Glory , Shame Ch. 2

13 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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After our attendants had finished bathing us we were dried. My skin, nearly raw from the scrubbing, welcomed the softness of the cloths. Two more of the white clad phantoms entered, one with containers of fragrant oils and lotions, the other carried a tray with various combs of bone, brushes, and other items unfamiliar to me.

Madam addressed us in an arrogant tone “Your lives, as they were, are over.” The words hung in the air with finality. “Forget all that you were, and have known. Beginning today you will learn many new things. Be mindful of your lessons. My patience, you will find, is fleeting at best.” With that we were again lined up and inspected. This time special attention was paid to our hands, hair, and feet. Madam looked aghast at our calloused hands and feet. She examined our hair. “Well, at least we can forego wigs”, she said mockingly. For the first time in my memory, I felt self-conscious, görükle escort even inferior, where I had never given such things any thought.

After her inspection, our attendants led each of us, to one of the jade tables. We stood in front of the mirrors waiting to see what might transpire. I remember seeing my refection in the mirror for the first time. I had seen myself in the stream near our village but this was different somehow. I remember looking at my naked body and my face like that of a stranger. I think I was a stranger, to myself, and to the world around me.

My attendants carried out the task of grooming me in a meticulous manner. First, a small gray stone was removed from the tray. Running the stone across my hands and feet, they began scraping away the calluses that marked years of hard labor. I almost laughed aloud; the sensation tickled so. I stopped short however, as one görükle escort bayan girls giggle turned into a sob as madam’s rod struck her across the ankles. “Silence” came the command, short and final. I closed my eyes and struggled against my fear, to control my urge to cry.

Next, they began cutting my hair, adding to it a light, pleasant smelling oil as they combed it. A light lotion was applied to my face, and then a rich lotion, scented of almond and honey, was massaged into my skin. The attendant’s hands were strong and supple. I had never known the touch of a man other than that of my father, and never in this fashion. Strange stirrings filled me as these hands passed over my skin. They never lingered long in one place as if to avoid over stimulation. Nonetheless, I could feel the moisture building between my legs, and my skin flushing red as those hands traversed my entire body. bursa escort

I became aware of how hungry I was when a grumble emitted from low in my belly. The sound carried and caused Madam to laugh aloud. “I see we have taken care of the outside and neglected the inside. Have no fear my little sparrows you shall soon feast such as never before. We have just a little more preparation. Madam made a gesture and we were promptly brought white robes of silk. The silk was soft and pleasing to the touch. The feel of the fabric was a stark contrast to the circumstances that brought me to wear it. But there would be no time for reflection, yet.

After we were robed, we were brought small stools and instructed to sit quietly. Long thin brushes were removed from the trays. The tips of these brushes were dipped into small jars of pigment. Then the pigment was applied to our lips and around the eyes.

Never in my life had I, or anyone else, paid so much attention to my appearance. When they were done, I looked again in the mirror. The face staring at me belonged to another. Something indeed had changed; at that moment, I knew that Madam’s words were true; our old lives were over.

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