Heaven in the Desert Ch. 01

1 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Big Dick

A/N Hello loves! I’ve been a bad bad girl, but now, I’m going to be very very good to you. Love is in the air and just in time for vday I am spreading the love and finally sharing the story I have been saying I would share for eons. This is my baby and I really hope you all like it. Enjoy xoxoxo


Ariana Johnson awoke with a stir. Try as she might, her eyes refused to open, her body was heavy with lethargy. She moved her hands around to get some sense of where she was, but all she could feel was something hard pressing against her body.

“Where am I?” Ariana spoke aloud to the room, but received no response.

As she tried to push herself up into a sitting position she found that something was covering her eyes. It was her hair.

She pushed the thick mass of her black hair away from her eyes and squinted about the room. Sunlight streamed in from windows around her.

As her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized that she was lying on her side on the floor of an ornate room.

The room was bathed in rich burgundy color and gold trimmings. Ariana lay on what appeared to be Persian carpet with a coat of arms that had some kind of dagger encircled by words in Arabic.

A four poster bed with a canopy stood proudly behind her. There were two dressers on each side of the room with mirrors atop them. To her right there was a small desk with a laptop and door that she assumed led to the bathroom. There was another door to her left and a door immediately in front of her.

As her hazel eyes settled on the door, it immediately opened. Two women dressed in plain hijabs and abayas entered. They were short in stature and speaking to each other frantically in Arabic. They looked to Ariana like housekeepers or ladies maids.

“Stand up.” One of the women said to Ariana in a heavily accented voice. As Ariana struggled to stand to her full height of 5′ 9″, the woman began to inspect her.

She looked at and pinched Ariana’s stomach, she squeezed and hefted her breasts, she checked Ariana’s teeth and lastly she tugged at her jeans, cupping her hips and buttocks.

Ariana wasn’t insecure about her body by any means but these women made her uncomfortable. She constantly worked out to keep her lithe frame in shape but remain curvy.

“What size?” The older of the two asked as she stared into Ariana’s confused eyes.

“Eight.” Ariana replied. This gained a nod of approval from the woman as the second woman began taking Ariana’s measurements.

“You will have to do. Hopefully you do better than the rest.” The woman said. When the women made to leave, Ariana stopped them.

“Ma’am, could you tell me where I am?” Ariana asked meekly.

“You are in Omash.” The woman answered and made to leave again.

“Omash?” Ariana said as she began to shake violently, “But that is halfway across the world, how did I get out of America, I don’t even have a passport. Oh God!” Ariana exclaimed.

She clutched her sides and began to cry as horror stories of women being kidnapped and sold in foreign sex slave trades began to replay in her mind.

She thought to herself how could a young black woman such as she be involved in all this. She knew that even if she was reported missing no one would probably look for her. She didn’t come from a rich family and other than her working her way through college her life was unremarkable.

Ariana began to get frantic, the women gave her pitiful look and then quietly left the room. Hearing the sound of the door only increased Ariana’s hysterics and she collapsed to the ground. Eventually someone came in and left her a glass of water. The last thing she remembered was crying herself to sleep.

The next day as reality set in she decided to come up with a plan. Ariana was strong and not usually one to give into hysterics and cry. She knew that Omash was close to Africa her home was America. She didn’t have any money for a plane ticket so she knew the only way to get back was to earn the money for her freedom.

The only way that she would be able to earn money was to either gain someone’s trust or stash some of the money she earned.

Maybe I can convince whoever is in charge to allow me to work as a maid? Or befriend whoever is in charge? She thought.

When the two women from the previous day walked into the room, she put on a brave face and smiled at them.

The oldest woman that talked to her yesterday smiled at her in a motherly way and asked, “Are you feeling better today?”

“Yes.” Ariana replied forcing a smile. “What are you names?”

“I am Ghita and this is Kadshah and we will be helping you during your stay here.” Ghita said.

Ariana realized that there was no way she could get away from the Omash without gaining the trust of someone, so she decided Gita and Kadshah would be perfect.

“Nice to meet you, I am Ariana.” Ariana said with a genuine smile. “Do Ataşehir Öğrenci Escort you know why I was brought here?”

“My dear we cannot answer any of your questions. I am sorry.” Ghita said as Kadshah nodded sadly.

“It will be fine. Omash is a beautiful land, you will see.” Ghita said patting Ariana on the shoulder.

The women then ushered Ariana out of the room and escorted her down the hallway. As they walked Ariana took in her surroundings.

She realized she was in a beautiful palace, whoever owned it must be exceedingly rich she thought.

Pink sand and a vast body of water surrounded and open bridge way on one side while many more dome structures could be seen off to her left.

On the beach she noticed a boat that looked vaguely familiar to her but she couldn’t for the life of her understand why. The last thing that she remembered was studying for her last final exam in the library.

This was her senior year in college and she wanted to finish strong. She remembered grabbing a cup of coffee from the library Starbucks before heading to her exam and then nothing. She couldn’t remember if she took her philosophy final or even if she reached home afterwards.

As they walked the corridors, Ghita prattled on about how the palace had been in the Al Said Aaban family for years. She would occasional point out bedrooms, prayer rooms, bathrooms, an office and libraries as they passed by wooden doors. So far Ariana had counted twelve doors.

As Ariana took in the beautiful mosaic tiles that made up the walkways, she soon smelled the delicious scents of foods emanating from the kitchen.

“Where exactly are you taking me?” Ariana asked slightly rubbing her stomach.

“To the kitchen where you will meet the headmistress.” Ghita said matter of factly. Ariana instantly got worried. She knew next to nothing about Arabic culture, especially the proper way to greet royalty and she assumed from the palace that she would definitely be meeting royalty.

As she entered the room, she saw a sweet older woman of around 75 sitting at dining table with a cane nearby. She smiled at her as Kadshah and Ghita pushed her in that direction.

“I am Ghaniyah.” The woman said and extended her hand. Ariana took it and bowed over it. The woman chuckled and told her to rise.

Ghita placed a steaming plate of food in front of Ariana and her stomach gave an involuntary growl. Ariana had no clue what was in front of her but she decided to try it since it smelled so heavenly. She could make out the green of vegetables and peppers but that was about it.

As she consumed the delicious meal, Ghaniyah told her more about her family dynasty.

“For centuries the rulers of Omash have been chosen from my family. We live in an absolute monarchy. When the ruler is too old to rule, he chooses a successor. Our family council also chooses a successor and if agreement cannot be reached whoever was chosen by the previous ruler becomes the successor.” Ghaniyah said in a motherly tone.

“But where do I fit into all of this. I have a family back home, they will worry about where I am.” Ariana pleaded.

“Forgive me for speaking so harshly dear but no one will miss you.” Ghaniyah said with a smile.

Ouch. For a lady that looks so grandmotherly she can sure say some mean things. Ariana thought.

“You were specifically chosen because of your looks, your fertility, your intellect and your social interactions. We know that you have 3 other siblings, all of which you are rarely in contact with. We know that you are very close to your mother but recently you have become estranged. We know that you live with a roommate and that you sometimes take care of her cat Louie. We know that you have had 2 boyfriends in your entire life, slept with none, that you are 22 years old and that twins run in your family.” Ghaniyah said reading from a file.

“Do you know what my bra size is too?” Ariana said sarcastically with a scoff.

“40 D.” Ghaniyah said matter of factly causing Ariana to slightly choke on her food.

“How do you know so much about my life?” Ariana asked rubbing her hands uncomfortably.

“That is simple. We have been following you for weeks. All of you were handpicked. We couldn’t just pick anyone off of the street, we had to pick women with specific traits to carry on our family lineage.” Ghaniyah said.

“I understand that you can easily find my age and maybe even that I don’t speak to my family often. But how do you know that I am virgin and that twins run in my family?” Ariana asked perplexed.

“Doctors records.” Ghaniyah said shortly.

“But why am I here? Why is the fact that twins run in my family important?” Ariana asked afraid of the answer.

“Aaah that is simple, you are here to give me grandchildren.” Ghaniyah said smiling at the thought.

“So wait, you’re not trying to sell me Ataşehir Çıtır Escort into the sex trade?” Ariana said with confusion.

“Goodness no! You American’s and your tv and poor ideas about Arabic countries. No! You are here to become the bride of my son and give him heirs.” Ghaniyah said taking a sip of ginger tea.

“My son is the sultan of Omash and in order to continue our family lineage we need you to bear his young.” Ghaniyah said with a hopeful smile.

“Aren’t there any Omash women who would love to have his children? Why me, I’m just an American girl with an unremarkable background.” Ariana said.

“There are thousands of Omash women who would love to bear his young but he will not have them. We have tried to catch his interest with hundreds of girls but all in vain. It seems that he has an affinity for African girls. He also likes women who are strong and independent.” Ghaniyah said looking up at Ariana.

“Hmmph.” Ariana said as she pouted and folded her arms. She didn’t like feeling controlled and out matched and right now she felt as if she had no options to escape.

“Look Ariana you are a beautiful and intelligent girl, I’m sure by now you have done the math. My son is a very rich man and if you are chosen you will be well taken care of. All I want is beautiful healthy grandchildren. If chosen, you will wed shortly after and begin mating.” Ghaniyah said in a no nonsense tone.

“Excuse me if I’m not comfortable with being uprooted from life and becoming someone’s broodmare.” Ariana said standing up angrily.

Ghita and Kadshah cringed at her display of anger toward their headmistress. Ghaniyah just smiled.

“You’re fiery passion will suit my son well in the bedroom and in life.” Ghaniyah said.

In response Ariana sat back down in her chair and slouched.

“Don’t slouch it is very unladylike.” Ghaniyah said with a smile, once again sipping her tea.

“So what happens if I am not chosen?” Ariana said with hope.

“Then you will be dropped off with your family and this will all be a vague dream. No one would believe you if you told them this anyway.” Ghaniyah said not liking the hope in Ariana’s eyes.

“But I would not count on it. Once my brother catches sight of you, he will be rushing you off to give me nieces and nephews. Omi (Mother)!” a man said entering the room and hugging Ghaniyah.

“Haaziq!” Ghaniyah said.

Ariana looked at the handsome man entering the room and couldn’t help but stare. He looked very similar to Alexander Uloom. He was slightly taller however and his eyes were a penetrating black instead of a warm brown.

Ariana had to admit that if his brother looked anything like him, he may be worth staying around a few days just to check out.

As the two embraced and hugged, Ariana ended the motherly display of affection with a question. “If your other son has no heirs, home come Mr. Haaziq cannot take over the throne?”

“I am too old to rule and have no desire. I am a happily married businessman that enjoys my travels and my wife.” Haaziq said.

Ariana slumped hearing this, she realized that she there was no immediate way out.

Turning to her Ghaniyah said, “Lucky for us my son is away on business and will not return for two and a half weeks’ time. This will give us plenty of time to get you prepared for your first meeting with him and acquainted with our customs.”

“Why teach me all of this stuff now? He may come home and immediately dismiss me.” Ariana said grasping at straws.

Stopping as he walked away, Haaziq turned to her with a grin and said, “Oh no he won’t I know my brother, and he would never be able to dismiss you without at least sampling your…wares.”

It was looking more and more like Ariana would not be able to get out of this situation. It looked to her like Haaziq and Ghaniyah were handing the sultan’s perfect match over on a platter. He would be a fool not to take her.

“Think Ariana. Think.” Ariana thought as she bit her lip in concentration.

Ariana knew that during these two and a half weeks she would have to come up with a plan to make the sultan dislike her and find a way to leave.

“What is the sultan’s name?” Ariana asked a mysterious glint in her eye, beginning to form a plan.

“Aaryan.” Ghaniyah replied. “Now that you are full it is time for your lessons to begin. A good Omash woman knows how to take care of her husband. You are here to serve his needs. Your first lesson will be in the kitchen.”

Ghaniyah shepherded Ariana to an industrial size kitchen. Ariana knew how to cook American food and a few Italian and Mexican dishes so it was safe to say she knew her way around a kitchen.

She had never had the privilege of preparing a meal in such a grand kitchen before. There were eight utensils and five different pots designated for each part of the dish and everything was of Ataşehir Elit Escort the highest quality.

“Must be nice to be a sultan.” Ariana thought to herself.

“The first thing that I will teach you to prepare is tea and coffee. Hot beverages are very important in our culture so knowing how to make these are essential. Now, to make the tea, you want to first bring your tea bags and water to a boil.” Ghaniyah instructed.

“That should be simple enough.” Ariana said turning the burner to high and placing a pot of water on the burner.

“As we are waiting on that, you can prepare 1 tbsp of ginger and 3 tbsp of sugar. My son has a bit of a sweet tooth so add 4 tbsp instead of 3.” Ghaniyah said.

Ariana did as was told.

“Now that the water is boiling you want to slowly add a can of evaporated milk and the sugar and bring it to a boil again.” Ghaniyah advised.

Personally Ariana liked adding evaporated milk to her tea and cocoa but she never boiled it in, she smiled at learning something new.

“And now you are done. Pour this into the tea service and let’s start the coffee.” Ghaniyah said with a smile as her face hovered over the tea pot.

“But what about the ginger?” Ariana asked.

“Aah that is for me.” Ghaniyah said and placed the ginger in her tea cup.

After two more hours of preparing meals Ariana was exhausted. The sun was beginning to set and she was in desperate need of a nap.

“Before I let you go, I would like to introduce you to two people who will be with you everywhere you go.” Ghaniyah said with a serious face.

“This is Rafiq and Rakhshan. Think of them as your personal guard. Wherever you go, they go and if you need anything, all you have to do is ask them.” Ghaniyah began.

“Hello.” Ariana said with a nod of her head. She didn’t know much about Arabic culture but she thought it would be inappropriate to shake hands with these two men.

Rafiq and Rakhshan looked like brothers. Both were dangerously handsome. Rakhshan was the more handsome and more dangerous looking of the two. Rafiq looked more kind and approachable.

“Tomorrow they will take you shopping for more suitable clothes.” Ghaniyah said looking at Ariana’s clothes in disapproval. “If my son keeps you as I anticipates he will, you will need clothes to wear around guests.”

“They have been instructed on the places to take you and to keep a close eye on you. Do no disrespect this kindness by trying to run, are we understood?” Ghaniyah said in a no nonsense tone.

“Yes, Mrs. Ghaniyah.” Ariana said like a chastised child throwing one of her escape plans out the window.

“Call me Ghani dear, at least for now. Now run along and get some rest.” Ghani said patting Ariana’s shoulder as she got up to leave.

Rafiq and Rakhshan escorted her to her room.

“We will be waiting outside, when you awake.” Rafiq said.

Not missing the veiled threat, Ariana entered her room and laid down. Before she could count to 30 she had fallen asleep.

When she awoke she decided to shower. A clock on a nearby wall told her that it was 10:45pm.

As she stepped into the bathroom she couldn’t help but gasp. The bathroom was bigger than the size of her dorm room apartment. Immediately when she walked in she noticed a sunken tub with massaging jets. A quick glance showed her it had 8 settings and a button to adjust the heat.

To her left there was his and her sinks with what looked like a gold faucet and pearly marble countertops. In the back of the room was a bedau and off in the corner was a glass encased shower that looked like it could fit 4 people. The same coat of arms was displayed on the shower tile.

She found towels and wash cloths resting atop the counter along with her favorite bath soaps and salts for the tub.

“They really have done their research.” Ariana said as she fingered a bottle of Moonlight Path from Bath and Body Works.

Deciding that a bath would just put her to sleep, she headed over to the shower and got in. After 15 minutes she got out feeling very refreshed.

As she stood outside of the shower in her towel, she bit her lip and realized that she had a dilemma. She had no clothes. She went outside hoping to find a way contact help when to her relief she saw Kadshah.

“My lady, we have fresh clothes for you to wear.” Kadshah said meekly.

Ariana stared at the closet full of clothes in bewilderment. “How did you get so many clothes in my size?”

“Our seamstresses have been at work since I took your measurements earlier.” Kadshah said.

“Can you help me with this?” Ariana said pointing toward an embroidered maxi dress and hijab.

After helping her put on the clothes, Ariana said her thanks and walked out the door. She was immediately greeted by Rafiq and Rakhshan.

Ariana was a major night owl so she decided to go to the library and read until she was tired. Most of the books were in Arabic so she could not read them. The few one’s that she found that were in English, were books on business.

After 2 hours of econ, Ariana traipsed off to bed. She wanted to be well rested for her shopping trip the next day.


Thank you for reading!

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