Happy Holidays from the J Triplets

26 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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“Okay, the bathroom sink and the toilet are both in good working order again,” Jonas Collins smiled at his sisters. “When Mom and Dad arrive on Christmas morning, everything should be in perfect working order.” The girls, who were watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” on television looked up and smiled up at him.

“It’s really good to have a man around the house,” auburn-haired Jayden smiled at her 2-minutes younger sister. “Don’t you agree, baby sister?”

“He does come in handy, that’s for sure,” blonde Janet grinned. “Thanks, big brother,” she got up and hugged her 5-minutes older sibling.

“You don’t have to make such a fuss every time I fix something,” Jonas laughed. “We’ve all been living here for the past year; it’s as much my house as it is yours. This is how I contribute, being Mr. Fixit. You’re also very well aware that if our mother found a single speck of dust or something that wasn’t in good working order in this house, we’d never hear the end of it,” he laughed.

His sisters both stood up and gave him a huge hug. Since childhood, the triplets had been there for each other. All had been supportive and continued to be unwavering in that support. In the events of the previous year, that support had been very necessary for all of them.

The first crisis was Jayden’s. The middle child of the trio had been working at a local restaurant part-time while pursuing her chef’s papers. She had always loved good food and cooking. Janet teased her sister that she should weigh 300 pounds with the way she ate. “I have my own ways of working it off,” Jayden winked at her sister. Janet rolled her eyes. They had been roommates for about a year after leaving high school and Janet knew all-too well her sister’s “ways”. Quiet, she was not.

It looked as if all was going to go swimmingly for Jayden when a massive fire gutted the restaurant and took Jayden’s dreams with it. The fire was discovered to be arson. As Jayden was dating the owner, she was implicated in the crime. To make matters worse, boyfriend-scumbag Warren didn’t speak in her defense. Only her smart and successful lawyer-brother got Jayden off the hook. He got his investigators on the case and found damning evidence against Warren that also cleared Jayden. Still, for a while, she couldn’t find work and wasn’t able to complete her chef’s apprenticeship. She settled for work as a line cook until something better came up. Worse yet, she had been saving for a down-payment on a nice home and now that would have to wait. Adding to her woes, the holidays were approaching and she wanted to be able to celebrate with the siblings she adored and buy them something nice. She didn’t want to be gloomy at Christmas, but Jayden had lost her job, her boyfriend and her home all in one fell swoop. Her sister proved to be her salvation. Janet was happy to have her sister back as a roommate, even though the circumstances were less than ideal.

Janet had worked for the past 3 years with a successful interior design firm. She had been on the fast track to a partnership and that hope was dashed. She didn’t understand why she had been passed over and the job had gone to Linda Johannsen until she caught the blonde giving their boss a blowjob under the mistletoe in the lady’s room at the company Christmas party. Janet stormed out, resigning on the spot. She knew she was good at what she did. She was fully believed that she could build her own clientele, given time. It just meant she would have to delay some of her plans. To make matters worse, after Jayden moved back in with her, her apartment building announced they were going condo within a few months. Even pooling their resources, the girls didn’t have quite enough money. The sisters were in their late 20’s and tired of apartment living, tired of moving but there seemed to be few other options available to them. Even Jonas was unable to find a legal loophole to allow his sisters to stay more than a little while longer. It looked like it would be a bleak holiday for his two sisters and Jonas hoped their shared celebration would at least buoy their spirits.

It was right about then that the final crisis was experienced. Jonas was told by the firm he worked for to represent a client he found totally unethical. He knew the man was guilty of the crimes he was accused of, crimes that were utterly repugnant to the idealistic young attorney. He refused and was summarily dismissed. At first it seemed as if he was blacklisted, but that didn’t last. He was just too good an attorney for someone not to hire him but it would take a while to make the kind of money he had been making sex hikayeleri before. Jonas decided that he would keep it a secret from the girls until after the holidays so not to spoil theirs with his own troubles. Sadly, someone else dashed that all to hell.

His fiancé was not going to sit around waiting for Jonas’ good fortunes to return. She wanted out and unfortunately, Pepper owned the condominium in which they had been living. She was also quite vocal to all of their friends about what had happened to Jonas and what an idiot he had been to not obey the chain of command. His sisters called him and suggested they all go out, have a great meal and get a bit blitzed. Jonas let out a deep sigh and told them both it sounded like a great idea.

“I never liked that snotty little bitch,” Jayden said as she had dinner with her twins. “You’re too good for her. I always guessed she must have been a terrific fuck to keep you interested.” Jonas’ guffaw was so loud that people’s heads turned.

“Just like you were too good for Warren,” Jonas smiled back.

“Well, duhh,” Jayden laughed along. It appeared as if Warren would be going to jail for a long, long time thanks to her brother’s hard work, but the betrayal still stung.

“Our top priority should be new housing. We all need a new place to live,” Jonas smiled and nodded at their waitress to bring him another drink. She was a pretty young thing about 19 with a nice figure. Had he not still be smarting over his recent breakup with Pepper, he would have asked for the girl’s number. “Do the two of you have any leads?”

“Nothing we like and what we like, we can’t afford,” Janet sighed. She had noticed her brother eying the girl and agreed with him. The sunny little redhead was quite attractive.

“I have a solution, if you two are interested,” Jonas smiled at his twins. The girls leaned forward and for the first time in days, pretty smiles crossed their faces. “I’m still making pretty good money and you two are slowly getting back on your feet. We won’t have to dip into our savings to survive. Why don’t we pool our resources and buy a house together? If we do that, I just bet that not only can we afford the down payment, we can actually afford a lot more than that.”

Janet and Jayden looked at each other and then back at their brother. “That would hardly be fair to you,” Jayden spoke for the pair. “You make a lot more money than we do.”

“Like I give a damn about that,” Jonas smiled. “I just want the three of us to be happy. We can find a nice place and the two of you can contribute whatever you can, plus you can cook and decorate the place — two things at which I suck. I’m handy with tools and can handle all the legal work, so that will save us more money. With the two of you cooking and cleaning, it won’t look like a bachelor pad and I’ll eat decently. Come on girls, you know this is the best solution you’re likely going to find.”

The sisters both smiled and threw their arms around their brother. Handsome Jonas to the rescue again. It’d been like that since they were kids and probably always would be. He was their big brother and protector and he actually relished that role.

With Janet’s resources and contacts from her interior design work, it didn’t take them long to find a nice place. It was quite spacious, although it needed some work. They bought it on the spot because they were able to buy it for a very good price and pay off more than half of the mortgage. Janet and Jayden did a lot of the painting and interior work while Jonas, who was handy with tools and in gardening, tended to all of those details. In three months, the results became very noticeable. The triplets had a beautiful home in which they could quite easily live. Even their hard-to-please parents gave their grudging approval, which would have been raves from anyone else.

They had been living for about a month when things changed for the triplets. Jonas was in his bedroom reading when Janet knocked on his door. She entered and sat on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a robe to keep away the chilly night air. “I have a small problem,” his sister said to Jonas as she reached out and touched his face gently. “With you living here, I keep remembering that night.”

Jonas remembered “that night” all too well. Sometimes with regret and many times, with passion. His sister and he had done what many would have considered unthinkable. They had both been having horrible luck with the young women and young men they were dating. They talked and cried and before too long, it happened. Janet and her brother porno hikayeleri had slept together and been each other’s first. It had been intimate and sweet and loving, there had been no coercion and both were totally sober at the time. It was something that had happened at the moment and a few times after before they ended it just as it had begun.

“I remember,” he said softly. “It was an unforgettable time. You were the most special lover of all and remain so.”

She nodded. “For me as well and I’ve never forgotten the way you felt and how special it was to be with you. How you held me and made me feel treasured. No other man has been that close to me, not ever.” She shrugged and the robe fell away to reveal that she was wearing a beautiful black teddy. With her beautiful tanned skin and blonde hair, she was sexier than ever. “I want us to be close again, in that way. I want us to be lovers again. We’ve always been there for each other and I need you again. I can’t be so close to you and not have you. Can we please make love again and share the passion we felt that night?”

“Not without me you don’t.”

The two of them turned to see Jayden standing in the doorway in lovely mauve lingerie and heels. “I’ve known about this for years — how could I not? For months, you kept smiling at each other and you’d hold hands when you thought that no one was looking. I’ve always been a bit hurt you didn’t include me that evening, haven’t we always shared everything?” She walked towards the bed and touched both of their beautiful faces. “I don’t know just what I would have done back then, but it would have been nice to have been asked.” Her siblings both looked at her and then the two women looked at Jonas. This really was his decision and he was the one in control in many ways.

He looked at his sisters. “I love you both, but we have to be clear on this. Both of you know that this is very risky and illegal. No one could ever know we’re doing this — NO one!” The girls smiled at him and nodded. Jonas looked at both of his sisters who were both beautiful and unique in their own ways. He shifted over in the bed and made room for the both of them.

Janet got in first as this had been her idea. She started kissing him with the passion she had felt all those years ago. To his surprise, Jayden did not approach her brother first, but instead, her hands began to gently touch Janet’s body. “I’ve always been curious about other women,” she said as if she had been reading Jonas’ mind. “In this room, tonight — who will know but the three of us? We can let our imaginations run wild and fulfill all of our fantasies.”

Janet smiled and nodded at her sister. She had always kept parts of her world to herself, not sharing them with her siblings. One of the secrets she held close was that she had experienced many other women over the intervening years. She kissed Jayden back and moved closer to Jonas on one side while her sister neared him on the other. Jonas knew that they probably shouldn’t be doing this. That many would say this was incest and wrong. He knew that was right be he also knew that he loved these two women more than anyone else on earth. They had shared everything all of their lives and been part of each other. This relationship would likely work for them. Jayden was kissing his chest while Janet was tugging off his PJ bottoms. As soon as they were gone, Janet had his cock in her mouth. She still knew what he liked and the years she had been with others had served her well. He let his sister suck on his cock while he got familiar with Jayden. She kissed a bit differently than their sister; she seemed to like it with a bit more intensity. Jonas dearly hoped that this wasn’t just some wacked out dream from which he would wake up at any moment.

Jayden looked down at her gorgeous blonde sister and saw the size of the cock she was sucking. She had seen men bigger than her brother, although Jonas certainly was of an impressive girth. It had been too long since Jayden had enjoyed a good fuck. Jayden knew it was important for Janet to rekindle the fire she had once shared with their brother but she wasn’t going to be left out. Not ever again. Jonas meant the world to her, they both did and being here with them tonight, it all felt right.

Jonas loved both of his sisters and he had always felt a bit of regret that they had never shared their intimate secret with Jayden. He was duly thankful that she didn’t seem too upset and smiled as she started kissing her way down his body. When she joined Janet in sucking his cock, Jonas did all that he could to hold seks hikayeleri on. It didn’t work, his cum surged forth and his siblings swallowed his load between them. The two of them kissed and their mouths mashed together while sticky with his cum.

“You’re a wonderful kisser,” Jonas heard Jayden sigh to their sister. Janet nodded and kissed her again.

“I think kissing and loving foreplay are my favorite parts of sex,” Janet said to her sister. “It’s one of the most intimate things two people can share. Jonas loves to kiss too — the first time we kissed as lovers, we just kept doing it over and over again.” For the first time, someone voiced what should have been said a long time ago. “We shouldn’t have excluded you and for that, I’m sorry. It was just such an intimate and spontaneous thing to do and neither of us was sure afterwards how you would react. That first time was such an impulse on our part and the times after we just couldn’t help ourselves. Then it was over and we moved on — or so we thought.”

Jayden stroked the small of her sister’s back under the teddy. “You’re forgiven, but I’m going to want compensation from the pair of you,” she chuckled. “You’re both going to eat me and fuck me and drive me crazy tonight. I’ll probably beg you to stop but don’t you dare! I want as many orgasms as I’m capable of having and I want to be exhausted by the time the sun comes up. Do either of you have a problem with that?”

Jonas’ face wore a wide grin and his blonde sister shook her head. Sex was the menu for the day and if his sisters wanted to make him the main course, who was he to object? They were all single and living under one roof, this might well prove advantageous to all.

Jonas watched with great pleasure as his two sexy sisters undressed each other and began to put on a very sensual lesbian scenario for him. He was sure that Janet had been with women before, it just seemed like the kind of thing she would do. The differences in their bodies were highlighted as the taller, slightly darker Jayden rolled on top of the smaller, blonde Janet. The one thing Jonas did not see in either young woman was any self-consciousness on their part. They loved and kissed and touched and seemed to be continually aware the brother they both adored was present. They both looked back at him and flashed smiles as their bodies meshed together. Janet was leading their sister down the correct path, but only just. Jayden seemed to be learning the ropes in a very timely fashion.

Once their lust for each other had been sated, the two nympho sluts, as they happily thought of themselves, turned their attentions to their incredibly sexy brother. Jayden sampled the cock that Janet had so eagerly sucked and Janet got some more loving licks from Jonas’ talented tongue. Both of his sisters wanted to be fucked, so Jonas thought of a clever solution. He let Janet go first and had Jayden time her — no more than 5 minutes. Then it was Jayden’s turn and she was accorded the same rights. Jonas felt as if his cock might burst and did his best to control his urges. He knew that too much was riding on this to let anything screw it up. Once Jayden had her turn, he suggested the girls get on all fours. He fucked them alternately and told them to kiss and play with each other while he did so. It took some of the pressure off of him and he was able to slow down a bit and avoid cumming too soon. It was working out rather nicely because the girls seemed almost as into each other as they were into him. Jonas loved fucking them both and hoped that neither of them would ever ask the question who was better. He did have an answer, but he wasn’t ever going to be stupid enough to voice it aloud.

The trio of incestuous lovers were quite able to fuck until dawn, as Jayden had requested. Then, the exhausted triplets slept until noon. Jonas was the first to rise and he went downstairs to prepare a nice brunch for all of them. He thought he might well have fucked them both out because it was nearly 1 AM before they came down to join him. Both had smiles on their faces, although they were a bit bleary-eyed as well.

As they prepared for the arrival of their parents, smiles were on the faces of all the triplets. Nearly a year had passed and Jonas was pleasantly surprised that the passion and the novelty of fucking each other still had not worn off. He was happy at his work and his colleagues noticed, telling him that he was likely on the fast track to a partnership in his new firm. Jayden was happy at home and she had stopped looking so tired and weather-beaten. With the support of her family, she had also decided to return to culinary school part-time to achieve her diploma as a pastry chef. Janet was the happiest of them all and couldn’t wait to share with her twins the happy little secret that would start the New Year off with a bang.

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