Hanson House Ch. 03

13 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Over the weekend Amanda thought a lot about what had happened in Mistress Rose’s office. The sexual part had been incredible. Was sex like that all the time? Was it better to have sex with another woman? Should Amanda start to think of herself as bi-sexual or maybe even a lesbian? She’d been used by an older woman for her needs and Amanda had found it so easy and the pleasure so ecstatic. There could be no doubt for Amanda that she was naturally inclined towards submission and service.

Amanda found it hard to concentrate on her academic work that weekend but she did her best. Those good study habits held her in good stead and she was grateful for that.

Sunday evening, however, was interrupted when all the second year female students were ordered to the main hall. They were directed to the middle, standing in a wide circle. Some of the instructors were there and all the students guessed that something special was about to happen.

Suddenly there was a small commotion outside the circle. A small group was pushing its way through. Amanda could see it was four of the male attendants and one of the female students.

“Its Mona,” gasped the girl standing next to her. Amanda saw it was a small woman, south Asian and with lovely dark brown skin. She was totally naked and Amanda could see her small breasts and their long, dark nipples. Her hair was cut quite short and Amanda thought she looked rather pretty.

It was obvious Mona had been through some kind of ordeal.

“Its her punishment,” one of the students muttered knowingly. “They let the older boys have her.”


“She’s being dealt with harshly,” said a male voice. An instructor. “In the third year common room. Four of the older boys were told to use her mouth. They face fucked her in front of the whole year and shot their cum onto her face.”

Amanda was close enough to see it was true. There were crusty lumps on Mona’s face and her breasts. Amanda had seen enough porn to recognise drying male cum on a woman’s skin. Judging by the look on poor Mona’s face she had been treated very badly indeed.

Mona was taken to the middle of the circle and forced to her knees. She looked a little afraid and Amanda supposed she had every right to be.

The four attendants took up positions around Mona. Amanda looked on as all four opened their trousers and drew out their cocks. At the sight of it Mona whimpered a little. She obviously knew what was intended for her.

An order was called out and all four attendants took hold of their cocks. Amanda supposed she should observe their cocks for she had precious little experience in that regard.

Then one of the attendants began to urinate. Quickly the others joined in. There was a lot of piss and Amanda realised, with a sort of horror, that görükle escort all of it was aimed at Mona. There were gasps and stifled cries all around the circle. None of the young women had ever witnessed such a thing before.

The attendants were aiming deliberately. Four fountains of piss were arcing up into the air and falling onto the helpless pupil. Amanda could hear the sound of piss falling onto Mona’s head and her face and her shoulders. There was so much golden piss and Amanda was so close she was sure she could smell it.

Mona was being showered in piss, soaked by the four men. Every last drop was deposited onto the poor young woman. As the force of their streams subsided each of the attendants stepped closer to Mona and continued to aim their dwindling streams onto her forehead and cheeks.

It was the most public degradation that any of the students could imagine. Mona had stayed still, on her knees, throughout and they all could hear her quiet sobs. The attendants put their cocks back inside their trousers. A voice thanked them for “assisting” and without another word they left the main hall.

One of the senior instructors stepped onto a low platform and began to speak.

“You have just witnessed one of your fellow pupils being degraded publicly. The Board sanctioned this punishment because this pupil had failed to maintain the standards expected of you all. I suppose most of you know, but her breach was to ignore the instructions given to her class this week to perform homework tasks.”

Amanda wanted to know what that was about. Someone whispered in reply. “She was in ‘anal’. They were supposed to use their butt plugs each night and Mona didn’t get herself ready for the final class.” Amanda took special note of that. She knew she was rostered for “anal” in the coming week. Butt plugs didn’t sound pleasant but Amanda would not fail to do her homework.

The speaker went on. “The Board decided on this punishment as an example to you of the importance of meeting the standards of Hanson House. We do not treat all breaches in this way. You are students and we expect you to make mistakes. But do not think you will get off lightly if you choose to ignore the commands of your instructors. Remember that obedience and service are the key to what you will achieve here and in your future life.”

While this was going on Mona was left kneeling in the middle of a large puddle of piss. Amanda really could smell it and it wasn’t pleasant at all. Much the worse for Mona who was covered in it. The attendants returned with mops and buckets to start cleaning up the mess. One of them roughly pulled Mona to her feet and the hapless student was led from the hall with every pair of eyes staring at her.

With that, the entire group was dismissed. görükle escort bayan Everyone headed off to dinner, still muttering amongst themselves. Amanda fell in with Grace and another student, Julia. Of course they spoke of the scene they had just witnessed.

“I knew some of the classes would be challenging,” said Amanda. “But if that is what the ‘piss’ class is about then I am not sure I should have chosen that as an elective.”

“You can relax,” spoke a woman instructor close by. “Piss play is rarely so brutal except for very experienced submissives. We always expect the person giving the shower, man or woman, to prepare themselves. Because it was a punishment the attendants didn’t have to make their piss nice and clear. So Mona got the full treatment with all the taste and smell.”

“I see…” Amanda muttered quietly, not really understanding at all.

“Mind you,” continued the instructor, Mistress Paula, “I can tell you from my own experience its not all bad having several dominants pissing on you all at once.” Amanda saw the big smile on her face. It was clear Mistress Paula had had a very enjoyable experience at one point. Amanda wondered if it could have been because she had been pissed on as Mona had been. Or maybe it was simply that Mistress Paula herself knew the contentment of service and obedience. Amanda wondered how long she would need to wait until she experienced that properly for herself.

That night a few of the instructors sat at the tables with the students. Some of the young women were keen to question the older women. Amanda was one of those who were most curious.

“Are the punishments always like that?”

“Oh no,” replied Mistress Candace. “In fact, Mona was given a choice of punishments. The alternative was a heavy caning that would draw blood.” At that news the students gasped in dismay.

Grace wanted to know if it was true that Mona had also been given to the third year males. Mistress Candace confirmed that it was.

“The male students have to learn how to give out punishments. I wasn’t there myself but I am told the four who were chosen did a very fine job. It was in the final year common room and all the third year boys were there. They were very rough and made Mona choke and gag with their cocks. It did look to me that they had given her a lot of their cum on her face as well. One of her eyes was red and painful from some semen landing in there.”

“Mistress,” asked another student. “If the boys at Hanson House are training to be dominants, what about males learning to be submissives like us?”

“That is all done at our partner college, Chalmers House. The male students there have it much tougher than you do. Even the talented ones have to be broken mentally before they can properly bursa escort serve as a submissive. I taught there for a short time. The young women there can be hesitant at first. But let me tell you that they soon learn to be very cruel.”

Amanda wanted to know about the attendants. “Mistress, we’re not supposed to have sex. I know eventually the older boys can make use of us sexually. Since the attendants help to give out punishments does that mean they will be allowed to use us as well?”

“Girls, the main thing is to always observe the rule about your virginity. Nothing is more important than making it to graduation with your cunt having never experienced a cock.” Candace looked at the students and they all nodded to show they understood.

“As you have been told, that’s about discipline and self-control. But all the staff know we can’t let you loose after graduation without experience with cocks. Even if you will end up with a female as your dominant you still need some expertise with handling cocks.”

“Which is why the older students and the attendants are part of our training.”

The Mistress nodded her head. “Part of your training needs those older boys to participate. They need to learn as well. What happens between the female students and the male students is tightly controlled by the staff. The attendants are a different matter. Next year the attendants will be allowed to use you. On every weekend the third year females are required to give sexual service to the attendants. Whatever and whenever they want.”

Amanda found herself smiling at the prospect. She noticed a couple of the other women were looking a little disconcerted.

“There are still rules about what they can do,” Mistress Candace assured them.

“They can’t use our cunts.”

“That is correct. At least they cannot use your cunt for their cocks. Fingers are acceptable. Also, remember they can put their cocks in any other place. That is why you need to follow your training and always do your homework. You don’t want to get to third year and discover you still cannot perform anally.”

The students all murmured in agreement. Most of them were already desperate to find out about cocks and how it would feel to take a man’s weapon inside their holes. Their pity for poor Mona had lessened considerably.

“What they did to Mona was for her own good obviously,” said one of the students. Again everyone nodded and murmured in agreement.

“It was a penance,” said Mistress Candace. “At the same time it was another act of submission. Mona fell short in her studies but she still wanted to obey the staff and to give what service was demanded. So she took her punishment. And now you all know the penalties.”

With that, the meal continued in relative quiet. The scene they had all witnessed was still strong in their minds.

That night the students went to bed with a mixture of thoughts. Some prayed they’d never have to endure the kind of thing Mona had suffered. A few, however, lay awake imagining it was they who’d experienced such degradation.

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