I Dream of Jeanie

12 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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All characters in this tale are at least 216 months old.


Have you ever dreamed of finding the magic lamp holding the genie? Sure you have, everyone has. Well, it happened to me. Let me tell you from the git-go it doesn’t work exactly the way they show in the movies or TV. The first thing you have to do is get the lamp. That’s the tricky part. I got mine at a yard sale. Some eightyish year old dude down the street was clearing out his attic. He had a box with a two dollar sticker on it filled with comic books. Some of the comics looked interesting, old Batman and Spiderman type things. I rummaged thru my pockets and came up with a dollar and thirty-five cents.

“I got a buck thirty-five,” I said. “Can you let it go for that?”

The old geezer moved his hands into the box and shoved things around, seeing if there was any reason he would not reduce the price. His digging uncovered a beat up, tarnished lamp. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered just loud enough for me to make it out. He looked at me and said, “You can have the box and everything in it for a dime. Understand this though, all sells are final. No refunds or exchanges.”

“Deal!” I said, handing him a dime and shoving the rest back into my pocket.

I grabbed the box, tossed it into the backseat of my Mustang and hurried home before he had time to change his mind. It was only four hundred yards to my house so in three minutes I was going up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door shut behind me.

“Damn it, Richard, cut out the racket,” my older sister, Rachel, yelled thru the wall at me.

“Up yours,” I shouted back.

“Not even in your wildest dreams,” she replied.

If only she knew.

I dumped the box of comics on my bed. The lamp landed at the top of the pile. It was in desperate need of a bottle of brasso. It was so tarnished I had no idea if it was brass or copper or some other metal. It looked like an oil lamp at one time. I didn’t think they still made those things so I figured it was old. I dropped the lamp to the floor, slipped off my socks and shoes and stretched out on the bed to start on the real treasure, the load of comics I just acquired.

I had been reading at least an hour before the comic was jerked away. It was a good tale too. Thor was kicking Hulk’s ass, but the green guy was getting pissed so I figured that was about to change.

“Are you friggin’ deaf?” Rachel asked me. “For about the fifth time, I am going to get lunch. Do you want me to bring you anything back?”

“Yeah, bring me back a double whopper with cheese.”

“Keep eating that junk food and you will someday balloon up, despite all that exercise you do.” She stood there for a few seconds looking at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Do I look like the Salvation Army? You want food, give me money.”

I got up and moved to my dresser. I had three singles and maybe a dollar or two in loose change. I pulled the dollar twenty-five from my pocket and added it to the loot. I swept it all together and dumped it into Rachel’s hand.

She pulled out the ones and the quarters and dropped the rest to the floor. “Not only am I not the Salvation Army, I am also not a bank. If there is not enough for the double whooper, you only get the single.”

She turned and walked out the door.

I followed her out, not to debate what sandwich to get but to watch her trot down the steps. Her boobs jiggled with each step. Little tremors went thru her blouse sending much larger tremors thru my undies. Damn, she had a great set of tits. I don’t know if she realized I watched her go up and down the stairs. If she did she must have known the reason. All guys and many ladies kept an eye on big sis. Often times I would see them licking their lips. If Rachel was in a crowd you did not have to search for her to know where she was. All you had to do is look at the heads of all the people in the area. Just figure out where their gazes intersected and that was where Rachel was.

Reddish blond hair to mid back, pale blue eyes, perfect skin without the slightest of blemishes and light red lips. Her long shapely legs helped her reach her five foot eleven inch height. Yeah, she was a tall fox. Rachel received all the looks in the family. Everyone that looks at my parents and their kids at the same time believes either Rachel was adopted or else Mom had a one night stand with Adonis. Now I am not ugly, just ordinary. When an ordinary person like me stands next to a babe like Rachel, I look ugly by default. Rachel gets pissed when people use numbers to rate looks. I do not understand why. She would get a ten on a bad day. On a good day, I might get a six. Maybe six and a half if the judge was generous.

A year ago she was offered three thousand dollars to model pantyhose for a major company. She did the commercial and sales for that particular brand rose seven percent. She went to an agent to sign a contract to be a professional model. That morning she left the house all bubbly and smiles. That afternoon altyazılı porno she was back and I could almost see the storm cloud floating over her, flashing out lightning. I was wise enough to keep my distance.

The next day after Rachel had a cooling off period, she told me the agent hinted around if she wanted to make it big, she would have to first make it big with him. That agent may not have realized it, but he just had a near death experience. Big sister has a temper. I learned long ago not to be the one she focused her anger on.

Now let me say my sister is not a prude. She has had a few boyfriends. The last ended two months ago. Let me also say her ex, Jim something or other, is a retard. Why the hell he ever screwed up so much to lose a fox like Rachel will always be a mystery to me. Whatever the reason, she left her room on the campus and moved back home. It’s only seven miles to the college so it was not that much of a problem. I never moved out. I start my freshman year in mid-August. Rachel starts her junior.

I stood at the top of the stairs until she was out the door and returned to my room. I had a major decision to make: Did I want to jackoff now, dreaming of Rachel, or should I wait until she was back and I got another look along with the double whopper? I started for my dresser and the jar of Vaseline I had hidden. I was halfway there when my bare toe made contact with the metal lamp. That lamp may have been tarnished, but it was also hard.

“YOW!” I yelped as I lifted my foot up and rubbed my big toe.

In less than a minute the pain was gone. I picked the lamp up and tossed it on the bed to avoid further toe injuries. I returned to my primary mission. The jar of Vaseline was removed from its hiding place, I grabbed the towel that covered it, and returned with both to the bed. The lamp was in the center of the bed, occupying the space I needed. I was in a hurry so instead of putting it on my dresser, I shoved it to the foot of the bed where it was out of the way.

I dropped the underwear and dipped my fingers into the petroleum jelly. I applied a generous gob over my dick. My prick was my best feature. I may have been a six, but my cock was an eight. Eight inches that is. When I was erect, I was as hard as a steel rod. And hot. I must have been born with heat glands in my dick. I have been with three different women in my life. All were happy with my size, but each commented on how hot I was. One said it was almost like having a rock hard heating pad in her cunt. Whatever, they loved it.

Once I was lubricated I began moving my hands up and down my shaft. I started off slow, but every few minutes I picked up speed. After ten minutes I was going just about full blast. My hand was a blur as it moved back and forth. The pressure in me was just starting to build when I was interrupted by a voice.

“What is it with males, always having to play with their dick?”

“HUH? WHAT?” I stammered in shock. At the foot of my bed was a scantily clad woman.

I leaped out of bed, boner already starting to leave me. I looked around for a weapon, thinking I was the victim of a home invasion. My racing heart slowed slightly as I studied my unexpected guest. She did not appear to have any weapon on her and I was much bigger than she was, plus much more muscular from all the workouts at my gym.

I did not concern myself with my now limp dick hanging between my legs but put all my attention on the female. “Get out, now!” I ordered, pointing at my door.

“If that is the way you want to use a wish, so be it. Let me say, out of the millenniums I have done this, that is the wisest request I have ever received.”

She reached down and picked the lamp up. It was only then I noticed a thin stream of smoke coming out of the lamp and going to her feet. The vapor covered her to her knees before tapering out.

“STOP!” I commanded. I looked her over closely. She was as attractive as Rachel, but with different features. Jet black hair, brown eyes, and a fantastic body. Like my sister, that had to be a couple of C cup boobs the thin scarf covering her hinted at. I was grateful she obeyed my order, giving me a moment to consider everything. There was a lamp connected to her, and she was doing as I said. To top it off, she was wearing a genie type outfit. “Are you a genie?” I asked.

“Wow, Dick, you’re one of the smart ones. Takes most people a day for that to sink in.”

“I’m Richard.”

“You may be a Richard to everyone else, but you will always be a Dick to me.”

“Okay, quick recap. You are a genie, I am your master. However, I never rubbed the lamp. How did you get here?”

“I take back what I said about you being one of the smart ones. Seems you are as dense as any other. Okay, Einstein, the lamp was on top of the bed, your foot was next to it. While you were playing with yourself, your foot moved back and forth rubbing the lamp. Union rules do not state it has to be a hand that rubs the lamp, it just has to be zenci porno rubbed.”

“Union rules? Genies have a union?”

“Hell yeah we have a union. You humans would walk all over us if we did not.”

“Interesting. Tell me about the union rules.”

“Okay, you are back on the smart path. What are you, a ping pong ball that jumps back and forth between smart and stupid?”

She did not wait for a reply but went immediately to the rules.

“That ‘you get three wishes’ thing is gone. We voted it out about two hundred years ago. Wish one for all you humans was always to wish for unlimited wishes. In its place we created a wish meter.”

“And pray tell, exactly what is a wish meter?”

“This thing here,” she said while snapping her fingers.

In her hands appeared an electronic device. She tossed it to me. There was a red bar in the center that went from top to bottom.

“You get X amount of wish energy. The greater the wish, the more the bar drops. When it is gone, I am gone. The best thing about this from your point of view is it is possible to get more than three wishes. If you make small wishes, small energy is used. However it is possible to make gigantic wishes that use all the energy at once.”

“Such as?”

“There was a genie that got a young kid up in Idaho to be her master a decade ago. Kid insisted at once he become Superman. The genie tried to warn him of making such a wish. She told him it would take every bit of the wish energy and if he should change his mind, there would be no way to reverse it. That genie also explained there was not enough wish energy from all us genies combined to change this Earth enough to have him be Superman here. He would be Superman in a parallel universe where such things were possible.”

“Kid refused to listen to reason. He commanded the Genie to make him Superman and the genie granted his wish. The kid vanished from this universe but he appeared in one as Superman with all his abilities.”

“So in a universe next to this one, some kid is now Superman? That does not sound so bad to me.”

“Yeah. Well he was there six months before Lex Luthor got him into a Kryptonite trap. Kid could not escape and died.”


“Yeah, bummer.”

“Well, is there anything I can wish for, short of becoming a super hero in another universe, that you cannot grant?”

The genie was silent for a short time. I saw a small tear leak from an eye she quickly wiped away. “Just one,” she said. “When the jinn created us, he did not want us to ever escape to freedom. He set the amount of wish energy needed to change us from genie to human above the level of energy given in a wish meter. If a person were to wish for one of us to be set free, the lamp would begin to crack and crumble, but before it would break, the meter would run out of energy. The lamp would repair itself and the person making the wish would have no wish energy left for him or herself.”

“That sucks.”

“Life always sucks for somebody at sometime. Mine just happens to be forever.”

I was getting depressed and decided to move on.

“So when the energy goes away, you do too.”


“Then how come you were still with the old man that sold the lamp to me?”

I saw her turn a slight red with anger. “That son of a bitch. For some reason he got pissed. He tossed the lamp into the box and forgot about me. He still had over half his wish energy on the meter left but just ignored it, and me. For close to fifty years I have been stuck in there,” she said while pointing at the lamp.

“However, when he sold me to you, his ownership was canceled. He gave me up of his own free will. Now I am yours to do with as you please.”

She picked up the towel and tossed it to me. “Clean up your dick, Dick. You look disgusting.” She reached over and ran her finger over my cock, gathering a small dab of Vaseline from me. When her finger grazed my dick, a chill of pleasure shot thru me almost as intense as me reaching a climax. She smeared the Vaseline over her hand.

While I removed the Vaseline and redressed, she wondered around the room, having no problem looking into all my drawers and in the closet.

I had just finished pulling my shirt over my head when the front door opened. “Hey, Richard, get your buns down here and let’s eat.”

Aw, shit I thought. I did not have time to react before the genie was out the door and bouncing down the steps. As she stepped from the last step to the bottom floor, the genie costume disappeared and was replaced with jeans, a beautiful blouse and cowgirl boots. She was originally about five foot five inches when she popped out of the lamp, but each step she grew taller until she was the same height as Rachel.

She was in the kitchen with Rachel before I reached the bottom of the steps.

“Hi,” she said to my sister.

Rachel turned from the table and stared at the stranger with her. I reached them before she had a chance aldatma porno to respond.

“I’m Jeanie,” the genie stated. “Dick must have told you all about me.”

“Well, no he hasn’t,” Rachel responded. “DICK has been keeping secrets.”

Aw, shit. The likelihood of Rachel ever calling me Richard again was next to zero.

“I didn’t know there was going to be company or else I would have bought a little extra,” Rachel said.

“No problem,” Jeanie said. “They must have stuck an extra salad in by mistake.”

“I don’t think so.” Then Rachel’s eyes opened wide. “You’re right, there is an extra salad. I have no idea how I missed that.” She pulled the newly discovered salad out and handed it to Jeanie. She tossed me the bag with my sandwich in it.

“Is it okay if I wash my hands? I just finished giving Dick a hand job and still have a little jelly on me.” She showed Rachel the Vaseline on her palm.

Aw, shit from me, one more time. I could not tell from the expression on Rachel’s face if she was getting ready to explode or to break out in uncontrollable laughter.

She ended up doing neither but instead pointed to the kitchen sink. “There should be a bar of soap close to the handle.” While Jeanie washed her hands, Rachel looked at me and mouthed “Later.”

Aw, shit. I think I am going to make that my motto.

Soon we were around the table. Rachel and I were somewhat slow to start eating, keeping our attention instead on the new comer. Jeanie however gulped down her food. I hoped Rachel did not notice, but the salad Jeanie ate kept replenishing itself.

“So, Dick,” Rachel said while staring at me. “Tell me how you and Jeanie came to be together.”

“Let me tell,” Jeanie begged. “I bet I can tell it so much better than he would,” she said to Rachel.

Oh Lord, no I thought. At least it was not Aw, shit.

“Please,” Rachel said.

“I was at the sex store on Lennard Street, trying to find a new vibrator for the one I just wore out.”

As Jeanie continued her story, I lowered my forehead to my hand. I said a silent prayer of gratitude the parents were away on an ocean cruise and would not be back for another five days.

“I could not make up my mind which one to get when our boy Dick shows up and saves the day. He says to me, ‘My sister uses the one in your left hand, the one with all the different attachments. She is especially fond of the add on with all the little knobs on it. Her moans and muffled screams from under her pillow hint it is a winner.'”

The plastic fork in Rachel’s hand snapped. My life began to flash before my eyes.

“Anyway to make a long story short, I invited him home and let him use it on me. We have been together ever since. Almost a week now.” She gazed fondly at my sister and added, “You have outstanding judgment when it comes to vibrators. This one gives me more intense orgasms in only half the time. I must thank you.”

Rachel looked me in the eye. Her expression was completely neutral. I did not know if she was going to knife me then and there or wait until I was asleep before cutting my throat. Her eyes left me and turned to the other person at the table. “You are welcome. So glad I was of service.” She dug thru the bag and located another fork.

Jeanie took a few bites of food, then stood and moved so she had a clear view of Rachel. Both sister and I looked on as Jeanie inspected Rachel from hair to feet. After at least a minute of looking her over, she said, “You are right, Dick. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Your description of her ass is on the button. Her tits are even better than you said. They look nice and firm.”

Rachel turned red. Whether from rage or embarrassment I could not tell. Jeanie retook her seat and continued to eat as if she had never stopped.

For a minute, both Rachel and I watched Jeanie eat. I wondered if she would ever get full. Soon Rachel took a bite of her salad and a few seconds later I pulled the sandwich from the bag and unwrapped it. I picked a bad time to eat. I was just starting to swallow when Jeanie said, “Tell me Rachel. Do you and Dick ever fuck?”

At once I choked on the food. I was gagging and tears flowed from both eyes. I desperately grabbed a glass out of the sink and filled it with water to try to wash down the food that could not decide if it would move to my stomach or shoot out of my mouth. The water spilled from my mouth, not able to pass the blockage in my throat. The bit of hamburger stayed right where it was.

“I only ask because before my brother, Ahab, joined the army, him and I used to get it on like alley cats. You talk about great head, lady his tongue was four inches long and he knew how to use it.”

“Now look at the great specimen of manhood here with us. Dick’s dick is eight inches long, over three inches in diameter, and as hot as a branding iron.”

She gestured at me while I hovered over the sink, desperately trying not to die. My coughs were now little more than small grunts as I choked. My face was red as a tomato and my vision was beginning to blur. I was ready to fall to the floor when Jeanie rose from her chair and moved to me. Her finger touched my throat and the food vanished. “That was a freebie,” she whispered in my ear.

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