Growing Up Ch. 02

3 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Driving into the city on a Sunday was not something that was normal for me. I say city and you think of New York City or Los Angeles but growing up on a farm where the nearest town has the population of 350 people then going to a place where 150 thousand people live, well that automatically classifies that place as a city.

My girlfriend had just gotten her own apartment. Janie had moved out of her mother’s house to live closer to campus. She would be starting her sophomore year at the local University so living at home just would not do.

I call Janie my girlfriend but let me clear that up. Janie was one of the daughters of my grandfather’s girlfriend. I had known her for years now, of the two daughters I was closest with her.

Many visits to her home growing up while my grandfather and her mother did the dating thing I would stay up with her for hours at a time late into the night talking about nothing and everything. She would talk and I would listen. I never, ever thought of making a move on her of any kind. Janie was my big sister\girl-friend.

Many of the stories that she would tell me would be about her daily experiences with boys\men. As she spoke I would imagine that the male interest of the story was after me not her. But again this was the 70’s, a different time. I had to act like she was helping me with my “get the girl skills” when in reality I was living my fantasies through her experiences. But today making that drive to see her would turn out to be very different.

Knocking on her door Janie opened the door and immediately her eyes went wide, her mouth dropped open. “David,” she would yell out. “What are you doing here?!” she would ask, so excited to see me. “Hi slut,” I would respond. We both instantly began to laugh. It felt good to be loved and I knew that in a big sister way Janie loved me.

I walked in and looked around at all the boxes asking her if I could help her. “Of course!” she happily replied. Helping her unpack I kept trying to figure out how to move the conversation to where I needed it to go. The reason I was there was because I needed help and I didn’t have anyone else in the world that could possibly understand what I was about to ask. Understand? Looking back today, I didn’t have anyone that would “want” to help me.

The day moved on and we finally got her little one bedroom apartment unpacked. We would walk to the local pizza place as I listened to her go on about her daily dramas. After picking up a pizza we headed back to her apartment. “So come on, spill it”, she would say. As usual Janie always knew when something was bothering me.

Without knowing how to begin, “I met someone”, I blurted out. “I knew it!” she would say as she gave me that big wonderful smile of hers. Then she reached out placing her small hand on my hand to steady me as she spoke. “Well go on, don’t be an ass. Spill it.”

The next 5 seconds were biblical because it felt like a fucking eternity before I could speak again. Taking a deep breath I asked facetiously, “Janie you know I love you and you are my best friend right?” Taking her hand from mine Janie picked up her slice of pizza and started eating all the while staring at me like she was waiting for her favorite show to begin.

“Please, please don’t break my heart. I need to know that I can trust you.” I would say looking at her with what must’ve been the most pitiful look ever made. “Fuck off Davy, c’mon, really?” she replied with a stern look on her face. “Just say it David.”

“His name is Martin.”

Yeah’ the moment the proverbial pin hit the floor.

Janie stopped moving. A mouthful of pizza, drink in one hand she was just staring at me. Then suddenly it was like a bomb had exploded. Janie runs to the trash can and just spits out her pizza. Turns and looks at me. My head was racing. What have I done was all I could think of. What have I done?

“I KNEW IT!” Janie screamed out scaring the hell out of me. “I knew it, I knew it, I fucking knew it!!” she would say over and over and over. I sat there eyes wide, mouth closed and heart racing. I had no clue which direction this was going to go but even now I remember that feeling of “Oh fuck. What. Have. I. Done.”

Then just like that Janie runs up to me and jumps onto my lap straddling me and hugging me so hard around my neck that I thought she was going to kill me. She leaned back and gave me a huge kiss (No tongue, get your mind out of the gutter). I remember thinking again, “ok, what the fuck?” mecidiyeköy escort Janie just laughed, “I always knew you were gay!” she yelled out in a loud, happy voice.

Dumbfounded with what must’ve been the stupidest look on anyone’s face I asked, “What the fuck do you mean you always knew I was gay?” Then just like that she reeled off example after example of situations where she claims that if I liked girls I would’ve reacted differently to each situation. But the biggest example had just happened months earlier.

She had convinced me to play a game of strip poker. Janie was always like that. She would always come up with all these off the wall ideas. It’s one of the beautiful things about her that I loved so much. She was always so spontaneous. I had beaten her at strip poker that boring night, although now she was confessing that she let me win.

After she took off her bra and panties instead of trying to check out her boobs and her twinkie, I was carrying on about how I was the best strip poker player ever and no way could she ever beat me. Sitting there listening to her I started to realize that I did look at her body but I didn’t look at her body. Confusing? Yes, but it made sense to me then.

Janie wanted to know everything. So I started telling her everything from first meeting him months before. How he was so easy to talk to and how we connected. Then how I had embarrassed myself by ogling him and how I tried to ignore him but couldn’t stop thinking about him. Finally to the events of yesterday.

I stopped at the part where he unloaded in my mouth and it spilled out everywhere and how I finished by cleaning him. How I licked the shaft of his cock clean.

I paused then slowly, reached out. I put my finger tip on the bottom of her chin then gently, pushed up. Closing her mouth.

Then I continued, telling her what happened next.

You see after lying in Martins arms for a while and listening to him talk he slid his hand under my shirt and was playing with my nipple. I was just lying there, eyes closed and I could feel my heart start to beat harder. My breathing was deeper. Then he slid his hand to my other nipple. Rolling my nipple between his fingers and gently caressing my small but now swollen areola.

Now he was slowly pushing my t-shirt up and over my head then tossing it on the floor. Martin would gently roll me over on to my back then he rose up on to his elbow staring down at me. Without saying a word he dropped his mouth on to my areola. Taking it in his mouth. Suckling it slowly and gently allowing his teeth to gently nip at my nipple before rolling it around with his tongue.

As I mentioned before my areola around my nipple would swell and puff up creating a small breast if you will. Understand that my areola is a about two inches in diameter with my nipple sitting in the middle like some sort of prize. At the time I always thought of my nipples as deformed because I had never seen anyone with this type of guy boob. None of my friends had them so I thought I was deformed. I would find out later that this is considered a very sexy quality. But again, I was 18, what did I know?

Martin must of loved them because he would take one areola then the other as if he was trying to keep them from becoming jealous of one another. It seemed like forever as he gently, slowly took his time suckling my breast. Then he stopped. “This is new to me David but there are some things that I need to tell you” he would say. I took a big swallow trying to get my heart out of my throat and back in my chest. I just nodded and he continued to speak.

Martin laid out his rules for me except he didn’t call them rules. It’s only now that I look back at that day that I realize that they were in fact a set of rules. Then one by one I told Janie what was expected of me. She sat there listening to me very closely and when I finished she let out a big sigh. “Wow”, was all she could say.

“Davy he wants a girl” she would say. “But I’m not a girl.” I replied suddenly sadden by the direction of the conversation. I think Janie could sense my sadness because her whole attitude changed.

“Well let’s get to work” she said. “Is he important to you?” she asked. I nodded then said softly, “Yes.” She smiled then kissed the top of my head as she was getting up. “By the time I’m done with you he’s going to piss himself” she said and we both laughed.

Without going into too much detail the rest etiler escort of the afternoon was just one event after another. I had a crash course on so many things that were just so crazy to me. I was 18 years old and didn’t even shave my face on a regular basis and now here I was learning how to shave my legs? Not just my legs…

“So after he turned you over. Did he just stop everything to tell you what he expected from you?” Janie asked.

“No”, I replied.

You see after I got my “rules,” Martin dropped his mouth on mine and kissed me. A soft deep kiss. He would gently push his tongue in my mouth and lightly flicker his tongue against mine before pushing it deeper into my mouth. Then he would just as quickly slide his tongue back out of my mouth and suckle my bottom lip.

Martin kissed me for what seemed like forever. He stopped. Glancing down he could see the bulge growing in my pants. I admit to being only slightly average in my size but what was happening to me had me so turned on that I felt like I was going to explode any second.

Martin started to undo my pants but before sliding my jeans off he rolled me on my side facing away from him and jerked my pants down to my knees. There I was laying on my side with my ass exposed to him. Then what he did next almost made me jump out of my skin. Martin kissed the back of my neck. Slowly, softly. Just like he had kissed my areolas and my lips.

Rolling me on to my stomach he slowly started kissing me down my back. Each time his lips touched my skin I would spasm then as he pulled his lips back he would gently flicker his tongue against my skin ever so slightly. That would make me shudder. Slowly he made his way down until he had reached the small of my back.

The part of your back that curves just as it connects with the top of your hips. Again following his pattern he gently kissed the top of my ass until her reached the split that divides my ass.

Then he pushed my ass together as he gently kissed both sides of my ass. At that point I had lost all touch with reality I could feel myself breathing heavy almost panting. His mouth on my body was making me insane. Moving up and straddling me I could feel his thick cock now laying on the split of my ass. The head of his cock resting at the top of the split. Martin leaned into my ear, “Lick my hand”, he whispered as he leaned his face to mine. Opening my eyes I could see his hand in front of my mouth.

I licked his hand. “No, not like that. Make it wet like when you were sucking my cock.” He growled. Gathering all the saliva in my mouth together I slobbered onto his hand. “Good babe, good” he growled again. What I didn’t know was that he was rubbing all my drool onto his cock lubing it up. But, again, at that time what did I know.

Then I felt it. He pushed his cock between my ass cheeks pushing them apart. Oh my god no, was all I could think to myself. Then I felt the wet, slobber coated head of his cock slip past my asshole, then his shaft until I could feel the head of his cock nudging against my balls.

Straddling my body his legs on either side of me he started sliding his cock back and forth between my ass cheeks. Without warning he dropped his mouth onto my neck and started kissing it wildly. Martin was fucking me but he wasn’t. I was so confused yet I was so turned on.

That thick wonderful shaft pushing my ass cheeks apart and gliding against my asshole. I started aching. I knew that thick shaft would hurt but I wanted him inside me. I needed him inside me.

This went on for what seemed like forever then he stopped as he got off of me and turned me on my back. Martin was straddling my face now and before I even knew what was happening that fat cock head was in my mouth again.

Dumping his cum in my mouth, again. “Swallow!” he growled. Again I swallowed. I swallowed until I couldn’t swallow any more feeling his sperm slide out of my mouth and down the sides of my face.

I read stories all the time where the author writes, “He shoved his cock down my throat.” “I felt his cock slide down my throat as he shot his wad down my throat.” Yeah I call bullshit. Being able to control your gag reflexes takes time to learn. Plus a cock as thick as Martins would never fit down anyone’s throat much less the throat of someone that had only moments earlier sucked his first cock.

Martin was pinning that fat cock head deep in my mouth. The only reason that fat cock wasn’t choking kağıthane escort me was because it was too thick to push into my throat. His semen on the other hand, that was a different story. My eyes were wide as I was looking up at him. That fat cock shoved in my mouth, Martin grunting unloading his semen into my mouth and that semen was chocking me.

Finally no more cum and Martin climbed off of me. He lay there next to me. I was in shock. What just happened I thought to myself? Gurgling cum, trying to breath confused with cum down the sides of my face.

Martin lying there breathing hard, his arm across his face. I was in a daze. One minute he’s so gentle and the next he’s choking me. I couldn’t breathe the entire time. I felt as if I was going to pass out. His cum was just spilling out of my mouth all over my cheeks.

I looked up as I finished telling the last part to Janie, she was crying. Janie reached out and wrapped her arms around me. Then suddenly it hit me. I was crying too…I continued telling her the rest.

After I got my bearings back I rolled out of bed stumbling as I pulled up my pants then heading to the bathroom coughing up semen. I finally made it to the bathroom sink, turning the water on. I just stood there doubled over with my hands on the sides of the sink and my face buried in it as the cool water washed over the side of my face.

I was finally able to raise up and I saw myself in the mirror. I had tears rolling down the sides of my face and Martins cum down the side of my cheek. Reaching down I washed my face coughing occasionally trying to clear my throat. Taking the towel and drying my face off I looked up and there was Martin standing in the doorway.

“You ok?” he would ask. I nodded yes but I wasn’t ok. I was falling for him and it was not easy for me to find fault in him. “I’m fine” I stammered out as I started to regain my composure. “You just caught me by surprise that’s all.” Martin took in a deep breath as he walked away back into his room.

I finished cleaning up and getting myself together then walked back out to his room. He had already put on his pants and was putting on his shoes. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “No I’m good” I said as I leaned against the bathroom doorway. “I think I’m going to go home if that’s ok?” I asked. “Sure babe'” Martin replied. “Will I see you later? I’m going into town to get some food, I can pick you up something,” he continued.

Again I told Martin that I was good and I was just going to go home for the day and I would see him later. Martin looked at me with a concerned look on his face and he wanted to know if he had done something wrong. Of course he done something wrong but again I couldn’t bring myself to say anything because deep down I didn’t want him to stop being with me. Whatever being with me meant.

Janie was just staring at me as I finished by telling her that I went home and I went to bed mid-afternoon. Only getting out of bed to go to the bathroom and snack from time to time. Then this morning I got up and drove to see her. Janie finally spoke and told me that she was with me if I wanted to go through with this. But she wanted to know if I thought Martin would hurt me. I told her that I could not believe that he would hurt me. I told her that until that last moment with him he had never been aggressive with me.

Once I had convinced her that I was ok and that I wanted to go through with this Janie being the big sister that she is or was looked at me and said we had stuff to do and stuff to buy if I was going to do as I was told.

What I didn’t realize then, looking back today, I finally understand why Janie gave in and decided to help me. It wasn’t because she wanted me to go along with the “rules.” It was because Martin scared her. She didn’t want him to get upset with me and hurt me because I didn’t understand how to do the things that he wanted.

So it was an afternoon of lessons of personal hygiene for someone that was about to cross over into another world. Then shopping for supplies to do the things that I was going to have to do.

At 18 I grew to appreciate women in a profound way. The things that women have to do to make sure that everything is clean and just right for their man is crazy.

But I wanted everything to be perfect the first time Martin fucked me. Despite the last event of the day before. I very much wanted to belong to Martin. I wanted to make him happy. I knew it was going to be painful and hopefully with Janie’s advice and her preparing me, the first time wouldn’t just be painful but enjoyable.

As we were walking out the door that warm, summer Sunday evening to go get my supplies Janie started giggling. “What?” I asked. Janie turned and looked at me with that devilish grin of hers and whispered, “Who’s the slut now?”

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