Evil Little Sister

27 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

We are all of us sinners my son. Even on a Monday morning.

Thank you Father.

So tell me my son. First confession of the week, so I do hope it’s a good one.

It’s good and bad.

Allow me to be the judge of that.

Of course Father. Well it’s my sister-in-law.

Your brother’s wife?

My wife’s sister.

What precisely is the problem?

She is. Abi is the problem.

How so?

She’s so unbelievably fucking sexy. Sorry Father, language.

You speak as you feel comfortable my son. The Lord is not a prude.

Thank you Father. And thank fuck that he isn’t.

So why is this a problem?

That Abi is such a babe?


Because I’m married to Miriam.

Is she not attractive too?

My wife is ok looking but she is not in little sister’s league. Abi is something else. What a honey. The girl is so pretty she makes your head spin. Oh yeah and she’s only 25.

Certainly sounds nice.

She’s more than nice Father. People are always saying she’s a ringer for Jessica Alba and people are not wrong.

Jessica Alba? Isn’t she many a man’s idea of the hottest actress on the planet?

That’s the one. Abi looks like her.

Are you gilding the lily just a teeny bit perhaps?

I wish I was Father.

Wow. I prefer blondes myself but quite a head-turner then.


But I am still not seeing the problem my son.

There wasn’t one until recently. Abi has been living abroad so the fact that I fancied the tits off her just like any red-blooded male would was not an issue. She was thousands of miles away.

So what changed?

She came back. Got bored with the far east and decided to return here for a while. To the town where we live.

I see.

She took a lease on a place close to us. Instead of being on the other side of the world she is now just around the corner.

She wanted to be near her sister?

That is what she said. Miriam was pleased as punch about it.

But not you?

The million dollar question. The answer is yes and no.

Care to elaborate my son?

So suddenly I was seeing a good deal of my sister-in-law. Which was great because she is drop-dead gorgeous. But on the other hand it was torture. Thing is, Father, my marriage is fine but after 15 years there is not much spice in it. The sex had gotten stale and boring. Once a week at most, missionary position, all over in no time. Usual story. We’d stopped altogether by the time I’m describing to you here.

You haven’t tried to rev it up a little?

Well yeah we talked about that. My wife was particularly keen that we rekindle the flame and I was up for making the effort. But then Abi appeared on the scene and my focus shifted.

To the hot little sister?

Just could not help it. She was visiting us a lot on evenings and weekends, even staying over occasionally. You can imagine the effect on a sexually frustrated guy who is not fucking his wife anymore. I was like the hungry dog being tantalized with a juicy bone. Jeez, Father, you should see some of the outfits this girl wears!

Could we not blaspheme? Effing and blinding is one thing. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is quite another.

Sorry Father. Should I continue?

Oh yes. Please tell me about these outfits. I’m interested and so is the Lord.

Oh god, so we’re talking …

Son, have I not just warned you?

Oh je … oh fuck yeah, so so sorry. Will not happen again, Father, I promise.

Fine. So these outfits. Short skirts, skimpy tops, open-toe heeled sandals, that sort of thing?

Yeah, and the rest. Clingy dresses, tight jeans, crop tops, sexy little shorts sometimes, you get the picture.

Any photos?

Sorry Father. I do have some great ones but my phone is in the car.

Never mind. I will make do with my imagination.

Thank you Father. Just think Jessica Alba in something risqué and more than flattering and you will not be far off.

Ok I have that. So this Abi, your sister-in-law, she does not dress like a nun.

Not unless your typical nun is a woman with a dynamite bod who likes the world and his wife to know it.

Sadly not.

Because that is Abi to a tee. Every time she came to visit she was wearing something that made my tongue hang out. It was fucking unbearable!

Poor you.

Too right. And if she slept over, shit Father I cannot tell you how bad that could be for my mental equilibrium. Some of the vistas of little sister in bed-or-bath-mode that I got treated to during late nights and following mornings were just too much. Bottom line is that I was in a more or less constant state of arousal whenever Abi was around. Obviously I had to hide this, which was not easy, and so things were rather strained and awkward.

I do see how that might be a difficult situation.

Thank you Father. My problem is the guilt. I feel guilty. I feel that I am a bad man.

Not sure that you have done anything to be guilty about.

I have.


The secret longing. The furtive drooling over Abi when she was at our place. The constant fantasizing about her when she wasn’t. At first neither sister Halkalı escort realized but then one of them cottoned on.

Oh dear. So the wife knows you are into her baby sister?

Nope. Miriam was oblivious. Still is. I’m talking about baby sister. Despite my best efforts, Abi soon knew the score. Guess she’s used to men wanting her and can pick up signs even if you try to be ultra subtle about it.

And she was annoyed?

On the contrary. She was pleased and amused. Abi is the sort who likes having infatuated men panting over her. She revels in it.

Even her big sister’s husband?

That made it all the more of a giggle for her.

Naughty girl.

She’s a bitch.

Now now.

Sorry Father, but she is.

So she realized you were lusting after her.

At which point things got worse for me.

I thought you said she was amused rather than angry.

She was amused. That was the point. The scenario tickled little Abi no end and she started exploiting it.

Like how?

She began deliberately teasing me when she visited. Father how she teased me! Had herself a whale of a time driving me absolutely fucking crazy.

Did your wife realize what her sister was doing?

Abi was sly. When it was the three of us, which was most of the time, she would behave herself. Different story when it was just me and her. Soon as Miriam went off to another room she became a massive fucking pricktease.

How did she tease you my son?

Her legs featured a lot. She weaponized those spectacular pins of hers. She would lounge opposite in a mini-skirt and give me a show, flaunting her lovely bare thighs under my nose, crossing and uncrossing them, playing with her hem, lazily stroking up under her skirt with her finger. Oh Father I so wanted to be that finger!

I feel your pain my son. Trust me I do.

Thank you Father. She used her tits too. She would toy around with whatever scanty little top she had on, slip the straps over her shoulders, let the whole affair slide down a little, taunt me with lingering glimpses of her magnificent breasts. Sometimes she would go further and flash the whole heavenly package at me.

She exposed her boobs to you? Nipples and all?

Yes Father. Many times.

Oh my son.

She loved it Father. She loved tormenting me. There was no pretence that she didn’t. She would stare at me and smirk, giggle herself silly at my reactions. She would wink and lick her lips, bite the bottom one, toss her lustrous hair around, all of that. She would stick her tongue out at me, relishing my predicament, openly mocking me. Bitch was driving me insane and enjoying every minute of it.

What about when she stayed the night?

Ha. That only gave her greater opportunity to work her mischief as I am sure you can imagine.

And yet your wife never suspected?

Abi was always careful when Miriam was around. She never got caught.

That’s a relief anyway.

I guess so. But my sister-in-law’s little visits were becoming a real ordeal. I had a boner non-stop and could do damn all about it.

Why not give your wife the benefit in bed? Sure she would have appreciated it.

That is a most Christian idea.

What I’m here for.

She would of, Father, yes. Definitely she would. She was getting terribly frustrated about never getting laid.

Well then.

I couldn’t. I was frustrated too and I had said to Miriam that I would try but it was no good. It had got to the stage where I desired only Abi. I was obsessed. The sight of my wife’s body, so ordinary and inferior compared to her sister’s, did nothing for me. After one too many false starts and rejections Miriam had given up and I was relieved. All I thought about was Abi. It was like a fever.

Ok. But I do not see how all this is making you a bad man. It is hardly your fault that you fell in thrall to this girl. From what you say she would have that effect on most men. Especially being such a tease with it. What is a poor boy to do?

It is more what I did not do. I didn’t stop Abi from doing what she was doing. I could have done but I didn’t.

Why not?

Because I wanted her so fucking badly, Father, and I reckoned that I might have a chance. So I played along. I let her lead me by the nose to wherever she wanted this little game to go.

Hoping you would get to make love to her?



I finally did. Yesterday.

On the Sabbath?

I’m afraid so Father.

Could you not have chosen a different day?

The timing was out of my hands. The girl has been cockteasing me mercilessly for months and I was desperate. She has enslaved me, Father, you see.

Yes my son, I believe I do.

But there were hoops to jump first.

Hoops to jump?

Oh yes. Abi loves the power she has over me and yesterday she chose to really abuse it. I was on the sofa in the lounge when she arrived. Miriam let her in and I heard the sisters gossiping for a while in the hall. Abi had phoned an hour before to say she was coming over and it being a very warm afternoon I had spent that hour in torrid contemplation of how little she might be wearing. Not long to wait now. She came flouncing Halkalı Escort Bayan into the room to say hi to me and I realized immediately that I was in big trouble. I usually get a hard-on within about two minutes of laying eyes on Abi. It took a damn sight less than that this time. She had on this quite incredible next-to-nothing sundress that was barely decent. Oodles of fabulous flesh on show north and south. The dress was crimson and Abi had done her lips and nails to match. She looked like a wet dream. Miriam was in the room and observing us, so I said hello and with a herculean effort I maintained eye contact with Abi rather than succumb to the vastly preferable option of a drooling inch by inch inventory from the neck down. Her eyes were amused. Abi knew what was going on in my head. I steeled myself for what that ridiculously sexy dress was going to do when she took her usual seat directly opposite me. But no. She surprised me. She plopped herself down next to me on the sofa. Hmm, I thought. Interesting variation.

Wonder what her game was.

My sentiments exactly Father. I soon found out. We hung out for a while in the lounge and whenever my wife was not looking her sister reached across and gave my hard-on a quick squeeze through my pants.

The little minx!

Not just that either. If she knew that she had enough time the evil bitch let her hand rest on the all too obvious bulge in my lap and she fucking massaged it!

Oh sweet jesus.


I am allowed. Special dispensation.

Ah ok.

Carry on my son.

At one point Miriam went to answer the phone in the hallway and Abi took the opportunity to slip inside my pants and thoroughly check out my erection. Oooo so hard, she chuckled, as her fingers found their target. I grunted and groaned, consumed with lust. I put my hand on her thigh and she didn’t protest. Encouraged, I started to go up inside her dress but she giggled and stopped me, made me take the hand back. No touching for the poor horny guy, she whispered, only for the pretty girl. The pretty girl wants to play with this nice big cock, she whispered, and boy did she do that. She got her hand right in there and she tickled and squeezed and stroked and fingered my member until we heard the phone call being wound up. I was about to fucking cum. I was leaking like a fucking faulty tap down there. Balls were blue and almost bursting. Oh fuck, Father, can you imagine.

I think I can.

My wife returned and settled in a chair with a magazine. Abi picked one up too and I put the TV on, the two of us still side by side on the sofa. Cue a period of pure hell as I struggled with the tent in my pants and tried with zero success to not be distracted by a devastating pair of legs as their proud owner reclined close beside me in her very short dress. If only I could reach out and touch! I was going fucking crazy. Needless to say, Abi was aware of how and why I was suffering. She knew precisely the shattering effect of her generously exposed, honeyed thighs on the poor bastard who she had just been teasing the rocks off and the sadistic bitch kept slowly and sexily crossing and recrossing them, amusing herself and persecuting me further. There was a movie on the TV I was attempting to stare at but fuck only knows what it was about. All I was conscious of in the universe was the delicious diabolical cockteaser sitting next to me. I could smell the scent she was wearing. It filled my nostrils. Every time she crossed her legs or shifted position my heart pounded and my cock twitched, angry and protesting, telling me to get a grip and either fuck this gorgeous incendiary little slut or kick her out of my house. The second option was unthinkable so it had to be the first. Shit, I would rape her if necessary.

That is a mortal sin my son. Please tell me you did not do that.

With how things developed there was no need. My wife went upstairs to take a shower and as soon as the coast was clear Abi turned and snuggled into me. She said that I could touch her sexy legs now if I wanted. Maybe touch her some other places too. Did I want to? Fuck yeah, I muttered. Thought you might, she pouted, gloating. You might have noticed I have no bra on under this dress, she teased. Err yes, I replied. I was grinning like an idiot. It was pathetic Father. I was a poodle. Abi’s little pet. She was laughing at me, no doubt thinking the same. Ok let’s you and me have a nice make-out session while big sis is otherwise occupied, she said, and she kissed me wetly on the lips, tongue exploring mine. I responded in kind and we proceeded to smooch and canoodle on the sofa. She unzipped me and opened up my pants and slid my boxers down over my cock and balls. She got to work stimulating them with one hand while the other went inside my shirt and roamed around my chest and belly. I got busy too. I stroked her golden silky thighs and reached inside her dress to cop a feel of those firm and bountiful tits. Abi liked me feeling up her jugs. She liked that a lot. She let out a rapturous little giggle and slipped her dress down to expose them fully. There sugar, she whispered, is that not better for you? I grunted something appreciative and started fondling her beautiful melons with Escort Halkalı both hands, giving them the attention that we clearly both felt they deserved. I snogged her again, a long steamy passionate one, then gently kissed her neck, her ears, a shoulder, I suckled at one pebble hard nipple and then the other, just utterly adoring her, and Abi lapped it up, she let me do whatever I wanted, she even let me get a hand into her panties so I could finger her pussy, oh man and she was wet, the hot little bitch was panting and purring and giggling and obviously relishing every fucking second of this, she was just loving getting it on with her sister’s horny-as-hell husband while said sister was right there in the same house.

Wicked wicked girl. A true Jezibel.

But what about me Father? Am I not wicked too?

Succumbing to temptation is not necessarily wicked. So far both I and the Big Man can forgive you, but I am keen to hear more. I presume there is more?

Yes Father, there is.

Tell me my son.

By the time Abi called a halt I was a quivering wreck. She was more in control but was pretty het up herself. One thing I knew for certain. I needed to fuck this girl and soon. I simply had to. I told her this and she grinned at me and said that she wanted it too. I made a suggestion that I come to her place as soon as we could arrange it, like say tomorrow, but Abi didn’t like that. That was boring, she said. She didn’t want to make those type of plans. She would rather be spontaneous. Hmm ok, I said, not quite sure how to take this. With a sudden devil grin Abi said that she wanted me to make love to her right there today at the house. She told me to think of a way to dispose of wifey, get the poor thing out of the way for at least one hour, and then we would fuck like rabbits. Otherwise, sorry, no dice.


I know. Quite a challenge. I told Abi that it might be tricky but that I would do my level best. She smiled knowingly and said that she was 100% certain I would.

And did you manage it?

I did, Father, yes.

Excellent my son. Care to tell me how?

Miriam came down to find me and Abi looking innocent and casually chit-chatting. I suggested that since it was such a nice day we all go and sit in the garden. We settled ourselves out there and after a while Miriam went inside to get some drinks. While she was gone Abi mused that her sister really ought to lose a few pounds. It was true. Miriam had gotten dumpy. She was wearing a pretty summer dress but the sex appeal was virtually absent. The stark contrast with her sexy sister was impossible to ignore and sexy sister herself was obviously not inclined to. She asked me how I thought she would look in the dress that my wife was wearing. I said that I reckoned she knew the answer to this perfectly well. So tell me, Abi insisted. Ok, I said, how about a million times more desirable than Miriam looked in it. Which was no lie. The arrogant little bitch grinned happily and said she hoped that I did not feel too upset that I had married big sister rather than the beauty of the family. I laughed. Not now I get to have the beauty, I told her. Oh so you have a plan, babe, do you, Abi said. Yeah I do, I told her, just follow my cue. Ok handsome, Abi said, and she giggled and blew me a kiss. Miriam then appeared with the refreshments, beers and sodas in an ice bucket, and we sat around the garden table drinking and talking. The way we were arranged meant I had a great view of Abi’s cleavage and she had some fun with that. Also the two of us were able to play footsie under the …

Perhaps you could get to the point?

Yes Father. Sorry. I was just about to. The point is that I made sure to knock back the beers like there was no tomorrow. For every one Abi had, I had three. Miriam stuck to the softies like she usually does but nevertheless we soon ran out of beer. I announced that I was in the mood for more and I had better go get some from the store. Miriam protested, said surely I had had enough for one day. Not me, I said, grinning like a clown. I asked Abi if she wanted more booze. She giggled and said yeah sure, she was in a drinking mood too. Miriam shook her head and pointed out that I was not in any fit state to drive the couple of miles to the store. I had to agree and I looked quizzically at little sister. Abi shrugged and said that she wasn’t either. How about you go, hun, I said to my wife and she pretty much had to say yes ok.

Bravo. Very clever and devious. The Lord would almost approve.

Thank you Father.

Although it wouldn’t take your wife long, I don’t suppose, driving two miles there and back?

Not enough time for what me and baby sister had in mind, Father, no. Which is why I fixed Abi with a meaningful look and asked her if she fancied a takeaway curry because I certainly did, I said, and Miriam could maybe take a detour and get us all dinner from this quite far way indian restaurant that I named. You know, given that she would be out and about in the car. Round trip shouldn’t take much more than an hour or so, I said, slipping Abi a surreptitious wink. Ooo great idea, she exclaimed, not missing a beat. That would be yummy. Abi would simply adore a curry. That’s ok with you, hun, is it, I asked Miriam in the sort of tone that made it clear I would be pretty pissed with her if it wasn’t. She was none too happy about this additional errand but she had to agree so as not to appear churlish. We decided what we all wanted to eat and off my wife toddled. What would the Lord make of that, Father, do you think?

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