First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1

13 Eylül 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1B.t.V.S. – First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1″Look, Red, all I was saying is B needs to chill out, okay? I ain’t no leader,” Faith grumbled as she paced back and forth in Buffy’s room. Willow was sitting on the bed, watching.”Buffy’s been going crazy with everything, Faith. No one wants to listen to her anymore, because we’re not getting anything done and we keep losing Potentials. We need to make some headway if we’re going to have any chance of beating the First. You can help us with that. Buffy just keeps telling everyone what to do.””That’s kinda what bein’ a leader is. She’s, like, the general, or something. It’s her job to tell us what to do. I just thought she should cool down or something, take five or something. I didn’t want to be the new leader or anything like that.””I know, but, I think it’ll be better this way.””You know, I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately.””What?””Those Potentials are still just girls. Immature. Teenagers. You know what teenagers do, Red?””What are you getting at?””Just answer the question. You know what teenagers, especially girls, do?””Um… no?””They rebel. Against their parents, teachers, whatever. They’re rebellious. B’s a great leader. She’s lead you guys out of who knows how many jams, and she always comes out on top, bringing you ungrateful jerks with her. She never lets anything happen to any of you. Sure, Xander lost an eye. But that’s the first time anything bad has ever really happened to any of you before under her watch. Sure, you went evil, but that’s on you, not her. Now that there’s a million other little girls around here, who are in the middle of their rebellious stage, all of a sudden B’s no good anymore? She doesn’t know what you’re up against? I’m sorry, but I think she’s the only one here who does know what you’re up against.”I’ve heard all of the stories of what you’ve gone through together, and unless I’m mistaken, it was Buffy who actually died fighting the bursa escort Master, then came back and impaled him on a broken table leg or something. Buffy’s the one that beat that god bitch to a pulp with a big ass hammer and then killed herself again to save you all. She’s the one that ripped the hybrid thing’s heart out, and had to kill the love of her life to save the world. She’s the one that managed to keep those other two nerds away from you long enough for Xander to save you. She’s the one that blew that Judge demon guy to bits with a rocket launcher. Sure, you’ve done a few spells, helped her out, but she’s the one that fought all of those guys and won, not you. So who the hell are you to say she doesn’t know what we’re up against, to say I’d make a better leader than her? Who the hell are you to side with a bunch of rebellious teenagers who’ll say or do anything because they’re scared?” Faith was angry. Willow could sense the anger, but Faith kept a cool face about it.”Faith, I get what you’re saying, I do, but-“”Do you? Okay, let’s compare. I already said everything B’s done. So what about me? I staked a vamp my first day in Sunny-D and introduced myself. I went on patrol with B a few times, and the only time I tried to take charge of anything, I tried to get B to be a “bad girl” like me, and ended up killing a human. I betrayed you guys, joined the Mayor, helped him become a demon, tried to kill all of you, and then took an eight month long nap. I wake up, try to kill you all again, switch bodies with B, try to get her to take the fall for my crimes. That fails, so I run away, and end up in prison until some Giles wannabe busts me out because Angel’s gone and lost his soul again, and B’s busy with an apocalypse or something, so he has me help out getting Angel’s soul back. Next thing I know, I’m back in Sunny-D, watching you guys mutiny against B because she made a mistake.””But-“”No. No buts. You know I’m right. Besides, bursa escort bayan I don’t really belong here. I’ll help fight the First, ’cause I think you’re gonna need all the help you can get, but then that’s it. I’m gone. I don’t fit in. Couldn’t even if I tried. You guys won’t really need me anymore, so I’ll just go do my own thing.””We’ll need you. Of course we’ll need you.” Willow said comfortingly.”Nah, it’s okay. You don’t need to do that. I know. No one really wants me here, I’m just convenient. I get it, and I’m okay with that.””But I do need you!”Faith paused.”I mean, we need you. Not just me specifically, we, as in… We… us. You’re needed by us. I obviously don’t mean I need you because, hello, girlfriend, but we do, and will, need you.””Red?””Okay, okay! So, you have some qualities that men, and lesbians, might find very… arousing. And sexy. But I have a girlfriend, so how dare you hit on me like this?!””Red.””And stop calling me that! It’s a cute couple-y nickname that’s very inappropriate because of the girlfriend that I have, and my name’s Willow!””Re- Willow.” Faith smirked.”Fine! I admit it. I… I find you attractive, and I may… or may not… have nightly fantasies about your body with… nakedness.””Huh.””What?””That’s weird.””What?! How can you say that? It’s very demeaning, and insulting, and… put-downing.””No, I mean it’s weird that I’m not weirded out by that or anything.””Oh. You’re not?””Nah. Huh. Never really knew about that before. Guess it explains why I’ve never really taken an interest in any guys. Sure I’ll roll around in the sack with ’em, but never really liked any of ’em. Never really thought about girls, though.””Faith. Can I… can I try something?””Eh, sure. Why not? Lay it on me, Red.””Lay what on you?””Kiss me. You know you want to.””Oh. Right. My mind was… elsewhere.” Willow stood up and walked over to Faith. She stepped up on the tips of her toes so she could reach, escort bursa and kissed her.The kiss was over as quick as it had begun.”Hmm. That was weird.” Faith said.”Weird good, or weird bad?””Just weird. It just… didn’t seem right.””Oh, good. You too, then. Should we, try again? It might have just been nerves.””Sure.”This time, Faith bent down to kiss the other woman. It was slow this time, their lips caressed each other gently. As they continued, Willow fell backwards on the bed, unaware that they’d been moving in that general direction. Suddenly, she had Faith’s body weight on top of her, kissing her hungrily, and she was kissing back.She tried to think, tried to tell herself to slow down, tell herself that she had a girlfriend, and this was wrong, but the conversation went something like this:”Kiss?””Kiss.””Kiss?””Tongue. Lips. Kiss.””Kenne… Kiss?””Kiss.””Faith…””Kiss Faith.”By the time the “conversation” was over, Faith had stripped Willow of her shirt, and was palming her breasts through her bra, causing Willow to moan into the continuing kiss.Willow slowly slid Faith’s shirt off of her torso as well, discovering Faith’s lack of a bra, and so removed her own, their hardened nipples pressing together hard as they pulled each other closer and closer, their bodies nearly fusing together.Sometime in the next ten minutes, Willow’s skirt, shoes and socks were tossed across the room, along with Faith’s pants and combat boots, leaving both women in nothing but panties.Faith’s left leg was in between Willow’s legs, as Willow’s right legs was placed between Faith’s, so they were straddling each other’s hips and grinding against the bone.They moaned repeatedly against each other’s lips as they ground harder and harder against each other, until they couldn’t take it any more. They slipped off their panties, desperate for more friction, and continued grinding.Finally, Willow burst, her orgasm ripping through her like water bursting through the dam that’s been holding it back for a century.Willow lay there, panting, watching as Faith continued grinding against her hip, and smiling widely as Faith, too, climaxed, her womanly juices coating Willow’s hip, making it shine.

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