How I Made Myself a Cuckold ( part 2 )

3 Ağustos 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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How I Made Myself a Cuckold ( part 2 )As Mary and Pauline crossed the bar to greet us, it was pretty clear to me that all eyes were on Pauline, we greeted them, and Mary introduced me to Pauline, who shook my hand and smiled very sweetly, Boy she looked hot, long black hair, over a tight sweater and jeans, that looked like they had been painted on.Pauline showed no signs that she remembered me, from when she served me drinks at the bar 18 months ago, but to be honest she was more interested in touching up her black barman boyfriend when no one was looking, than to notice me. We mainly talked about our different jobs, how she had recently graduated as a nurse, and had moved from the city to our town for the extra cash that came with a promotion. When I commented that I could not believe such a beautiful girl was single, she said a regular boyfriend would have been to much hard work and commitment, whilst studying for her degree. though I did date a few guys. A few I thought, 17 for definite according to your nursing buddy Julie, but I actually said was, do you have the time for one now, or am I wasting my time.She laughed and said she had lots more free time since she left the city. Things seemed to be going well, I got the impression that if I asked she would come on a second date. We left the bar as it was closing, I got an elbow in the ribs from my buddy who said through the side of his mouth, ask her out again dummy, she told Mary in the toilets she liked you, I took the hint and she was fine with it. Mary suggested that Pauline take me home, as the flat she was renting was just five minutes from my own, the girls had soft drinks all night, where as us guys had several pints of ale, good idea Pauline said, I can do that, so into her car I climbed. we arranged to meet in two days time when she started a week of early shift work.I said again on the journey home that I could not believe a girl like you has no boyfriend, it`s difficult she said, all the white boys who try to chat me up seem to be pissed before they approach me. Wow did she really just say that, should I bring the subject up of who she likes to fuck on our first date? I choose not to. She dropped me off at my house, she refused an invitation for coffee, but did say maybe next time, I did get a pretty decent kiss though.Three weeks later we have seen each other three times a week, but I have not fucked here tuzla escort yet, not for a want of trying I can assure you. Pauline says good things will come to those who wait. well I was getting horny, and a little pissed with the situation, we were not going steady just dating and free to see other people, well she obviously was, Pauline was a girl who fucks black guys on a daily basis as I was told by her student nurse friends, so I needed to find out who and where she was getting her dick ration.The opportunity came very soon, a chip in her windscreen had turned into a large crack heading in several directions, as It was Saturday, and I was not working she asked if she could leave her car at my house for the repair guy to fix while I took her to work on an early shift, No problem Pauline, I will get it sorted!.I did just that, with the repair guy finished I then removed the car tracker from my van and connected it up in Pauline`s car , sneaky I know but I was desperate for some answers, and some action. I altered a few settings in the software, so when the key fob opened the door of Pauline`s car, the tracker would send my cell a txt message with the co-ordinates of the car, another wire on the ignition would txt me when the car started.When I picked her up from work at 3pm, Pauline said she had to help a friend out tonight, she did not want to cancel our date, so we agreed I would pick her up at 9pm when she got back from helping out her friend, I took her to the now repaired car and awaited a txt message from the installed tracker which would tell me of her direction and destination, I would then be able to follow at a safe distance.6.30 pm a txt, I had set up the tracker to txt me every minute so I could follow through an online map on my tablet. I followed her to the outskirts of the city where she once worked, she travelled along a country lane that was not to busy on a Saturday evening.Eventually the car pulled up in a small lay – bye and parked, it was fast approaching dusk, but a clear night, I need somewhere to park, as I was fast approaching the lay _ bye. The entrance to a farmers field about a hundred yards from Pauline would do fine.I climbed over the farmers gate, and crept along the hedge surrounding the field, ducking when a passing car went by. When I came upon the lay – bye it was the perfect spot for a little dogging, there were two cars parked, a big German tuzla escort bayan saloon and Pauline`s car both facing me, their rear end facing the road, no one was in Pauline`s car but there was a huge black man in the saloon, he also had a very contented grin on his face, he looked to be in his mid forty`s at least.Pauline was sucking his cock, which I assumed was massive because I could clearly see her head bobbing up and down on his cock, above the car dash board. The light was fading fast so my view was getting limited, I did notice the front seats being reclined and Pauline`s legs spread open, she was wearing a dress and heels that were planted on the inside roof of the car. The black guy pushed his cock in Pauline and I heard her scream Oh Yes, the car started rocking slowly at first but quickly built up speed like a boat bobbing on the ocean, Pauline was screaming fuck me -fuck me – fuck me, well I had heard that before, but the Bam! Bam! Bam! I heard when their hips met was something else,The black guy put her on her hands and knees and took her from behind, I could hardly see now and relied on passing cars with their lights for illumination, the sound affects increased to a deafening yell until the guy finally came in her pussy. All went quite with no movement for a couple of minutes, and I waited patiently, to see what happened next.Eventually, the saloon interior lights came on, and Pauline left the car, she leaned through the open door and blew a kiss across the car, and said goodbye lover, maybe I will see you at the club later.As Pauline approached her own car, I thought her pussy must still be full of cum for sure, as I saw no cleaning up within the car, I imagined all that cum running down Pauline`s leg, what a waste?.All of a sudden I was in real trouble Pauline opened her car door, a few seconds later my phone was chirping out an alert that I had a txt message, the headlights came on the saloons car, and I did the fastest hundred yards of my life, the black guy would not recognize me or my car , but Pauline sure would.Luckily I made it before they past me on the road, and I sped home, it was now 8.45pm and we were supposed to meet at her house at 9pm, so I made my way their, and waited to see what developed when she arrived.She got there at 9.10pm looking a little tense for being late, and probably being dressed like a slut in heels and a mini dress did escort tuzla not help, when she was supposed to be helping out a friend, well I suppose the part was true she helped him out alright, whatever he wanted was his for the taking, never mind that he was old enough to be her father.She said sorry but I need the bathroom real bad, I watched her climb the stairs, she was wearing white panties which had a huge wet patch clearly showing.From the bathroom she shouted she would shower before we go out, she then went in her bedroom to dry her hair, I took the opportunity to use the bathroom, I decided to check out the laundry basket and I found a very sticky pair of panties covered in cum, and a unmistakable light brown stain at the rear, my god she took it in the ass, no wonder the screams increased. I really wanted to know what his seed tasted like, so I thought fuck it and sucked all the cum from the crouch, twirled it around in my mouth until it was all broke down and swallowed it, what a fantastic flavor it was, not quite what I really wanted, I would have preferred to sample it from Pauline`s pussy, but I was getting there, slowly but surely.When she came down stairs after drying her hair, she gave me a kiss as she could see I was a little pissed off, with her being late, well that’s what she thought was the reason anyway.I said Pauline do we really have a future, It`s been thee weeks and I have hardly touched you, do you have feelings for me or what.Her reply was, well I did say to you that good thing come to those who wait, so I guess I could show you how much I like you.Pauline undid my trousers pulled down my pants, and started rubbing my soft cock, hello little fella she said with a giggle. but that soon changed as I went rock hard in seconds, at last a little sex from the hottest girl I know.She was soooo good at rubbing my cock, my balls were full to bursting of cum from watching her get fucked in the ass so hard from a huge black guy, old enough to be her father.My cock started to twitch, and I started to cum, she held out her left hand and skillfully directed all of my sperm into it, while gently pumping my cock with her right hand.What happened next?.She held up her cum filled hand to her face, and said what a nice load, well done baby, she licked on the cum like a thirsty dog, what a sight, she took the lot down her throat, then bent down and cleaned my sticky cock, before taking each of my balls in her mouth, to finish the cleaning job.Come on pull up your pants she said, I fancy dancing tonight, do you like Reggie?, I know a great club in the city.part 3 coming soon

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