He Begs Me to Choke Him Pt. 02

13 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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The Dessert

Luke manages to unlock his door and enter, all while still carrying me in his arms. With my head resting against his shoulder, I have a good view of his throat, and resist the temptation to touch it and run the tips of my fingers over his Adam’s apple. Instead, I nibble the side of his neck as he walks over to the love seat in his living room. He shudders and breathes heavily while I gently tease his skin with my teeth, placing light kisses over the bites. When I stop, he places me on the loveseat.

I stare at him for a moment with what I believe to be an innocent and expectant expression, my hands folded in my lap looking up at him leaning over me, one hand on the arm of the loveseat. Despite being tall and in an imposing position over me, I don’t feel intimated. In fact, I feel like I’m in control. The expression in his eyes is hungry, but more like a hunger to please rather than the more predatory hunger I’ve seen in the eyes of other men.

Luke awkwardly breaks the silence. “So… welcome to my house,” he says, standing up and gesturing to his living room. His home is cozy and inviting, there are candles on his coffee table and his mantle, and a multitude of bookshelves covered in various tomes. I see that he has a vast collection of fiction as well as nonfiction spanning from astronomy to art history to almost anything else I can imagine. The autumn evening chilled the house so he lights the fireplace. I watch the light of the flames flicker on his face, causing his eyes to glow. I trace the angles of his profile with my eyes, travelling over his brow, the bump on the bridge of his nose, his lips, his sharp jawline, the sharp swell of his throat, ending at his collarbones peering above the collar of his shirt. He turns to me with a half-smile.

“I’ve never actually asked a date over this early in the… into dating,” he says, laughing sheepishly, “I really like you, I know we haven’t known each other for long but I could tell from your profile that.. well, that I would really like you. And then when I saw you in person, I…” He was talking fast and stumbling over his words, and swallows.

“Well. You’ve bewitched me,” he finishes. I scoot over on the love seat to make room for him to sit, which he does.

“I really like you too,” I say, glancing at his throat and thinking about licking it, “Thanks for inviting me over. I mean, unless you intend to murder me.”

“I- no, I wouldn’t- I would never-” he stammers. I laugh.

“I came prepared,” I say, pulling the hem of my dress up just enough to show the knife I have strapped to my thigh, “and I know how to use it, so no funny business.” This time he laughs.

“Maybe I’m the one who should be worr- oh!” He begins, but I swing a leg over his to sit facing him in his lap, and run my hand through the hair on the back of his head, gripping it and pulling his head back to look up at me.

“Let me know if I’m moving too fast, or if I do anything you don’t like,” I say quietly into his ear.

He gulps and nods quickly, and says “…but I thought you said no funny business…” I tug sharply on the hair on the back of his head and he moans.

As I press my lips into his, he melts into the kiss and I feel his body relax into the soft love seat, except for his hands gripping the outsides of kuşadası escort my thighs in a way that communicates how desperately he wants me to stay on his lap. I have a passing worry about getting his pants wet as I am probably soaking through my lace panties from arousal, but even through our clothes I am too distracted by his hard cock pressing into my cunt to really care. I rock my hips slowly back and forth, generating a light friction between our groins. His breath is shaky and his face feels warm against my lips as I place kisses across his cheeks.

“What you are doing with your hips… you are going to make me cum…” he says huskily, “It’s been a while for me…”

I stop rocking my hips. I don’t want him to come yet, and I don’t want to come either.

“It’s been a while for me, too,” I say between kisses along his jawline. His head flops back into my hand completely, which I lower down to the back of the love seat. I lightly massage the back of his head with my nails. His throat is completely exposed to me and his Adam’s apple is inches from my lips. I shift in his lap as my clit throbs, and his apple jumps up and down slightly as he gasps and his eyes roll back. I realize that I rubbed my cunt against his cock again, and lift myself slightly up from his lap with my thighs.

“Thanks.. I don’t want to embarrass myself by cumming into my pants… hey why’d you stop kissing?” I barely listen as I watch his Adam’s apple move while he speaks. I can’t restrain myself anymore and I aggressively press my lips into the soft skin of his throat below his chin and right above his apple. As he gasps again, I feel it bob up and push against my lips for a moment. My clit is throbbing so much it aches, and I consider guiding his hand between my thighs as I kiss down the line of his throat. I don’t move his hand; I want to sustain this arousal as long as I can.

He surprises me with a moan when I move my lips exclusively to his Adam’s apple, sucking over the skin lightly, and occasionally massaging it with my tongue. One of my hands remains behind his relaxed head while I place the other on his chest, pinning him firmly against the sofa. I can feel his heart hammering against my palm.

“Oh… you don’t have to worry about me resisting anything you do to me,” he moans in response to the placement of my hand. The vibration of his voice and movement of his apple against my lips as he speaks causes me to be aware of how hard my nipples are through my dress.

“Alright,” I say as I drag my fingernails up his chest and onto his throat. I scrape them lightly up and down the length of his exposed throat, while continuing to massage the back of his head. He is completely limp and relaxed, except his cock. I can see goosebumps form on his skin.

“That sensation is hypnotizing…” he moans.

I hold the side of his neck and start rubbing his throat with my thumb, massaging circles around his Adam’s apple while I kiss him; my tongue is exploring his mouth while my thumb traces his throat.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” I pause to say softly into his ear, biting his earlobe and grinding once against his still hard cock. He squeezes the outside of my thighs, but sighs when I don’t push back down.

“Yes, yes you could say that, definitely,” he kuşadası escort bayan pauses to swallow which causes my nipples and my clit to stiffen even further, “but it seems like maybe you want to… be rougher? And if you do… want that… I wouldn’t be against it. In fact, I would be really happy-“

“-Like this?” I interrupt as I pull my other hand from behind his head and wrap both around his throat, tilting his head back again and pressing my thumbs into the area above his Adam’s apple. His eyes widen and he bites his lower lip but he is nodding eagerly.

As my grip tightens around his throat I lean towards his ear and say softly “…tap once on my leg with your right hand if yes, left hand if no, and tap twice with either if you need me to stop. Do you understand?” He taps once on my leg with his right hand. I notice his eyes roll back slightly before he closes them, his breathing ragged through his constricted airway. I leave one thumb pressed into his windpipe while the other massages his Adam’s apple. It looks even bigger while I choke him. I want to grind against him, but I resist. I feel manic with lust and I start whispering in his ear between tugs on his earlobe with my teeth.

“Would you like me to do this while I am fucking you?” He taps once with his right hand on my leg, “Would you like to taste my cunt?” Tap “Worship my clit with your tongue?” Tap

I feel his Adam’s apple struggle against my thumb as he tries to swallow. Instead of loosening my grip (he hasn’t tapped twice yet), I squeeze harder. He gulps loudly when his apple finally manages to dart under my thumb and then back out below it. I feel like I’m about to cum and I get dizzy from the loss of blood from my head rushing to… other parts.

“That was… hot…” Tap tap “Do you think we should have dessert now?” Tap tap tap tap

I quickly release my hands, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry!” I sit back on his knees, giving him some space to gasp and catch his breath. He rubs his throat as he swallows a few times.

“Fuck…” he whispers breathlessly, “…that was… incredible.” I let out a sigh of relief when I see he isn’t too hurt, and move back to sit on the cushion next to him.

“You are ok?” I ask, reaching a hand out to put on his cheek and look into his eyes. I feel so bad that I didn’t notice his first double tap. He grins at me deliriously.

“Oh yes, I am absolutely incredible,” he says, then moves his face in my hand to kiss my palm. He takes my hand and places it over his heart, which is beating so hard that I’m surprised I can’t see it through his shirt. I leave my hand there until

I feel it begin to slow.

“I would do anything for you to do that to me again. Especially while we… as you said… are fucking,” he says giggling. He seems like he is a bit loopy from the lack of oxygen.

“What do you have for dessert?” I grin at him. He leans back again and gestures at himself. I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows.

“Ah right,” he gets up quickly, “I made a cherry pie last night. I couldn’t sleep because… I couldn’t stop thinking about today. Do you like pie? I have ice-cream too…”

I tell him that I would love a slice of cherry pie, and after a few minutes, he brings a tray out of the kitchen that contains two slices escort kuşadası of cherry pie, two cups of coffee, and a can of whipped cream. He sprays a copious amount of whipped cream and then asks me to tell him to stop when he starts spraying over mine. I allow an equally copious amount to be distributed.

“I didn’t expect to be eating pie here, with you, after almost choking me out, tonight,” he says as we help ourselves to the pie. (Yes, he does make excellent cherry pie, and coffee.)

“What did you expect?” I ask.

“Honestly? Just dinner, and then to come back home to eat pie alone and have another sleepless night thinking about you and the next time that I would get to see you. I was worried through the entire dinner that I wouldn’t get to see you again, that I would mess up somehow…”

“You are extremely charming,” I say, scooting so our knees are touching.

“I’m awkward!”

“I find your awkwardness charming,” I say, leaning against his shoulder for a beat. He blushes. My eyes are then drawn to the movement of his Adam’s apple as he swallows some pie.

“I was worried that you wouldn’t want to see me again,” he took some sips of coffee. I am still staring at his throat when his hand touches his apple.

I look up I see him watching me, and he continues, “I saw you looking at my neck in the restaurant and I became self conscious, because you had a strange expression… and well, I get self conscious because this is big…” he points at his apple.

“Oh! That’s funny, I thought you were creeped out by me staring at first, and was happy when you asked if I wanted to continue to spend time with you. And by the way,” my voice drops as I lean forward and press a kiss into his throat, “I think your Adam’s apple is sooooo sexy.”

“And… it’s such a turn on to know you think that…” he says, stifling a grin, “You don’t even know how elated I was when you said you wanted to come over here.

The entire walk home I was thinking about you kissing my neck. And maybe doing some other stuff. Well, what did you think was going to happen tonight?” He asks.

“Speaking of other stuff, I wore some lingerie just in case things went well,” I say, looking at him through my lashes in what I hoped was a sensual way.

“Oh really? Oh, goodness…” he is suddenly bashful, “I can’t wait to see that. I mean I can, but- I want to! But when you want to show me, I mean.”

“Oh, come on! We both almost came just 15 minutes ago,” I say, laughing. It is cute how embarrassed he is. His eyes go wide and he is staring at me attentively.

“You almost came too?” He says, looking at me in awe.

“Yes, and things are a little achy now,” I say waving a hand dismissively, “but I can take care of that when I get home, if it is getting too late-“

“-It’s not too late! I mean, it’s a Friday… You can stay as long as you want,” he slides off the loveseat and positions himself on his knees next to my legs. He looks almost as if he is going to beg. “If you want help cumming, I am your willing servant… like I said, I would do anything for you to choke me again. Anything.”

I laugh, but his submissiveness is reminding me how aroused I am still. I place a finger under his chin and tilt his head up to look at me, but I don’t say anything.

“What can I do to please you?” He says, his voice weak. He takes my hand and kisses it.

“Show me to your bedroom.”

He stands up quickly and starts walking towards a staircase, my hand still in his. I snatch the can of whipped cream off of the tray before he leads me up the stairs.

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