Heartbreakers Ch. 08

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Mindy had been studying Bethany’s latest message to her, for the last couple of minutes before the lunch bell rang. She left her fourth period class and went, not to where lunch was being served, but out to the quad where the Heartbreakers normally hung out. Mindy still had plenty of pull. Some of the club’s hangers-on would bring lunch out to her.

Along the way, Bethany caught up with her. Although it was normally taboo for a Fillie to be within a hundred yards of the Heartbreaker’s claimed spot, an exception had been made in the case of the tall redhead.

Mindy released a heartfelt sigh as her lover came into range. Their auras swirled together like air and water. She said, “Hark, you stars so full of your precious vanity, for you will never boast the beauty of my red, red rose.”

Bethany gazed into her eyes; her pretty features softening at the words. “I like that one. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me feel all gushy between my legs.”

“I so want to kiss you right now.” Mindy growled sensuously.

“And you will, but not here in front of the entire world.” Bethany replied. “Let’s go talk to your girls. Then we’ll find a nice, quiet spot to cuddle.”

Mindy smiled, as Bethany was slowly but steadily dropping her guard around the smaller blonde. Sure, Mindy was drenching her with sweetness, enough that anyone else might have been repelled. But it felt so natural to act that way around her former rival. Bethany had never, ever told her to stop, either.

They reached the designated spot, where both Queens in Hibernation were surprised to find not a single Heartbreaker, but two Wannabes holding down the spot.

“Status report.” Mindy requested from the girl that was higher on the pecking order.

“We have an Action In Progress.”

“Define the Action and its Parameters.”

“Public Streak, from the parking lot to the football field.”

“That’s a long run.” Bethany commented. “That’s almost the distance of the entire campus.”

“Define Participants.” Mindy said.

“Amy and Heather from our side, Lady K and Dee-Dee from the Fillies.”

“This is a Joint Venture?” Mindy asked, highly surprised.

“Yes. They’re calling it a Double Dare.”

“It’s too long a run.” Bethany shook her head. “Security is going to catch them before they get past the Admin building.”

Suddenly, Mindy looked worried. “Heather got caught doing this before. She could be expelled this time!”

Sure enough, only a few minutes later a crowd was seen ambling through the buildings. Right in the middle of it were the four streakers and a gang of rent-a-cops.

“Why didn’t they consult with us?” Mindy frowned. “Security is going to hold them until the cops get here and arrest them. I’m going to have to pull some serious Resources here!”

“Or, we could turn this into something so big, that the school would be too embarrassed to have them arrested.” Bethany suggested.

“Like what?”

“When is the last time one of our clubs made the evening news?” Bethany asked.

“Two months ago, when your Fillies protested the banning of certain tee shirts by…”

“By wearing no tee shirts at all.” Bethany nodded.

Mindy pulled out her phone, and a second later, so did Bethany.


No sooner was the message sent than Mindy and Bethany, and the two Wannabes behind them, started stripping down to their birthday suits. The protest got fully underway when the four nude girls took up a loud chant of, “Let them go! Let them go!”

The mob surrounding the streakers halted, as part of the security force broke off and came to tangle with the newly naked girls. The guards saw only four girls at first, but all a sudden, two more ran up and joined them. Seconds after that, a whole other group from the Fillies made their way from an entirely different direction. Naked girls were dropping out of the trees, it seemed, as their numbers quickly went up to a dozen. Even more nude and running teenagers were hurrying over from the busy cafeteria.

“Let them go! Let them go!” Was heard all around the quad, loud enough that people in other parts of the school were coming over to see what was happening.

Bethany went back to her phone. “I’m activating some Agitators.”

“Should I bring in the media?” Mindy wondered.

“Can you even do that?” Bethany looked stunned.

“Bitch, do you even know who you’re sleeping with?”

“Well, bring them in!”

The Agitators went into the crowd of spectators, encouraging them to also take off their clothing in order to support the cause, or just for the hell of it. A lot of students began to get pumped up enough to do it. Those outcasts that were constantly bumping heads with authority, such as the Emos, the Goths and the Stoners, right away congregated with their ilk. When their leaders saw this as an Opportunity, a lot of their shirts and pants came off, too. Adding these numbers to the two dozen or so girls from the ankara escort two most popular clubs, and some forty people were already naked. Teachers and administrative personnel started drifting through the students, to confront the guards and try to sort things out, while the patriotic chant resounded all over that portion of the campus.

“Let them go! Let them go!”

“We’ve got the whole football team coming over here naked.” The girl behind Mindy said. “ETA of two minutes. The cheerleaders…” The girl looked around. “There they are, by the 200 building.”

Mindy spotted them. “We need to make a big impression when the news people get here.”

“I’m on it.” The girl went back to her phone.

“Let them go! Let them go!” The shouts were heard all around them.

Five minutes later, the principal and the assistant principal were out there with bullhorns telling everybody to put their clothes on. They were also trying to make way for the security goons to take the original four streakers into the Admin building. Mindy and Bethany countered this by swaying the bulk of the crowd to stand directly in their path.

After ten minutes, the first news van showed up, and at twelve minutes the second crew came in. By then, there must have been one hundred people naked and cramming into the quad. The Agitators were directed toward the reporters, and a couple of them gave Oscar-worthy performances.

One Agitator was a mid-level member of the student body, who already had political aspirations. His interview went like this: “So these four students decided to streak across the school during lunch, and yes, it was a dumb thing to do. But look at how they’re being treated! The administration could have just told them to put their clothes back on, but no, just take a look at the guards. They’re trying to take them to jail now for pulling a harmless prank!”

A second Agitator, who’d come from the Stoner circle, was right at his side: “They look like (bleeped out) riot police. Is this what America’s all about? (bleeped out) riot police in a (bleeped out) high school!”

First Agitator: “They should be punished, but not like this. They should not be put in handcuffs and they should not be taken to away in a police car!”

Second Agitator: “Did they even break any laws? What (bleeped out) law says you can’t take part in a harmless prank? I mean, seriously, what’s the (bleeped out) crime here? Who got hurt? What got broken? This is (bleeped out)! (At this point, the stoner started tearing his clothes off.) This is (bleeped out)! What happened to freedom, huh? What happened to (bleeped out) freedom?”

It was a controlled chaos, and it was something that both Mindy and Bethany were fully capable of managing.

“Heartbreakers at ten o’clock.” One of the girls behind Mindy announced, prompting the blonde to turn that way.

Haley, Shelly and Rochelle were seen arguing with a group of school counselors.

“Lunch is almost over.” Bethany noted. “I’m going to get some of these people to move to the Admin building and start a sit-in. Don’t move your people until my people are in place.”

Mindy turned to the girl behind her. “Pass the Word. Nobody goes to class when the bell rings.”


“I’m calling in a Resource.” Mindy decided. “From the faculty.”

“Who?” Bethany asked.

“Mrs. Watkins.”

“The English teacher?”


“She’s a Resource?” Bethany stared at her in disbelief. “How the hell did you get Mrs. Watkins to be a Resource?”

“That’s Top Secret. I’ve got Mr. Campbell, too, but I don’t think anybody wants to see him naked.”

“No shit! If Mr. Campbell comes out here naked, everybody else is going to put their clothes back on.”

Sure enough, Mrs. Watkins made her appearance only a couple of minutes later and strode right up to the center of the action. She got into the principal’s face for a few minutes, before she stormed over to where the security guards were. With utter disdain for their authority, the teacher stripped right in front of their faces. Then the woman started motioning for the media to come closer. She dared anybody to try and take her anywhere against her will.

“Go, go, Mrs. Watkins.” Mindy marveled. “That bitch just swung the pendulum, all by herself. We’re cruising downhill now.”

In the crowd, the principal was seen throwing his hands up in the air.

The lunch bell rang, but nobody took a step toward their fifth period classes.

Mindy’s phone went off. She was checking it a split second later. “Shelly is saying they’re home free now. They’re being taken to where their clothes are. I’m moving my people to escort the streakers in case the principal tries a double-cross.”

“Right.” Bethany agreed. “I’ll keep some micro-crowds around the counselors and the other Admin people. I’m putting the Agitators on stand-by, but I’ll tell them to keep making noise and to stay close to the principal.”

“Check.” Mindy said. “I’m going to join the escort. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“We should call ankara escort bayan a Special Meeting.” Bethany proposed.

“That’s a good idea. We can’t do it at school, though. Set it up for the Promenade Mall, after school in the food court. Make it mandatory.”

“Check.” Bethany said.

Mindy turned to the girl behind her. “Pass the Word. Special Meet after school today, at the mall. Attendance is mandatory. Also, I Order you to keep me informed of any further Actions, and watch my clothes while I’m gone.”


She turned to Bethany. “And you. I didn’t get a single kiss from you during lunch, so you owe me!”

With that, Mindy hurried to catch up with the retreating mob.

Haley’s father was parked on the street, and in front of the house of the young woman he was supposed to tutor. The reason he wasn’t inside and tutoring the girl, was because the girl wasn’t yet home. There had been some sort of sudden delay to push back his tutoring time. That had been over an hour ago. The girl’s mother had already called him and insisted that he wait until her daughter showed up, and that she wouldn’t tarry long, and so on an so forth.

Trevor had played with his laptop a bit, and caught up on the latest rugby news. Now, he was simply resting, with his seat tilted back and classical music satisfying his ears.

Earlier, he’d closed his eyes to capture more of the ambience of the music. At present, he was simply gazing up at the ceiling of his BMW and wondering what sort of process had been necessitated to install the headliner. It must have been difficult, he imagined, to be sure the material was placed as snug as it was.

The pretty man tilted his head up toward his rear view mirror. In its reflection, he saw an SUV pulling up right behind his car. The girl he was to tutor, named Claudia, soon ejaculated from the vehicle, which brightened Trevor’s spirits considerably. Finally, he could get his obligation underway! When the two troublemakers Kim and Lacy exited right after, Trevor’s hopes were dashed against the sharpest rocks imaginable.

“Is it possible for me to get through one simple tutoring session without the presence of those two attractive pests?” Trevor grimaced.

Claudia bounded towards his car. Even though Trevor’s front window was as open as Trevor’s eyes were, the girl still felt the compulsion to reach out and very annoyingly rap on the door.

“I can see you very clearly.” Trevor said, with a hint of irritation.

“Hey, Mr. Trevor, I’m home, so you can come and teach me now.”

It was no wonder the girl needed special tutoring. She was as dippy as a circus monkey. “I shall be in momentarily.”

“Does that mean like right now, or like in ten minutes from now?” Claudia said.

He could almost see her two brain cells frantically rubbing together in attempting to come up with the answer. “Right now, dear. That’s what I meant.”

This seemed to satisfy Claudia enough that she bounded away in the same manner she’d arrived in. He found it difficult to believe that this was the type of material high schools were churning out nowadays, as he exited the car and made his way to the front of the house.

At once, Trevor caught a sullen vibe from the other two girls. He found himself wondering if they were up to some new trick, or if they had finally tired of trying to seduce him. The former gave him the rising of hope, as he might have a pleasant tutoring session after all.

Trevor stepped into the foyer, watching as Kim and Lacy carelessly dropped onto the living room couches. This was the room he usually tutored in. Since he was used to the antics of the two invaders, he merely approached the couch where the most room was left available. Lacy lifted her legs, Trevor sat down and Lacy lowered her legs onto his lap. Again, this was because he’d become accustomed to their constant coquettishness.

Claudia, he noticed, had not yet taken a seat.

“May we begin, please?” Trevor asked.

“No, we may not.” Claudia made a face at him. “My mom isn’t home, and I don’t want to learn anything. I’m going up to my room and I’m going to do whatever the hell I feel like doing. There is nothing you can do about it.”

“Claudia, we’ve spoken about this before. I am contractually obligated to tutor you for exactly one hour and a half. Whining about it yet again will not alter the rules. Please sit down so that we can get started.”

“Kiss my ass.”

“I beg your pardon? Claudia…”

“Stick your stupid contract up your ass, after you’re done kissing mine.”

“Claudia, I don’t believe your mother would approve of your language if she were present to hear it.”

He watched Claudia bound up the stairs.

“Claudia, where are you going?”

The girl didn’t answer; she just vanished.

“Claudia?” Trevor called out a little louder, but again, no reply returned to him.

Trevor was known as a man of infinite patience. But after having waited outside for so long, the last thing he wanted to do was to start waiting inside, escort ankara too. His great tolerance was now starting to wear thin.

“Claudia!” He barked, somewhat dramatically.

This caused the two girls still in the living room to giggle, as they’d never heard him snap out loud before.

Trevor sighed and checked his watch. “Regardless, my session started three minutes ago. When my time is done, my time is done.”

“Don’t even think about leaving.” Kim warned him. “If you try that, we’re going to call Claudia’s mom and tell her you left right after Claudia got home.”

“Are you attempting to blackmail me?”

“Of course. It’s what we’re good at.”

“What if I end up sitting here for an hour and a half, as I’m scheduled to, and I leave at the proper time? Will you still tell Claudia’s mother your ridiculous lie?”

“We might. You’ll just have to take that chance.”

“Oh, bother.” Trevor said in resignation. “I simply don’t see the point of me just sitting here and doing nothing for the entire time. I came here to tutor. If I can’t tutor the person I’m here to tutor, and I know this is reaching for the stars here, but perhaps we can have a sort of intellectual conversation anyway. Do either of you know anything about art appreciation or philosophy?”

He looked back and forth between the two pretty girls.

“Hey, Lacy,” Kim called out. “Why don’t you go and see if there’s any beer in the fridge?”

Lacy’s legs swung away from his lap. She stood up and she walked off.

“I will not be an accessory to underage drinking.” Trevor stated.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kim replied. “We won’t rat on you.”

“I’ll be holding you to that. I’m serious about this.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

Lacy returned holding a bottle of brownish-red liquor. “Hey, look, I found some rum!”

“All right, let’s try that out.” Kim sat up.

The cork wasn’t set in too tight, so Kim quickly pried it off and took a swig. She handed the bottle to her accomplice, who also took a swig.

Trevor made a face, envisioning germs everywhere.

“I guess it’s okay.” Kim commented. “It’s a little sweeter than I thought it would be.”

“That’s because rum is made from sugar cane or molasses.” Trevor informed her.

Lacy pointed the bottle at him. “Take a drink.”

“No, I won’t.” Trevor shook his head.

“If you don’t take a drink, we’re going to start messing with you.” Lacy threatened.

“Oh, fine.” Trevor grabbed the bottle and tentatively took a sip. He passed it back.

For the next few minutes, the girls kept passing the bottle back and forth until they finished it. Lacy walked away for a moment, apparently to return the bottle to wherever she’d found it. Upon her return, she sprawled back on the couch and set her legs on the tutor’s lap again.

Trevor checked his watch, and groaned inside. Not even twelve minutes had passed. This was going to be the longest session of his life! With nothing else to do, he considered the coloring of the room, the décor, the carpet, and even the ceiling. He checked his watch again. Only two minutes more had passed.

The man sighed, observing Kim, who was lying on the couch across from him and playing with her nails. The cute blonde had on a white denim jacket with silver buttons that ran down it’s front, but most of those buttons were open now. Under the jacket, the girl had on a pink tube top. She also wore a very tight denim skirt that showed off plenty of legs. Kim was a big-boned girl, with wide shoulders, large breasts, and thick thighs. With her voluminous blonde hair and cheeky face she reminded Trevor of a younger version of the famous celebrity Mae West, although slightly slimmer. Kim was not really his type of lady, as he had his own personal limit for how aggressive a woman could be with a man. Kim had crossed that personal boundary of his by light years.

Next he turned his attention to Lacy. She was pretty enough to qualify for a model, with black hair and handsome, classic features. Her frame was lean, nearly wiry, except for breasts that were a tad larger than should have been given to her. Her hips were slender, but they had a tendency to flare out nicely when she leaned or bent over. This bending over had happened plenty of times in Trevor’s presence. The girl’s clothing consisted of a blue blouse, specked in darker blue and white, tight enough to grip around her nicely rounded breasts, and a blue denim skirt that was presently hiked up far enough to expose her pink panties.

Trevor could stare at those panties all day, he knew, and Lacy wouldn’t have a care in the world about it. For that matter, neither would Kim, if he were sitting in a position to look up her skirt.

Lacy was messaging someone on her phone. When she noticed that Trevor was watching her, she gave him a raspberry. After that, the girl went right back to her phone. While Trevor could admit that both young women had their good points, at the same time they were far too blatant and crass for his refined tastes.

Another thing the man noticed was that both women were being unusually quiet today. Normally, they were like two sets of novelty chattering teeth. A person could give them a good wind, and there they’d go clacking and clacking and bunching up that person’s nerves, until the person ended up wishing they’d never bought those blasted mechanical teeth home in the first place.

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