Good Girl Ch. 05: The Consult

26 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Four days after my night with Lucas, I received a message at dawn.

(Mommy) I’ll be there in an hour. Wash up but don’t get dressed

I never felt inclined to ask questions. They simply never crossed my mind. I often had curiosities, but I simply obeyed.

I was naked, brushing my hair in the mirror when suddenly she appeared. I screamed as she startled me. I was lost in thought and I didn’t hear her come in.

She never knocked when she stopped ny. After all, it was her house.

“Did you like the pictures from the photo shoot? I think they turned out great,” she asked.

“I saw you looking at them,” she followed.

I looked at her puzzled.

“Oh, princess. I see everything you look at online,” she revealed.

Of course she did.

“Even when you used to tug your little clit to sissy smut while I was away,” she said amused.

“Did you know I was wearing your clothes back then too?” I asked. An uncharacteristic question from me, but she permitted it.

She tilted her head and laughed as she caressed my low back with her fingers, “Oh sweet girl, those were never my clothes. I left those for you. I knew you wouldn’t resist.”

She moved behind me and started to examine my form in the mirror. I watched her reflection trying to read her expressions. She ran her hands up my sides and up to my chest.

I had goosebumps from head to toe. My nipples had become increasingly sensitive, almost tender at times.

She smiled at me in the mirror and said, “follow me, princess.”

I trailed her into the bedroom. Stopping at the bed, she tapped them mattress, and said, “lay down, on your back”.

I did as she said. She sat on the edge beside me and said, “now close your eyes, relax, and don’t move.”

I closed my eyes, laid motionless, and waited. I felt her playing with my cage for a second and then heard a loud snap. I felt the cage break away. For the first time since I had found the pink trap Daddy set for me, my little clitty was exposed.

I felt more naked than I had in months. Mommy began to caress me with her index finger and I shivered. It felt amazing, but it didn’t respond to the stimulation.

I wanted to open my eyes and read her face, but I remained obedient and still.

Her hand moved to my hip and she rolled me to my stomach. I felt her stand up and move about the room before returning to where I laid, motionless.

She gave me a few quick pats on my ass and commanded, “put that sweet ass in the air and show Mommy your pussy, slut”.

I pulled my knees up under me and spready my legs wide. I could still perform splits from my days in gymnastics, dance. I had flexibility but no strength, I learned then. I had always wanted to try out for cheer. I could have been good at it, but only if I had a girl back then.

I reached my hands back and spread my ass, proudly displaying myself for her further inspection.

“My, my”, she said, “I can see why you’re so popular,” she admired.

Then I felt the familiar slick, wet head of my favorite dildo pop into me.

Her hands moved to my small waist. A surge of emotion raced through me and my heart pounded in my chest.

She slid the length of it into me as I rocked back to meet her.

She said, “be still, sweetie. This is for me, not you.”

She was fucking me slowly and gently, not how I was used to taking cock. I realized she was searching for my sweet spot. And, then she found it.

She knew she did by my reaction.

“Yes, Mommy,” I sighed.

She was locked on target and began to pump way at it.

In seconds, my body began to shake. Her right hand moved from my waist and found my clitty flopping beneath me. She held it between her thumb and index, giving it a few gentle tugs.

I cried out and she quickly moved her left hand down beneath me to catch the mess before it landed on the comforter.

She pulled out promptly and said, “Be a good girl and lick up your mess.”

I lapped at her palm and sucked her fingers clean. I swallowed and showed her my tongue, to her approval.

She looked down at my limp, wet clitty. She was pleased. As she unbuckled her harness it fell to the floor. She instructed me to tidy up the room and walked to the closet while I straightened the bedspread. I was cleaning my prized dildo when she returned with a dress and sandals.

Laying them on the bed, she turned back to me and she said, “Then get dressed. You have an appointment today.”

When I was dressed in the attire she picked, I followed her out to her car. We were heading toward the day spa and I thought of how great Evan’s hands felt… and how I made his cock hard.

I never had my house-call. Hopefully he would be there today. Except, we passed by the spa. I looked at Mommy and she reached over and rubbed my thigh under the dress skirt.

I sat back, stared out the window, and imagined how my session with Evan would have ended this time.

Before long, we pulled into a plaza full of office buildings. I was not familiar with this part of town. We pulled Konya travesti into a parking spot in front of a medical office and Mommy stopped the engine.

She turned to me and said, “This is my dear friend Laura’s office. She knows everything about you. Don’t be nervous. You can talk to her openly, princess.”

Then she stepped out of the car and held my hand as she walked me inside.

“Hello Miss Anne,” the receptionist said as we entered, “I have all the forms you completed online. I just need a few signatures.”

She handed Mommy a clipboard and pen. There was a legal document which Mommy explained gave permission for her to speak with Dr. Laura about me. I confirmed the statements with my signature at the bottom.

On the second form, I gave my permission for Dr. Laura to request medical records about me or to share medical records. I signed it too.

The last form gave permission for others to make medical decisions on my behalf. Two names were listed: my mother’s and Mommy’s. I nuzzled her arm, kissed her shoulder, and signed the form.

“Good girl,” she said softly.

“Dr. Laura is ready for you. Please come with me”, the receptionist’s voice broke the moment.

She handed me a patient gown as she ushered me into a changing room, “Please remove your clothes and put the gown on with the opening in the back. Open the door when you are done.”

When I was changed, we continued down the hall.

We walked back to a room that wasn’t furnished like an exam room except for a table in the middle with stirrups. It was covered in paper.

Dr. Laura was standing in front of a laptop stand when we entered.

“Mistress Anne, it’s always wonderful to see you,” she said.

Dr. Laura kissed her on the cheek as they shared a quick hug.

“This must be Jasmine about whom I’m heard so much,” she said smiling warmly at me. “Perhaps we should sit for a moment and talk,” the doctor gestured at a sofa.

I held Mommy’s hand as we sat.

Dr. Laura turned to me and leaned forward, “Jasmine, Mistress Anne has told me all about your progress. I can see why she is so very proud of you.”

“We are here today to discuss your continued progress. Mistress Anne wants dearly to help you achieve the best version of yourself. She knows you’ve thought a lot about it. We would like to hear what that vision looks like for you.”

I nodded, “Yes, ma’am. I understand.”

Dr. Laura smiled at Mommy, “She’s so precious, Mistress.”

“Jasmine, follow me,” Dr. Laura directed.

We walked across the room toward a full-length mirror.

She guided me by my shoulders and centered me in front of it. She opened the drawstrings of my gown and then let it fall to the floor.

I stood naked for them in front of the mirror.

Dr. Laura looked me over. “How long has she been on hormone replacement,” she asked.

“We haven’t started a formal hormone replacement program yet,” Mommy replied.

“Jasmine, you are beautiful. But, is there anything you see in the mirror that you don’t like. Is there anything you wish you could change, improve, or enhance. You can be open and honest about your feelings,” Dr. Laura asked me.

I looked at my face and then at Mommy’s face.

“I would love to have fuller lips,” I said softly.

Mommy explained to me that she gets injections in her lips to make them full.

Then she asked Dr. Laura, “we can schedule her for lip filler?”

“Absolutely, we can perform in-office whenever you’re ready,” Dr. Laura said.

I was suddenly excited. This was really happening.

“Anything else?” Dr. Laura asked.

I studied my petite body in the mirror. I knew what I wanted, but I hesitated.

“Good on, princess,” Mommy urged.

“I want more curves,” I said nervously.

“Do you want breasts,” Mommy asked knowingly. She always seemed to know my thoughts.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said looking at my chest.

Dr. Laura said enthusiastically, “I think that’s a great idea. Let’s talk about how you imagine your breasts would look.”

She turned to Mommy and said, “With her proportions, I would recommend between 200 and 300cc for her.”

She turned on a monitor on the wall typed into her laptop. Images of breasts appeared in a grid on the screen.

She said, “The monitor is touchscreen. Jasmine, please touch the image that most closely resembles your ideal breast shape.”

I looked at the images and then myself in the mirror. I felt as if I were being granted wishes from a genie. I made my choice and touched the screen. Another set of images appeared. I considered them and selected again.

The process repeated with various angles and I finished my selections.

“You have very good taste, sweetie,” she said.

She explained to Mommy, “I will schedule her for the procedure. Recovery time would be about four to five weeks.”

Mommy replied, “I have trip scheduled next week, let’s do it the week after.”

“Excellent,” the doctor replied, “We’ll use cohesive gel and still only need to make Konya travestileri a small incision. I don’t expect a discernable scar once she fully heals.”

Dr. Laura moved to the table and lowered it all the way down. “Sweetie, please lay on your back with your feet here,” she tapped on the stirrups.

I mounted the table and settled into it as instructed. She spread the stirrups and stepped between them. With a gloved hand she lifted my limp clitty and examined my bashful testicles.

“When was her last erection,” she asked.

“Nearly three months ago,” Mommy replied, “I’m pretty certain she can’t achieve one now.”

“Well, that’s great. This will be a very simple procedure then. She’s so small that I don’t expect recovery will be more than 4 weeks,” she explained.

I immediately knew what we were discussing.

“She will need to avoid…rigorous activities…during that time. We can discuss the recovery after the procedure. I will order some labs and we can schedule a pre-op and do the procedure that day.” she added.

We returned to the dressing room where they talked outside while I changed. As I exited the room, I heard the doctor tell Mommy, “We can start talking about estradiol and progestin dosage after her lab studies come back”

The conversation ended as I stepped out.

“We’ll see you in a couple weeks then,” Dr. Laura said, “congratulations, Jasmine. I’m so happy for you.”

I clutched Mommy’s arm as we walked to her car. As we pulled away, she asked, “What would you like to do today?”

“I just want to spend the rest of it with you,” I gushed.

She took me to her favorite clothiers and we spent the afternoon in dressing rooms. We sat on a bench in a park downtown and enjoyed the beautiful day. She had me lay on my back with my head in her lap.

I stared at the clouds and thought about how I got here. I realized that she hadn’t been pulling strings and I wasn’t her puppet. She had provided me the opportunity and some guidance to become who I am. She saw me long before I did.

She drove me home in the setting sun. I waved goodbye as she pulled away.

Once inside the house, I turned off the lights, drew a bath with lavender salts, and lit candles around the room.

As I soaked in the tub, I looked at my body and imagined the transformation to come. I looked into the water between my legs. I didn’t see anything and for a moment I lost my senses. I reached down quickly to feel myself as if suddenly my small clitty and balls had vanished.

I had to search for moment. That moment was a strange emotional rollercoaster.

But, I found everything right where it should be. In the water, my balls had nearly completed retreated into me. I could barely feel them.

Is this what I would feel like down there after the procedure? I lavished the thought.

I rolled my clitty between my index finger and thumb. It felt soft, almost rubbery between my fingers. This was the first time I had really touched myself since the night I moved into the house for the summer.

I thought I felt a little smaller. I was a little bit thinner, but the difference was noticeably more so in length. I tried rubbing it like Mommy had before our appointment with Dr. Laura.

There was no response.

In the morning, I awoke to a text:

(Mommy) Wake up sleepy girl. Evan will be there in 10 minutes.

I leaped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I panicked as I saw myself in the mirror.

I thought for a second. What could I get done in 10 minutes?

Then, I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash.

I picked out a soft wet lip gloss and coated my lips. I splashed cold water on my face and patted it dry.

I was wearing a comfortable, slub cotton sleepshirt. On the front, it read, “I’m good in bed” in block letters. The hem stopped short just before the bottom of my ass.

I went to the closet to change into something more intimate, but I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

I made a sudden last minute decision. I ran to the dresser, pulled out a pink jeweled plug, coated it with lube, inserted it, and quickly tiptoed to the door.

I opened it and stood for a moment holding the handle with a flirty stance.

He greeted me first, “Hello, Princess.”

I smiled seductively and said, “I’m glad you’re here. Please…come inside”

He carried his folded massage table inside.

As I started to close the door, I saw Lucas. He was shirtless and glistening in the sun. His dark, rippled muscles shined in the morning sun. He was wearing grey cotton shorts. They were not modest, but what could be with a cock the size he had. It set me on fire.

I blew him a playful kiss and waved. I turned and, before I closed the door behind me, I feinted a morning stretch and arched my back with my arms above my head.

The sleepshirt hem raised giving Lucas a view of the little ass he fucked mercilessly almost a week ago. Amused at my antics, I dropped my arms before Evan turned around.

He Travesti konya asked, “Where do you want me to set up?”

“Oh, right here is fine,” I said pointing at the room in front of the large open window.

He popped the table up into position and covered it with a sheet. He held a second sheet and asked, “Do you want a sheet this time?”

I smiled and pulled my sleepshirt over my head. I stood naked before him and the large window, waiting for further instruction.

He was staring and appeared to forget himself in the moment. I saw the familiar bulge form in his pants. It grew more prominent as it inched sideways toward his pocket.

I could have him right now, I thought. I wanted to feel those hands first.

“Right, um, so lay face down on the table then,” he said awkwardly. He was cute when he was flustered. Older than me by several years and a giant besides, yet still boyish.

I climbed onto the table making certain he had an eyeful of my ass.

I settled myself face down and spread my legs wide to the edge of the table. I asked, “Where would you like to begin?”

I heard him apply oil on his hands and rub them together. Then those wonderful hands went right to my ass. He wasn’t as subtle contacting the jewel this time.

The vibrations through the plug felt great.

I moaned and lifted my butt up to show him my appreciation.

I turned my head to look out the window. Lucas was watching the scene from his front yard. I put on a show for him, biting my grinning bottom lip and rolling my eyes shut.

I wasn’t drifting in and out of sleep this time. I was much more engaged.

Evan finished with my upper thighs and asked, “What would you like me to work on next?”

I rolled over and saw his bulging cock was now pointing up behind the waistband of his pants, pulling them away from his waist.

I stared at it and said, “I’ll tell you if you get naked too. It’s only fair. You’ve seen all of me twice now. I want to see all of you.”

He considered for a moment and then began to lift his shirt. I watched as the towering young man disrobed. When his pants and underwear fell to the floor, I licked my lips. His cock was long like he was tall. It pointed straight out from his pelvis like it was leading a charge.

I smiled at him and laid back on the table. He put more oil on his hands and went to work on my nipples.

His cock continuously poked me as he moved. Where he poked, I felt a cold, wet sensation. He was blotting me with precum.

He apologized, “Oh, sorry.”

I reassured him, “Evan, you can put that cock wherever you want. Don’t be sorry.”

The sheepish boy vanished and my invitation gave him confidence. He walked toward the head of the table, ran his cock across my face, and dropped his balls at my mouth.

I greeted them with my tongue and greedily began to lick and suck them.

I felt a string of his precum start to accumulate on my shoulder. He was already teetering.

I rolled over to my hands and knees on the table, grabbed his cock, and teased the tip with my tongue.

He was already a mess. He must have been leaking before he even undressed.

I leaned forward and arched my ass in the air as I took him to my throat. I was diagonal on the table.

From the window, I knew Lucas would be watching. He would have a clear view of both my plugged hole and the face fucking I was taking.

Evan reached back and grabbed my raised ass. His massive hand pulled me forward and he slid further into my throat. I felt him playing with my plug and then he pulled it free.

The plug clamored to the floor. Suddenly his long finger was circling the hole where my plug had been. He slid a couple fingers in, hooked me, and rocked me forward.

I moaned on his cock pushing him over the edge. Sensing what was about to come, I pulled back and readied myself.

His cum was thick. He didn’t spurt – he oozed like lava. This was so much easier on the throat I realized. I let him fill my mouth and when he was done, I pulled off him.

I looked in his eyes as I swallowed and then wiped my chin with the back of my hand as I caught my breath.

I said sweetly, “Thank you, Evan.”

He bent down to grab his pants as I spun and dismounted the other side of the table.

Lucas saw the show. I saw his excitement. I wiped my bottom lip with my finger and sucked it while I smiled wickedly at him.

Evan dressed as I teased Lucas.

He was unaware we had an audience.

I remained naked as he packed his things.

“Did she pay you, or do I?” I asked uncertainly.

He said, “This was personal, not professional.”

I replied, “Well in that case…” and then I pulled him down to me by his shirt, cupped his balls in my hand, and kiss his lips.

He grinned and said, “I’m always available to take last minute house calls.”

I stood in the door as he left.

Lucas and I held each other’s gaze, as Evan drove past. I smiled, spun, and gave him the same playful peak at my ass when Evan arrived. This time, I left the front door wide open and disappeared into the house.

Once out of view, I scurried to the bedroom and quickly lubed myself.

I dropped to the floor, bent over the seat of my bedroom char, and assumed the position Lucas put me in from our first night together.

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