forward and her eyes rolled in effort as her throat screamed for mercy, she felt a gag roll up her throat and she pushed Saul away to cough and retch. Saul picked her up and slapped her hard across the face.

“Bring your A-game or your pussy isn’t getting fucked tonight.” He admonished. Violeta panicked and once again shoved his cock down her throat. She eased it as far as was comfortable before steadying herself and pushing forward hard, her lips bouncing off his pubis before retreating back to hold down the vomit trying to retch its way out of her throat. She barely had time to recover before Saul was pulling her up by her hair.

“I bet you’ve never taken a real cock until you have gagged before have you?” He asked looming over her, she smiled and shook her head. “Then what do we say?”

“Thank you master.” Violeta chirped before Saul shoved the cock gag into her mouth and strapped it tight to her face. He then threw her onto the sofa and took out the wireless wand, setting it to a low pulse setting. Violeta’s moans grew and grew as the wand vibed against her clit, and every time they seemed to be growing to a crescendo, Saul would remove the vibe and let loose with a series of vicious swats on her bottom until Violeta was ravenous with desire and her bottom glowed through her bodystocking. After a few rounds of heavy pot boiling Saul turned off the vibe and pulled up Violeta to face him.

“I want you to beg.” Violeta looked confused and pointed at the cock gag in her mouth. Saul took out some lipstick and handed it to her before grabbing her bodystocking in front of her chest and ripping it apart. “Write what you want me to do on your body.” Violeta moaned with humiliation as the lipstick glided across her naked flesh guided by her shaking hand before standing back so Saul could admire her work.




“Well since you asked so nicely.” Saul smiled and Violeta was so lost in his eyes that she almost didn’t notice as he suddenly attached two nipple clips, her nipples exploding with agonising joy. The clips were part of a connected set with a third clip designed to go on the clit, but Saul decided to use the length of chain as a leash to pull Violeta along by her nipples. “As this all began on the balcony I thought we could end it there too.” Violeta’s eyes grew wide, but she tried to resist but her nipples screamed in pain, incapacitating her fears.

The wind of the cold night numbed her body as Saul led her onto the balcony. Violeta tried to get him to fuck her close to the house so she wouldn’t risk being seen from the street but Saul had a different idea, he bent Violeta over the balcony railing until her tits were hanging over the street below, he then threaded the nipple clip chain through the railings and clipped it onto her clitoris, causing another joyous explosion of pain and chaining her so anyone looking up would see her disgraceful situation.

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