Gigi and Ginger Pt. 01

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Tommy Sutton was in Korea when his Dad died, and couldn’t get home in time to attend the funeral. His got his discharge from the Army was just a few weeks later, and went straight home to Vicksburg, Mississippi. For one reason or another, Tommy hadn’t been home for ten years, since his Dad had helped him enlist at the age of 17. Now the house he had grown up in belonged to Dad’s third wife, Cindy, who he’d spoken to on the phone but never met. Cindy and Dad got married two years ago. He liked Cindy; she seemed like a vast improvement on the second wife, Carol, who had packed his twin baby sisters off to a Catholic girls school in New Orleans for the last several years. Carol hadn’t thought much of Tommy for some reason, either, which is mostly why he stayed away. Dad must have been unhappy with twins away; they were Daddy’s girls. So now Tommy thought he should return home, and take care of his baby sisters.

It was a sweltering, sultry day when Tommy got off the Greyhound bus in Vicksburg and started walking home. It was only a few miles, but he was going to be soaked by the time he got there, especially carrying his backpack and duffel. He could hardly wait to see the twins. As he walked along the gravel road, he wondered what they were like now.

Tommy was nine when his sisters were born: identical twins named Ginger and Gigi. They brought a whole new life to the family, and a new look, too. The Suttons were approximately Italian and Irish, and Tommy and his folks were dark haired-and dark-eyed, and slim. The twins brought the Irish looks into the family. They had red hair, and startling pale blue eyes with long lashes. Ginger and Gigi were always getting into mischief, but they were adorable. Always finishing each other’s sentences, as identical twins do sometimes. They said they even had the same dreams. Tommy was the one who gave them their baths at night, playfully scolding them when they splashed each other and then him too. And then he would sit by their bed, soaking wet, and read them ‘Winnie the Pooh’ or ‘Goodnight Moon.’ They would have to be tucked in several times, coming into his room and jumping on the bed, because they just couldn’t sleep. And they were always stealing cookies and bringing home stray cats. Poor Mom!

Sure enough, Tommy was dripping when he arrived at the house. The big cast-iron gate, half covered in leafy vines, creaked when he pulled it open. The yard with the big oak trees still looked the same, he thought as he walked up the clay driveway. The big house needed to be painted, and there were some loose boards on the floor of the big porch. He put his bags on the big wicker swing and knocked on the door.

“Tommy!” Cindy clearly recognized him from pictures. She hugged him tight, kissing him on the cheek. “So good to finally meet you! Come in…” She opened the screen door, and Tommy brought his bags in and put them in the living room.

“It’s good to meet you too,” he said. “Are you okay?” Tommy took a look at his step-mother. Cindy wore an apron, and a blue cotton dress and heels. She was petite and slim, in her mid-forties, and very attractive. She did look a bit tired; he wondered if the twins were running her ragged.

“I’m better every day, honey,” she replied. “You know how that goes.” She sighed. “I’m glad you’re here,” she added.

“I’m glad I’m here too,” said Tommy.

“The twins are too. Go on up and say hey. They’ve been waiting for you.”

Tommy climbed the dark wooden stairs with the stained glass at the landing. Everything looked just the same. Grandma’s paintings of her cats were still on the walls in the hall. Tommy stepped lightly; he wanted to surprise his little girls. He opened the first door at the top of the stairs; no one in his old room. The next door was the bathroom. He opened the next bedroom door; this was Cindy’s room now. There was a big bed and a big television opposite. Suddenly, Tommy realised that he just had to follow the faint but unmistakable odor of marijuana down to the end of the hallway. He quietly opened the door. It was a bit dark and hard to see everything at first until his eyes adjusted.

“Tommmmmyyyy!” they squealed, and jumped into his arms. Tommy was speechless. His little babies were most definitely no longer little babies. They were always cute and adorable when they were little girls. Now they were literally stunning. Ginger and Gigi were 5’9, with long slim legs, and their hair had lightened a bit to a lighter strawberry-blonde. Really long hair, that curled well below their tiny waists. They were wearing faded torn blue jean shorts and white blouses. They had gorgeous light golden creamy complexions. On top of all that, no pun intended, their large breasts pressed against me while they hugged him tight.

“Honey, it’s so goooood to see you!” they were both hopping while he held them, and Tommy couldn’t help but giggle with them. It sounded like they still adored me as much as I did them. Their perfume was intoxicating! What was it?

“You’re so tall!” they exclaimed, and Betturkey threw their arms around my neck again. “Oh my god, and muscular too,” they cooed, running their graceful hands over his chest and arms. Tommy felt his cock stir in his jeans.

“And wet!” whispered Tommy. “I’m soaked. Sorry.”

They nodded. “You do need a bath, mister!”

“Okay, first of all – look.” commanded one of them. She held up her necklace while Tommy tried desperately not to look at her cleavage. ‘Ginger’, it read in diamonds. Gigi had one just like it. “So everyone can tell us apart!”

“Okay.” he said. “There’s no other way?” He glanced around the room, still trying not to stare. It was a mess. A huge red and yellow Chinese screen hid a bed, and the walk-in closet was overflowing.

“Nope!” said Gigi. “We still dress the same, and have our hair done the same way. Identical sisters all the way, baby!”

“Even our horsies look alike!” chimed in Ginger.

“Are they twins too?” he asked. Their sky-blue eyes were hypnotizing, with those long lashes. Tommy looked for a chair. He had to hide his erection, before they noticed.

“Silly! I don’t think horses have twins.” Tommy couldn’t help but notice that they had thick southern accents, and his was much less pronounced after being away for so long. “Daddy bought them for us!” they purred.

It was obvious they were spoiled rotten. Tommy knew that Dad had also bought them convertibles for their sixteenth birthdays, and now horses. Clothes and shoes were all over the room, and shopping bags lined the wall opposite the bed. Dad must have tried hard to make up for that Catholic school.

“Tommy, come.” Ginger took my hand – she had beautiful long fingernails – and led Tommy behind the screen. There was a large poster bed, with a pile of red satin sheets bunched in the center. On the far bedside table, there were several candles in wooden bowls. On the near bedside table, more candles and pictures of him and Dad. Ginger sat me down, and passed Tommy a little pipe. Holy shit, he thought, her tongue is pierced too. He and the twins took a couple of hits, and then he stood up.

“Okay,” he announced. “I need to shower, and then we can catch up some more.”

“Well, make it quick,” pouted Gigi. “You’ve been away long enough, mister.”

“Okay. I can do that,” said Tommy. “When did you two get your tongue pierced? Did Dad really approve of that?” That was kind of hard to imagine!

Gigi stuck her tongue out at me and pouted with her full lips. Her tongue was pierced twice, front and middle. “We snuck out of school and had our tongues pierced last winter. That’s why we had to leave Sacred Heart. We were going to get tattoos, but didn’t get a chance. And Daddy always approved of everything we did!” Suddenly, she stood up and threw her arms around his neck and gave him another tight hug.

“It’s so good to have you back with us, honey!” they squealed again.

Later, Ginger and Gigi showed Tommy around his old house. The horses, Salt and Pepper, were stabled in the old garage. Dad’s Corvettes were gone; that was too bad, thought Tommy. He would have liked to inherit those! It looked like there was just the old pickup trucks left. The hill leading down to the lake was overgrown, but the dock was still there. The lake looked a bit high, and many of the boards in the dock were rotting and needed to be replaced. They must have had a lot of rain lately. There was a lot of work to be done!

As Tommy laid in bed that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about Ginger and Gigi. He felt buzzed, and not from the Merlot that Cindy served with the lasagna, and not from the excellent weed that he had smoked. It was that perfume, that light-blue gaze, the way their breasts swayed when they walked and laughed. And they still slept together, on those red satin sheets…

Tommy closed his eyes and slid his hands into his boxers. His cock was again hard as a rock. He ran his fingers slowly up and down his long shaft.

Jesus Christ, he thought suddenly. I’m laying here masturbating while I think about my sisters! What the hell was he doing? Those adorable little girls that he used to read Winnie the Pooh stories to! Goodnight Moon! Tommy reached over and turned on the light. He picked up a book, opened it, and stared at it for several minutes. He remembered those hilarious bath times, washing their hair and fighting a losing battle to keep them from splashing each other in the tub. When he protested, they stuck their tongues out at him.

Tommy reached over again, and turned off the light. Then he closed the book and threw back the sheets. They had those incredibly sexy tongue piercings…

My god, my god, he thought.

Tommy pulled his big cock out, and slowly stroked it with his hand. He imagined those full lips touching the tip of his dick, then sliding it slowly into their mouth…

Tommy threw his head back and arched his back as he came. Hot streams of sperm splashed on his chest and Betturkey Giriş onto his chin and lips, and he groaned loudly. It felt wonderful…

In the morning, before anyone else was up, Tommy took one of the old pickups and drove into Vicksburg. He wanted to the twins an 18th birthday present, even though that was a few months ago now. At Dillards he found the shoe department. Maybe heels would look great with their long legs, he thought. He bought some shiny pink high-heeled pumps. The pretty salesgirl thought they might be a size 8, and besides they could exchange them if they didn’t fit. Sold!

After shopping, Tommy tossed the boxes on the bed and wandered down to the twin’s room. It was another sweltering day, so maybe they would be up for a swim. Tommy couldn’t imagine how sexy Ginger and Gigi would look in a skimpy bikini… But their room was empty. Their bed was neatly made for once, and there was a wicker basket on the bed. The house was completely quiet. Tommy looked around. The plaster on the walls was beginning to crack.

He walked over to the bed, and looked down into the wicker basket. It was full of dirty laundry. Tommy rummaged through the mess, and pulled out a small black g-string. It was so small, with a faint white smudge on the tiny triangle of black silk. He paused, and then lifted the lifted the silk to his tongue. It tasted just a little salty, and had a musky scent. Dazed, Tommy imagined this bit of black silk on Ginger’s wet pussy… He sucked the little panties into his mouth, and breathed in his little baby’s scent. Suddenly, he heard steps on the stairs. Tommy dropped the panties onto the laundry basket and hurried back to his room.

That night, a thunderstorm rolled in after dinner and rattled all the windows in the old house. Sheets of rain came down, and the lights flickered and finally went out around ten. Cindy lit a couple of oil lamps, and she settled into the big leather chair with a book. “Well,” she said, “when this happens, the power is usually out until morning.”

So, no TV and no going out anywhere, for that matter. A blast of thunder rattled the chandeliers.

“Well,” announced Tommy, “I know it’s early, but I’m going to go up to bed.”

“Wait,” cried Gigi, “we’ll go upstairs with you!” Tommy held the oil lamp, and the three of them climbed the stairs. Lightning lit up the hallway. Ginger shrieked, and they all laughed.

“You’re not scared of lightning storms, are you?” asked Tommy. They had been, when they were babies.

“No,” said Gigi. Her voice was wavering. “We’re fine!” They gave Tommy a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, big brother…”

Tommy climbed into bed, and put the oil lamp on the table. He picked up the book and read a few pages. He sighed. He’d never been much of a reader. Another huge boom rattled the windows, and a gust of wind roared through the oaks. The phone rang: it was Gigi.

“Hello?” he said, laughing. It hadn’t been thirty minutes since they had said good night.

“Tommy, can you come sleep with us,” whispered Gigi. “We can’t sleep with this storm.” Oh lord, thought Tommy. That sounds like torture.

“Maybe you could smoke a bowl?” suggested Tommy lamely.

“Tommmmmeeee,” pleaded his sister. “Please?” Her voice was soft and tiny. She was going to get her way.

Tommy paused for a moment. He remembered how terrified the twins were of thunderstorms when they were babies. He sighed. How the hell was this going to work? “Okay, I’ll be there in a sec.” He sat up, and ran his hands over his face. Could he get dressed first? All he had on was his boxers. His clothes were already in the hamper. He put on a t-shirt, and carried the lamp into their bedroom. He heard a faint stirring behind the Chinese screen. One of the twins was holding up the sheets for him.

“Thank you big brother!” they chimed. Tommy blew out the lamp, and put it on the end table with the candles. “In between, please!” Tommy climbed onto the big soft bed and laid down between Ginger and Gigi. The satin sheets were kind of slippery, and had a wonderful musky scent. He laid his head back on the pillow, and the twins laid their heads on his chest and cuddled up to him. His hands came to rest on their hips. Oh boy, thought Tommy. This is not good. They were wearing thin tank tops and black g-strings. They were warm, and their hair had a sexy flowery fragrance. Their skin was so soft and creamy… this just wasn’t going to work at all! He felt their fingers on his chest, and then on his stomach.

“Hey,” he whispered. “No wandering hands.” Ginger and Gigi giggled, and returned their hands to his chest.

“We’re sorry,” whispered Gigi. “You’re just so different now. All muscular and manly. We’re just feeling your muscles. You’re all grown!” Tommy felt his cock immediately stiffen. “And you smell sexy,” added Gigi.

“Thank you,” he whispered. This was crazy. “I’m your brother, I’m not supposed to smell sexy.” He gave them a reassuring squeeze and tried to Betturkey Güncel Giriş clear his mind. Jesus Christ, their bodies were so curvy and soft. “Want to hear a, uh, story?” Tommy could hardly think straight.

“No, we don’t want to hear a story,” whispered Ginger. She looked up and kissed his ear. “We feel very safe and protected now, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” whispered Tommy. His voice was hoarse, and his cock was throbbing. Gigi slid her soft hand under his t-shirt. He felt her long fingernails. “Sorry,” croaked Tommy. “I have to go to the -” He sat up, and his erection knocked into a hand.

“Tommy!” Gigi sat up and pleaded. “We’re sorry, we’re not trying to make you feel uncomfortable! Don’t go!”

“Please stay, honey,” added Ginger. They looked at him with their huge pleading eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized again. “This is embarrassing. I should go sleep in my own room.” His tip of his cock was sticking out the top of his shorts.

“Lay back down hun,” begged Gigi. “Please,” whispered Ginger. Tommy laid back so he was propped up on his elbows, and the twins cuddled up. “Please don’t be embarrassed. We’re still your little babies, and we want you to take care of us. Please stay!” He was breathing hard now, and a few moments went by in silence. The thunder boomed again, and the room lit up with a lightning flash.

“Tommy.” whispered Ginger. Her voice was very tiny.

“Yes?” he whispered back.

“May I give you a goodnight kiss?”

“Of course,” he sighed. Maybe the emergency was over.

Ginger sat up, her face above his. She was gorgeous and serious, and she looked at him for a moment. Then she leaned down and kissed him on the lips, and Tommy felt his inhibitions melting away like ice in the hot sun. He was drunk with their perfume and the heat of their bodies, and he surrendered, and kissed her back. Ginger’s tongue slid between his lips, and he moaned. Their tongues slid together, and his arm closed around her waist and pulled her closer. There was a flash, and the room lit up for a moment.

“Tommy, we love the way we feel in your arms,” Gigi purred. Tommy gasped out loud. The room lit up with a flash again, and their mouths met again. Tommy had never been so hungry for anyone in his entire life. A low rumble shook the bed. Ginger’s tongue wildly thrashed against his.

“And we love the way we make you feel,” whispered Gigi from beneath them, and he felt her fingers lightly caress his erection under his boxers. “You’re so big, honey…” Tommy felt her tongue on the tip of his cock.

“Oh, fucking Christ,” he moaned, and struggled a little bit.

“Gigi wants to taste you,” cooed Ginger into Tommy’s ear. “Do you like that, mister? Tell her to suck your cock…”

“Little baby,” croaked Tommy. He took a handful of silky hair in his fist. Gigi purred as she took Tommy’s eight inches between her lips. Tommy slid into her hot mouth, and he shook violently, images of the little twins in the bathtub flashing in his mind. Her little tongue slide expertly slid down his shaft, and Ginger slid her tongue along his lips and back into his trembling mouth.

The next thing Tommy knew, Gigi had thrown her leg over Ginger’s head, and straddled his stomach. With one hand she pulled up her tank top, and her full breasts popped out in Tommy’s face. They were round and firm, with big light pink areolas and hard little nipples. Gigi lifted tits with her hands, and put a nipple between Tommy’s lips. He brought his teeth down on the stiff knob, then sucked her tit into his mouth. Gigi moaned loudly, and bucked her hips on his waist. His fist still around Ginger’s hair, he felt her mouth moving up and down the length of his cock… Tommy felt like he was going over a waterfall.

A moment later, he exploded. Ginger moaned loudly, and he squeezed the hair in his fist harder and held her head down. Gigi’s breast popped out of his mouth, he threw his head back and then groaned loudly, panting wildly as he shot stream after stream of hot semen into his sister’s lovely mouth. Fuck, he had never had an orgasm like that before! He opened his eyes, and Ginger sat up. She raised her face to Gigi’s, and she slipped her tongue between her sister’s lips.

Tommy was stunned to see his baby sisters sharing his sperm. They kissed again, and then Ginger gently slid her tongue into his mouth and kissed him. Gigi pulled her tank top over her head, and then Ginger did the same. “Baby, do you want to rest for a while?” purred Ginger. Tommy laid back and watched his sister slip out of their g-strings and curl up against him again. Their naked bodies were intoxicating. Tommy tried to slow his breathing.

The thunderstorm had moved away a bit, and the rumbling was lower and the flashes less frequent. “Tommy,” whispered Gigi. “Your cum is so yummy!” She slid her hand down his chest and over his half-erect cock. He tried to talk, but just grunted a response.

“And there was so much of it,” whispered Ginger.

“And I’m delicious too,” said Gigi, lifting her fingers to Tommy’s mouth. He parted his lips, and she slid them over his tongue. Her pussy was dripping. Her nectar was delicious; sweet and musky. Gigi lowered her hand again, and then raised her fingers up to Ginger’s lips. Ginger licked her fingers clean, and smiled at Tommy.

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