iCarly – iStartLife, chapter 8

30 Eylül 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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iCarly – iStartLife, chapter 8iCarly – iStartLife, chapter 8″I had to come and see you Carly.” Adam told her. “After seeing you on TV last night, I just had to come and see you.” He walked in, uninvited.”Adam. I have a date tonight and he is going to be here any second. You have to leave.””I came all the way down here to tell you something, so please let me tell you and then I will go.” Adam pleaded.Carly crossed her arms against her chest. “Hurry up.””Listen Carly, I am so sorry for breaking up with you. I never should have done it. It’s just you were here and I was there and I just couldn’t handle it and I snapped. But now I’ve had time to think about things and I want you back Carly, I do. I miss you like crazy and I love you babe.””Now is not the time for this Adam.” Carly told him.”I can’t help it.”It was clear that Adam was distraught. He was acting nervous, he was sweaty, and he was jumpy. Carly noticed that his pupils were also dilated.”Jesus, Adam. Are you high right now?” She asked.”What? No, no, no, no. Nothing like that.””You need to leave right now.” She said, pointing back at the door but keeping her eyes on Adam.”Carly if you would just…” He started to say as he walked closer to her.Just then a voice came from behind Carly. “I believe I heard the lady ask you to leave.”Carly turned around and saw Jason standing in the doorway. Adam saw him too. Both of them had different reactions on their faces. Carly smiled and Adam groaned and lowered his head. He stumbled past Carly as he made his way to the door and Jason. Jason stepped aside and let him through. Adam mumbled something as he went down the hallway and disappeared around a corner.”Who was that guy?” Jason asked.”That was Adam, my ex-boyfriend from back home.””He came from Seattle to harass you?””Apparently.””Well he’s gone now. You still want to go out?””Yeah. I’m not going to let him ruin my evening. Let’s go.” Carly said, grabbing her purse.”My şişli escort kind of girl.” Jason commented.Carly smiled. “Good to hear.”Jason took Carly to The Raymond on Fair Oaks Avenue which was a classy place like Jason said it would be. It was small, romantic and intimate. It was actually the first nice place she had been to since she had been in California. They had a great dinner. Then they caught a play at the Boston Court.About a third of the way through the play, Carly’s phone vibrated. She looked at the number calling her and it said: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.Her eyebrows winkled as she tried to figure out why the sheriff’s department was calling her. She excused herself out to the hall.”Hello?””Is this Carly Shay?” A woman asked.”Yes.””Carly, I’m Officer Rose with the Sheriff’s Department. The reason why I’m calling you is because we picked up someone near the USC campus an hour ago. He says that you are the only person in the area that he knows.””Oh shit. It’s Adam isn’t it?” She asked.”Yes ma’am.” Officer Rose replied. “He was under the influence of a narcotic.””I knew he was high when I saw him earlier.” Carly said more or less to herself.”Ms. Shay as it turns out Adam has a prescription for Percocet and the once the arresting officer found this out, he took Adam to CHMC because the officer believed that Adam had overdosed.””Is he alright?” Carly asked.”After giving the officer your name and phone number in the hospital. Adam slipped into a c***.” Officer Rose stated.”What can I do?””We thought you may wanted to know what happened and where he was at in case you wanted to go and see him, ma’am.””Alright, alright. Well, I’m on my way.” Carly stuttered and hung up her phone.Adam was on Percocet? That was news to Carly. When she left for Los Angeles, he was fine and never mentioned anything to her over the phone or in his emails. It must have happened after they broke up.Carly şişli escort bayan went back into the theatre and whispered to Jason. “Look, Adam overdosed on Percocet and the cops think it’s a good idea for me to go to the hospital so I have to go. I had a great time, I’m so sorry about this.””Let me drive you.” Jason said starting to get up.”No. No, you don’t have to do that. This is something I should do on my own. I can get a cab to the hospital.””Are you sure?” Jason asked.”Yeah.” Carly nodded. “I’ll call you when I get back home.”With that, she left.* * *SeattleSam stood in front of Carly’s makeup mirror, looking at herself carefully. She was wearing the little black dress. She and Freddie had made plans to visit Sam’s favourite dance club in Seattle, The Last Supper Club, and while Freddie was across the hall getting set to head out, Sam went into Carly’s old room to do the same. While she had worn dresses before, she never really felt like herself in them, although this particular short black one did show off her legs pretty good she thought.”You better appreciate this, dork.” Sam said.She slipped on a pair of black heels that she also took out of Carly’s closet at USC that she must not have noticed. It wouldn’t have been easy to notice a pair missing, Carly had a million shoes. In fact, when Sam needed a pair for some sort of occasion that required anything other than sneakers, she looked through Carly’s. Carly never seemed to mind.When she came down the stairs into the living room, Freddie was already ready and back and talking to Spencer. Both of them turned to see her.”Whoa Sam. You look awesome!” Spencer told her.Sam looked at Freddie who looked speechless with his mouth opened.”Well Fredd-iffer. What do you think?” She asked.Freddie closed his mouth and cleared his throat. “Mama looks hot.” He said with a smile.”Yeah mama does.” Sam agreed with the same smile. She then commented on mecidiyeköy escort Freddie as she picked up a baseball bat that Spencer had leaning against the stairs. “I may have to borrow this to help keep the ladies away from my dork.””You don’t have to bring the bat, I am all yours.” Freddie assured her.”You’re right, I won’t need the bat. I’ll be able to take them without it.” She sat the bat back down and walked next to Freddie.”Wait let me get a picture!” Spencer yelled as he reached for his camera.Sam and Freddie reached around one another in a hug as Spencer snapped a picture of them. He looked at the image on the back of the camera.”I never would have ever thought that you guys would be like this.” Spencer commented.”We get that a lot don’t we, dip thong?” Sam asked.Freddie shook his head. “Yeah. From the three people who now know, they all have said that.””We’ll see ya’ Spencer.” Sam said as they headed for the door.”See you k**s later.”Freddie’s mom was waiting out in the hall with a camera in her hands as well but with an unsure look on her face.”Yes mom you can take a picture.” Freddie said as he pulled Sam close.Sam quickly kissed Freddie on the corner of the lips as Marissa snapped her picture. Marissa looked at the picture in the camera.”Oh, that’s… sweet.” She said, still a little bit shocked at their relationship. She resisted the urge to go get a can of disinfectant and spray Freddie. Since he went off to college, she had to calm down and now she was a little bit more normal. Freddie was no longer a boy, he was a man. She had done her job. A sad smile came to her face.”Don’t worry Mom.” Sam said. “I’ll take good care of him.””I know Sam.” Marissa said before she reached out and hugged both of them together. “So I’ll see you guys again in May?””Yeah mom.” Freddie said.”That’s when the semester is over.” Sam added.”Okay. Go on. Get going. Have fun.” Marissa told them as she broke the hug.”Alright mom. See you later.” Freddie said as they walked off.”Your mom almost seemed normal. I mean I half expected her to spray you after I kissed you.” Sam said as they got in the elevator to leave.Freddie took Sam’s hand and smiled at her. “Me too.”

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